Forum: EasyBoot Topic: My "Help me!" Thread started by: AltairAC Posted by AltairAC on Apr. 21 2011,18:56
Since I am new here, hello to everybody!!!I am actually viewing this forum for a while and I went through all 58 pages to find the necessary basics because the easyboot manual is not so informative ![]() I intend to make 3 multiboot dvd's and for now I don't need any "how to" guides but I have several questions of other kind. First I will list my project plans. Project 1: Windows XP collection Contains: - Windows XP - Windows XP SP2 - Windows XP SP3 - Windows XP SP2 x64 - TinyXP Rev11 - Windows XP Dark Edition v7 Project 2: Live CD collection Contains: - GNU/Linux Live CD's: -- Fedora 14 -- SAM 2010 -- TAILS -- Ubuntu 10.10 - Windows Live CD's: -- LiveSeven -- Windows 7 Ultimate Live CD Extreme Edition -- Windows 7PE Live CD -- Windows XP Live Project 3: The Toolbox Contains: - AV Resuce Disk's: -- Avira Rescue Disk -- Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 - CrackOS -- BackTrack 3 -- LiveHacking CD mini -- OPHCrack Vista -- OPHCrack XP - GNU/Linux Tiny: -- Damn Small Linux 4.4.10 -- Puppy Lucid 5.2.5 -- Slitaz 3.0 -- Tiny Core Linux 3.5.1 - Tools & Utilities: -- Active@ Boot Disk -- Hirens Boot CD 10.6 -- Hirens Boot CD 13.2 -- Parted Magic 6 -- Partition Wizzard Home Edition 5.2 -- RIPLinuX 11.9 -- UBCD 5.03 Every project is <4GB in size. My first question is about the second project. I read that it is not possible to have Vista and Windows 7 on the same DVD but I didn't read about the case when there are several win7 live CD's on one dvd. Is it possible to create the second project with easyboot so that everything works (linux distro's + few win7 live cd's + xp live cd)? These are the .iso files: < > Next, I am confused with the Screen Mode: ![]() If I set it to 64K, will there be trouble with booting on some computers/laptops or will the older PC's just show it in a lower quallity? P.S. I will first do the first project since it is the easiest and I would be glad if someone could answer the "Screen mode" question. For now I have this (480p is available): < > P.P.S. Since I went through all 58 pages if there are new users here who want to learn about easyboot but don't want to do the same as I did, feel free to ask and I will provide you with this set of tutorials gathered from all the 58 pages: < > balder's script collection is updated, downloaded on the 15th April The Graphics folder contains a video downloaded from youtube about how to create a background and logo with photoshop which work with easyboot: < > The "Tools and other" folder contains other usefull apps, image files and alternatives: < > And even for those who need boot disks for any known or unknown reason ![]() < > < > Posted by balder on Apr. 22 2011,02:09
@AltairACWelcomme to this forum @AltairAC ![]() Quote: ”Is it possible to create the second project with easyboot so that everything works (linux distro's + few win7 live cd's + xp live cd)?” I can say yes to for the Win-7 & XP-Live systems – no problem what so ever for these. For the Linux distro’s I’m pretty sure it can be solved as well However I don’t have experience in all of your Linux distro’s ![]() Quote: “If I set it to 64K, will there be trouble with booting on some computers/laptops or will the older PC's just show it in a lower quallity?” Yes this can be a problem for some graphic cards – you are advised to use 256(8bit) as background, it’s still nice colours. And a big thank you for your contribution ![]() Balder ![]() Posted by AltairAC on Apr. 23 2011,21:38
Project 1:Windows XP collection Contains: - Windows XP - Windows XP SP2 - Windows XP SP3 - Windows XP SP2 x64 - TinyXP Rev11 - Windows XP Dark Edition v7 The first 4 XP versions work perfectly but I must admit I had some issues with the x64 version, I will later write about it but for now I need advice for TinyXP and Windows XP Dark Edition v7. They contain many custom XP version's and when I add them with easyboot optimize feature I get a small .iso file which is as planned but I don't know how to boot them since they have custom boot loaders. TinyXP: main folder: < > B00T folder: < > Dark XP: main folder: < > AIRBOOT folder: < > BOOT folder: < > I don't have much experience with easyboot so I tried even to include the whole .iso's and tried it with bcdw, it didn't work. I tried to extract boot information and run the .bif file, it didn't work, for tinyxp, I tried to run the .bin file (cd / ; run \TNXP\B00T\eXPerience.bin) but it didn't work and the cdsh.bin file, same thing, didn't work. I guess some modification has to be done but I am afraid I don't know where to start to please help me! And another question regarding to UltraISO. How to create the easyboot iso with UltraISO? I know how to add files and where the joilet, optimize, ... features are located but where to select the loader.bin file or what else is needed to create a working bootable iso? P.S. The tutorial collection mentioned in the first post will be uploaded when I complete my 3 multiboot project s because I intend to add my own notes regarding to those 3 projects and since they contain updated pieces of software I think it will be useful. Posted by balder on Apr. 24 2011,02:45
