Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Service post
started by: balder

Posted by balder on Dec. 09 2010,09:38
Service post regarding balder script-collection “”

Unfortunately it has been some problem with host where I keep my downloads :angry:

If you downloaded scripts between 1-9 dec 2010 you are recommended to do a new fresh download of “” and skip the old one :O

In case you have a script named “easyboot-usb_v2” – please be careful as this is a new development that can destroy data on a second connected USB disk unit.
If you do have this script download the final release and delete the present one :O

Sorry for the inconvenience or trouble this has generated :(

Regards balder

Posted by madar on Dec. 09 2010,13:12
Thanks Dear balder for information
Posted by apprentice on Dec. 14 2010,07:33
Hi . Balder the elite !

I am having errors in using intergrate Hirenbootcd in your new script the old version works well on earlier version of hiren 11.1.

FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\hiren.img] to: [C:\Easyboot\disk1\ezboot]

version of Hiren I use is 12.0

and the Hiren_menu cmd must be change to start "" .\HBCD\WinTools\HBCDMenu.exe   - the autorun.exe won't work anymore.

Also does your script support HBCD 12.0 ??? I am trying to boot up windows 7 , XP and HBCD 12.0 it won't work but hbcd 11.1 works well.

Hope, you can help . :(  or maybe the problem is me .

Posted by balder on Dec. 14 2010,10:49

Quote: ”Hiren_menu cmd must be change”
Yes, you are correct :O
I have for just a couple of minutes ago updated and uploaded the whole script-collection :;):

Thanks for pointing on this little bug – it’s now fixed and shell work for most versions of Hiren – including Hiren_v12.

However there are some problems with Hiren_v12 – read < HERE > ???
Credits to madar for pointing on this problem.
Quote: “Failed to copy”
Check that you do not have any space in name for ISO-file.
Example; the name “Hiren BOOT_CD_12.ISO” doesn’t work – but “Hiren_BOOT_CD_12.ISO” is okay.
Same restrictions to where you keep your ISO-file(s) – no spaces in name to folders
Don’t use your desktop as repository for ISO-file(s).
Work from the root (C:\) if possible :cool:  

Note1: I just tested with Hiren_v12.iso (no spaces in name) and it works fine (including “HBCD Menu.cmd”. Script now instead use default ***.cmd).

Note2: Please do a new download and replace your present folder ”WinBuilder_complete”.
Found out that “easyboot.iso.script”, automatically run uppercase even if checkbox “Run uppercase to files and folders” is unchecked – which isn’t that smart.

Sorry for the inconvenience this has created.
There has been some problems with “mediafire” – but no finally fixed :;):

Regards balder