Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Can't boot XP SP3 in multibootable dvd
started by: xero_fearstreet

Posted by xero_fearstreet on Apr. 01 2011,11:27
This question (as usual) is posed to the 2 mature (not in age, but experience) members, Balder & Madar...  :p

I created a multi-bootable dvd previously which worked fine (XP & Win7).
Now, I created a new dvd (XP & Win7 SP1), I went as per the rules & was successful in creating it.
But still I'm facing two problems (Win7 SP1 boots properly, no issues with it):

1. Windows XP hangs on the black screen (where it shows "Setup is checking hardware configuration")...

2. But when i remove the SOURCES folder [3.8GB] (which is a part of Win7 SP1 setup), Win XP SP3 installs perfectly...

So what is really the problem. Plz help me out...

Posted by balder on Apr. 01 2011,12:08

Quote: ”But when i remove the SOURCES folder [3.8GB] (which is a part of Win7 SP1 setup), Win XP SP3 installs perfectly...”

This issue is of high interest :O  – however you nearly clarified the problem your self :;):
I’m pretty sure you have exceeded the limit for how many files and folders (total size of build) the “system” can place on a DVD in a “safe way”.

Even it do looks okay you cannot be sure files and folders are burned on the DVD in a “safe way” when you are that close to the maximum capacity for your DVD.

For let’s say 5 years ago, I didn’t dream we should face this kind of problems – but now it seems we already are here :O  

Quote: “I created a multi-bootable dvd previously which worked fine (XP & Win7).”
I guess you mean this build < HERE >

But now you “expanded” Win7 with a service-pack - which of course increase the size of Win7 - so you are very close to interfere on files in the ”total build” (in this case WinXP-files).

I’m not surprised that this kind of problems pops up :(

Basically, you must find a way to degrease the total size of your build.
In case you created ISO with “Optimize” checked – then create ISO without checking “optimize” as it is pointless in this kind of build to use “Optimize”.

Note: you can – if present - delete “Setup.exe” and folders like “Docs” and “Support” to degrease the build some Megabytes – however not sure it helps ???

Not much to “salvation”, but hopefully some clarifying notes to take attention to….

Regards balder

Posted by xero_fearstreet on Apr. 01 2011,16:35
I tried to slim down my dvd a bit, but the problem persists friend.  :O
I made it to a dual-layer DVD config but to no help.

I'm thinking the problem lies somewhere else (though u may know better than me).  ???

My total DVD size as of now is 4.39 GB (4,719,884,288 bytes)  :D

Do help me out.  :(

Posted by balder on Apr. 01 2011,18:07

Quote: ” Do help me out”

Well I’m not sure I can help you fully out but try this:
As you only have one WinXP on the root there is no point to hexedit folder i386 and do necessary changes to files involved in hexedit process.
I suggest you use the original folder name i386 with its “original” files – NO HEXEDIT :O

Quote: “My total DVD size as of now is 4.39 GB (4,719,884,288 bytes)”
Here below you have important information for the overall types of DVD possible to buy in the open market
I cannot see how your size “4,719,884,288 bytes” can fit into any of the “standard” DVD you can buy in your store :cool:

Disc Format Gross Capacity (bytes)
DVD+R       4,700,372,992
DVD+RW    4.700.372.992
DVD-R        3,950,000,000
DVD-RW     4,700,000,000
DVD-RAM    4,700,307,456

You MUST decrease the size of your build :O
You claimed that you quote: “I made it to a dual-layer DVD config but to no help.”
I’m not sure at all that a ISO created by EasyBoot can be used in this way on a dual-layer DVD ???
I persist that you must decrease the size of build – it’s the only way.

I suggest (if not already done – that you “reduce size of setup-folder i386 using Gosh method – read < HERE >

This way language-files and plenty more like “Uppgrade” folders etcetera are wiped out (or manually wipe out folder “Uppgrade” and language packs if you still have these onboard).
That might be a solution to your problem.

Note: again, use the folder i386 original name as there is no need to hex edit anything – I think you understand my point :;):

Regards balder