@AltairACQuote: ”I must admit I had some issues with the x64 version” Yes I bet you have ![]() You cannot hex edit setupldr.bin in XP64 without before done patch to setupldr.bin. You have fully automatically or “Manually” function how to integrate such system in my script easyboot-aio.script. Anyway… For the “Windows XP Dark Edition v7” issue As it’s possible to hex edit those other NT5-systems you have integrated you can use the original folder name i386 used in “Windows XP Dark Edition v7”. The “TinyXP Rev11” case… I’m not familiar with this distro but isn’t this run from RAM as it is named ”tiny”? If so, use easyboot-iso.script and first test without checking “Run ISO from RAM”. If still not working – test checking “Run ISO from RAM”! The UltraIso-case… You use “loader.bin” in folder ezboot as “BOOT-file”. Attention! You are recommended to push “Save” in EasyBoot for changes done to Menu in easyboot to take affect to loader.bin. If you change “Main-menu” you must push “Save” so that “loader.bin” can “notice” changes to what menu that now is the “Main menu”. Quote: “I don't have much experience with easyboot so I tried even to include the whole .iso's and tried it with bcdw, it didn't work” You cannot launch ISO from NT5-system (WinXP etcetera) as these are “hard-coded” ![]() However you can launch WinXP-PE-system such as BartPE or Reatogo-PE etcetera. This can easily be done using my script easyboot-iso.script (check “Run ISO from RAM” in script). You can also easily launch ISO-files based on NT6-PE-systems such as MsDart-60 etcetera. But in this last case you never need to check “Run ISO from RAM” in script – this is only needed when launching PE-ISO-files based on NT5-systems (WinXP or similar). balder Posted by AltairAC on Apr. 24 2011,19:51
balder, thanks for your great supportThe situation is a bit more complicated, both, and TinyXP and Dark 7 aren't live cd's. They are actually multiboot cd's with several XP version's inside but they are small because of the optimize feature since the OS'es have many in common. My goal would be to add multiboot cd's in a multiboot project but I am not sure if that is possible. I thought it in the way to add the boot files from those cd's since they are custom boot menu's but I am not sure if those custom boot menu's can be integrated in easyboot. When I boot XP Dark edition v7 it looks like this (Virtual Box): ![]() select F1 and get this: ![]() TinyXP after booting successfully: ![]() If I get it right, I could create my own seperate boot menu for let's say TinyXP and add all those OS'es on my own and then load the boot menu with easyboot but I am not really sure if it's worth the trouble so I want to know if there is any possibility to integrate those 2 CD's as they are with of course some modification I expect? P.S. Here is the list of all the OS versions Dark Edition 7: ![]() TinyXP includes a folder with batch files so I can create standalone ISO's for every single OS version: ![]() So I can even add all those OS'es manually, I could for example create a TinyXP and Dark Edition sub-menu instead of the "launch boot file" command so there is no big deal with that but I decided to ask in case there is an easier way to deal with this situation. I am actually not sure if easyboot can handle so many options? Posted by balder on Apr. 25 2011,02:22
@AltairACQuote: ”TinyXP and Dark 7 aren't live cd's” Well that makes a big difference ![]() However, test this; Start with only integrating Dark-7 to Easyboot It would be of big interest if you could show file an folder structure of this Dark-7 build ![]() Anyway test this: Copy Dark-7 files and folders to folder disk1 and extract boot-file from DVD (or from Dark-7-ISO-file) to folder ezboot (use some name like dark7.bif if you are using UltraIso). Use “standard”-command in easyboot menu: run dark7.bif Note: don’t check “Optimize” or “DOS(8:3)” or “Joliet” or “Allow lower case” – always use these options with careeners ![]() It would also be of great interest if you (as a experiment) could test using my script “easyboot-Vista\Win7.script” to integrate Dark-7 files and folders.- just to see if script is capable to do “it’s things”. I would gratefully appreciate such test to script ![]() Test and see if it can be launched this way. Later we procedure with TinyXp ![]() Regards balder Posted by AltairAC on Apr. 27 2011,00:40
