Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Win7 USB EasyBoot & Big Install.wim started by: ghost168 Posted by Guest on Nov. 18 2011,23:12
~Making my own W7 installs from complete ready installations the Install.wim sometimes will not fit on a fat32, like easyboot configures the usbstick with. The usb fixed files in the ezboot directory are not completely written to usb with "write disk". The Install.wim becomes smaller on the stick and will not work. This is because fat32 cannot hold files over the size of 4GB minus 1 byte. - Convert fat32 > ntfs. - This workaround failed. - A workaround was to open Easeus partitioner and convert fat 32 of the usb stick, after it was written with EasyBoot/Uiso containing among others a W7 install with defect Install.wim. Then I overwrote the Install.wim on the stick with the right one, bigger then 4 GB. (Install.wim exists in the map sources) - W7 Install started immediately. EasyBootMenu failed. - ~ Is there a successfull workaround? Hope the EasyBoot crew will change usb disk writing to ntfs ! Posted by balder on Nov. 19 2011,01:47
@ghost168Quote: "This is because fat32 cannot hold files over the size of 4GB minus 1 byte" I guess you are referring to my warning in post nr; 13 < HERE > Quote: "Is there a successfull workaround?" Yes there is ![]() Do it this way: 1. Create your complete build in easyboot as usual (all files in folder disk1 and menu system that are in folder ezboot as usual). 2. You can test build when finished with your build (use created ISO and run in "Virtual PC" or similar so you now it works correctly). 3. Move all files and folders from folder disk1 except folder ezboot to a temporary folder (we only need folder ezboot left in folder disk1). 4. Again create ISO as usual in EasyBoot (ISO is now much smaller as only folder ezboot is left in folder disk1). 5. Use my script 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' to make your USB drive bootable and point to ISO created by EasyBoot when script ask for ISO-file. Note: In script check: "Force format to NTFS (Default is FAT32)" 6. When script finished, copy all files and folders to the root of USB drive from the temporary folder you used in step 3. 7. Congratulation - you are finished ![]() Attention! In 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' you have in the lower left part two options: "Chose visual boot options". I suggest you chose: "Launch ISO\image-file directly" Note: there is no harm in using option: "Grub-menu with animated theme" but I guess you are interested to at once reach the EasyBoot menu right away. WARNING! Found bug in script 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' (script simply halted). Please do a new download and simply replace the whole folder 'balder' with new downloaded folder 'balder' ![]() Note1: In case 'swap;boot 80' fail to work - open folder 'USB_Resources' in folder 'balder' - read and follow instruction in 'READ_ME.txt' Note2: You can transfer ISO created by EasyBoot without the need to format USB drive by simply check: "Force script to NOT format USB drive!" In this way you avoid the need to once again copy all files and folders to the root of USB drive - only ISO-file (in this case ISO created by EasyBoot) is refreshed together with grub boot record and files related to grub is also 'refreshed'. In case you get the message Error 60...... push on button "Run defrag to USB drive" (you may need to do this several times depending on what USB drive you use). ![]() regards balder Posted by Guest on Nov. 19 2011,03:10
~Thank you Balder, I will print your suggestion, and follow it step by step. The former Tests with W7 usb, created as you said, were successfull. (Install.wim smaller then 4GB), and I combined W732 in the root via winbuild, and also W764 via a Ghost. Now the Menu as in my 1st message, is fully working :-) Note, W764 has an Install.wim, bigger then 4GB, but because its in a Ghost image, split into smaller spans, it works well. For W7 it is also possible to use the Microsoft usb utility first, copy the content of the stick, create an EasyBoot usb, and copy the MS usb W7 content back to the stick. But I like the use of winbuilder for its flexibility. ~ Posted by Guest on Nov. 19 2011,09:14
