Forum: EasyBoot Topic: BartPE & ERD Commander 2005 started by: looknguide Posted by looknguide on Feb. 23 2010,06:35
i make my BartPE cd and it work fine. now i want to add this bartpe cd on my easyboot dvd. so how can i put bartpe and erd commander 2005 together on easyboot dvd?my easyboot DVD menu look like below [1] BartPE [2] ERD 2005 [3] Acronis Disk Director [4] Acronis True Image [5] Paragon Hard Disk Manager [6] HDD Regenerator [7] Hard Disk Boot i got some successes to add ADD and i can successes to add bartpe too but then i want to add ERD too, so that make me confuse to do it because both used some similar kind of folder name like "i386" n which image fine i use to load it in cd? sorry this would be big topic n also sorry for my English Posted by balder on Feb. 23 2010,09:11
@ looknguideKeep ERD-build as it is (do not change name to folder i386) and make a copy of W2ksect.bin (W2ksect.bin is originally in folder ezboot) rename copy to erd.bin and keep file in folder ezboot. Copy folder i386 to EasyBoot\disk1 and do the same to “ident files” win51 etcetera (note: you can use same ident files to different i386-folders) and then finally use menu command: run erd.bin -------------------------------------- Tutorial for BartPe: 1. Move/copy folder “programs” from BartPe to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Rename folder i386 in BartPe to BART (note: use BIG LETTERS) 3. Move/copy folder BART to EasyBoot\disk1 4. Make a copy of w2ksect.bin (w2ksect.bin comes with EasyBoot. You find it originally in folder ezboot). Rename w2ksect.bin to bart.bin and keep file in folder ezboot Now to hex edit: Step 1. Start EasyBoot >> Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> bart.bin in ezboot-folder In “Text to find” you put in “I386” (no quotes) and in “Replace with” you put in “BART” (no quotes) push “Replace”. Only one text string should be replaced if you have done right! Attention: use uppercase (CAPS). Like this BART not bart Step 2. Again use EasyBoot >> Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> setupldr.bin in folder BART In “Text to find” you put in “i386” (no quotes and note: i386 not I386) and in “Replace with” you put in “BART” (no quotes) push “Replace”. Four text strings should be replaced if you have done right! (if using XP-sp2 as base when making BartPe) Attention: use uppercase (CAPS). Like this BART not bart Don’t forget ident files on the root (EasyBoot\disk1): Win51ip and Win51ip.sp2 (if you used XP-sp2 as base when making BartPe). Note: You can use same ident-files to different system-folders (i386-folders). Use run command in EasyBoot as usual: run bart.bin ----------------------------- Note: you can also use my script “EasyBoot-Live” to integrate ERD and BartPE. In this case you can change name to every folder i386 (folders that belongs to "Live-builds" typically ERD, BartPE, Reatogo etcetera) to any 4-letters name you like. In this way you have spare for a folder i386 on the root of CD/DVD for setup of WinXP as example. You do not need to do any hex editing if using script as this is done fully automatically. However the choice is of course yours Hey... No problems with your English - it's pretty well written... ![]() Regards balder Posted by AMG on Oct. 23 2011,18:24
HiI have your Tutorial for BartPe maked and haved maked a EasyBoot USB Stick when i starting my stick and will starting BartPE then come this: CDBOOT: Couldn't find NTLDR Start booting from USB device... My BartPE is not WINXP i have WIN2000. I have copy from my old BartPE Stick "" - "ntldr" - "winnt.sif" to the DISK1\ezboot\ folder and tested no result ? Can you help me please ? Sorry my english i come from german !!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks GEORG Posted by balder on Oct. 24 2011,01:46
@AMGQuote: "haved maked a EasyBoot USB Stick " Tutorial in post nr; 2 is for launching bartpe from CD\DVD-unit and CANNOT be used to launch bartpe from USB drive ![]() I need some information: 1. How big is this bartpe-build you created? Is it less than 400MB in size? Check size to created BartPe-iso that BartPe creates when finished its build. We are interested in this ISO as it is fully possible to simply launch ISO as it is from both CD\DVD-unit as from USB drive! Note: The point is to run ISO from RAM and ISO must therefore be reasonable in size - otherwise it takes to long time to launch! So please inform me what size your BartPe-ISO-file has ![]() 2. How and what method did you use to make your USB drive bootable ![]() Did you use built-in "Write USB Disk..." in Easyboot, or what method did you use? In meantime, please download my set of script (you have download below in every post I write in EasyBoot forum). Extract downloaded zip-file to your harddisk C: Read carefully information (double-click to "READ_ME.html" inside folder "balder") You need this script as they easily can help you launch BartPe-ISO-file as it is - no need to copy all files and folders to USB - instead use ISO-file as it is! Note: BartPe is what we call a Windows NT5-system - typically built from source of Windows-2000, server-2003 or WinXP or similar source that have folder I386 inside ISO-file. If you compare this with Windows NT6-system - typically NT6-system is: Vista, Windows-7 or server-2008 - that is different, as no folder I386 is present in such system. Windows NT6-systems can be launched from ISO-file without using my script. Let's say you have an copy of MsDart60.ISO or Active-Boot-CD5.ISO (typically "rescue ISO-files of the NT6-family) you simply copy such ISO to folder ezboot and use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run msdart60.iso This works from any device you like (CD\DVD-unit or from USB drive). There is now need to extract anything from such ISO-file to folder disk1 in EasyBoot- simply use ISO as it is ![]() However, you cannot use the same method to launch Windows-PE-ISO-file (in your case " BartPe-PE") built from NT5-source (WinXP or windows-2000 or similar source). Your BartPE-ISO-file must be treated differently - and it is here my script "easyboot-iso.script" comes in handy ![]() balder Posted by AMG on Oct. 24 2011,05:35