I've been testing various options and it took me a lot of time but still I was not (very) successful."It would also be of great interest if you (as a experiment) could test using my script “easyboot-Vista\Win7.script” to integrate Dark-7 files and folders.- just to see if script is capable to do “it’s things”." Dark 7 is a XP modification, something like TinyXP, full name is Windows XP Dark Edition v7 so I think this wouldn't work ![]() I've tried some stuff and came to interesting results. XP Untouched systems - added by normal multiboot method in "4 character" folders (XPEN, XPS2, XPS3, XP64) Windows XP Dark Edition v7 - added to root directory TinyXP - added to root directory I can add both, and Dark Edition 7 and TinyXP in root directory because they have all different files and folders (pictures will be posted lower). Tests and results: If I add all the XP untouched systems + XP Dark Edition 7 - it works! If I add all the XP untouched systems + XP Dark Edition 7 + optimize option - it works! If I add all the XP untouched systems + TinyXP - it works! If I add all the XP untouched systems + TinyXP + optimize option - it works! If I add all the XP untouched systems + XP Dark Edition 7 + TinyXP - doesn't work! If I add all the XP untouched systems + XP Dark Edition 7 + TinyXP + optimize option - doesn't work! In the last 2 cases I get a black screen + the usual little underline that indicates to write something, when I boot. I get to the main screen to choose the resolution (watch video in the first post) and when I choose any resolution I get the above described situation, the black screen and little underline. As I mentioned in the tests and results, I tried to make a ISO with all options unchecked, a clean .iso but it looks like the files from those 2 are interfering in some way and I don't know how or is it even possible to solve this. Pictures: Comparison of the main folders ![]() The folders named similar (XP01, XP02, XP03, ... -- D7AL, D7NS, D7OR, ...) represent various modifications of XP systems. I posted a picture of the boot options in my last post. Boot folders: ![]() Other stuff which may be useful: < other folders > < disk1 (root) folder > < ezboot folder > As I mentioned, when I add just one of the modified XP multiboot systems + the original untouched systems it works (even with the optimize option active it works without problems) but as soon as I add both to the root folder (they haven't any equally named folders) I get a black screen. ========================== I tried to mess around with my second multiboot project. I successfully added all the XP and Win7 Live systems + Fedora 14 following the tutorial in the thread posted a bit lower but I have trouble with the other GNU/Linux live systems. I read the linux guide several times but I have problem figuring out the matching bcdw commands. I want to add the following live systems (I may consider remove one because I found an awesome XP live system which is 1.5GB in size so if those GNU/Linux systems aren't that easy to integrate I would be happy with just 2): SAMity 2010: < > Ubuntu 10.10: < > The Amnesic Incognito Live System (TAILS 0.7): < > Root folders compared: ![]() isolinux.cfg: < SAMity 2010 > < Ubuntu 10.10 > < TAILS 0.7 > I first tried it with SAMity, copied all the folders to the disk1 folder and renamed "boot" to "samy" and "isolinux" to "samity" and tried several combinations with the bcdw command but they didn't work (I checked spelling a few times) so I guess I need some advice on this. I didn't even try Ubuntu and TAILS since there is one more problem, they have both a ".disk" folder and I don't know how to handle that. I actually have a tutorial from balder for uBuntu 10 in my tutorial collection and it goes like this: QUOTE To integrate Ubuntu do this: Copy Ubuntu-ISO-file to easyboot\disk1 Rename ISO to exactly UBUNTU.ISO Note: Use CAPS to the whole name Download my created “kicker-image” from HERE and put downloaded file as it is ( to folder ezboot. Create menu and use menu command: memdisk and I have the file but I wanted to know is this the only way Ubuntu can be handled because what if I find more live systems with this ".disk" folder? Do I need for all of them a kicker image or is there a "manual" way for handling those trouble makers? Thanks balder for your great support! Posted by balder on Apr. 27 2011,03:54
