Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Multiboot Hirens BCD13 and kaspresky rescue disk
started by: alireza_sh

Posted by alireza_sh on Jan. 05 2011,14:56
hi .
i am not profsional user.
i have some bootable iso image:
1.Hirens BOOTCD 13
2.kaspersky discue image
3.Avira discue image
4.Acronis image
5.RBCD 9 full image xp sp3 bootable cd

I want make a  bootale  DVD with  this iso files.I try for many times for make this dvd but i cannot.
so just i make Acronis image worked  with
bcdw /ezboot/acronis.iso
and copy Acronis.iso to the ezboot director.
For other image file boot file to a bif file (with ulta iso)
2.Extract all file to ezboot directory
3.I trid "run XXX.bif" or "bootinfotable;run XXXX.bif"
or  "bcdw /isolinux/isolinux.bin"
for make dvd bootable but dont work.
plz help me

Posted by balder on Jan. 05 2011,17:48

As a new member I say welcome @alireza_sh :)

Quote: “I want make a  bootale  DVD with  this iso files”

Test this solution to Kaspersky - read post nr: 3 < HERE >
Note: depending what version you are using, there might be some more tricks that needs to be done ???

Test this solution to Hiren - read post nr: 2 < HERE >
Or read post nr: 4 < HERE >

Test this solution to Avira - read post nr: 2 < HERE >

About RBCD 9 full image
Isn’t this a huge “multi-utility” CD/DVD that holds a lot of utility programs on it?
You have to disassemble this “multi-utility CD/DVD” piece by piece and seperatly launch each “tool” one by one.
You cannot launch such CD/DVD and reach all tools from inside of ISO – it isn’t that easy

Is this “windows xp sp3 bootable cd” your setup of winXP ???
If it is setup of winXP you can read solution in post nr: 2 < HERE >


Posted by alireza_sh on Jan. 06 2011,00:54
thanks thanks
but what is easyboot-iso.script ?
how do i use easyboot-iso.script ?

Posted by balder on Jan. 06 2011,02:26

Quote: ”but what is easyboot-iso.script ?”

Read post nr: 2 < HERE >

It’s vital that you carefully read “READ_ME.html” in download to understand how to activate scripts :O


Posted by alireza_sh on Jan. 07 2011,02:30
when i use easyboot-iso.script  for Hiren Boot CD 13 show this message :
FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\hiren.img] to: [C:\Easyboot\disk1\ezboot

Posted by alireza_sh on Jan. 07 2011,02:39
this is my log file

 File [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-iso.script] Version [2]
 IF - Directory exists: [C:\Easyboot\disk1] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\disk1,Message,Script cannot find path to EasyBoot,CONFIRMATION]
 IF - Directory exists: [C:\Easyboot\disk1] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\disk1,Exit,ExitMessage]
 DirDelete - Deleted directory [%BaseDir%\Temp\*.*]
 FileDelete - Sucessfully deleted [%BaseDir%\Temp\*.*]
 Retrieve - A file was chosen from: [C:\] to variable: [%file%] with result: [C:\Hiren.iso]
 DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage]
 DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\menu]
 ExtractAllFiles - [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-iso.script] Section [Folder1] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage]
 IF - Directory exists: [C:\Easyboot\disk1\hbcd] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\disk1\hbcd,DirDelete,%pFileBox1%\disk1\hbcd]
 DirDelete - Deleted directory [C:\Easyboot\disk1\hbcd]
 IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\Easyboot\disk1\temp] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\disk1\temp,DirDelete,%pFileBox1%\disk1\temp]
 DirMake - Created directory: [C:\Easyboot\disk1\temp]
 IF - [False] is not equal to: [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox2%,Equal,true,ShellExecute,Hide,%Temp%\newimage\filecase.exe," /u /s /h /q /d %pFileBox1%\disk1\"]
 Extracting folder HBCD to EasyBoot. Please wait...
 ShellExecute: [Open] using: [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\7z.exe] with parameters: [ x C:\Hiren.iso -oC:\Easyboot\disk1\temp]
 IF - Directory exists: [C:\Easyboot\disk1\temp\[boot]] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\disk1\temp\[boot],DirDelete,%pFileBox1%\disk1\temp\[boot]]
 DirDelete - Deleted directory [C:\Easyboot\disk1\temp\[boot]]
 DirMove - Moved directory [C:\Easyboot\disk1\temp\hbcd] to: [C:\Easyboot\disk1]
 FileCopy - Copied [C:\Easyboot\disk1\temp\*.cmd] to: [C:\Easyboot\disk1]
 DirDelete - Deleted directory [C:\Easyboot\disk1\temp]
 IF - File exists: [C:\Easyboot\disk1\hbcd\grldr] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTFILE,%pFileBox1%\disk1\hbcd\grldr,Run,%ScriptFile%,bcdw]
 FileCopy - Copied [C:\Easyboot\disk1\hbcd\menu.lst] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\menu]
 FileCopy - Copied [C:\Easyboot\disk1\hbcd\grldr] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\menu]
 IF - File does not exist: [C:\Easyboot\disk1\ezboot\hiren.img] evaluated string: [If,EXISTFILE,%pFileBox1%\disk1\ezboot\hiren.img,FileDelete,%pFileBox1%\disk1\ezboot\hiren.img]
 ShellExecute: [Open] using: [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\bfi.exe] with parameters: [ -v -b=%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\grubmbr -t=6 -f=%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\hiren.img %BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\menu]
FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Temp\newimage\hiren.img] to: [C:\Easyboot\disk1\ezboot]

