Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Multiboot DVD with Windows 7 and XP started by: egoistkata77 Posted by egoistkata77 on Dec. 16 2009,09:09
How can i make bootable DVD with Windows 7 and XP ?!!Please step by step and if you know the way! Thanks in advance! Posted by balder on Dec. 17 2009,00:28
@egoistkata77Welcome to this forum egoistkata77 ![]() How to integrate WinXP to EasyBoot is pretty well described in EasyBoot>>Help ![]() Anyway – I can give you basic guidelines here at once. To integrate a single WinXP to EasyBoot, do it this way: 1. Copy everything from WinXP-CD (or from ISO-file) to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Create menu in EasyBoot and use command: run W2ksect.bin Note1: Check that you have file W2ksect.bin in folder ezboot Note2: You can change name to W2ksect.bin in folder ezboot to something more accurate like “winxp.bin” and at same time change command to: run winxp.bin To integrate Win-7: Note: I do not – at present time – have Win-7 in my “hands”, but I’m working on it ![]() 1. Copy everything from Win-7 DVD (or from ISO-file) to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Create menu in EasyBoot and use command: run vistaldr.bin (Note: Check that you have file vistaldr.bin in folder ezboot) balder Posted by egoistkata77 on Dec. 18 2009,11:53
Thanks for everything balder!!!But it works only for Windows XP, Windows 7 don't boot by DOS. I think the problam is in "vistaldr.bin" Any advice?! Help Me !!! Posted by balder on Dec. 18 2009,15:51
@egoistkata77Quote: ” Windows 7 don't boot by DOS.” Well, this is not “DOS”. Anyway, test this: 1. Copy everything from Win-7 DVD (or from ISO-file) to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Extract and save boot file from Win-7 DVD or from bootable ISO-file (UltraIso can do this) – you of course need a bootable Win-7 DVD or Win-7 ISO-file. Save boot file to folder ezboot with the name win-7.bif 3. Use command: run win-7.bif in EasyBoot menu balder Posted by egoistkata77 on Dec. 21 2009,07:44
Hi again balder!Sorry for delay in replying, but all the time I tryed your advaice to make working bootable DVD with Win7 and Win XP SP3. Problem again with boot file on Win 7. In win7 thare is a file bootmgr on DVD and folder “Boot” with : bcd; boot.sdi; bootfix.bin; bootsect.exe;; memtest.exe. What file is “boot file”. I tryed with most of these files, but it’s not working. Any other advices?! Posted by balder on Dec. 21 2009,08:35
@egoistkata77First option: If your Win-7-DVD is bootable (DVD automatically start setup of Win-7 when computer reboots) you can extract boot-file from such DVD (UltraISO can manage this) and save extracted boot-file as “win-7.bif” to folder ezboot. Use command in easyboot menu: run win-7.bif Second option: You can also try using boot-file “Vistaldr.bin” (check that Vistaldr.bin is in folder ezboot). Use command in easyboot menu: run Vistaldr.bin If none of above seems to work ![]() Regards balder Posted by egoistkata77 on Dec. 21 2009,09:39
Hi balder!First way: by makeing and run "win-7.bif" it's start installing Windows XP, not Windows 7, maybe because everything is in Disk1, and there are files with the same names in Win7 and WinXP. Second way: by using boot-file “Vistaldr.bin”, You can see "Press any kay to boot by DVD" and nothing -pause. Third way: Give me Link by downloading “easyboot-uppercase.script”?! ---------------------------------------------------------- If I make a folder Win7 and WinXP in Disk1 in EasyBoot is taht a good idea. I ask because there are files with the same names in Win7 and WinXP. Posted by balder on Dec. 21 2009,10:04
@egoistkata77In every post I put in to this forum you can notice following in bottom of posts: “Welcome to my website here” There you have the link you are asking for. Quote1: First way: by makeing and run "win-7.bif" it's start installing Windows XP (that’s why I suggesting uppercase) Quote2: Second way: Yo can see "Press any kay to boot by DVD" and nothing -pause. First, you can delete bootfix.bin to avoid this question as you now are using Easyboot – no point to have this question coming up, in my opinion. Note: here at least “bootmgr” is doing something useful (starting bootfix.bin) – why setup procedure doesn’t continue I don’t know – again test with uppercase. Final solution if not uppercase works (or you can try this before “uppercase”): Try using file “bootsect.exe” in folder “boot” as start file for Win-7. Edit: sorry misstake by me - this “bootsect.exe” doesn't work ![]() Note: I do not have Win7 at present time ![]() ![]() ![]() Regards balder Posted by egoistkata77 on Dec. 23 2009,07:53
Hi balder!When ”Santa”deliver you a Win-7-DVD, please let me know how can I make bootable DVD with Win7 and Win XP SP3 in EasyBoot! (Both my DVD are wiht bootable windows!) I'm waiting for replay! Thanks in advance, and marry cristmans ! ! ! Posted by balder on Dec. 26 2009,08:45