Hello1. How big is this bartpe-build you created? - I have BartPE (pebuilder) from here ---> < BartPE > 2. Is it less than 400MB in size? - My bartpe.iso for 185 MB and maked from pe2usb to my stick 3. My USB Stick is a 8BG for EasyBoot Thanks for other Info's i'm check it !!! Posted by balder on Oct. 24 2011,06:30
@AMGQuote: "My bartpe.iso for 185 MB " Well that is good news ![]() Here is what you are going to do: 1. Download my script-collection (you have download below) 2. Use "easyboot-iso.script". Check settings in script (path to Easyboot\disk1 and write in name to ISO in textbox in script and also check "Run ISO from RAM" in script as it is an NT5-PE-ISO-file you are integrating (NT5-system is built from source of; Winxp or similar using folder I386). 3. You automatically receive the right menu command to use in EasyBoot menu from script" 4. You don't need to check anything when creating ISO in Easyboot. Some notes: Script run compress to your ISO-file - but only to the ISO that is copied to folder disk1 - script doesn't touch your original ISO-file. During process script ask for the location where ISO-file is. Make sure you DO NOT have spaces in name to ISO-file or to the location where you keep ISO-file(s). Example: This doesn't work; C:\my iso-files\BartPE.ISO (reason: you have a space in name to folder "my iso-files") This works okay; C:\my_iso-files\BartPE.ISO (reason: no space in name to folder "my_iso-files") This doesn't work; C:\my_ iso-files\Bart PE.ISO (reason: you have a space in name to file "Bart PE.ISO") Important! If you run script from Vista or Windows-7 you must set UAC (User-Account-Control) to lowest level - otherwise script is prohibit to work correctly (script uses command line tools typically 7z-zip that are stopped from working if you don't lower UAC to lowest level) To set UAC: simply write UAC in search and push enter and following instructions! balder Posted by AMG on Oct. 24 2011,08:02
Hi1. I have downloading and extracting 2. i have copy easyboot-iso.script in my folder C:\INSTALL.PRG\EasyBoot\disk1 3. I have edit easyboot-iso.script: - rename path to Easyboot\disk1 to my C:\INSTALL.PRG\EasyBoot\disk1 - I have checkit "Run ISO from RAM" in the script is OK - Renamed *.ISO in CODE pTextLabel6="Set name to ISO-file here ----> Use short names and do not put in extension ""bartpe.iso"" - only name itself",1,1,23,59,207,45,8,Normal 4. In the EasyBoot is my menu run bartpe.iso 5. I have starting EasyBoot and created iso file then maked bootstick and tested NO RESULTS ? Posted by balder on Oct. 24 2011,08:28
@AMGYou didn't run script process ![]() Quote: "i have copy easyboot-iso.script in my folder" NO, NO, NO and I quote from post nr;4 "Extract downloaded zip-file to your harddisk C:" You should have a folder "balder" on the root (harddisk C: is the "root") Delete folder balder in C:\INSTALL.PRG\EasyBoot\disk1 And PLEASE DOUBLE-CLICK TO "READ_ME.HTML" inside folder balder to get basic help. When script is up and run, push on the little help-button in script - the right corner in script "? help" ![]() It's nice with help-buttons ![]() This gives you information how to run script ![]() balder Posted by AMG on Oct. 24 2011,09:46
HiIts all new for me !!! ![]() ![]() Posted by balder on Oct. 24 2011,10:16
@AMGYou are giving me head deck ![]() Quote: "Its all new for me !!!" Sure - but next week its old and you know how to use every script in script-collection ![]() I quote from description in script: "do not put in extension "".ISO"" - only name itself"Now script has created folder bartpe.iso inside folder ISO ![]() Delete this folder " bartpe.iso " with its files I also clearly instructed you to use BIG LETTERS (CAPS/UPPERCASE) to name in textbox in script - but you still using small letters and not BIG LETTERS when writing name in textbox in script. I also clearly instructed you TO NOT put in extension to name in textbox in script - DO NOT write name like this: "bartpe.iso" and NOT like this: BARTPE.ISO Simply write this: BARTPE in textbox in script (without extension ".iso") Attention! Remove bartpe.iso-file from folder ezboot. You have no use for this ISO-file inside folder ezboot. However big hug for nice screenshots - its always helpful, especially the "log-file" ![]() When script is asking for the location of your ISO-file (bartpe.iso-file) you should point to a different folder than EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot which is totally wrong! Why not create a folder isotemp on the root (on C:\) and copy ISO-files to this folder that you plan to later integrate into EasyBoot (or at least in this special case until you are sure how "things are done") Let's see if it works a little bit better this time ![]() regards balder Posted by AMG on Oct. 24 2011,11:26
Hi balderIt's working perfect you are the BEST THANKS FOR ALLL !!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted by allgames71 on Oct. 26 2011,13:51
hello balder,Now I'm also making BartPE , glad that some forum-mate has the same question. By following your instruction , I still fail to make it : 1. I use Easyboot-ISO script with ISO-file name "BARTPE" , check "Run ISO from RAM" . I usethe suggest menu command "run BARTPE.img" and check "Allow lower case" when making iso file. 2. I use Easyboot-USB script and choose ISO file "C:\EasyBoot\iso\mycd.iso" to go. Unfortunately , I encounter 2 different situations , the first time boot usb thumb drive with a blue screen , and the second time when boot , it reboot right the way !! Please help. Thanks Posted by balder on Oct. 26 2011,17:15
