Forum: EasyBoot Topic: WinPE 32-Bit and 64-Bit started by: j0nathanr0y Posted by j0nathanr0y on Oct. 25 2011,17:49
I am very new to this so pardon my ignorance. I just stumbled upon EasyBoot today.I have two WinPE.iso for 32-Bit and 64-Bit. I would like to use EasyBoot to create a menu at startup to select boot to either ISO. Can someone write out some steps for me or point me to a guide I can use? Thanks! Posted by balder on Oct. 26 2011,01:10
@j0nathanr0yWelcome to this forum @j0nathanr0y ![]() Quote: "I have two WinPE.iso for 32-Bit and 64-Bit" How to create menu system is excellent described by @AltairAC in the pinned topic: EasyBoot - The "missing" manual - READ < HERE > Thanks again @ AltairAC ![]() Note: how to create "Main menu" and menu system is fully described in Post nr;4 in topic Note: some menu commands has been changed for the last version of Easyboot (better support). But the "basic" stuff how to create menu etcetera is basically the same. However you need some info where to put ISO-files and what menu command to use in EasyBoot menu ![]() Do it this way: 1. Copy your two WinPE.ISO-files to folder ezboot (names are not case sensitiv) 2. Create two menus in Easyboot (read in @AltairAC topic how its done) 3. Use menu command: run winpe32.iso (or whatever you name ISO-file) 4. And for the other ISO: run winpe64.iso (or whatever you name ISO-file) 5. Create ISO in EasyBoot (you don't need to check anything in "Option" in the "Make ISO"-window Note: Above showed menu commands can only be used from EasyBoot_v6 and later. Optional: You can create bootable USB drive (typically USB-stick) and launch ISO-files from there as well - isn't it wonderful? ![]() balder Posted by j0nathanr0y on Oct. 26 2011,10:56
Thanks for the info! I've got my menu working with the 32-Bit, still messing with the 64-Bit.Do you have another link for making a bootable USB? Posted by balder on Oct. 26 2011,12:00
@j0nathanr0yQuote: "Do you have another link for making a bootable USB?" Well, he, he I sure have ![]() If you rise your eyes to the top in EasyBoot forum and look in "PINNED" topics you find: EasyBoot 6.5 tips for creating bootable USB disk - link < HERE > It's very easy to "write" your EasyBoot-build to USB drive and make it bootable. Note: EasyBoot (actually UltraIso) wipes out every partition on your USB drive - but I'm sure you can accept that as an normal procedure ![]() Another way is to use my scripts; "easyboot-grub-iso.script" or "easyboot-usb_v2.script" that are able to make USB drive bootable. Note1: especially "easyboot-grub-iso.script" can directly move your EasyBoot-build to USB drive. Note2: Both scripts are using grldr (grub) to make USB drive bootable and do not wipe out second partition (can be the case to have in USB harddisk drive). You can read how scripts are working in post nr;3 < HERE > ![]() And where are my scripts? Low your eyes and you find download-link in every post I write in this forum. Make sure to carefully read "READ_ME.html" inside folder balder ![]() balder Posted by j0nathanr0y on Oct. 26 2011,13:33
Thanks again for the info. You write very well detailed responses! I love it!When I click on the Burn "Write USB Disk..." button I get an error: Wrong parameter: 'writeusb' Any clue what that means? I have UltraIso installed. Posted by balder on Oct. 26 2011,13:45
@j0nathanr0yQuote: "Wrong parameter: 'writeusb'" Do you have UltraIso_V9.5 installed - if not - it won't work ![]() Please confirm what version of UltraIso you have installed ![]() Launch UltraIso and push >>Help>>chose "About" to confirm what vesrion you are running Note: I run UltraIso_v-9.5.o.2800 ![]() regards balder Posted by j0nathanr0y on Oct. 26 2011,14:05
I too have UltraIso_v-9.5.o.2800Do I need to configure anything to make the two programs talk? When I click on "Write USB Disk..." how do I know it opening UltraISO correctly? Posted by balder on Oct. 26 2011,14:17
@j0nathanr0yQuote: "Do I need to configure anything to make the two programs talk? When I click on "Write USB Disk..." how do I know it opening UltraISO correctly?" As far as I know it shouldn't be needed ![]() However, test reinstalling EasyBoot (overwriting existing core-files in same EasyBoot-folder) ![]() And do the same procedure to UltraIso ![]() If still not working - use my script "easyboot-grub-iso.script" and push on the button; "Make USB bootable and transfer ISO-build to USB" in "USB-Section" Attention! You also have a red arrow that clearly points to this button including description what the use is with this button ![]() Note: Script automatically detects what version of EasyBoot you are running - if something is wrong with your install, script starting to complain in several ways - if so - close script, do new download of EasyBoot-setup-file and install EasyBoot again! EDIT: You can also launch UltraIso and chose>>Bootable>>Write Disk Image... regards balder Posted by j0nathanr0y on Oct. 26 2011,16:07
For whatever reason, this...QUOTE EDIT: You can also launch UltraIso and chose>>Bootable>>Write Disk Image... ...worked perfectly!!! Thank you very much for your time and patience and please keep up the good work! This is some of the best support I have ever experienced! ![]() |