@egoistkata77He, he Santa did delivery a Win-7 DVD to Christmas ![]() Tested following: Copied everything from Win-7 DVD (or from ISO-file) to Easyboot\disk1 Used command in easyboot menu: run vistaldr.bin I also included WinXP-sp3 without problems ![]() This worked fine: Attention! I did build and test (used virtual PC) in WinXP. Note1: I also tested using my script “easyboot-vista.script” and it did work. Note2: Tested also using Win-7 as op-system. To run EasyBoot and Winbuilder I did below: ATTENTION! ![]() @egoistkata77 - I do not have any problems with integrating Vista or Win-7 to (including WinXP) into EasyBoot builds. Note: when creating ISO do not check “Optimize” or DOS(8.3) or Joliet regards balder Posted by egoistkata77 on Dec. 28 2009,07:09
Hi balder!You write to me: "Copied everything from Win-7 DVD (or from ISO-file) to Easyboot\disk1" But there are files with the same names in Win7 and WinXP - setup.exe, autorun.inf and other, and when I copy first Win7 and second WinXP it's replace them and I have setup.exe only for WinXP because It's delete setup.exe for Win7. How can I decide this problem. How you decide this problem? ![]() ![]() I tryed to use youre script WinBuilder, but maybe I don't know how...No help in WinBuilder. What is idea, what I suppose to do with this WinBuilder. I start with Play and show my bootable WinXP CD and it's appear start screen again, and what else..?!!! Posted by balder on Dec. 28 2009,11:59
@egoistkata77Quote: “But there are files with the same names in Win7 and WinXP” Okay; now I understand what problem your issue was directed to. To use\have setup.exe and autorun.inf in folder disk1 is optional and not necessary ![]() Note: Sorry, my solution was only directed to how you launch setup from bootable ISO (created by EasyBoot) but this files: setup.exe, autorun.inf is only used (or can only) be used in Windows environment – typically WinXP or similar – and has nothing in common with when you launch setup from bootable DVD-unit (when you boot computer). Setup.exe is only used if you wish to upgrade a present system (when you are up and running a Windows OP-system). Setup.exe for WinXP is mainly used when you upgrade from WinME or Win-98. Do you really need this option ![]() Quote: “Can I rename one of these two setup.exe?” – Yes, test this: Rename setup.exe from WinXP to Setup_xp.exe and leave setup.exe from Win-7 as it is. This solution means that setup of WinXP is not initiated at all when you insert DVD to CD/DVD-unit in a Windows system as we spare this function for Win-7 on DVD. To start setup of WinXP you double-click to Setup_xp.exe which initiate upgrade of you system (basically only to be used when upgrading Windows-system like WinME or Win-98). Explanation; AutoRun (autorun.inf) and the companion feature AutoPlay, are components of the Microsoft Windows operating system that dictate what actions the system takes. You definitely do not start windows and then run Easyboot. So no harm to have autorun.inf in folder disk1 as well. Anyway, you can keep name to setup.exe that belongs to Win-7as it is. If you now put in your created DVD to the DVD-unit autorun.inf automatically launch setup.exe, which start setup of Win-7 (upgrade is initiated). Note:autorun.inf cannot find Setup.exe that belongs to WinXP because you have changed name to Setup_xp.exe. By the way - I can tell you already now, that upgrade from WinXP to Win-7 is not recommended by me – instead do a new fresh “clean install” if you like to use Win-7 as OP-system. This also means that you don’t need setup.exe in folder disk1 at all – okay no harm to have it there just in case you do some upgrade somewhere any way. About WinBuilder and my scripts: Quote: I start with Play…” Do not push “PLAY”-button in the upper right corner – forget this button. It is the “Start-button” in script that starts process of script. Note: Each script has a working area named “Main Process” or "Main Section” and in this section you always have a Start-button and also a tiny “Help-button”. Press help-button in each script to get some basic help what script does and if there are settings you get some basic explanation how to handle this. Note: nearly all scripts need some basic settings typically: "Scroll to where folder i386 is placed. Don't open folder i386." Or "Where is EasyBoot installed? Scroll and open folder EasyBoot" or "Set new name to folder i386 here”. You must of course help script with this basic settings before you press Start-button in script ![]() Regards balder Posted by egoistkata77 on Dec. 29 2009,09:03
Hi balder!THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR HELP!!!!!! It's working, I have botable DVD with Win7 and WinXP_SP3. Uour Note: when creating ISO do not check “Optimize” or DOS(8.3) or Joliet was very important !!! It was my mistake privius time, because I was checked all them. THANK YOU VERY MUCH AGAIN ! ! ! Posted by lust4bst on Jan. 19 2010,05:47