@allgames71Quote: "I use Easyboot-USB script and choose ISO file "C:\EasyBoot\iso\mycd.iso" to go" No you CANNOT use that script this way. Script for sure launches ISO-file created by EasyBoot but files on the "root" is hided inside ISO-file. There is nothing wrong with script or ISO-file. Problem is that files that usually are placed on the root of EasyBoot is invisiable (folder disk1 is the root for Easyboot if you wonder). Instead use built-in EasyBoot >>Burn>>Write USB Disk However you can also use my script "easyboot-grub-iso.script" and push on the button; "Make USB bootable and transfer ISO-build to USB" in "USB-Section" Attention! You also have a red arrow that clearly points to this button including description what the use is with this button! Note: Script automatically detects what version of EasyBoot you are running - if something is wrong with your intensions, script starting to complain in several ways - if so close script ------------------------------------------- Quote: "and check "Allow lower case" when making iso file" This text-window pops up (if having "Run ISO from RAM" checked) when script is finished, and you use the name "BARTPE": Tip! You can copy text (EasyBoot menu command) below and insert it in EasyBoot menu! Menu command can be used in EasyBoot, run from both CD\DVD-unit as from from USB drive! ------------------------------------------ run /ISO/BARTPE/BARTPE.img ------------------------------------------ To continue - please close this Window... There is no notes about checking "Allow lower case" when creating ISO in EasyBoot ![]() Make sure you use latest script-collection. ![]() When integrating ISO (having "Run ISO from RAM" checked) you should in EasyBoot\disk1 have a folder ISO and a file FIRADISK.GZ inside folder ISO But also another new folder with the name "BARTPE" in folder ISO (name you have set into text-box in script) And inside folder "BARTPE" you shall have a floppy image file "BARTPE.img" and a compressed ISO-file ""BARTPE.ISO.GZ" Like this: EasyBoot\disk1\ISO\ FIRADISK.GZ EasyBoot\disk1\ISO\BARTPE\BARTPE.ISO.GZ EasyBoot\disk1\ISO\BARTPE\BARTPE.img Please check and report back what you found in folder ISO in EasyBoot\disk1 ![]() However I'm convinced it works if you push on "Burn>>Write USB Disk... in EasyBoot ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Oct. 28 2011,14:24
hello balder ,I tried your tutorial and when boot my usb thumb drive , it shows at the DOS boot screen : --------------------------------- File not found Press any key to continue --------------------------------- I don't know what file is not found ?? ( I've downloaded and use the lastest WinBuilder_Complete scripts) As in the picture below , this is my procedures : Step 1 I use Easyboot-ISO to build my pebuilder.iso with suggested menu command "run /iso/bartpe/bartpe.img" (without quote). So I get "mycd.iso" Step 2 I use Easyboot-grub-ISO for Steps 3 and 4 Step 3 I use "Create ISO-File" and have a C:\WinBuilder_Complete\BARTPE.iso . Step 4 I use "USB-Section" to transfer C:\WinBuilder_Complete\BARTPE.iso to my usb thumb drive. Unplug and replug my usb thumb drive. I don't know how I was wrong . If you don't mind , would you tell me how to do it step by step (like my steps) ? Please forgive my foolish and help me please. Thanks a lot. Posted by balder on Oct. 28 2011,15:05
@allgames71Quote: "I don't know what file is not found" To integrate BartPE-ISO-file - you use "easyboot-iso.script" ![]() To better understand the procedure I created a small flash-movie ![]() Download zip-file from < HERE > Extract folder ERD-BARTPE from zip-file Double-click to ERD-BARTPE.html inside folder and you get a flash-movie that shows how you integrate BartPE-ISO-file. You need flash-player installed to your computer which you to 99% most likely already have installed! Attention! Movie also show the text-file that pops up - and the menu command you copy and insert into EasyBoot menu. It's a good idea to already before using script, create your menu entrance in EasyBoot and have EasyBoot still up and run followed by copying menu command from that text-file that pops up in script. Paste menu command in your running Easyboot menu and you have it alright ![]() You then create ISO as usual in EasyBoot - WITHOUT CHECKING "Allow Lower Case" and NOT checking DOS(8.3) but you can check "Joliet" as it can come in handy if you have any Linux\Knoppix-distro in your build! Note: checking "Joliet" doesn't have any affect to BartPE at all! To transfer build to USB drive you in EasyBoot push on "Burn>>Write USB Disk..." I quote from post nr,13 "I use Easyboot-USB script and choose ISO file "C:\EasyBoot\iso\mycd.iso" to go" No you CANNOT use that script this way." so the steps are: 1. Use easyboot-iso.script to integrate ISO (BARTPE) 2. Copy menu command given by script in the end of process and paste it into EasyBoot menu. 3. Create ISO in EasyBoot as usual 4. To make USB - In Easyboot push "Burn>>Write USB Disk..." That's it! regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Oct. 29 2011,00:44
hello balder ,Thanks for your kind heart to make a movie for me that must take a lot of time to do it. Thanks, In the post before , you have already mentioned about "Burn>>Write USB Disk..." . But by that time I don't know where it is. Now you say this is in Easyboot itself. But I can't find this button , I'm using Easyboot 5.1.2 , oh ! Is it in Easyboot 6.0 ? I haven't it and I don't know where to download it or buy it. I can understand the steps procedure you have shown me , but I only don't know where "Burn>>Write USB Disk..." is. Thanks in advance. Posted by balder on Oct. 29 2011,03:35
@allgames71Quote: "I'm using Easyboot 5.1.2" Ahaa.... He, he... That explains it - you are using an version of Easyboot that is older than my grandchild ![]() Sorry I was convinced you used EasyBoot_v6.5 - my mistake ![]() Please read < HERE > Several scripts need EasyBoot_v6.5 to work correctly(easyboot-iso.script is such script) You desperately need to update to latest version of Easyboot ![]() Quote: "I haven't it and I don't know where to download it or buy it" If you already have an licensed working EasyBoot, you can simply overwrite core in folder Easyboot It's the same scenario as when you "update" windows systems - you overwriting core in folder Windows when updating your Windows system Same to EasyBoot - overwriting core files and you get the updated core in place. However if things go wrong, then uninstall your present EasyBoot and reinstall your "old licensed version" of Easyboot - followed by "updating" EasyBoot with downloaded setup.exe (EasyBoot_v6.5). Find your downloads and information < HERE > Note: you still need UltraIso_v9.5 (you can simply use the trial version to test with). BUT you can use "easyboot-grub-iso.script" if you update to EasyBoot_v6.5. You don't need UltraIso_v9.5 (however highly recommended to use instead of my script) In "easyboot-grub-iso.script", simply push on the button where the red arrow points to. If you have EasyBoot_v6.5 installed script automatically change behaviour and use folder ezboot as it is (script automatically check what version of EasyBoot you are running). You don't need (and shall not if running EasyBoot_v6.5) create any ISO in script Make sure you using latest release of my script-collection (download and simply replace folder "balder") Finally, DON'T CHECK (Allow Lower Case) if you plan to run EasyBoot build from USB drive. Hmmm... Why do you check (Allow Lower Case) We desperately trying to NOT use that checkbox ![]() In fact we "hate" that checkbox ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Oct. 29 2011,13:59
