Forum: EasyBoot Topic: please help me :avira rescue cd + hiren boot+ xp started by: jomanly Posted by jomanly on Oct. 02 2009,08:59
How To Make Multi Bootable Disk with avira rescue cd and hiren boot cd 10.0 and windows xp?
Posted by balder on Oct. 04 2009,12:32
@ jomanlyWelcome to this forum jomanly ![]() Solution to hiren read < here > Solution to avira rescue cd. This can be solved in different ways. I use the “straight forward solution” witch means starting ISO-file as it is. To do this you need a “kicker-image”. This “kicker-image” use grub to load/boot ISO-file. Download “kicker-image” from my site < here > extract avira.img.gz and put this compressed floppy image in folder EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot Get a iso-file of avira-rescue-cd and put this ISO-file in EasyBoot\disk1 create menu in EasyBoot as usual and use command: memdisk avira.img.gz Note: name must match avira-iso and must be lowercase (as you can see avira.iso not Avira.iso) Solution to XP. You already have this very well explained in EasyBoot\help-file but as we are using grub we need to make some special arrangements according to this. Attention! When we are finished and finally create ISO in EasyBoot we need to check “Allow lower case” (do not check Joliet). When creating ISO-file with “Allow lower case” checked start of setup XP doesn’t work (you get NTLDR not found or something). To get around this problem we need to do uppercase to every file and folder including folder i386 (should be I386). But how to manage this gigantic project? Because there is for sure plenty of files in folder i386 ![]() Do it this way: 1. Download from my < webpage > winbuilder startkit Read instruction how to manage script in Winbuilder. 2. Download “uppercase.script” and read help in this script (press help button) 3. Use Winbuilder\ uppercase.script to make file and folder names uppercase for i386. When finished copy folder I386 and ident-file (Win51 etcetera) to EasyBoot\disk1 and create menu in EasyBoot as usual and use command: run w2ksect.bin balder Posted by jomanly on Oct. 06 2009,00:05
thanks blader. i make a folder isolinux in disk1 and copy files of avira recue cd after extract avira iso and do command : bcdw /isolinux/isolinux.bin --> done. :-) ( beforei madea folder "anti" in disk1 and copy all files of avira cd in this folder, use bcdw /anti/isolinux.bin but error , i try many command bcdw /anti/isolinux.bin vmlinuz initrd=/anti/initrd.gz but error too,...)!!my english is not good!! thanks Posted by balder on Oct. 06 2009,03:21
@jomanlyWhat I can find out in your statement is that you used this command quote: “bcdw /isolinux/isolinux.bin --> done. :-)” and this seems to be working all right – is this correct ![]() I know that this is possible but let’s say you want one more isolinux distro that using same folder on the root (isolinux)? There you have a problem ![]() Anyway…If you have some difficulties with WinXP or hiren you are welcome to ask for help ![]() Regards balder Posted by jomanly on Oct. 06 2009,23:35
I will try your way . thanks blader .can you show me how to make avira.img.gz like as you made ?
Posted by balder on Oct. 07 2009,04:54
@jomanlyYou can modify downloaded avira.img.gz. If you are using total commander you can open compressed file and extract floppy image (or extract using WinRAR) followed by open floppy image in your favourite program (ultra-iso for example). You find grub and a file “default” (you can delete this one) and finally a simple text-file menu.lst that easily can be opened with notepad). It’s this text file that control grub commands. Basically floppy image only need grub and menu.lst to do “it’s things”. So in menu.lst you find this: timeout 0 find --set-root --ignore-floppies /avira.iso map /avira.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot You can make a copy of extracted floppy image and simply modifying menu.lst to start another iso or whatever. Save modified floppy image and give it a new name. Note: I do have a script ![]() ![]() Regards balder Posted by jomanly on Oct. 07 2009,07:58
thanks blader . i made it.
Posted by balder on Oct. 07 2009,08:10
@jomanlyI have now made easyboot-kicker-image downloadable ![]() ![]() You can now easy create your own grub kicker-images. Enjoy ![]() Regards balder Posted by jomanly on Oct. 07 2009,12:04
thanks blader
Posted by jomanly on Oct. 11 2009,21:21
@blader, do u any more way to make ?