Hi Balder, I'm a noob, and have been following the posts attempting to create a dvd that will auto start Vista Install upon reboot.I already have the CD image,(.ISO) of the Entire Vista O.S. on my harddrive and have Ultra .ISO installed. Basically i need to know what i need to create an install disc that will start from bootup, instead of inside an existing O.S., or a virtual drive. I had some issues with Daemon earlier. I know a little but still trying to figure this out before i run outta DVD's. Sure could use some simple advice. Simpler the better! Thank you in advance, Lust4bst
Posted by balder on Jan. 19 2010,06:13
@lust4bstFirst of all – welcome ![]() Quote: “I already have the CD image,(.ISO) of the Entire Vista O.S” Hmm… not sure if I can follow you ![]() Or is your project to integrate Vista setup in Easyboot read < HERE > Only difference is that you copy from ISO-file instead of USB ![]() balder Posted by famizban on Apr. 19 2010,12:46
Thank u BalderI have a problem yet ! i got BOOT FILE from Win7 Original DVD (BIF) and i set this command for MENU ITEM : "run seven.bif" and i did'nt check Optimize , Juliet , Dos or (I Just Checked "Allow Lower Case") but it doesnt work !!!!!!!! when i run Windows Seven ITEM it shows me Installation of XP and when i run both it will PAUSE at first and show me This message : " Pleas insert Windows XP - Service Pack 2 cd" HELP ME HEEEEEELP !! Posted by balder on Apr. 19 2010,14:25
@famizbanWell seems that this is your first post here – so I say welcome to this forum @famizban ![]() Quote: " Pleas insert Windows XP - Service Pack 2 cd" You have forgot to put one or several “ident-files” on the root (EasyBoot\disk1) - typically Win51, Win51ip2 or Win51ip.sp2 or Win51ip.sp3 depending what service-pack you have integrated into WinXP ![]() Look in you’re your source-folder for WinXP (or in ISO-file) what ident-files you need on the root (EasyBoot\disk1 is the root for EasyBoot). Quote: I Just Checked "Allow Lower Case" To have "Allow Lower Case" checked - then you need to run “uppercase” to all files and folder names on the root (EasyBoot\disk1). Note: you can run “Uppercase” using my script “easyboot-uppercase” (you can download the whole kit below here) – or choose to create ISO with "Allow Lower Case" unchecked to see if it helps ![]() balder Posted by famizban on Apr. 22 2010,06:02
Thank U BalderI Puted All these FILES : "WINNT" , "win51ip.SP2" , "WIN51" , "WIN51IP" but it did'nt work Qoute : "To have "Allow Lower Case" checked - then you need to run “uppercase” to all files and folder names on the root (EasyBoot\disk1)." i did'nt undrestand u ! I Have to Rename All Files and folder to uppercase ? Do You Mean it ? what do you mean ? "RUN UPPERCASE" thank u Posted by famizban on Apr. 22 2010,06:03
can u give me ur BIF File ?and say that "which items must be checked in ISO's property" THANK U !!!! ![]() ![]() Posted by balder on Apr. 22 2010,06:33
@famizbanQuote: “I Have to Rename All Files and folder to uppercase ?” Yes you must do uppercase to all file and folders names that is used by setup-XP accordingly – if you check “Allow lower case”. And yes this is a hell of a task to do – so I have created a script that does this automatically for you ![]() If you take a closer look into my collections of script you find “easyboot-uppercase.script”! Let easyboot-uppercase.script to do the job. Note: there is also help file in script – push help-button in script! Then test and see what happens! Or – as I already have pointed out in reply before - why not exclude “Allow lower case” to se if things get better (to see if this part work alright). For post nr 19 I respond: To make an ISO-file based on NT5-Live-system to launch directly (ISO-file typically: BartPE.ISO, Reatogo.ISO, ERD5.ISO, ERD7.ISO or similar) you must check “Run from RAM”. There is no need to check “Allow lower case” to make such ISO to launch correctly - “Allow lower case” is mostly for Linux/IsoLinux-builds (some rare of this ones). In “normal” case, there is no need to check “Allow lower case” - but instead “Joliet” (Knoppix for example). Attention! There is no need to check “Run from RAM” for other ISO-files (Linux-based or similar) – primary target for checkbox “Run from RAM” is NT5-based Live-systems. Note: NT5-family starts with Win2000 up to WinXP. NT6-family is basically Vista\Win7-systems – and for these ones – there is no need to check “Run from RAM”. You could read most of this if you instead have pushed help-button in script – please use help-buttons in scripts ![]() Quote: “can u give me ur BIF File ?” What bif-file ![]() balder Posted by famizban on Apr. 24 2010,07:44
thank u i did all things u saied but while burning ISO FILE on DVD ... I see this message : "Burn Failed !" i made the ISO File two times and i Destroyed 10 DVDs .............. Posted by balder on Apr. 24 2010,09:49