@AltairACQuote: ”Dark 7 is a XP modification” He, he that sure makes a difference ![]() Change name to folder i386 is done using easyboot-aio.script ![]() Note: script can only be used to change and doing needed hex editing to original folder name i386 ![]() Easyboot-vista\win-7.script is only used to integrating NT6-systems (Vista\Win-7\server-2008). --------------------------------------------------- The problem with mixing systems together… Correct me if I’m wrong; It looks to me that you have a folder “BOOT” in both builds, and you can only have one folder “BOOT” on same root. Please explain a little bit more what I’m looking on ![]() ---------------------------------------------------- Solution to “SAMity-2011-rc1.iso” 1. open SAMity-2011-rc1.iso and extract “livecd.sqfs” to folder disk1 (I used UltraIso for this operation) 2. Delete “livecd.sqfs” in ISO-file and save reduced ISO-file with the name samity.iso to somewhere 3. Use my script easyboot-iso.script to integrate the reduced “samity.iso” to EasyBoot (you automatically receive the right menu command from script = copy and paste into EasyBoot menu) and don't forget to use BIG LETTERS to name in script text-box. 4. When creating ISO in EasyBoot – check “Joliet” Solution to “tails-i386-0.7.iso” 1. Extract folder: “.disk” and folder “isolinux” and folder “live” to folder disk1 in EasyBoot (I use UltraIso for this operation) 2. Save BOOT-file from “tails-i386-0.7.iso” (I use UltraIso for this operation) and save BOOT-file to folder ezboot with the name tail.bif (or whatever name you prefer) 3. In EasyBoot menu use menu command: bootinfotable;run tail.bif 4. When creating ISO in EasyBoot – check “Joliet” Solution to “ubuntu-10” 1. Copy ubuntu-10.ISO-file to folder disk1 in EasyBoot (folder disk1 is the “root” for EasyBoot if you wonder) 2. Rename ubuntu-10.iso to exactly UBUNTU.ISO (must use UPPERCASE to letters = BIG LETTERS) 3. Download by me special made “grub-kicker-image” from < HERE > 4. Copy “grub-kicker-image” ( to folder ezboot 5. Use menu command in EasyBoot: memdisk 6. Check “Joliet” when creating ISO in EasyBoot The "ubuntu case" Quote: “I wanted to know is this the only way Ubuntu can be handled” Well you could test same solution as tutorial for “SAMity-2011-rc1.iso” but for ubuntu you extract folder “casper” to easyboot\disk1 and delete folder “casper” in ISO to reduce size and continue following tutorial for “SAMity-2011-rc1.iso”. At least test and see if you can manage ubuntu to launch correctly this way - in theory it should work okay ![]() regards balder Posted by AltairAC on Apr. 28 2011,00:07
Regarding to project 1.The 2 boot folders are not the same. One is B00T (with zeros instead of O's) and the other si BOOT with O's so there is no one single folder with the same name but still they interfere in some way but I don't know how, maybe I just stick with one of them, it's just not worth the trouble. Regarding to project 1. "Well you could test same solution as tutorial for “SAMity-2011-rc1.iso” but for ubuntu you extract folder “casper” to easyboot\disk1 and delete folder “casper” in ISO to reduce size and continue following tutorial for “SAMity-2011-rc1.iso”. At least test and see if you can manage ubuntu to launch correctly this way - in theory it should work okay" that didn't work ![]() the main folder of this system looks like this: ![]() The strange part is that this system already has a ezboot folder ![]() I just added everything to the root directory expect the ezboot folder, I took all the files from the XP live system ezboot folder and copied them in the ezboot folder in the disk1 folder. Then I extracted the boot information with UltraISO, added it with the run command and created the .ISO. It looks like this: disk1 folder: < > ezboot folder (with added files from the xp live ezboot folder): < > Everything works expect Tails 0.7, I get this message: ![]() I tried to create another .ISO without the optimize option active and same result. Then I tried the Samity method. I opened the Tails .iso with UltraISO, extracted the "live" folder to the root directory, deleted the "live" folder in the .iso, saved it and added the iso with your iso script. I successfully booted TAILS but I came to the default Debian menu to choose a language, the problem is that it didn't react on my Enter key, I tried to wait because there is a counter for automatic booting with the english language, when the counter came to 0, the counter just reseted and again the same process so I was stuck at the "choose language" menu. I don't understand how a XP live system and a GNU/Linux Distro can interfere and all the Distro's, Win7 Live systems and the XP live system work expect TAILS. I have the feeling that I will never finish any of my 3 projects ![]() Posted by balder on Apr. 28 2011,01:25
