Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: ISO's
started by: mosulii

Posted by mosulii on Dec. 17 2010,06:06
first thanks balder for all ... realy u r solution for any problem

can i make eavry boot in ISO file then with multiboot  rum them with or without scripts.

i mean can i put all iso's in disk1 folder and exicute them with multiboot to avoid interferance between folder's like XP and XP-SP2 or XP-SP3


Posted by balder on Dec. 17 2010,06:55

Quote: ”put all iso's in disk1 folder and exicute them with multiboot to avoid interferance between folder's like XP and XP-SP2 or XP-SP3”

I guess you are referring to different setup of WinXP ???
You can launch setup of WinXP from ISO-file, but it always ends up with BSO (Blue-Screen of-Death) :O
You must use a setup-folder on the root (folder disk1 in Easyboot).

You can test easyboot-AIO.script and let script create this multi-boot build of different WinXP in Easyboot – one by one :;):

However – LivePE-systems can easily be launched using ISO-files as they are!
Examples: BartPE, Reatogo, Live-XP, ERD-2003, ERD-5, ERD-7 and all different NT6-PE-systems, typically MsDart60, MsDart65, NT6-PE-rescue ISO-files, Ghost-14, Ghost-15 rescue ISO-files, can easily be launched with easyboot-iso.script. Note: make sure you check; “Run ISO from RAM” if you are integrating NT5-PE-ISO-file, (typically ISO-file with folder i386 inside ISO-file)

You are recommended to make a new download of script-collection and replace your current scripts – as there been some minor bugs in scripts.
It is rather complicated to create all these scripts - but now finally - it seems that I have sorted out the last bugs in scripts - hopefully :laugh:

EDIT: I’m working on updating Help-files in scripts.
Not any perfect manual how every script is run or used – but at least gives a little helping hand to the user :;):

Regards balder