Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: [EMS] on Vista/7 boot
started by: allgames71

Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 29 2010,05:55
hello balder,

I've found that nomatter Vista or Win7 install dvd disc when boot, their's a message :

Windows Setup [EMS] Enabled

I notice this [EMS] is just like smartdrv.exe in XP. It means when install XP under DOS enviroment, you must execute smartdrv.exe otherwise the file copy process will be deadly slow.

For Vista and Win7 as it enabled [EMS], that's why it's white loading bar runs very fast even the media is a DVD. But my self-made Win7PE runs this bar dealy slow as no [EMS] enabled.

Is there a way to add this "Windows Setup [EMS] Enabled" to Win7PE to let the easyboot Win7PE load files faster ? For Win7PE in usb device, the speed is acceptable.

Please help. Thanks

Posted by balder on Nov. 29 2010,07:30

Quote: ”For Vista and Win7 as it enabled [EMS], that's why it's white loading bar runs very fast even the media is a DVD”

Done some “hard-work” (tests) :p  and found out this:

1. The CD/DVD-approach: My Win7 setup-DVD - It took briefly 2 minutes to finish the white bar (loading necessary files from folder BOOT)
2. The CD/DVD-approach: My homebuilt Win7PE with files on the “root” of CD (not using ISO) took briefly 2,5 minutes to finish the white bar (loading necessary files from folder BOOT).
3. The CD/DVD-approach: My homebuilt Win7PE launching ISO file directly (integrated using easyboot-iso.script) took briefly 2 minutes to finish the white bar (loading necessary files from folder BOOT)
4. The USB approach: My homebuilt Win7PE launching ISO file directly (integrated using easyboot-iso.script and easyboot-grub-iso.script) took briefly 25 sec when launched from USB stick, to finish the white bar (loading necessary files from folder BOOT) – this also include the reading of the whole ISO-file to RAM. The white bar itself was finished in less than 2 sec.

Conclusions: Take advantages of launching from USB (if possible)!

Regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 29 2010,17:35
hello balder,

I've make again the Win7PE and test the processing time.

1. cd by easyboot-iso (not run iso from ram) .... takes 4min + 5sec to the desktop
2. cd by easyboot-iso (run iso from ram) .... takes 3min + 35sec
3. usb (not run iso from ram) .... takes 40sec
4. win7 install dvd .... 1min + 5sec

From above , run iso from ram is only 30sec faster. But you have tightly watch it when after load iso to ram, then you have to press that Enter key. Otherwise it boots your harddisk. (wasting time like a watch dog).

I know usb and dvd speed is great different, but for my usb harddrsk and the win7 install dvd .... the loading white bar time difference is only 25sec. I've look into the "boot" folder in win7 install dvd and my win7pe. They are almost alike, around 15MB.

So it should not have such a great difference in loading the white bar. As you said the white bar is only loading the "boot" folder and not any of your amount of software. That's why I was thinking is that  [EMS] affect much for the white bar loading time.

I've been loading this win7pe everyday for my customer's computer, all the loading time are quite the same. Tonight I test it at home with my 2 computers with the same effect.

My 2 computer configuration at home are almost the same :

Asus M2N68AM
AMD AthlonxII 2400 CPU
1TB harddisk

My computer shouldn't be too slow when compare with the others, or I can say it's desireable for my work.

So, for your report of 85 sec "(not using iso)" and "launching ISO file directly (integrated using easyboot-iso.script) took briefly 10 sec to finish the white bar" is really amazing speed for me.

balder, please help. How come we have this great speed difference on loading the white bar experiment. How could that be to me. I really don't understand.

Did I doing something wrong that I didn't find it out ? My way is :

1. Use Win7 WAIK to
> copype.cmd x86 c:\winpe_x86
> copy c:\winpe_x86\winpe.wim c:\winpe_x86\ISO\sources\boot.wim
> Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:C:\winpe_x86\ISO\sources\boot.wim /index:1 /MountDir:C:\winpe_x86\mount
> Then copy my programs to default Program Files folder
> Dism /unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\winpe_x86\mount /Commit
> oscdimg -n -bC:\winpe_x86\ C:\winpe_x86\iso C:\winpe.iso
So the win7pe.iso comes

2. Use easyboot-iso script to integrate and become "mycd.iso"
That's it

3. Burn it to a cd and run

Please any idea where I was wrong. Thanks in advance.

Posted by balder on Nov. 30 2010,02:04

It looks that it is something queer with your Win7PE-build itself.
Please test this build < HERE > :;):

Test not using WAIK as recource – use the “standard” setup DVD to downloaded script!
You can use DVD as source for build (recommended) - or files from a folder on your harddisk as source.
You can also integrate driverpacks to support various different motherboards (but this of course increase the size of the build).