Posted by balder on Oct. 12 2009,03:02
@jomanlyIs it avira rescue cd or hiren boot cd 10.0 or is it windows xp that causing your problem? I guess that issue is how to start avira? Note: I downloaded this avira download link < here > I hope it is this avira we are discussion? Another way is this: For avira iso copy everything from inside of avira ISO-file to easyboot\disk1 Use command: bcdw /isolinux.bin in menu For xp and hiren read < here > Do not check "Allow lower case" when creating ISO. balder Posted by jomanly on Oct. 12 2009,22:57
no problem ! i made it by your way. i want learn more :-)
Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Jun. 07 2011,11:15
hi.i do like you said for booting avira rescue in eazyboot but when iam testing in wm after bootthis error ocured : avira antivir rescue system ---------------------- Drueken sie alt-f7 um in die grafische oberflache zuruckzukehren Press Alt-f7 to return to the graphical user interface root@rescuesytem:/# i have download latest avira boot disk from < > PLZ help me to fixe this errorrrrrr Posted by balder on Jun. 07 2011,15:00
@farzanmicrosoftAs you are a new member I say welcome @farzanmicrosoft ![]() Quote: “but when I am testing in wm after boot this error ocured” Well testing in “virtual environment” can be a little hazardous ![]() You can not be 100% sure it works the same as in “reality” (from a real CD\DVD) ![]() I tested this avira – download < HERE > I exactly followed tuorial from post nr; 11 but I also checked “Joliet” when creating ISO. But no success when testing with “Virtual PC” but worked if using qemu. Note: I also used alternative 3 in boot sequence and choose “vesa nr; 9 800x600x8” this finally worked for me. You can never be sure it works alright from “virtual environment” when testing ![]() balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Jun. 10 2011,04:48
Tank you for supporting US MR Balderi khow that the virtual environment can be a little hazardous but when i test avira iso wiht no chang as orginal boot in wm or VirtualBox or microsoft virtual PC Thats work corectly wiht no error but when i am using ezboot wiht all this ways its not work " Solution to avira rescue cd. This can be solved in different ways. I use the “straight forward solution” witch means starting ISO-file as it is. To do this you need a “kicker-image”. This “kicker-image” use grub to load/boot ISO-file. "avira.img.gz" Put this compressed floppy image in folder EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot Get a iso-file of avira-rescue-cd and put this ISO-file in EasyBoot\disk1 create menu in EasyBoot as usual and use command: memdisk avira.img.gz Note: Rename avira-rescue.ISO to avira.iso Note: If it doesn't work, try it with "Allow lower case" checked when creating iso. Method 2: Use balders EasyBoot-ISO.script to integrate the whole avira rescue disk .iso image. Another way is this: For avira iso copy everything from inside of avira ISO-file to easyboot\disk1 Use command: bcdw /isolinux.bin in menu BONUS: For "Allow lower case" issue. You can edit the kicker image by extracting the "avira.img" from "avira.img.gz" Then open "avira.img" with UltraISO and edit the menu.lst. Original looks like this: find --set-root --ignore-floppies /avira.iso map /avira.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot Replace avira.iso to AVIRA.ISO (uppercase) so it looks like this find --set-root --ignore-floppies /AVIRA.ISO map /AVIRA.ISO (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot save menu.lst and replace it with the old one. Then make "avira.img.gz" by using a tool like 7zip using the gzip method and you're done." this pictur is the error in vm < > I Need To add avira boot disk in my dvd so i want to help me to crate me the disk thanks alottttttttttttt sair Posted by balder on Jun. 10 2011,05:35
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: ”just tried to integrate Hiren 14.0 but none of the possible methods work” Quote from post nr; 14: “I exactly followed tuorial from post nr; 11 but I also checked “Joliet” when creating ISO. But no success when testing with “Virtual PC” but worked if using qemu. Note: I also used alternative 3 in boot sequence and choose “vesa nr; 9 800x600x8” this finally worked for me.” For me it looks to be something related to your hardware - especially the “graphic part” of hardware ![]() Please experiment using boot option 3 in Avira boot sequence and then test different graphic settings to find out what graphic setting that is the optimal in your case. Note: you can most likely NOT use the “straight forward solution” (launch ISO as it is) – you most likely need to extract everything to the root in EasyBoot (the root for EasyBoot is folder disk1 if you wonder). Followed by using menu command “bcdw /isolinux.bin” and check “Joliet” when creating ISO in EasyBoot. balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Jun. 10 2011,06:19
SO TELL ME what is qemu ? and where can i edit vesa nr; 9 800x600x8 ?
