Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Windows 7 - EASYBOOT ERROR
started by: NimDA.47

Posted by NimDA.47 on Dec. 22 2010,09:40
How do I change bootmgr to bootmgr1 in the boot file

any ideas

thanks in advance

Posted by balder on Dec. 22 2010,10:21

Quote: ”How do I change bootmgr to bootmgr1 in the boot file”

Quote: ”EasyBoot error”
He, he… I protest against that description… :laugh:
This is not any error caused by EasyBoot – you cannot blame Easyboot for inconvenience create by Microsoft” :;):

Anyway... :D
A very easy way is to use EasyBoot built-in hex-edit-function :;):
Note: Name to text must have same lengt :O  
You cannot use BOOTMGR and replace with BOOTMGR1 as the last text has 8 letters not 7 as the original.

Do it this way:

1. Start EasyBoot and push on “Tools”
2. Select: “Replace text…”
3. Scroll to file you want to hex edit
4. In “Text to find” you write BOOTMGR (note: use caps=BIG LETTERS)
5. In “Replace with” you write BOOTMG1 (note: as you can se, same length of letters)
6. Push “Replace”. If you done right it should change at least two lines in a NT6-boot-file.


Posted by balder on Dec. 22 2010,12:48

I am able to make different BOOT Files with your help in the last post but now my problem is when I click setup Windows 7 the screen goes blank.

The Code used is run Boot.bin where I change the link to bootmgr to my file name i.e BOOTMG1.

Ne Solutions thanks in advance.

This Problem does it occur if I dont keep Setup of Windows 7 64 Bit included in the ISO

Quote: ” in the last post”
What last post :angry:
You created a new post - why :O
Please don’t create new post for same issue – use tread for the issue you started and continue there
I deleted your post and paste it in here

If you have a completely new request – then it’s okay to create a new tread.


Anyway – quote. “This Problem does it occur if I dont keep Setup of Windows 7 64 Bit included in the ISO”
I already told you – you CANNOT mix Vista\Win-7 OR Win7-32-bit and Win-7-64-bit using Easyboot - period.
