Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Problem
started by: Behdadsoft

Posted by Behdadsoft on Jan. 05 2011,05:23

I want the program ActiveBootDisk easyboot run through ISO file but I do not know how I do it?
I do not want Extract the files.  I want to run through the ISO file.

Please Guide Me.


Posted by balder on Jan. 05 2011,08:18
@ Behdadsoft

Quote: ”I want the program ActiveBootDisk easyboot run through ISO file but I do not know how I do it?”

You didn’t tell what version of “ActiveBootDisk” you are using ???  
Hopefully  you use one of the latest versions – typically ActiveBootDisk_v5 or later.
These later (newest) ActiveBootDisk.ISO-files are based on NT6-systems (Vista\Win-7 or server-2008).
This makes it extremely easy to integrate such ISO-file as it is into EasyBoot :)

Download my script-collection (look below in every post I write).
Make sure to first read “READ_ME.html” in download
Do not have spaces in folder name or in name to ISO-files.
Use a folder on the “root” (C:\) as repository for your ISO-files (or at least a folder that do NOT have spaces in name.
Do not use your desktop as repository for ISO-files. Use the “root”!
If running NT6-system (Vista\Win-7 as example), set UAC (User-Account-Control) to lowest level, to make script run smooth.
Run also your system as Administrator - but that’s obviously!

Now to the solution (when you have read help - including help-button in script).

Use easyboot-iso.script to integrate ISO-file as it is.
As this is a NT6-system (not using folder i386 as NT5-systems do – typically WinXP etcetera) there is no need to check “Run ISO from RAM”.
Follow instructions in script.
In the very end you automatically get the right menu command that you can copy and paste directly into EasyBoot menu.
You don’t need to check anything in EasyBoot when creating ISO.

However – if you are using some “old” version of “ActiveBootDisk”, we might need a different solution.
If this is the case – let me know :cool:

To avoid getting message: ”Press any key to boot from CD or DVD…” do as follows:
1. Open ISO-file (I use UltraIso for this operation).
2. Continue with open folder “BOOT” in ISO-file
3. Delete file “bootfix.bin”
4. Save ISO-file