@famizbanQuote: ” i Destroyed 10 DVDs .......” Did you first test ISO-file in a “virtual pc” before burning it to a DVD ![]() If not – download and test with this program - download < HERE > (it’s freeware) When program ask: “Do you want to create a hard disk image for your virtual machine?” you push the NO-button. Using this test facility, you wont lose more DVDs. Note: This is only for to do a basic test (test that initiating of boot-sequence is working alright). To do full test (install to virtual hard disk) you have to createte hard disk image in program. Report if ISO-file works when you test using downloaded tool ![]() I also suggest that you start with only integrating WinXP – and test that this part works as supposed. And a question: What is the size of this DVD ![]() balder Posted by tgoodwin on Feb. 16 2011,21:14
Hey guys after many projects using ezboot im struggling with this one. After reading about adding xp to bootable menu i cant seem to figure out how to get all 3 xp discs in since they all have same structure. XP home, pro and media center. After looking at an old xp9in1 disc i had lying around(pre sp2 days) i noticed all xp copies were separated by folders but not sure how to do this effectively in easyboot and i dont know how this disc was created originally either since i downloaded it. Can someone help me achieve this option with only 3 oem copies of xp? Posted by balder on Feb. 17 2011,00:38
@ tgoodwinQuote: ”Can someone help me achieve this option with only 3 oem copies of xp?” There are at least two different methods to solve this issue You can do it manually or the fully automatically way ![]() For the manually approach I recommend “gosh” excellent tutorial read < HERE > ![]() For the fully automatically way I recommend my script “easyboot-AIO.script” ![]() You have download below Read carefully “READ_ME.html” in download and press help-button in script ![]() balder Posted by tgoodwin on Feb. 17 2011,21:33
Once again balder comes through with an amazing response. I had already downloaded your scripts but had a few items mixed up so it wasnt working properly. Any chance that AIO works for a vista or 7 disc yet? or can i use the vista/7 script to create the same AIO for vista and 7 separately Posted by balder on Feb. 18 2011,01:04
@ tgoodwinQuote: ”Any chance that AIO works for a vista or 7 disc yet?” Sorry ![]() Unfortunately I have no working solution (AIO-script) to mix these NT6-systems on same DVD ![]() By the way - from my point of view - Vista is such a crap anyway ![]() I’m drawing the conclusion that the easyboot-AIO.script solved your problems with all 3 oem copies of xp! Note: If running scripts in Vista or Win-7 - It’s vital that you set UAC (UserAccountControl) to the lowest (disengage UAC). Otherwise scripts cannot run properly ![]() However it seems that this is working for Vista\Win-7 (only for USB approach) read < HERE > ![]() regards balder Posted by tgoodwin on Feb. 18 2011,21:38
@balderyes it worked flawlessly although I notice loading discs are a bit slow but I dont really worry about it since it works. As far as the Vista thing yes I agree but unfortunately most of my customer(because of the many security flaws) have mostly xp and Vista. Im sure once 7 is more targeted than it is so far Ill have more of those as well. Mainly Im working towards getting the Vista and 7 all in ones so I dont have to burn as many discs when they get scratched or go bad. Just trying to simplify things in my store is all. Once again thanks for the extremely impressive scripting you do and all the dedication and knowledge you have these forums. Posted by tgoodwin on Feb. 18 2011,22:05
Something I didnt do though is web search for this concept since I want to be able to do this project through easyboot. Havent tested it yet as I dont have all the discs with me but the writer claims this will work with vista and 7 from 1 DVD. Pretty interesting. < Linky > If anyone has the time and all copies post results. I plan to do this this weekend but who know. Goodwin Posted by balder on Feb. 19 2011,02:42
@ tgoodwinThanks for the nice feedback ---------------------------------- Quote: ”vista and 7 from 1 DVD” This is a well known method already practiced when Vista was presented ![]() However, I’m pretty sure writer doesn’t claim that He is able to merge Vista and Win-7 on same DVD ![]() But merge all different Vista OR all different Win-7 on same DVD is possible – and that is pretty cool as well ![]() At least I haven’t found any tutorial (at present time) that can merge Vista & Win-7 on same DVD. Note: even if it was possible to merge these two systems on same DVD it won’t fit in - you need at least a “double-sided”-DVD – to make it fit in ![]() This is one good reason to use setup from USB – which seems to be the way to do it ![]() Regards balder Posted by tgoodwin on Feb. 19 2011,21:37
Thanks for the info. Yeah Im basically just planning on doing a separate vista and 7 disc at this point. Company doesnt provide flash drives for each store so it would be out of my pocket to get them which isnt an option lol. The only problem I see with that sites method is it doesnt mention anything that I could find regarding integrating updates like Ive already done with the xp disc you helped me make. Nlite plus balder scripts = good stuff lol. |