Attention! There is one huge disadvantage with this build – and that is; as soon as you launch Win7PE_SE from a BOOT-manager such as EasyBoot or grub or whatever – files that are not integrated to run from RAM – is lost and cannot be used :O
Same problem if launch ISO from USB using grub
However if you launch Win7PE_SE from CD/DVD-unit (created ISO is burned directly to a CD and nothing more) everything is okay.

BUT! You can set all utilities (“Apps” and “Addons” in script) to run from RAM – and hereby you can run (launch) Win7PE_SE from any place – including USB device :laugh:

I have created a Ghost32-script that can be launched from inside of Win7PE_SE-build and I can hereby reach anything – including every connected USB unit – and I have designed script so it is locked to run from RAM.

Finally it is a pleasure to launch this using my EasyBoot-meny :D

Test and report back.  

Regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 30 2010,05:12
hello balder,

Sure I'll test it and report. But for me, it really takes time for this test. May be kept your wait. I'm sorry.


Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 30 2010,07:23
hello balder,

I've tried your download. Fail.

Actually I know this WinBuilder when in Vista generation. I myself don't like it very much as it seems to have quite a lot of bug in it for me. I mean even you download its Winbuilder program and not set anything , then press "Play" button right the way, there's still error to make it stop. It's hard to success.

Besides, from its forum I know that if you want put some other self programs in it, you need to have some knowledge to write scripts. Further more , it has not my language (Chinese Hong Kong / Taiwan). Really I've tried this program this year and last 2 years. Always fail and make me frustrating.

OK, I don't want to test this WinBuilder anymore , as I've already got 2 Win7PE build in different way in my language. Thanks.

Posted by balder on Nov. 30 2010,11:20

First of all – I’m completely wrong out here –ohhh I’m so stupid :angry:
I forgot to delete (or rename) folder “ISO” with WIN7PE.ISO-file on the harddisk C:\
So this happened; when “grub-kicker-image” was launched from CD by EasyBoot menu command: “memdisk WIN7PE.IMG.GZ”, grub primarily search for such file name in a folder “ISO” on harddisk C:\ - if not found, grub secondly checking CD/DVD for such file – which is a major difference :O

I tested not having WIN7PE.ISO-file in CD – only a folder ISO including WIN7PE.ISO inside, on the root of C:\ - and I got that 10 seconds white bar-time and the PE was up and run in less than 40 sec :)
Note: you can launch such ISO-file from any harddisk (D:\ or whatever) as long as path is the right (it’s also case sensitive).

Sorry that I so totally miss leaded you – he, he nobody is perfect :;):
Note: I have modified post nr; 2 to the right time parameters.
My loading time doesn’t really differ that much from yours – basically the same.

We have to accept that launching WIN7PE from CD/DVD-unit takes around 3 minutes or more - depending on size to BOOT.WIM file.
There is no “shortcut” to reduce this as far as I can find out.
Best solution is to use USB device.

On the other hand – this generates some ideas and new solutions.
Quote: ”have quite a lot of bug in it for me”
As you explain yourself, it’s most likely related to language errors.
WinBuilder has its problems – I had to admit that.
But if you use English files (US-language) as source – I’m 100% convinced that it works.

Quote: “you need to have some knowledge to write scripts”
Yes this is a true statement – I know by experience that it is a hard work and plenty of efforts to make it work correctly.

However, creating a basic script in Win7PE_SE to, let’s say ghost32.exe - is done in less than a minute – it is very easy task to create such script.
Scripts that I have designed to fit EasyBoot isn’t that easy to create – I can tell you that
Script like easyboot-usb.script takes its time to develop - and it is hard work and time-consuming to develop scripts like the easyboot-aio.script with its subroutines to automatically hex edit files etcetera

To finished it up…
1. Use USB approach if possible
2. If using CD/DV-unit – keep build as small as possible to reduce loading time
3. Hmmm… not much more I can figure out here… ???

Regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Dec. 06 2010,13:09
hello balder,

Sorry that I think this topic has been finished , that's why I didn't post anything for a long time.

I appreciate your way of saying. You accept fact and responsible. But not only accept , also try to solve. Of course in this case to make a dvd run faster is impossible. There's nothing you can do and is natural. Anyway you've tried your best to help. Thanks here.

I agree writting scripts in your Easyboot is time-comsuming. I write programs myself also (only small programs for my own use) .... with Visual Basic , in my experience , writing program is easy but time wasting is most on debugging. And also always the outcome is not what you want , so you have to think and think it over (may be in the toilet). Then you think out a new idea , hurryly you reach the computer and continue your program with the new thought. Of course again you won't be easily succeeded at that time once. So writting program is interesting and challenging.

I can understand you. You are hardworking and respectful. Thanks