hello balder ,Now I have download Easyboot 6.5 and the latest WinBuilder_Complete (balder). I do it in the following way : 1. User WinBuilder_Complete....Easyboot-ISO with menu command "run /iso/bartpe/bartpe.img" In the C:\EasyBoot\disk1 , I have ISO ISO\BARTPE (folder) \BARTPE.img \BARTPE.ISO ISO\FIRADISK 2. Open Easyboot as picture below , press "Make ISO" button to create "mycd.iso" 3. Without leaving the EasyBoot screen , I press "Burn"... "Write USB Disk..." 4. Immediately an "Error" message box comes out without any reason and stop !! Please help. Thanks Posted by balder on Oct. 29 2011,14:12
@allgames71Quote: "Immediately an "Error" message box comes out without any reason and stop" It happens EasyBoot can't find UltraIso_v9.5 (you must have UltraIso_v9.5 installed as well). If still not working - use my script "easyboot-grub-iso.script" and push on button (in USB-section) where that red arrow points to ![]() If you do have EasyBoot_v6.5 in use, script automatically skip the ISO-part (you don't need to create any ISO in script only use button in "USB section") and script format you USB drive and copying EasyBoot-build to USB. And further more, you also have a "test-button" to test USB drive - to see if it's working alright - use it ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Oct. 30 2011,12:50
hello balder,Thanks for your instruction. I'll install UltraISO 9.5 to try, but unfortunally my computer is down and new to repair for few days. I'll surely try your suggestion after couple of days. Thanks. Posted by allgames71 on Oct. 31 2011,15:02
hello balder ,Now I use Easyboot 6.5 and install UltraISO 9.5 already. I follow the way you suggest in Post No.15 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- so the steps are: 1. Use easyboot-iso.script to integrate ISO (BARTPE) 2. Copy menu command given by script in the end of process and paste it into EasyBoot menu. 3. Create ISO in EasyBoot as usual 4. To make USB - In Easyboot push "Burn>>Write USB Disk..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- In the above step 3 , I've create the mycd.iso and test it in VMWare , it's normal. But when I boot up my usb-stick , an error message come out : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRUB4DOS 0.4.5b 2011-06-16, Mem: 621K/2814M, End: 35627D [ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possible completions of a device/filename. ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It stops and can't boot. Another thing I want to know is after I press "Burn>>Write USB Disk..." , in the UltraISO dialogue , which way of writting method should I use ? And what is the difference between them ? Please help . Thanks Posted by balder on Oct. 31 2011,15:51
@allgames71Quote: "But when I boot up my usb-stick , an error message come out" Yes unfortunately I too have experience of the same problem ![]() I sometimes need to rewrite USB drive several times before it's working alright ![]() However you can always use my script "easyboot-grub-iso.script" and directly push on where that red arrow points to in "USB section" this works always. Note: download latest UltraIso and install that version - same to Easyboot - there are updates to test with! Mabye it solves this problem ![]() Quote: "which way of writting method should I use ?" I always use the "recommended" write method "USB-HDD+" I had never run into any computer that fails to find "boot record" using "USB-HDD+" Anyway.... You can read some explanations < HERE > regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 01 2011,01:22
hello balder ,Yes it works to use WinBuilder_Complete...EasyBoot-grub-ISO . So my usb-stick can boot normally and its file structure is like this : ezboot ISO - BARTPE - BARTPE\BARTPE.img - BARTPE\BARTPE.ISO - FIRADISK BOOT_HARDDISK.LST grldr menu.lst.......... find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ezboot/ezldr chainloader --raw /ezboot/ezldr Finally I copy the usb-stick's files to my usb-hdd : I didn't copy the above "BOOT_HARDDISK.LST" usb-hdd as the usb-hdd already has one which is quite different from the usb-stick one I didn't copy the above "grldr" to the usb-hdd as the usb-hdd has already got one I copy the ezboot (folder) to usb-hdd I copy .... ISO - BARTPE - BARTPE\BARTPE.img - BARTPE\BARTPE.ISO to my usb-hdd Then I've tried to boot the usb-hdd BARTPE in 2 ways : 1st way ............................................................. color black/cyan yellow/cyan color black/cyan yellow/cyan default 0 splashimage /wallpaper/erd.xpm.gz title [1] RXPE999 find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/rxpe.iso map /iso/rxpe.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot title [2] BARTPE find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ezboot/ezldr (**********) chainloader --raw /ezboot/ezldr (**********) title [4] Back to Main Menu find --set-root /menu.lst configfile /menu.lst ---------------------------------------------------- When I boot the usb-hdd and choose BARTPE , an error message comes out : File not found: /EZBOOT Press any key to continue... 2nd way ............................................................. title [1] RXPE999 find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/rxpe.iso map /iso/rxpe.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot title [2] BARTPE find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/BARTPE/BARTPE.ISO (**********) map /iso/BARTPE/BARTPE.ISO (hd32) (**********) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot title [4] Back to Main Menu find --set-root /menu.lst configfile /menu.lst ---------------------------------------------------- When I boot the usb-hdd and choose BARTPE , an error message comes out : Booting [2] BARTPE find -set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/BARTPE/BARTPE.ISO Error 15: File not found Press any key to continue... I failed in both ways , please help thanks. Posted by balder on Nov. 01 2011,01:51