Posted by balder on Jun. 10 2011,08:28
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: ”SO TELL ME what is qemu ? and where can i edit vesa nr; 9 800x600x8 ?” 1. Download ”MobaLive” from < HERE > 2. Double-click to mobalive.exe and push on “Run the LiveCD” 3. Choose Easyboot-iso-file as target 4. When you get the question: “Do you want to create a hard disk image for your virtual machine” you push “No” as it isn’t needed 5. From Easyboot menu you launch Avira 6. When you are presented to the Avira “Boot Options” you choose alternative 3 “Advanced users only” 7. Press ENTER to see “video modes available” 8. Now you can “Enter a video mode” and I choose nr; 9 (“vesa 311 9 800x600x16”) Note: you may need to test a whole bunch of different modes to find out what’s working in your case! ![]() Another way is to use built-in ISO test (qemu) in my script “easyboot-grub-iso.script” ![]() This works in most cases ![]() --------------------------------------------- EDIT! Found a different solution This is what I did: 1. Used my script easyboot-iso.script to integrate avira_rescue.iso-file into easyboot 2. Extracted everything from avira.iso to folder disk1 3. Created ISO in Easyboot with only “Joliet” checked This works great I then used easyboot-grub-iso.script to transfer the whole build to a USB stick. This worked excellent as well. There is no reasons why it shouldn’t work from DVD as well ![]() But there is one drawback ![]() You consume twice the size when building ISO. This is on the other hand a small problem if using USB stick but could be a minor problem when using DVD – but I think you can handle this as there are plenty of space on DVD as well. balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Jun. 10 2011,08:46
ok.very thanks balder.i will test todaye .have fune dear Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Jun. 11 2011,06:08
mr nalder plz crate an avira rescue disk in one project and upload for mei couldent fix the problem,i have test all the waye u teach me in avira rescue 2009 work complitly but in 2011 not work Posted by balder on Jun. 11 2011,08:59
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: ”plz crate an avira rescue disk in one project and upload for me” Sorry I cannot provide with such material – due to licence agreements ![]() But I can provide you with what I did to make it work ![]() First of all I used this ISO download < HERE > I don’t know if this is version-2011 or not? Anyway do it this way: 1. Extract folder “antivir” and folder “avupdate” and folder “system” from Avira ISO-file to folder disk1 in EasyBoot (I use UltraIso for this operation). 2. Copy avira.ISO-file to folder disk1 and rename ISO to exactly avira.iso (its vital name is exactly avira.iso you cannot use AVIRA.ISO as name, that won’t work). 3. Download compressed floppy image (AVIRA.img.gz) from < HERE > and put compressed file as it is in folder ezboot. 4. Use menu command in EasyBoot: memdisk avira.img.gz 5. When creating ISO in EasyBoot check “Joliet” and nothing else. Note: you need to test this in “reality” (use a CD-RW) I have tested this from USB stick and it works great ![]() Note2: it’s possible (but not needed) to delete folder folder “antivir” and folder “avupdate” and folder “system” from inside of avira.iso-file to reduce the size of the build as these folders is extracted to folder disk1. balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Jun. 12 2011,01:47
HI MR BalderI did what u said but the disk did not work ![]() I encountered to this error during the test of “moblive.exe” I have 1 question ,what was the capacity of the avira iso you have downloaded ? did you test this way in this week ? Are you sure it’s working? The capacity of “avira rescue 2011” is 226.26 MB and u can download it from the below link: < > plz help me again Posted by balder on Jun. 12 2011,03:14
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: ”I encountered to this error during the test of “moblive.exe”” This can be caused by several reasons ![]() 1. You named ISO-file the wrong name (must use exactly the name avira.iso) 2. You must copy ISO-file to the root of Easyboot (the root of Easyboot is folder disk1) 3. You must use menu command in Easyboot: memdisk avira.img.gz 4. Only check “Joliet” when creating ISO in EasyBoot But you are advised to use my script “easyboot-iso.script” to integrate avira.iso-file. And follow tutorial in post nr; 21 I exactly followed tutorial using the new avira.iso-file and it works perfect ![]() I can even use the “standard” (default) boot option in avira which is nr; 1 If you follow tutorial in post nr; 21 I can guarantee you that it works! If not you have a problem that I’m not able to solve from distance ![]() Regards balder |