Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Iso won't boot started by: Tribal Posted by Tribal on Dec. 17 2010,12:36
i've created succesfully a multi boot dvd using easyboot.win7 x86/x64, winxp and hirens 12.0 iso is booting and installing fine. now my problem. i've written a small batch which extracted my iso and injected all new updates for win7 and xp. so far everything worked fine. creating iso at last step -->fail i'm using ultraiso with commandline parameters. QUOTE "%~dp0FILES\ultraiso" -lowercase -bootfile "%TEMP%:\DVD\EZBOOT\loader.bin" -directory "%TEMP%:\DVD" -out "%~dp0\MULTI_BOOT_DVD_TRIBAL_15_12_10.iso" -volume "TRIBAL" my dvd boots only win7, no bootmenue creating iso using easyboot again (only for iso creation) it works. i guess the commandline parameters for ulraiso causes my error is it possible to run easyboot in commandline? or is there any other tool for commandline usage? |