Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Help, 6 WinXP SP3 on one DVD started by: radle Posted by radle on Feb. 19 2011,12:54
Help me, I try 4 days to put 6 Win XP with SP3 on one bootable DVD with EasyBoot.I try milion combination but no success. Anyone help me. Posted by balder on Feb. 19 2011,13:42
@radleAs this is your first post in this forum, I say welcome ![]() Quote: “I try 4 days to put 6 Win XP with SP3 on one bootable DVD with EasyBoot†Read post nr; 23, 24 and 25 < HERE > ![]()  Note: if you have run “nLite†to your WinXP source, you most likely must use “ghosh way†– read < HERE > ![]() balder Posted by radle on Feb. 19 2011,23:35
balder, thank you very much.Everything you've said, I've read and I can say now that really do not understand anything. Specifically, I wanted to put on a DVD winxp in Italian, Polish, German, French, Dutch and Turkish. Everyone with Service Pack 3 Downloads your script but I do not see that there has to be added to another disk, I tried option AIO. So, I would like to process the Easyboot with, if possible. Thanks in advance Posted by balder on Feb. 20 2011,02:49
@radleQuote: “I wanted to put on a DVD winxp in Italian, Polish, German, French, Dutch and Turkish. Everyone with Service Pack 3†Then you need all 6 different WinXP-sp3 sources (folder i368 etcetera on a separate CD,s or in separate folders on one of you harddisk units). If you do have this, do as follow (Italian example): 1. Set a name in name box in script “Set new name to folder i386â€. Use BIG LETTERS (CAPS). Use a name like; IXP3 (I for Italian and XP for WinXP and finally 3 for showing it is service-pack-3 involved). Note: you can set any name you like in textbox as long you use a 4-letters name (use BIG LETTERS). You can use “RADL†as name just for fun. 2. Set path to source for your Italian WinXP-sp3 (where you have Italian setup-folder i386 with files or point to your Italian CD). 3. Check that path to your installed EasyBoot is correct. If not, change path to the right one! 4. You can use internal winnt.sif-file (unattended file) or your own winnt-sif file. Put in your “CD-key†if using internal winnt.sif file. Note: you can as option check "Disconnect unattended installation" to avoid unattended setup (manually answer questions during setup procedure). 5. Press start-button. Script now automatically extract the right BOOT-files and creating separate setup-folders etcetera. Script continues with automatically run necessary hex-edit to several files. 6. In the end you are presented with the right menu command to use in EasyBoot menu. Note: there are also a “Manually section†for those that are more skilled and are amused to do the “work†by them selves ![]() You don’t use this section if you are using the “automatic wayâ€. To integrate Polish version you then change path to source (point to Polish folder i386 or change CD to Polish) and change name in text box to example; PXP3 (Polish XP_service-pack3). Set Polish CD-key in unattended (or point to your own unattended file) press once more to the “Start-button†and there you go. I can’t follow what you mean with this ![]() Quote: â€I do not see that there has to be added to another disk†---------------------------------------- Of course you have to create you own menu style in EasyBoot ![]() Script doesn’t create you EasyBoot menu – that is a choice you do. You are recommended to in advance create your Easyboot-style with all 6 menu’s, and during use of the AIO-script insert menu command given by script ![]() When you are finished with all 6 WinXP-sources (integrated into Easyboot) you create your ISO in EasyBoot as usual ![]() balder Posted by radle on Feb. 20 2011,03:49
All I understand you perfectly explained.I did as directed and at the first attempt, with Italian, here's what happened: QUOTE File [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script] Version [5]  IF - Directory exists: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\ezboot] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\ezboot,Message,Script can not find path to EasyBoot,CONFIRMATION]  IF - Directory exists: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\ezboot] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\ezboot,Exit,ExitMessage]  IF - Directory exists: [G:\\i386] evaluated string: [If,NotExistDir,"%pFileBox2%\i386",Message,"Source-Folder i386 