@allgames71Quote: "I failed in both ways " This part of text in grub menu launch your Easyboot menu: title [2] BARTPE find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ezboot/ezldr chainloader --raw /ezboot/ezldr A. You should now be in the EasyBoot menu B. In EasyBoot menu (launched by ezldr ) you should already pasted in menu command given by script, and that menu command was this: run /iso/bartpe/bartpe.img You could as a test put in these grub-menu lines in 'menu.lst': title Launch BARTPE directly from grub menu map --mem /ISO/BARTPE/BARTPE.img (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) However - I love EasyBoot menu with its nice background environment and easy style to jump to sub-menu(s) and back to main-menu and/or jump from some chosen sub-menu to another sub-menu back to main-menu etcetera - no limits in EasyBoot menu system. What I mean is EasyBoot menu has definitely a much nicer environment than the 'grub-style' ![]() You must have forgot to implement menu command: 'run /iso/bartpe/bartpe.img' into your EasyBoot menu ![]() EDIT: As you do things 'manually' (copying files and folders manually to USB harddisk) you simply can make changes to your EasyBoot menu and push on 'Save' in EasyBoot to save changes made to menu-file (***.ezb). Followed by simply copy that specific ***.ezb-menu-file to folder ezboot on your USB harddisk. You don't need to copy the whole folder ezboot to USB and overwriting it all again - only the ***.ezb-file that is changed. Attention! If you on the other hand chose to use a different (or create new) main menu (with a different name to 'main-menu') and chose to let this be the new 'main-menu', then you also need to copy the 'loader-file' - which is file ezldr - as this file now is looking for that 'new' main-menu. Always press 'Save' to implement changes to menu-system in EasyBoot. In your case you do not need to create ISO each time you make changes to menu(s) in EasyBoot, as you manually copying files to USB Creating ISO is only needed if you chose built-in 'Burn>>Write USB Drive...' Note: 'Write USB Drive...' is extracting files from ISO-file - that's why you need to create ISO in that case. He, he... Hopefully I haven't mixed things up for you to much ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 01 2011,07:29
hello balder ,I've tried : title Launch BARTPE directly from grub menu map --mem /ISO/BARTPE/BARTPE.img (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) But when boot the usb-hdd , an error message comes out : Starting cmain() ... (hd0,0) Fat12 BPB Loading ISO to RAM can take seversal minutes ! probed C/H/S = 80/2/18, probed total sectors = 2880 (then stop doing anything) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote "You must have forgot to implement menu command: 'run /iso/bartpe/bartpe.img' into your EasyBoot menu" Actually I've done that when I use EasyBoot-ISO script. quote "Followed by simply copy that specific ***.ezb-menu-file to folder ezboot on your USB harddisk. You don't need to copy the whole folder ezboot to USB and overwriting it all again - only the ***.ezb-file that is changed. " Actually the Easyboot-grub_ISO have copy the Easyboot\Disk1\ezboot\*.* to usb-stick\ezboot\*.* , so the ***.ezb-menu-file and the ***.ezb-file is already exist in the usb-stick. I've tried not to create an Easyboot ISO file (mycd.iso) , with the same result. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I mean is I can create the BartPE in my usb-stick successfully by : 1. Use EasyBoot-ISO script with menu command 'run /iso/bartpe/bartpe.img' to integrate "pebuilder.iso" to Easyboot (then create mycd.iso or not makes not difference) 2. Use EasyBoot-grub-ISO script to transfer Easyboot to usb-stick successfully and boot correctly. I have to copy files from usb-stick to usb-hdd as I don't want to overwrite my menu.lst in the usb-hdd , then my other program can't be boot correctly. That's why I have to copy files manually. As in Post No.23 , I just copy the BartPE files to my usb-hdd's corresponding location (as they must be needed). For the menu.lst in the usb-stick , I just place it in the sub-menu position in the usb-hdd , so it should work like the usb-stick. But I don't know why it doesn't. Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 01 2011,07:34
hello balder ,One more thing , I know you have a usb-hdd with Easyboot , would you mind to do the same thing on the usb-stick then transfer that BartPE to your usb-hdd. Have a try please. Thanks Posted by balder on Nov. 01 2011,09:26
@allgames71Quote: "File not found: /EZBOOT" Okay - I'm pretty sure what your problem is - you are using NTFS-filesystem to your partition one (the 'active' partition) ![]() EasyBoot-file ezldr do not support NTFS (as far as I know and have tested). But it works excellent from USB stick, as you usually use FAT32-filesystem to such device And same to my harddisk, as I use FAT32 to the first partition and have no problems. But it works excellent from USB stick, as you usually use FAT32-filesystem to such device And same to my harddisk, as I use FAT32 to the first partition and have no problems. Best result is to use FAT32 on 'start-partition' (usually the 'active' partition) and - if needed - create second or several more partitions with NTFS as file-system. Attention! You may need NTFS-partition as Windows 'VHD'-files only can be launched from NTFS and not from FAT32. EDIT... Test this solution - I know, it looks tedios but seems to work in the end... ![]() You can simply delete folder ezboot from USB drive as it is of no use on that spot Instead you have to create ISO of your EasyBoot menu Do it this way: 1. Copy bartpe.img to folder ezboot (you can remove folder ISO fromEasyBoot\disk1 as you already have folder ISO on USB drive together with firadisk.img.gz and folder ERD with compressed ISO-file - don't touch those!) 