Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Windows XP - Using EASY BOOT
started by: NimDA.47

Posted by NimDA.47 on Dec. 22 2010,08:22
Please can anyone give a perfect method to install windows xp using easy boot.

I want to include both x32 & x64 versions

Thanks in ADVANCE!!

Posted by balder on Dec. 22 2010,10:57

Quote: “Please can anyone give a perfect method to install windows xp using easy boot”.

This has been explained so many times that I have lost count :O
Don’t forget to use the search function in upper right corner :;):

Use my script easyboot-AIO.script to integrate WinXP-32-bit.
You are automatically given the right menu command by script :)

The WinXP-64-bit is easier.
Do it this way:
1. Copy folder i386 and “ident-files” (win51 etcetera) to folder disk1. Optional you can copy all stuff to folder disk1 but not necessary.
2. Create menu in EasyBoot and use menu command:  run W2KSECT.BIN  (note: you can make a copy of this file and rename it to “winxp64.bin” or whatever, and use menu command: run winxp64.bin).
3. Don’t check anything when creating ISO in EasyBoot.