@BalderEasyboot usb v2 When I tried to use the script for using usb (ntfs), I got an error that more then 1 usb was connected, but only one was! If I took out the usb stick, an error came with 0 usb drives are connected, what was correct. The one usb stick is been seen as 2 usb drives? I changed to another usb stick with the same result. I used another pc, same result. Tried it in W732 and XP, all the same. I have the WinBuilder_Complete folder in C:\ as the help says. Is it possible to remove the double drive check from script? Posted by balder on Nov. 19 2011,09:28
@ghost168Quote: "I got an error that 2 usb drives were connected, but only one was!" Are you sure you downloaded last update of script-collection ![]() This bug was in release before this instant day ![]() By curiosity - did you download and replaced folder 'balder' today or are you still using script-collection from a week or so ![]() regards balder Posted by Guest on Nov. 19 2011,12:44
@BalderSorry to tell you, Just a few minutes agoo I downloaded: < > Then copied the map WinBuilder_Complete to (XP) C:\ But... Same problem, "Warning... more than one USB drive" I am sure, only one is in the usb slot, and if I take it out and use the script, it tells: No USB drive found! This is in a temporary XP installation, but in W732 I had the same error, so I'm going back to W732 for my other progs. The usb stick is an ADATA S101 - 16 GB and new formatted. I also did a Low-Level format on this stick with HDDLLF 4.05 from, to be sure it was not due to the usbStick. Posted by balder on Nov. 19 2011,13:05
@ghost168Quote: "Warning... more than one USB drive" Hmmm.... Strange ![]() I always test scripts to 5 different computers (including 2 laptops). Test this: 1. Remove files and folders from folder disk1 to a temporary folder (except folder ezboot) 2. Instead use "easyboot-grub-iso.script" and push "Create ISO-File" 3. Push on "Make USB bootable and transfer ISO-build to USB" 4. Copy files and folders from temporary folder to the root of USB drive. Note: check that path is correct to easyboot\disk1 in script ![]() I have another different solution but I'm interested why script fail in your case ![]() Note: script is 'consciously' built with the approach to act sensitive to USB drive (to avoid lost of data). Question is; is script to sensitive ![]() Anyway test mentioned script above and report how it worked ![]() Regards balder Posted by Guest on Nov. 19 2011,13:31
Balder,I put rem before some lines of the script, disabling the check, and now the script worked and asked for the iso/img location. Because I remmed, the usb test files were not removed, and i could read ListDrives.txt. It found 3 usb drives, however only one was in the slot. So ListUSB.exe is not working properly. Maybe it has nothing to do with the script itself? have rem before lines: 428, - If, %drivenumber%...... 432, 433, 434 and 435, - under [twodrives] ~ Posted by balder on Nov. 19 2011,13:45
@ghost168Quote: "Maybe it has nothing to do with the script itself?" But how many USB drives is showed in Windows Explorer ![]() Basically script uses Explorer (ListUSB.exe) to find out amount of USB drives ![]() It seems that ListUSB.exe detects your internal drive(s) as USB drive(s) - which on the other hand is impossible ![]() Hopefully you did download latest script-collection today (just asking ![]() Could you please do some more 'investigation' as this is very strange - before I present a different solution ![]() regards balder Posted by Guest on Nov. 19 2011,14:01
Balder,Did some investigation: running the check outside the script. ---------------------------------------------------------- ListUsbDrives V1.7.8 Lists attached USB drives and their USB port names for USBDLM Freeware by Uwe Sieber - < > Current User = user LogonType = local Member of group = Administrators Admin = yes MountPoint = I:\ Volume Label = --- Volume Size = 16 GB (NTFS) Volume Name = \\?