2. Change menu command in EasyBoot menu to: run bartpe.img (save changes to EasyBoot menu) 3. Use 'easyboot-grub-iso.script' and push on 'Create ISO-File' - ISO is created by script 4. Open folder 'balder/WinBuilder_Complete/iso' and copy folder 'easyboot' to USB drive 5. Open menu.lst in 'balder/WinBuilder_Complete/iso' and copy menu command that launch EasyBoot. 6. Paste this menu command in your menu.lst on USB drive to launch ISO file inside folder easyboot You hereby launch ISO-file of EasyBoot menu system instead of EasyBoot menu in folder ezboot, that doesn't work from NTFS-file-system. But ISO can be launched alright from NTFS You can now launch bartpe.img from menu that pops up from EasyBoot-ISO-file This works from NTFS - however I must say it looks a little bit shaky - but works so far during my tests ![]() Why all this "workarounds" ![]() Answer: We desperately need NTFS to launch Windows-VHD-files (VHD-files is something we must take in consideration as they are so "handy" to use= run a complete Win7-system as example from USB drive) regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 01 2011,14:07
hello balder ,I did it from changing my bootable NTFS partition to FAT32 , it works properly. Thanks The thing is how can you know it's because of NTFS problem ? And how can you be so sure ? Is it because you have really test it in the way I suggest ? Anyway you are really my great teacher !! It's not the Easyboot problem , it not my mis-use problem , so I know it's very hard to find out where the problem is ! But you did. I've change my bootable NTFS partition to FAT32 , and test most of my frequent use former program in my usb-hdd , they all work fine. But you have mentioned about the .vhd file must be in NTFS partition . Do you remember before , I'vd suggest a "CLONE Windows 7 USB Drive Edition (7USBEditionByiMortaluz.vhd)" ? And that's the program that needed to be placed in NTFS partition ? Does it mean in my usb-hdd , I should have 3 partition (2 primary and 1 logical) : 1. First primary .......... Bootable FAT32 partition 2. Second primary ..... NTFS partition for NTFS programs like .vhd file 3. Logical partition ..... for Data Storage use. If so , do I just change the .vhd file path to Second primary NTFS parition is ok ? Before (.vhd file is in Bootable NTFS partition) -------------------------------------------------- title [2] Windows 7 (USB Edition) find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/7USB.iso map /iso/7USB.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot After (.vhd file is in Second Primary NTFS partition) ------------------------------------------------------- title [2] Windows 7 (USB Edition) find --set-root --ignore-floppies D:/iso/7USB.iso map D:/iso/7USB.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot I know the "After" menu is wrong as once boot-up the usb-hdd now, the bootable partition is C: , and can't see the Second Primary NTFS partition. So how can I jump to or call the NTFS partition by menu ? Or is there another way to do it with the .vhd file ? ****************************************************************** I've read your tutorial about how to make this BartPE to bootable NTFS partition , I'll try it later. But now I'm happy enough to tell you that I can make the BartPE in the Fat32 usb-HDD Really thanks a lot. Posted by balder on Nov. 01 2011,14:45
@allgames71Quote: "And how can you be so sure ?" The name is: 'test and trial' - in combination with some 'unspeakable' words ![]() Quote: "Do you remember before , I'vd suggest a "CLONE Windows 7 USB Drive Edition (7USBEditionByiMortaluz.vhd)" ? And that's the program that needed to be placed in NTFS partition ?" Exactly what I'm referring to - again thank you ![]() Quote: " Does it mean in my usb-hdd , I should have 3 partition (2 primary and 1 logical)" Yes in theory this is the right conclusion However... Reality is different - I haven't managed to launch such VHD-file from second NTFS-partition - seems close to impossible ![]() That's why I suggested launch ISO-file of EasyBoot menu instead of using folder ezboot (at least for present time until @xoben and/or ezboot-developers can find out how to solve this 'knot' with the not working folder ezboot on NTFS-system) This is a time of "test-and-trial" untill we are more sure how to solve this kind of issues - but we are close ![]() I still need some time (plenty of time) to figure out if it can be solved - or we must use solution with launch ISO-file of EasyBoot menu - and not use the more elegant - direct use - of folder ezboot on the root of USB drive that doesn't work if USB drive is NTFS It's a kind of 'moment22' Quote: "So how can I jump to or call the NTFS partition by menu" I have to do some test - but I'm not positive that it can be solved - I don't think it can be solved Note: I'm pretty busy these days - it can take a couple of days to find out if it at all can be solved ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 01 2011,14:57
hello balder ,I think FAT32 to call NTFS is actually impossible , I'm just thinking of this only. Up to my knowledge it's surely not work , so don't waste you time on that. Your helping is already good enough. And the other forum-mate need your help also. So don't keen on my view. Thanks a lot. Posted by balder on Nov. 01 2011,16:28