@AltairACQuote: ”One is B00T (with zeros instead of O's) and the other si BOOT” He, he that sure makes a difference ![]() However I suspect you are getting close to what is possible to achieve in these kinds of builds - my concerns is the mix and size to final ISO created by EasyBoot ![]() When you having these kinds of mix and size it’s unfortunately it’s rather typically you get this problems ![]() Building “mixed” stuff with ISO larger than – let’s say – 2 GB is hazardous ![]() Quote: ”I was stuck at the "choose language menu” This can be hardware related problem. I managed to launch and use my keyboard correctly. However I couldn’t test from “Virtual pc” – I was forced to use MobaLiveCD – download < HERE > Note: You don’t need to “Create hard disk image for your virtual machine” when program asking. Using MobaLiveCD I could test fully out – It’s a common problem for “virtual pc” to handle these kinds of distro’s. Quote: “I have the feeling that I will never finish any of my 3 projects” Well I only test one or two of distro’s that people asking for solution to – so it is a problem when builds are getting that big as yours are ![]() Regards balder Posted by AltairAC on Apr. 28 2011,23:41
UPDATE:Project 2 is done, with some modifications but ok ![]() I decided to add Windows XP Lite instead of the trouble making liveOS. Then I burnt the .ISO file to dvd and tested everything. Fedora, Samity and Windows 7 Extreme Edition didn't work but luckily it was my fault for the Distro's. Fedora - for some to me unknown reason I changed the label when creating the final .iso, that messed up Fedora. Samity - I accidentally deleted the main file from the disk1 folder ![]() Windows 7 Extreme Edition didn't work on Virtual Box(neither did the original iso file) but I thought it would work on the dvd drive but it didn't so I removed it (in my second try) because it looks like it's just a bad release. So I added Win7 repair disks instead. Anyway, here it is: < > and EVERYTHING WORKS!!!! thanks balder! Regarding to project 1, by switching from project to project, removing the 1 of the 2 XP modifications I removed the original XP systems by accident ![]() But in the meantime I started on my Project 3, I took the project 2 menu for a start. For now I have these 8 Distro's ![]() I had to hex edit but also some didn't worked by just following the linux guide but I got everything to work by editing the isolinux.cfg files of 2 of the Distro's, so for know everything is fine, if I have some issues I let you know ![]() Regards, Altair P.S. How do you make those special kicker images, Ubuntu for example? I don't want a tutorial but to know what do I have to learn. For now I have seen that messing with boot system involves cdshell and grub. Posted by balder on Apr. 29 2011,02:37
@AltairACQuote: “How do you make those special kicker images” You can manipulate these using two different methods ![]() Method one: Extract floppy image from UBUNTU.ZIP-file You now have an “ubuntu.ima” Open ubuntu.ima (I use UltraIso for this operation) and extract text file “menu.lst” It’s this simple text-file that controls commands in grub. Note: floppy image is "injected" with grub boot-sector and is not using the "standard" DOS-boot-sector. You can modify menu.lst to do something different. Let’s ay you want to create a “reboot-kicker-image” You then simply modify menu.lst to only have text: timeout 0 reboot Save changes to menu.lst and inject it back to ubuntu.ima and save image with a more appropriate name like: reboot.ima It’s optional to zip image (not needed) but shrink the image. If using zip to image you must use menu command in EasyBoot: memdisk (run doesn’t work). Attention! You are recommended to always use the "memdisk" menu command in EasyBoot to avoid the need to check "Allow Lower Case" when launching “grub-kicker-images” - zipped or not ![]() It’s a little bit more complicated ![]() ![]() Method two is to use my script “easyboot-kicker-image” This script also support creating of DOS-images Script can also create double-sized floppy images in a breeze And further more - script also has built-in g-zip to images. Note: the "DOS-section" in script can also as option ”inject” NT-BOOT-sector to created DOS-floppy to be used in specially occasions. And finally ![]() You can find plenty of information what (and how) ISO-files that can be launched directly using my “kicker-images” setting the right parameters in menu.lst – read < HERE > And you can read more about grub and different commands < HERE > ----------------------------------------------------------------- And what is the point with this arrangement you may ask? Well we tending to use USB stick (or similar) and I have proved it’s possible to launch EasyBoot from USB. However we cannot use Easyboot “standard” command for reboot from USB – the same to boot harddisk unit. It’s here kicker-images comes in handy. Same problem to launch ISO-files or other distro’s - we to 99% need those kicker-images to make this possible. Regards balder Posted by AltairAC on Apr. 29 2011,23:29
