Forum: EasyBoot Topic: GPARTED or PARTEDMAGIC in Easyboot? started by: KTOKTO Posted by KTOKTO on May 19 2009,10:17
Has anyone had any luck getting GParted LiveCD or PartedMagic working in easyboot?If so, can you explain how? I would prefer PartedMagic but haven't had any luck. Posted by madar on May 19 2009,11:53
I have read your post half an our ago,and cheched "pmagic-4.1.iso" for your request.i was successful as steps below: 1.Extract all contents of "pmagic-4.1.iso" to .....\EasyBoot\disk1 2.use command below in EasyBoot bcdw /boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin /pmagic/bzImage noapic initrd=/initramfs root=/dev/ram0 eng_ver splash=silent vga=0x314 ------------- I tested it worked by QEMU inform me please about your work Posted by mahdi on May 27 2009,04:37
thanks madarthis works as all of your other tutors in this site and other sites Posted by balder on May 30 2009,16:38
@madarTested your tutorial but it didn’t work ![]() Getting following text on screen: “Could not find ramdisk image pmagic/initramfs Loading pmagic/bzImage” ---------------------------------- Instead I used my idea with “kicker-image” (floppy images based on grub with menu.lst) and it was as expected fully success ![]() ![]() I highly recommend using “kicker images” to start linux/isolinux systems (especially ISO files) as this involves the remarkable boot loader grub (our salvation it seems ![]() It’s to be understood that grub only is used as a kind of “slave” and runs from inside of floppy images (I call them kicker images). Basically EasyBoot start/runs this images and in this way using grub like a kind of slave. Note1: Test only using Virtuell pc and qemu (qemu when testing USB device) Note2: Be aware that pmagic sometimes is a little tricky and not always runs as expected on all computers. balder Posted by madar on May 31 2009,07:36
Hi Dear balderi have just made the topic and it is working ,i have tested that again 1 minutes ago please see picture below i do not know how to upload that here is notingto press to upload ========================= Note i have used "pmagic-4.1.iso" in this test (it is in link below:) < > Posted by balder on May 31 2009,10:27
@madarStill getting this error: “Could not find ramdisk image pmagic/initramfs Loading pmagic/bzImage boot:” Note1: test done with virtual pc and with a burned CD-RW. Same error using a real CD as you can notice. Note2. I downloaded not the grub ISO type (correct?) Note3. used command as suggested by you; bcdw /boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin /pmagic/bzImage noapic initrd=/initramfs root=/dev/ram0 eng_ver splash=silent vga=0x314 (also tested with and without checking “Joliet”) Same error occurs ![]() But I can start ISO with my kick-image so it’s no big deal for me ![]() regards balder Posted by madar on May 31 2009,11:15
Hi Dear balder1.i tested the topic by QEMU is ok 2.Yes the type i used is not the grub ISO type Posted by balder on May 31 2009,11:24
@madarI think we need to consider that pmagic sometimes is a little bit tricky (this is a well known fact from earlier versions). In fact it can even be related to my motherboard (FoxConn) and it’s memory buss etcetera. Anyway, it’s a little bit strange that I cant get it up and running – but as I pointed out – no big deal… ![]() balder Posted by madar on May 31 2009,11:26
Hi again after post above i have chaned files of ...\disk1 by grub type,it worked by qemu ok May be as you said befor,this is type of systems that makes error I mean : Note2: Be aware that pmagic sometimes is a little tricky and not always runs as expected on all computers. Posted by looknguide on Mar. 03 2010,02:52
(madar @ May 19 2009,16:53) QUOTE I have read your post half an our ago,and cheched "pmagic-4.1.iso" for your request. i was successful as steps below: 1.Extract all contents of "pmagic-4.1.iso" to .....\EasyBoot\disk1 2.use command below in EasyBoot bcdw /boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin /pmagic/bzImage noapic initrd=/initramfs root=/dev/ram0 eng_ver splash=silent vga=0x314 ------------- I tested it worked by QEMU inform me please about your work i can run ERD 5, Hiren Boot,Dam Small Linux but I cant run GParted on my CD. i try bif file but it gives me same error. now i got two boot folder one for DSL and one for GParted or Pmagic how to deal with this. Posted by looknguide on Mar. 03 2010,02:54
(balder @ May 31 2009,15:27) QUOTE @madar Still getting this error: “Could not find ramdisk image pmagic/initramfs Loading pmagic/bzImage boot:” Note1: test done with virtual pc and with a burned CD-RW. Same error using a real CD as you can notice. Note2. I downloaded not the grub ISO type (correct?) Note3. used command as suggested by you; bcdw /boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin /pmagic/bzImage noapic initrd=/initramfs root=/dev/ram0 eng_ver splash=silent vga=0x314 (also tested with and without checking “Joliet”) Same error occurs ![]() But I can start ISO with my kick-image so it’s no big deal for me ![]() regards balder Pmagic work but how GParted i tried almost every thing, how to deal with two boot folder on disk1 director both got isolinux.bin one for dam small linux and one for gparted or pmaic. Posted by balder on Mar. 03 2010,09:44