can not be found ! Please scroll and find folder i386!",WARNING]  IF - Directory exists: [G:\\i386] evaluated string: [If,NotExistDir,"%pFileBox2%\i386",Exit,ExitMessage]  IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\IXP3] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\%pTextBox16%,Run,%ScriptFile%,check_folders]  IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\setup\IXP3] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\setup\%pTextBox16%,Run,%ScriptFile%,check_folders] Processing section: [Process_continue] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script]     IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\IXP3A] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\%pTextBox16%A,DirDelete,%pFileBox1%\%pTextBox16%A]     IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\IXP3] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\%pTextBox16%,DirDelete,%pFileBox1%\%pTextBox16%]     IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\setup\IXP3] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\setup\%pTextBox16%,DirDelete,%pFileBox1%\setup\%pTextBox16%]     Creating folders and extracting files needed for the process     DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\Temp\bootini]     IF - [False] is not equal to: [true] evaluated string: [if,%pRadioButton2%,Equal,true,FileCopy,"%pFileBox3%","%Temp%\bootini"]     IF - [True] is equal to: [true] evaluated string: [if,%pRadioButton1%,Equal,true,ExtractFile,%ScriptFile%,Folder1,winnt.sif,%Temp%\bootini]     ExtractFile - [winnt.sif] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\bootini]     IF - [True] is equal to: [true] evaluated string: [if,%pRadioButton1%,Equal,true,TXTReplace,"%Temp%\bootini\winnt.sif","ProductID=","ProductID=%pTextBox17%"]     TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [%BaseDir%\Temp\bootini\winnt.sif] string [ProductID=] with string: [ProductID=D36RK-QDFFD-BTWWY-BT7KK-43MGM]     Copying Windows files to EasyBoot - can take several minutes - Please wait...     IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\setup] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\setup,DirMake,%pFileBox1%\setup]     DirMake - Created directory: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\setup]     IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\setup\IXP3] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\setup\%pTextBox16%,DirMake,%pFileBox1%\setup\%pTextBox16%]     DirMake - Created directory: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\setup\IXP3]     IF - Directory exists: [G:\\i386] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox2%\i386,DirCopy,%pFileBox2%\i386,%pFileBox1%\setup\%pTextBox16%]     DirCopy - Copied directory [G:\\i386] to: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\setup\IXP3]     IF - Directory does not exist: [G:\\AMD64] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox2%\AMD64,DirCopy,%pFileBox2%\AMD64,%pFileBox1%\setup\%pTextBox16%]     IF - File exists: [G:\\win51*.*] evaluated string: [If,EXISTFILE,%pFileBox2%\win51*.*,FileCopy,%pFileBox2%\win51*.*,%pFileBox1%]     FileCopy - Copied [G:\\win51*.*] to: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1]     IF - File exists: [G:\\WIN51*] evaluated string: [If,EXISTFILE,%pFileBox2%\WIN51*,FileCopy,%pFileBox2%\WIN51*,%pFileBox1%\setup\%pTextBox16%]     FileCopy - Copied [G:\\WIN51*] to: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\setup\IXP3]     IF - File does not exist: [G:\\Cdrom*.*] evaluated string: [If,EXISTFILE,%pFileBox2%\Cdrom*.*,FileCopy,%pFileBox2%\Cdrom*.*,%pFileBox1%]     IF - File does not exist: [G:\\Cdrom*.*] evaluated string: [If,EXISTFILE,%pFileBox2%\Cdrom*.*,FileCopy,%pFileBox2%\Cdrom*.