Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: NEW BOOT Style Run from CD and USB
started by: alirady

Posted by alirady on Nov. 29 2010,09:28
some CD i found it have i new style to boot

and you can extract contains this CD in USB flash and boot from it

but i don't know how can i edit pictures in this CD and

and this image from this CD
< Link of picture CD >
< Link Of CD-DVD 1.5 Gigabyte >

* but we want to know which program can make some like this ??? ?

* or Which program can edit images in this CD :cool: .

Posted by balder on Nov. 29 2010,10:22

Quote: ”but we want to know which program can make some like this”

Link you posted, show the well known “penguin GfxMenu”-theme :p
This background is launched by the BOOT-manager “grub”
I use this theme in my script easyboot-grub-iso.script :D
The file have a extension like gfx or gfx.gz (file is launched by grub and grub can even launch compressed files typically ”anyname.gfx.gz”

You need Gimp to create and edit “standard” backgrounds – you can compare with Windows backgrounds – but this is not a simple bmp-picture :O
Download portable Gimp < HERE >

And to edit menus like “penguin” you need even more tools – this is not done with a breeze – take your time and search in linux or isolinux forums around the world to see what and how you can manipulate this kind of backgrounds.

Note: we are a little bit beside the “track”. This is EasyBoot and I can only give this hint: you have to search for GFX-menus on Internet.
The whole NET is overcrowded with this stuff – no problem to find different backgrounds etcetera :cool:


Posted by alirady on Dec. 01 2010,05:32
hey my friend

i don't know where's images in this CD, but i found file name and extension DREAMS.GFX

i think this file have something, but this file size is 853KB

and this program you sent to me can't open like this file

Note: you say "I use this theme in my script easyboot-grub-iso.script"

so, How can do that like you and if you can upload picture for this them.

i know , i make you bored "balder"

but i think you have a big heart :)

Posted by balder on Dec. 01 2010,12:18

Quote: ”i found file name and extension DREAMS.GFX

i think this file have something”

This is correct – it is most likely that file that is the penguin them

Quote: ”if you can upload picture for this them”

Well there is now major difference comparing to “DREAMS.GFX”.
I use the original theme with blue background.
Your file “DREAMS.GFX” has a modified background which makes it larger in size

You can download my set of scripts and simply run easyboot-grub-iso.script :;):
Open folder “ISO” in folder WinBuilder_complete and you find the file “BOOT.GFX”
Alternative you can make a USB stick bootable using easyboot-usb.script and there you have that penguin theme again – you find gfx-file on the root of USB stick.

Note: if using scripts in Vista or Win7 – make sure to adjust UAC (User-Account-Control) to lowest level – otherwise scripts are prohibit running smooth :O

Note: I haven’t edit this file and I do not know for sure where to find tools to edit this type of animated backgrounds - it’s a special form of backgrounds sometimes used in Linux OP-systems like Lilo or open Suse for example.

Luckily grub can launch such animated background :)  
It has nothing to do with EasyBoot – it’s a “side effect” of using my scripts as my scripts are specially designed to suit Easyboot-users :;):


Posted by alirady on Dec. 03 2010,13:13
"( Bark ALLAH Feek )"

This words means in English language "Thank you so much"