@allgames71Quote: "so don't waste you time on that" He, he to late ![]() -------------------------------------------------- Test this: Create two primary partitions to your USB harddisk I used built-in 'Disk Management' in Win7 which is the OP-system I currently run to create and format my partitions. EDIT: It didn't work out when testing on my 'Buffalo' 2.5" external USB harddisk Grub cannot 'Mount' partition-2. Funny it worked to IDE-harddisk connected to USB dock-station? 1. Partition one as FAT32 and active 2. Second primary partition as NTFS not active Download grub-kicker-image from < HERE > Copy kicker-image to folder ezboot Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run vhd.img (I used that name to floppy image rename it if you whish) You of course also need the big VHD-file and folder 'boot' and file bootmgr on the root of second partition as well ![]() --------------------------------- BartPE is as usual: run /iso/bartpe/bartpe.img Save changes to EasyBoot menu. Use script 'easyboot-grub-iso.script' and push directly on button: "Make USB bootable and transfer ISO-build to USB" You also have a red arrow pointing to that button DO NOT check: "Force Format to NTFS (Default is FAT32)" in script - use default (FAT32) Script formats your USB drive letter (first primary partition) automatically and create menu.lst to directly launch EasyBoot menu using folder ezboot on the root of partition one (the active partition). Script doesn't touch second partition - script is capable to find all your partitions on USB drive and still focus to the first partition as the primary 'target' ![]() Note: everything that is inside folder disk1 is copied to partition one including (in your case) folder ISO with BartPE etcetera... I tested and it worked alright to my 46GB harddisk connected with USB dock station. Very noisy that old harddisk - but works ![]() Could this be the solution for present time, as we cannot use folder ezboot on NTFS file-system? regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 02 2011,14:06
hello balder,I haven't start to test your tutorial yet as there's something that I don't understand. What I can understand is : 1. Create First Primary Active FAT32 partition 2. Create Second Primary non-bootable NTFS partition 3. Copy the new grub-kicker-image (vhd.img) to "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot" with menu command "run vhd.img" Also copy "VHD-file" and folder "boot" and file "bootmgr" to the second primary NTFS partition. 4. And for BartPE with the menu command "run /iso/bartpe/bartpe.img" My question is here : Do you mean there are 2 menu command and 2 menu text like : run /iso/bartpe/bartpe.img Run BartPE run vhd.img Win7 USB Then when boot up the Easyboot menu , you can either choose "Run BartPE" or "Win7 USB" with the up and down arrow keys ? Question 2 : You've mentioned that your IDE 2.5" usb-hdd is funtional with your above idea . Does it mean the 'Buffalo' 2.5 SATA usb-hdd fail ? Hope for your tutorial again. Thanks. Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 02 2011,14:27
hello balder ,Sorry, I've Question 3 : Now my usb-hdd has 2 partitions 1st primary active NTFS partition 2nd logical NTFS partition (for data storage) I've a habbit to hide the "1st primary active NTFS partition" , the reason is : 1. Everytime when I plug in my usb-hdd to any computer , I don't want Windows to search my 2 partitions's content , that would take a long time to finish or break it. That's annoying. 2. If some of my Windows's folder path is D: , and when somehow my usb-hdd become drive D: , then unwant files or folders may be generated on my usb-hdd 1st partition. Actually hidding "1st primary active NTFS partition" is a good staff to me , and Easyboot work normal all over. My question 3 is : According to your above idea , can I hide the 1st and 2nd partition as usual ? Thanks Posted by balder on Nov. 02 2011,15:02
@allgames71Quote: "Does it mean the 'Buffalo' 2.5 SATA usb-hdd fail ?" Yes, unfortunately that is the case ![]() This is hazardous - and far from stabile solution. Best result is achieved using bold part of tutorial in post nr;27 in this topic But strangely that 3.5" IDE-unit plugged into USB dock-station did work ![]() So I took a chance and created Ghost image of whole IDE-harddisk and run ghost to Buffalo 2.5" (a 'real' USB disk powered directly from USB-connector) But it didn't work 'File not found' was all grub reported. This USB disk units behaves differently and we must use the most reliable method we can find. And that method is describe in post nr;27 However I'm not sure NT5-PE-systems (BartPE as example) can be launched this way - but NT6-PE-systems (MsDart60/65/70 and similar can be launched correctly from NTFS partition) Note: you must create one primary NTFS partition and one second FAT32 partition to make it work. NTFS partition is supposed to hold VHD-file(s) including any NT6-PE-system (MsDart etcetera) and the FA32 partition can hold linux\isolinux distros. However you can put NT6-PE-ISO-files directly into folder ezboot and simply use menu command: run ***.iso Create iso and follow tutorial in post nr;27 In this way you automatically have your NT6-PE-file(s) already in EasyBoot-ISO-file. But you cannot use this solution to NT5-PE-files (I'm searching for an solution to this problem). Okay, it isn't every day we launch VHD-files and thereby need to start from NTFS but I guess it will be more common in future ![]() And the solution is to create and launch ISO of EasyBoot menu system, instead of launching ezldr (folder ezboot) as it cannot be run from NTFS. Quote: "According to your above idea , can I hide the 1st and 2nd partition as usual" This should be possible as we use grub as boot-loader to launch created ISO-file of EasyBoot menu. Grub should be able to find hided partition(s) as well. You can copy some NT6-PE-ISO to another NTFS-partition and hide partition. Create menu entry in menu.lst on first partition typically like this: title Launch NT6-PE find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/nt6-pe.iso map /iso/ nt6-pe.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot Above menu entry in grub automatically scan all partitions (hided should be found as well) and launch nt6-pe.iso ![]() Regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 03 2011,01:41