@ looknguideDidn’t you read < THIS > solution for DamnSmallLinux – it works ![]() In this way you do not use – or need - any folder boot on the root (root for EasyBoot is disk1 in case you wonder) – instead you can use folder boot from gparted ![]() balder Posted by madar on Mar. 03 2010,12:21
Dear looknguideAfter seeing your note,i did as below and checked in vmware 7 was ok. ================ 1.I had "GParted live 0.4.4.iso",i extracted all contents of this iso to ...\disk1 2.Used Command below: bcdw /isolinux/isolinux.bin ================== hope will be some help Edit: Note that "GParted live 0.4.4.iso" doen not have "boot" folder in root. Posted by looknguide on Mar. 03 2010,23:44
@ blader@ madar This is main screen of my easyboot cd and menu options. [1] XP Commander -> with is ERD 2005 work fine [2] All Boot Tools -> Hiren Boot 10.2 work fine [3] Damm Small Linux -> work fine [4] Acronis Disk Director -> work fine [5] Acronis True Image -> work fine [6] GParted -> not working [7] Boot from HDD some ppl wrote that gparted not work at all some say yes some say instead of this I should used pmagic it make me confuse what to do. Here I have attached my easyboot main screen menu and image of disk1 and easyboot folder. The isolinux.bin in easyboot to load DSL. I am sure someone has cure of this. Posted by looknguide on Mar. 03 2010,23:45
@ balder@ madar this is second image Posted by looknguide on Mar. 03 2010,23:46
@ balder@ madam this is third image Posted by madar on Mar. 04 2010,02:13
Dear looknguidewhat command do you use for gparted? it seems that you are using "gpart.bin" as i see in images. It will not work.As i said in post#13 You should use bcdw /isolinux/isolinux.bin Posted by balder on Mar. 04 2010,02:22
@ looknguideTested tutorial (Post Number: 13) by madar - it works perfect (thanks madar ![]() Note: when testing this in a virtual environment (I use Virtual PC) make sure you set RAM to at least 512 MB – otherwise test of Gpart fails ![]() balder Posted by looknguide on Mar. 04 2010,12:35
hi"bootinfotable;run isolinux.bin" can path allow in command to run isolinux.bin file because DSL and GPared both run with isolinux.bin Posted by looknguide on Mar. 05 2010,20:11
fine the right way to do it now every work fine instead of DSL can I put Puppy Linux? Posted by looknguide on Mar. 06 2010,01:09
Sorry but facing new problem, you can consider below image. If I tick “Joliet” then DSL work fine but BartPE doesn’t run and if I don’t tick (leave blank) “Joliet” then BartPE run fine but DSL doesn’t run. So here what to do to run both properly. I used DSL and make easyboot-iso that make DSL.IMG. I have put Knoppix folder separately in disk1 folder and there “ISO” folder now on with DSL.ISO file in it. There is DSL.IMG file in ezboot folder too. For BartPE, I have put every thing from BartPE folder and copy it in “disk1” folder and I have put this command for BartPE to run “run w2ksect.bin”. Its always work find this command. So what to do to run both. Posted by balder on Mar. 06 2010,03:38
@looknguidelooknguide to use my script easyboot-iso.script you must check “Allow Lower Case” which I’m sure you did – and for DSL to work with its folder knoppix on the root (disk1) you have to also check “Joliet”. This is the right procedure – so far so well Note: checking “Joliet” shouldn’t interfere the launch process for BartPE but is necessary for DSL – so leave that one checked. And to launch DSL you also as mentioned above, need to check “Allow Lower Case” – it’s here your problems pops up. But what showed up when you launched BartPE? If you get: “Couldn’t find NTLDR” when checking “Allow Lower Case” do as below. 1. Integrate BartPE to folder disk1 (you already now how this is done) 2. Integrate DSL using my script easyboot-iso.script 3. Check “Allow Lower Case” and check “Joliet” when creating ISO. Note: It is very important that easyboot-iso.script is run after you have integrated any “Live-system” based on folder i386 as files in this folder must be uppercased when you check “Allow Lower Case”. This is done automatically by easyboot-iso.script during its process. Please test and report back your results ![]() Edit: As you already are familiar how to use easyboot-iso.script, why not integrate BartPE-ISO-file as it is using script? Note: Check “Run from RAM" when you run script to integrate ISO-file from BartPE. Regards balder Posted by deejay4angels on Nov. 01 2010,12:26