 Finished processing script: EasyBoot-ISO (easyboot-iso.script)
 Script time: 14 seconds and 547 miliseconds

Posted by balder on Jan. 07 2011,03:12

Quote: ”FileCopy - Failed to copy…”

From exactly where are you running “WinBuilder.exe” - or where have you put folder “balder” ???
I need the exactly path :O

Some notes:
Attention! You cannot run script-engine (WinBuilder.exe) from path with spaces in name :p

You cannot run script-engine from harddisk partition 2 (normally D:\ in Windows explorer) and have named this partition to let’s say “partition 2”.
As you can notice there is a space in name – that won’t work.

You cannot run script-engine from your desktop as desktop is a subdirectory to “Documents and Settings” and the folder name: “Documents and Settings” has spaces in name :(

It’s vital that you inform me what path is to script-engine (WinBuilder.exe).

Note: I just tested (using Hiren-12.iso) and everything went smooth :)


Posted by alireza_sh on Jan. 07 2011,05:20
Dear balder

when i disable ESAT 32 evry things worked correctly

Posted by alireza_sh on Jan. 07 2011,05:22
Dear balder

if i add windows 7 to this multi DVD how do i can?

Posted by balder on Jan. 07 2011,05:27

Quote: ”if i add windows 7 to this multi DVD how do i can?”

You can use “EasyBoot-Vista\Win-7.script” :;):

Regards balder

Posted by alireza_sh on Jan. 07 2011,10:41
thanks  again

how do i add reboot to main menu?
how do return to back to maun menu?

Posted by balder on Jan. 07 2011,11:27

Quote: ”how do i add reboot to main menu?”

It depends from where you launch EasyBoot.
Let’s use CD/DVD-unit

Create menu and simply use menu command:  reboot  (not run reboot. Only reboot that’s all)

However, if launching EasyBoot from USB you need a different solution.
If you downloaded my last updated zip-file ( you have a folder “USB_Resources”.
Copy “REBOOT.IMA.GZ” to folder Ezboot and use menu command:  memdisk REBOOT.IMA.GZ
This solution in versatile and can be used wherever from you launch EasyBoot (CD/DVD or USB - it works everywhere).

You also have a file “SHUTDOWN.IMA.GZ” – this file can shut down your computer from wherever you use the file (use menu command: memdisk SHUTDOWN.IMA.GZ)
You also have a folder “BOOT_Harddisk” – these files can ONLY be used from USB – NOT from CD/DVD-units!

Quote: ”how do return to back to maun menu?”

Let’s say your “main menu” is named “default.ezb”
In menu for “default.ezb” you jump to a “submenu” with the name “format.ezb” (run format.ezb)
Now you want to go back to the “main menu” which is “default.ezb”.
In submenu “format.ezb” you simply use menu command “run default.ezb”
This causes EasyBoot to jump back to what you call your “main menu” (default.ezb).
You can jump wherever you like. To another submenu etcetera, etcetera…

Note: it’s also possible to jump back from a launched dos floppy image!
You create a dos floppy image that launch ghost.exe
When you are finished and ghost.exe quites – you in Autoexec.bat put in this line:

To jump back to your menu you insert “” into floppy image (you have in folder EasyBoot\ resource).

When dos reads this “” it execute and you are back to EasyBoot menu.
Note: this works from CD/DVD.

It’s also possible to jump back from a grub menu to easyboot and from EasyBoot menu jump to grub menu (we use this mostly when EasyBoot is launched from USB)
But let’s take ONE step before you take TWO steps :cool:  

Regards balder

Posted by alireza_sh on Jan. 11 2011,13:15
i make iso file with your metod for kasperasky rescue disk.when i test with ms virtusl pc is worked when i write this image to DVD it dont work

Posted by balder on Jan. 11 2011,13:30

Quote: “kasperasky rescue disk”

What version o kaspersky are you referring to Version ??? -10 I guess ???  

Read and follow guide lines in post nr;3 < HERE >

Note: this method do work - but is "deadly" sensitive.
If you miss any step - it won't work


Posted by alireza_sh on Jan. 17 2011,04:40
hi balder
i create a iso file with Hiren boot cd ,windows xpsp3, ubuntu 10.10, kaspresky rescue disk.when i test this iso file with vm virtual box evrything worked when i write this iso file to dvd some program
dont work.I use power iso for write image  with 8x do i?

Posted by balder on Jan. 17 2011,06:14

Quote: ”how some program dont work”

Well it’s hard for me to pinpoint the exactly problem – but what programs doesn’t work on DVD-unit?
Secondly – if you are using Hiren_v12 there might be some problems ???
Use Hiren_v10 (any version of Hiren_10 is better).
Read post nr;18 and 19 < HERE >
