Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Help Easyboot
started by: kiubie

Posted by kiubie on Dec. 03 2010,19:56
I use Easyboot to make a file ISO, and i burned it to CD. I test CD correctly. But I want use menu boot on C partition (when PC start will load menu boot first).
Help me

Posted by balder on Dec. 04 2010,09:19

As it seems you are a new member – I say welcome to this forum :)

Quote: ”I want use menu boot on C partition (when PC start will load menu boot first)”

This can be a little tricky to solve ???
If you are using WinXP it can easily be solved – but if you are using Vista or Win-7 or Server-2008 it still can be solved - but involves some changes that only a skilled computer-technician should do

What Operating System are you running?