(madar @ May 19 2009,16:53) QUOTE "1.Extract all contents of "pmagic-4.1.iso" to .....\EasyBoot\disk1 2.use command below in EasyBoot bcdw /boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin /pmagic/bzImage noapic initrd=/initramfs root=/dev/ram0 eng_ver splash=silent vga=0x314 ------------- I tested it worked by QEMU" Hi, I'm trying to load Parted Magic 5.6 using this method, but it is not working. I get "Searching for pmagic-5.6.sqfs..." and after a while "It seems the media that contains the pmagic-5.6.sqfs could not be found....." There is something changed since that version 4.1? Posted by balder on Nov. 01 2010,15:30
@deejay4angelsQuote: ”There is something changed since that version 4.1?” Can’t tell if something is changed (but it sure is a common problem) – or to quote from different discussion-groups around Internet: “There maybe entries for different versions of ISO-files - each version has quirks of its own to get working” Anyway – tutorial from @madar is basically correct – this is on the other hand common ![]() However test this: 1. Extract folder “boot” and folder “pmagic” to easyboot\disk1 2. Use simplified menu command given by @madar in EasyBoot: bcdw /boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin 3. When creating ISO, check “Joliet” (you are recommended to use "Run from RAM" in Pmagic menu) Note: If testing in ”virtual environment” make sure to use at least 512 MB RAM. ------------------------------------------------------- Or use “standard method”: 1. Extract folder “boot” and folder “pmagic” to easyboot\disk1 2. Open Magic.ISO-file and extract BOOT-file. Save boot-file as magic.bif to folder ezboot (I used UltraIso for this operation). 3. Use menu command in EasyBoot. bootinfotable;run magic.bif 4. When creating ISO, check “Joliet” (you are recommended to use "Run from RAM" in Pmagic menu) Note: If testing in ”virtual environment” make sure to use at least 512 MB RAM. -------------------------------------------------------- Or use my favourite method ![]() There is another huge benefit using this method – and that is the option to run ISO-file (launched by EasyBoot) from USB device (USB stick\Thumb-drive or USB harddisk unit). Test this: 1. Create a folder “ISO” in EasyBoot\disk1 (Note: use CAPS = BIG LETTERS to folder name “ISO”). 2. Copy pmagic-5.7.iso to folder ISO. Make sure name is exactly “pmagic-5.7.iso” 3. Download floppy image “pmagic.img” from < HERE > and put image in folder ezboot 4. Use menu command in EasyBoot: run pmagic.img 5. When creating ISO in EasyBoot, check “Joliet” and check “Allow lower case” Note: If testing in ”virtual environment” make sure to use at least 512 MB RAM. That’s it balder Posted by deejay4angels on Nov. 02 2010,17:22
Thanks for your help Balder, all of your methods are working just fine! ![]() The problem in my case it was caused because i have copied the needed folders using a virtual cd to mount the pmagic.iso image, instead of extract them - this way it was generated a misspelling of some files. My error was fixed just by extracting the folders from pmagic.iso using UltraISO. ![]() Best wishes for everybody! Posted by beef682 on Mar. 16 2011,13:57
Oky I need help, I got gparted to work fine, but I cant get partedmagic to work. the img way loads text fast and displays some sort of DOS promt with Boot:\ as the side the isolinux way I only get an error in easyboot that-bcdw /boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin /pmagic/bzImage noapic initrd=/initramfs root=/dev/ram0 eng_ver splash=silent vga=0x314 not exist! , when the folder and isolinux is there plz help ![]() Posted by balder on Mar. 16 2011,17:30
@beef682As a new member I say welcome @beef682 Quote: ”I cant get partedmagic to work” I searched and downloaded partedmagic from < HERE > Hopefully we are dealing with the program you having problem to launch ![]() I managed to launch program this way: 1. Extract folder pmagic from partedmagic.iso to folder disk1 (folder disk1 is the root for EasyBoot if you wonder). 2. I used my script easyboot-iso.script to integrate partedmagic.iso-file into Easyboot. Note: you automatically get the right menu command to copy and paste into EasyBoot menu by script in the end of process ![]() This means you must use the complete partedmagic.iso-file when using easyboot-iso.script and also extract folder pmagic to the root for Easyboot (folder disk1) ![]() You can check “Joliet” without problems (if needed by some other program) – partedmagic works fine anyway ![]() You find my script collection below in every post I write in this forum ![]() Read carefully READ_ME.html in download -------------------------------------------------------------- There is a way to reduce size using the ”standard procedure”. Test this: 1. Extract everything from pmagic-5.10.iso (the one I downloaded) to folder disk1 2. Open pmagic-5.10.iso with UltraIso and save boot-file to folder ezboot (I used name pmagic.bif) 3. In EasyBoot menu use command: bootinfotable;run pmagic.bif Note: In this way you don’t need to use the “work-around” method using script and ISO-file. balder |