I think this will be the last question (hopefully).Is there any chance to integrate 2 versions of Hiren's Boot CD? The versions are 10.6 and 13.2 (newest). Version 10.6 - I tried it on my own, then some tutorials for older versions but at the end I integrated it with your script and when creating the iso I checked "Allow lower case". It works, some DOS tools don't but I guess it can't work on VirtualBox 100%. I successfully integrated version 13.2 with you script but the problem is that folder has to be the same in order to work so I tried it manually. First I left it as it is original, the HBCD folder and I successfully launched Hiren's Boot CD 13.2 in 2 ways/commands (both work equally good): CODE bcdw /HBCD/isolinux.bin /HBCD/linux initrd=/HBCD/boot.gz or bcdw /HBCD/isolinux.bin /HBCD/memdisk initrd=/HBCD/boot.gz Then I tried to change the name of the folder to HB13 and with Notepad++ automatic replace, I replaced all of the HBCD instances with HB13. I successfully launched the DOS programs menu but not the main menu (by using the same commands, just replacing HBCD with HB13). Then I extracted the img file from boot.gz and with UltraISO extracted the files from img file, replaced all the HBCD instances with HB13, packed the files back in the img file and made a new boot.gz with 7zip. Again when I booted I came to the DOS programs menu automatically and received a new error when launching a DOS based utility that a file is maybe corrupt. I don't know if that has something to do with 7zip gzip method :/ . I just wanted to know if you have any ideas, if it's complicated then I won't bother you and I will integrate them on seperate DVD's. Posted by balder on Apr. 30 2011,00:52
@AltairACQuote1: “Is there any chance to integrate 2 versions of Hiren's Boot CD?” Quote2: “won't bother you and I will integrate them on seperate DVD's” If I was you, I’ll stick to that second decision ![]() Hiren 13.2 is isolinux-based and it’s really not worth all work to change folder-name HBCD ![]() Regards balder Posted by AltairAC on Apr. 30 2011,23:31
I finished my project 3, everything works on virtual box but Damn small linux doesn't work on dvd. I know why, I forgot the "minirt24.gz" editing part described in the linux guide. I forgot to do it because I tested all the stuff and in Virtual Box everything works.I don't want to waste another dvd just because of that and I wanted to ask if there is a way to launch Damn Small Linux so that he uses the knoppix file from a different folder? From what I googled, I found this: < > and the thing I need from this site would be this: QUOTE root={hda1 / sda1/ floppy } Specify root device / partition. In frugal / persistent installs, specifies where the linux cloop file KNOPPIX resides. Without this as a cheat code or boot menu parameter, the kernel will panic. knoppix_dir=<path to dir w/o leading "/"> In frugal installs, specifies the directory name of the linux cloop file KNOPPIX if other than /KNOPPIX/. Use in conjunction with root= but I don't understand how to work with that, I have little knowledge about linux. When I boot Damn Small Linux I get to the menu and I am asked to either press enter to boot or F2 or F3 for different options but I can also write commands after a "boot: " text under the menu options. As I understood it, the command should look like this: CODE dsl root=/dev/sr0 knoppix_folder=/DSLINUX/ I have Ubuntu in multiboot so I checked and it says that my dvd drive is sr0 so I put that in as the root. On Virtual Box I tried similar commands and got an error but with the above command it worked but it doesn't work on dvd. I don't know if it's relevant since I know why it doesn't work but here is the error text: QUOTE Cannot find KNOPPIX filesystem, sorry. Dropping you to a (very limited) shell.
Posted by balder on May 01 2011,01:17
@AltairACQuote1: “is a way to launch Damn Small Linux so that he uses the knoppix file from a different folder?” Yes there are ![]() Download “initrd.iso” of DSL from < HERE > Use my script “easyboot-iso.script” to integrate ISO to EasyBoot (I used the simple name DSL in text-box in script). Note: check "Joliet" when creating ISO in EasyBoot! However, on some motherboards there might be problem with mouse support! The issue concerning UBUNTU ![]() Well I can launch UBUNTU using the “grub-kicker-image” (post nr; 8). I mostly test these stuff using a USB stick. If I’m able to launch distro’s from USB, I cannot see that it should be any problem from DVD ![]() In fact, it’s more hazardous to launch from USB as ISO-files must be “contiguous” otherwise it won’t work. He, he luckily my scripts that handle USB, has built-in automatically defragmentation of ISO-files ![]() Anyway – test DSL launching ISO-file without extracting anything to see if this can be the workaround you are looking for ![]() Regards balder |