Forum: EasyBoot Topic: how to make 3 windows xp in one started by: sanjeev18 Posted by sanjeev18 on Apr. 28 2011,00:09
hi i am new here with some old questionsi want to make 3 windows xp in one cd i found many people making multi bootable dvd but with different windows like windows xp,vista,7 however i can make it using easyboot but i want to make it with scripts given by balder and i used it to make a Gui based boot disk ya it is linux animated splash theme i edited menu.lst for more options but could't get how to make 3 windows in one any one can help will be appreciated thanks Posted by balder on Apr. 28 2011,01:35
@sanjeev18As a new member I say welcome @sanjeev18 ![]() Quote: ”i want to make 3 windows xp in one cd” If I understand you right, you successfully have integrated 3 different WinXP-setup systems to folder disk1 in EasyBoot ![]() If you used my script easyboot-aio.script you automatically receive menu command by script to use in EasyBoot menu. But now you are more interested to use grub menu – is this what you are asking for? I ask as the main point with Easyboot, is to mainly use the menu in Easyboot – but yes, sometimes we need to go “out of the box” to solve “some difficulties” ![]() balder Posted by sanjeev18 on Apr. 28 2011,04:54
thanks but i had seen somebody had done samething by using grub menu i would like to see what he had done and made his multi windows xp bootable dvd with hirens boot cd and kaspersky rescue disk i can make windows xp with all the things as he had done but cannot create 3 windows xp in one any help plz Posted by balder on Apr. 28 2011,05:31
@sanjeev18Quote: ”but cannot create 3 windows xp in one” Download my set of scripts (download below) Read carefully “READ_ME.html” in download Use “easyboot-aio.script” to integrate your 3 different WinXP setup-systems ![]() Read help in script (push help-button in script Note: as your intension is to also have Hirens integrated, you are advised to check: "Run uppercase to file and folder names in setup-folder (normally checked)" Attention! There is no guaranties that it works if sources from these 3 different WinXP is manipulated using nLight or similar ![]() But test and see what happens ![]() Hirens boot-cd can easily be integrated using “easyboot-iso.script” (push separate button in script for hiren). ------------------------------------------------------ Solution to Kaspersky: 1. Make a copy of kaspersky ISO. 2. Open ISO and extract files: image.squashfs, folder rescue and file livecd to EasyBoot\disk1 (I use UltraIso for this operation). 3. Delete files: image.squashfs, folder rescue and file livecd in ISO and save ISO-file (ISO is now less in size). 4. Use easyboot-iso.script to integrate reduced ISO-file (do not check “Run from RAM”). 5. Use menu command you get from script in EasyBoot. 6. Attention! Check "Joliet" when creating ISO in EasyBoot balder |