\Volume{0d965d91-12a5-11e1-9aa7-002215f2f24b}\ MultiCardReader = no NoMediaNoLetter = yes Drive Type = removable drive Bus Type = USB Device Types = HotPlug Drive DevID = USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_ADATA&PROD_USB_FLASH_DRIVE&REV_1100\AA07000000000152&0 Ctrl DevID = USB\VID_125F&PID_311A\AA07000000000152 Host Controller = Intel® ICH10 Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 3A3C Volume DosDevName = \Device\Harddisk3\DP(1)0-0+8 Disk DosDevName = \Device\0000009b Device Number = 3 Removal Policy = surprise removal Partition Number = 1 of 1 Friendly Name = ADATA USB Flash Drive USB Version = 2.0 (high speed) USB Friendl. Name = ADATA ADATA USB Flash Drive USB Serial = AA07000000000152 USB Port Name = 11-4 ---------------------------------------------------------- Does this help you? ------------------- In "This Computer" only 1 removable drive is shown I: the usb. In an edit of my earlier answer I specified the rem lines, which seem to help to complete the script, (with no check of cause) - Of cause I downloaded your latest only a while agoo (see link). ~ Posted by balder on Nov. 19 2011,14:16
@ghost168Quote: "Did some investigation: running the check outside the script." This is wrong: Device Number = 3 (should be 1) (Is there 2 hard disk units in this computer?) And this is wrong as well: Partition Number = 1 of 1 (should be 1 of 0) (but I don't think it's the main problem - its that "Device Number = 3" that is strange) Thank you for this analyze ![]() However -have you tested to different 'hardware' (different computer) ![]() I do have a solution to your problem but is in same time desperately interested to solve this strange behaviour from your computer (it must be something with that hardware) ![]() Does this computer have a Internal SSD hard-disk - (Solid State hard-disk)? Is it possible for you to test a different hardware ![]() regards balder Posted by Guest on Nov. 19 2011,17:01
(balder @ Nov. 19 2011,20:16) QUOTE This is wrong: Device Number = 3 (should be 1) (Is there 2 hard disk units in this computer?) However -have you tested to different 'hardware' (different computer) ![]() I do have a solution to your problem but is in same time desperately interested to solve this strange behaviour from your computer (it must be something with that hardware) ![]() Does this computer have a Internal SSD hard-disk - (Solid State hard-disk)? Is it possible for you to test a different hardware ![]() regards balder ~ ~ All of my deskktops have 4 or more drives, they are with and without ssd's, but there's no difference. I tried 6 of them with the script and all gave the error of supposed more usb drives. The only one that could use the script in its original state, with no disabled usb number check i mean, is a laptop. This is also the only one with just 1 harddisk. Does this ring a bell? The desktops are different types of motherboard and cards. The only common thing i can find is that they have more then 1 harddisk. I will try to remove hd's from one of them and see if this is really the problem, more then 1 hd. Keep in touch. ~ A few hours later... I removed all hd's from a Desktop pc, exept one. Now the EasyBoot-USB_V2 script works correctly !!! Think the script needs to be altered. ~ Thx so far ~ Posted by balder on Nov. 20 2011,03:39
@ghost168Quote: "I removed all hd's from a Desktop pc, exept one. Now the EasyBoot-USB_V2 script works correctly !!! Think the script needs to be altered." I agree to 100% I found the bug right away ![]() Funny is that "easyboot-grub-iso.script" is equipped with this 'auto-check' of connected USB drives. Unfortunately by 'sloppy behaviour' I totally forgot to make necessary changes to "easyboot-usb_v2.script" ![]() There is no excuse to this and I send you my greatest gratitude for pointing to this 'bug' - thank you ![]() Script-collection is now updated. Scripts related to USB drives support up to 8 internal hard-drives and drive letters from C to Z However scripts is still able to find first USB drive letter in such hardware ![]() Some notes... If your computer has 9 internal hard-drives connected, and you connect USB drive to such computer - script report: "WARNING! Script has found to many drives in this computers hardware!" If you connect two or more USB drives (regardless if they are 'Removable' or 'Fixed' USB drives) script report: "Script has found more than one USB drive is connected to your motherboard!" I would appreciate if you can test scripts to your differnt 'super-computers' (with several internal hard-disk units) and check that scripts work correctly. Note: I have tested with several internal hard-disk units connected - borrowed from my wife computers (Pssss don't say anything ![]() regards balder |