Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: multi boot
started by: ateebbg

Posted by ateebbg on Jan. 19 2011,03:05
I'm new to this blog.... so HI every body.......

i've downloaded a multiboot os image from internet, i wanted to add some softwares to it which i require...
can anyone say me how to add the softwares...

onething if I extract the image and add softwares to it i'm not able to make it bootable.......

lease Help Me....

                         THanks in adance  :)

Posted by balder on Jan. 19 2011,04:27

As a new member I say welcome @ateebbg :)

Quote: ”i've downloaded a multiboot os image from internet”

Hmmmm ???  – what “multiboot os image” are you referring to ???
What is the structure of this “multiboot os image” ???
