Forum: EasyBoot Topic: miniPE's RAMDisk (b:) fails on newer PCs started by: stormy Posted by stormy on Dec. 25 2010,10:22
Trying to use miniPE v2k5.09.03 same failure with all versions, on several newer hardware causes it to boot OK, however when the RAMDisk (b:) is setup, I get this warning on the miniPE desktop right after initial boot:"B:" Folder is not accessible Then ALL programs from the Start menu do not work at all, so basically it is unusable... Trying a dir B: returns: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. Wondering how that could be fixed? I don't know what causes the failure, as this happens on all sorts of PCs, and couldn't find a common factor in terms of hardware. Stormy Posted by balder on Dec. 25 2010,11:28
@stormyAs a new member to this forum I say welcome @stormy ![]() Quote: ”"B:" Folder is not accessible” Happens this only when you launch MiniPE from EasyBoot menu and not when you use MiniPE-ISO-file burned directly to a CD ![]() Is there any difference ![]() balder Posted by stormy on Dec. 25 2010,12:07
Thanks for the welcome! I'm trying to see if EasyBoot can help me solve the issue. This happens on ISO burnt directly to CDs. I have 3 different versions of MiniPE that are working fine on many PCs, but same CDs fail on the newer hardware with above error.
Posted by balder on Dec. 25 2010,14:25
@stormyQuote: ” I'm trying to see if EasyBoot can help me solve the issue” Unfortunately I don’t think EasyBoot can make any difference ![]() It’s more related to a hardware-problem - most likely a motherboard issue ![]() But you can test launching this WinPE from USB to see if there is some progress ![]() To launch from USB you use my script-collection (download below) ![]() You use easyboot-iso.script to integrate the WinPE-ISO-file as it is - check “Run ISO from RAM” in script - as this is a NT5-system (folder i386 inside ISO-file). Then use easyboot-grub-iso.script to transfer build to USB (USB stick as example). Note: you need a motherboard that support USB-2 in “BIOS-mode” which modern motherboards do – if this isn’t the case - you can activate “Support for USB-2” in the grub-menu. You need USB-2 as the whole ISO-file is loaded to RAM and then launched – but this is pretty fast done and in normal case WinPE is still faster up and run launched from USB than from a CD-unit ![]() Regards balder |