Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Win XP / Seven and Ubuntu 10.10 DVD
started by: highondota

Posted by highondota on Nov. 10 2010,12:51
I wanna put XP SP3 (my own edition), Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 onto a DVD.

I followed tutorials for
xpsp3 - fail
win7 - works
ubuntu 9.10 - dint exactly work for 10.10

can somebody tell me the steps or links to follow.

Posted by balder on Nov. 10 2010,17:09

As a new member I say welcome @highondota :)

Quote: “I followed tutorials for” – ”xpsp3 – fail”

What steps (and what tutorial) did you use to integrate WinXP-sp3 into your EasyBoot build (including settings when ISO is created) – I’m very curios about this :;):  


Posted by highondota on Nov. 11 2010,00:19
I used the tutorial for Win XP SP2/SP3/7 Multiboot DVD

The error i got was something like NTLDR not found. only one line error.

Ubuntu had a checksum error which I now realize is because I did not try bootinfotable;run ubuntu.bif I only did run ubuntu.bif so maybe that will work now. Will report back later.

Posted by balder on Nov. 11 2010,09:28

Quote: ”I used the tutorial for Win XP SP2/SP3/7 Multiboot DVD”
Such complete tutorial is not available in help-file for Easyboot.
So where can I find this tutorial (or link) – that you are referring to ???

I repeat my request: “What steps (and what tutorial) did you use to integrate WinXP-sp3 into your EasyBoot build (including settings when ISO is created)” :O
Settings when ISO is created in Easyboot is especially of interest
Solution to the UBUNTU problem: Read post nr; 16 < HERE >

I have tested and it worked :)
Note: It’s possible that created ISO fails if tested in “Virtual environment”.
I even tested from USB device (I used my script easyboot-grub-iso.script to get it on a USB stick).


Posted by highondota on Nov. 11 2010,09:45
I got it to work in a very easy manner and dint even have to go through that trouble mentioned in most of the tutorials around here.  :p

1. Copy I386 folder and WIN51.IP (3 files for SP3) from XP install media to disk1
2. Make a copy w2ksect.bin in the disk1/ezboot folder and rename it to winxp.bin
3. Set menu item in Easyboot as "run winxp.bin"
4. Copy all contents of Win7 install media to disk1
5. Using UltraISO create win7.bif and place it in disk1/ezboot folder
6. Set menu item in Easyboot as "run win7.bif"
7. Copy all contents of Ubuntu 10.10 install media to disk1 ( it will ask to merge boot folder with that of the win7 media, say yes)
8. Using UltraISO create ubuntu.bif and place it in disk1/ezboot folder
9. Set menu item in Easyboot as "bootinfotable;run ubuntu.bif"
10. Make ISO with whatever is selected by default
11. Enjoy your Windows XP/7 with Ubuntu 3in1 DVD

Posted by highondota on Nov. 11 2010,09:48
@balder if i wanted to get it on USB in the first place i would not need Easyboot as there are better/1-2-3-done software out there.

Anyways I am really glad that everything works fine on my multi-boot DVD.

Posted by Asenk on Nov. 14 2010,10:06
@highondota "if i wanted to get it on USB in the first place i would not need Easyboot as there are better/1-2-3-done software out there."

May i know the software you mention above,please..?

Posted by highondota on Nov. 15 2010,01:51
MultiBoot ISOs from USB

< >

Awesome portable tool,
2.add iso
3. repeat step 1 and 2 for more isos

not sure if it supports xp tho

Posted by balder on Nov. 15 2010,09:49

Quote @highondota: “@balder if i wanted to get it on USB in the first place i would not need Easyboot as there are better/1-2-3-done software out there.”

This is not any ”brand” news for Me – it’s a nice tool in progress - in fact a VERY nice tool that nowadays launch ISO-files directly.
But I don’t see the connection to EasyBoot ???
Please note that I didn’t suggest that you should use my easyboot-usb.script – I only mentioned it because I’m too lazy to use a CD-RW to test builds in “reality”
I’m not satisfied with testing in “Virtual environment” – so I frequently take advantages of testing from USB device.
If it works that way I’m 99% sure it works from CD/DVD as well.
Quote from ”MultiBootISOs can only detect USB Flash Drives and other removable media (I.E. Floppy Drives). It will not display USB Hard Drives.”

This is bad :(
My script easyboot-usb.script doesn’t have this limit – it supports both USB stick\thumb-drives as USB harddisk-drive - there is no limit!
There is also another major difference between my script (easyboot-usb.script) and MultiBootISOs-!
I use grub BOOT-sector to directly launch grub - MultiBootISOs- use Syslinux on BOOT-sector.  

Easyboot-usb.script also automatically detects if connected USB device is a harddisk unit – if this is the case – script automatically change File-system to NTFS when formatting (can be overridden by checking “Force format to FAT32”).
In case you in future use a USB stick\thumb-drive larger than 32 GB, script automatically change File system to NTFS to avoid the 32GB limit scenario for FAT32 (can be overridden by checking “Force format to FAT32”).
Basically - MultiBootISOs- uses same technique as my script easyboot-iso.script does - launching ISO-file directly.
Or maybe I use same technique as MultiBootISOs- :;):

Note: I deliberately designed easyboot-usb.script to only allow one USB device connected to computer and also deliberately created a limit to only allow one partition to such USB device.
This to avoid that you accidentally select wrong USB letter (high risk for destroying DATA on wrong drive letter\partition as my script support everything (including USB harddrives).
However I’m considering to change this – but not sure if I dare :O
And finally quote @highondota: “Anyways I am really glad that everything works fine on my multi-boot DVD”
So am I
I also noted that every step from 1 to 10 in your post nr;5 is described by Me in plenty of tutorials (and also mentioned by several other “co-workers” tutorials as well).

It’s a nice build you created @highondota :;):
Congratulations to you!