*,%pFileBox1%\setup\%pTextBox16%]     DirMake - Directory already exists, ignoring: [C:\create_boot_folders]     ExtractAllFiles - [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script] Section [Folder1] to: [C:\create_boot_folders]     TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\create_boot_folders\create_boot_folders.cmd] string [path_to_easyboot] with string: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1]     TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\create_boot_folders\create_boot_folders.cmd] string [****] with string: [IXP3]     Waiting 1 seconds     IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\setup\IXP3\Amd64] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\setup\%pTextBox16%\Amd64,Run,%ScriptFile%,Amd64]     IF - File exists: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\setup\IXP3\i386\setupldr.bin] evaluated string: [If,EXISTFILE,%pFileBox1%\setup\%pTextBox16%\i386\setupldr.bin,Run,%ScriptFile%,check_file]    Processing section: [check_file] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script]        Retrieve - Sucessfully retrieved the file size from: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\setup\IXP3\i386\setupldr.bin] to variable: [%var%] with result: [261328]        IF - [261328] is not bigger than [298000] evaluated string: [If,%var%,Bigger,298000,Run,%ScriptFile%,hex_edit]    Processed section [check_file] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script]     ExtractAndRun: [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script Folder1]     IF - Directory does not exist: [G:\\$OEM$] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox2%\$OEM$,Run,%ScriptFile%,$OEM$]     IF - [False] is equal to: [false] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,false,Run,%ScriptFile%,unattended]    Processing section: [unattended] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script]        FileCopy - Copied [%BaseDir%\Temp\bootini\winnt.sif] to: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\IXP3]        IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\IXP3A] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\%pTextBox16%A,FileCopy,%Temp%\bootini\winnt.sif,%pFileBox1%\%pTextBox16%A]    Processed section [unattended] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script]     IF - File does not exist: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\IXP3\bootfix.bin] evaluated string: [If,EXISTFILE,%pFileBox1%\%pTextBox16%\bootfix.bin,FileDelete,%pFileBox1%\%pTextBox16%\bootfix.bin]    FileCopy - Failed to copy [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\IXP3.bin] to: [C:\Documents and Settings\Eldar\Desktop\Easy Boot Portable\EasyBootPortable\Disk1\ezboot]    Halt Processed section [Process_continue] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script]  Finished processing script: EasyBoot-AIO (easyboot-aio.script)  Script time: 2 minutes, 21 seconds and 578 miliseconds  Script has been sucessfully processed! Posted by balder on Feb. 20 2011,04:17
@radleWell @radle, if you have spend less than a minute and read â€READ_ME.html†in download and also push â€Help-button†in AIO.script this wouldn’t happen to you ![]() I quote from â€READ_ME.htmlâ€: About spaces in files and folder names. Don’t use folders like “Program files". Folder "Documents and settings" has spaces in name - not good. Generally - do not use desktop (Note: your desktop is a sub-folder to "Documents and settings". Not good). Please use the root [C:\] and not your desktop as working area! Best results is to have EasyBoot installed on the root [C:\] The same to folder "Winbuilder_complete" Put ISO-files that you later want to integrate into EasyBoot, in a folder on the root - or at least somewhere in some folder that DO NOT have spaces in name. Make sure to avoid spaces in names to ISO-file(s)End of quote. -------------------------------------------- And what happens – you instantly use your desktop as working area ![]() DON’T USE YOUR DESKTOP AND DON’T HAVE SPACES IN NAMES TO FOLDER AND FILE NAMES. HAVE EASYBOOT INSTALLED TO THE ROOT (C:) PLEASE READ â€READ_ME.html†IN DOWNLOAD ![]() ---------------------------- Some advices: 1. Never install anything (programs etcetera to your desktop. 2. Desktop should ONLY be used to hold shortcuts to programs and nothing else - this is a basic well known fact sense many years back ![]() 3. Why are you using your desktop as “root†![]() 4. The “root†is C:\ and nothing else balder Posted by radle on Feb. 20 2011,07:18
balder, you were right.Now I put everything in the root, without spaces, and now everything is OK. I managed. Of course, thanks to you and your help. Thank you. Posted by balder on Feb. 20 2011,07:33
@radleQuote: â€Now I put everything in the root, without spaces, and now everything is OK†He, he nobody is perfect ![]() Great that you managed to create your ISO – keep it up… ![]() Regards balder Posted by radle on Feb. 20 2011,07:57
Thank you very much balder! ![]() cheers |