hello balder ,I've tried Post No.27 and fail to load BartPE after Ram counting in the black and white screen ! I do it as your tutorial like this : 1. Delete folder ezboot from USB drive 2. Copy C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ISO\BARTPE\BartPE.img to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot 3. Remove C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ISO folder 4. Change menu command in EasyBoot menu to: run bartpe.img (save changes to EasyBoot menu) No need to create mycd.iso again. 5. Use 'easyboot-grub-iso.script' and push on 'Create ISO-File' - ISO is created by script A new TEST.iso will be generated in C:\WinBuilder_Complete 6. Copy C:\WinBuilder_Complete\iso\easyboot folder to usb-stick 7. Copy C:\WinBuilder_Complete\iso\menu.lst to usb-stick (overwrite the existing one) When boot and there's a Ram counting process , after that it hangs up like this : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting cmain() ... (hd0,0) Fat12 BPB Loading ISO to RAM can take serveral minutes ! probed C/H/S = 80/2/18, probed total sectors = 2880 floppies_orig=0, harddrives_orig=2, floppies_curr=1, harddrives_curr=2 (hd0,0) Load segment: 0x0 System Type: 0x0 Sector Count 0x4 Load RBA: 0xBA Boot Type: 0 = No Emulation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please help , thanks. Posted by balder on Nov. 03 2011,11:31
@allgames71Quote: "When boot and there's a Ram counting process , after that it hangs up" Yes I know it happens - but I think I have a solution to this problem ![]() First we need to set up the goal for this "mission", which is to launch Easayboot menu from NTFS-partition ![]() 1. Reason to use NTFS-partition is the need to launch VHD-files which must be run (launched) from NTFS-partition. 2. We cannot simply move folder 'ezboot' and launch 'ezldr' as it doesn't work from NTFS-partition 3. Solution is to use the in Easyboot created ISO-file as it is. 4. We cannot launch NT5-PE-ISO-files from NTFS-partition if such ISO is copied to the root of NTFS-partition Above is the 'main'-problem we are facing ![]() Solution is this: I designed a new script (easyboot-nt5-iso.script) that creates a 'grub-iso'-file that can be launched with 'memdisk'-command in Easyboot. Download beta-script-collection from < HERE > Extract zip-file and you get a new folder 'balder_usb' (this is our experimental 'USB-solutions' which we can expand and test with during our 'mission') Launch 'winbuilder.exe' inside folder as usual, and you now only have two scripts to chose between 1. Use 'easyboot-iso-nt5.script to integrate your BartPE.ISO-file (or ERD5 or similar NT5-based PE.ISO-file) 2. You automatically is given right menu command to use in EasyBoot. Some notes: script creates a new folder 'ISOFILES' inside folder ezboot and put created BartPE.ISO-file (with grub-boot-record) inside folder 'ISOFILES' (this also gives you a clean environment inside folder ezboot). Script also automatically update your 'memdisk'-file in folder ezboot to a newer better version, as the old one don't work correctly in EasyBoot anyway! But from this point you can use 'memdisk' as menu command in EasyBoot menu. You can also integrate WinPE.ISO-files based on NT6-systems (typically; Ghost15-rescue.iso, MsDart60/65/70 etcetera Integration of such ISO's is done by simply copy WinPE.ISO-file(s) to folder ezboot\ISOFILES and use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run /ezboot/isofiles/***.iso When creating ISO in EasyBoot test with checking *Joliet* as it can come in handy when integrating Knoppix/linux-system ![]() So the steps are: 1. Use 'easyboot-nt5-iso.script' to integrate your 'BartPE.ISO-fil' as first step followed by creating ISO in EasyBoot as usual (we need that ISO) 2. Manually format (recommended) your USB drive partition (the first partition) to NTFS 3. Use script 'EasyBoot-USB_v2 .script' and check "Force script to NOT format USB drive! (Only refresh grub and ISO\Image-file)". Push on Start-button and chose ISO created by EasyBoot. Note: you can later manually modify 'menu.lst' on USB drive Optional: If already having grub boot-record and grlr and menu.lst on USB harddisk - you can manually copy ISO-file created by EasyBoot to your USB harddisk and modify menu.lst to launch your ISO-file The created Easyboot-ISO-file can of course grow to a very large ISO as you having all ISO-files inside created ISO However this is no problem as you anyway must move (copy) all 'data' to USB drive in some way - and why not do it the 'handy' way and have files collected inside EasyBoot.iso-file from beginning Final note: You can of course use above solution from CD\DVD-unit as well! But for present time let's test and report our results before I go ahead and change scripts to an more optimal way. The 'easyboot-grub-iso.script' (in folder balder) is working alright with above solution to WinPE5.iso-files as well - same to the memdisk command - no problems! Test and see if it works out better this time ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Nov. 03 2011,15:28
hello balder ,It works this time , it seems there's nothing impossible to you. Thanks. I follow your tutorial like this : 1. Use balder_usb...WinBuilder_Complete...Easyboot-NT5-ISO script to integrate pebuilder.iso with menu command "memdisk /ezboot/isofiles/bartpe.iso" 2. Use Easyboot to create "mycd.iso" and check "Joliet" only 3. Use balder_usb...WinBuilder_Complete...EasyBoot-USB_v2 I made this BartPE like nomal way , I do it in my usb-stick instead of usb-hdd. As there's a lot of existing program in my usb-hdd. After making the usb-stick , I manually name the iso.iso to BartPE.iso and copy it to my usb-hdd and modify the menu.lst in usb-hdd. Thanks for spending so much time on my raised program. Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- balder , I want to tell you one more thing , that's about "CLONE Windows 7 USB Drive Edition (7USBEditionByiMortaluz.vhd)". Just like you I made the Win7USB with my own language successfully and place it in my usb-hdd , by that time I made a whole copy of my usb-hdd to my son's usb-hdd as well. Every program works fine except the Win7USB , it failed to boot. So I changed another new usb-hdd and copy exactly the same thing in there and the Win7USB works also. What I'm trying to say is this Win7USB may not be compatible with every usb-hdd. As two of my friends usb-hdd also can't boot Win7USB. So the best way is to keep your working usb-hdd well and try not to change another one. Test it. Thanks again. |