Forum: EasyBoot Topic: CMOSPWD on Easyboot? started by: Firefox Posted by Firefox on Nov. 06 2011,15:33
Hey, I´m Firefox and from Germany.I have a Question about the Easyboot. At the work i need often the BIOS password and every time to call the customer is boring :S . I found the program "Cmospwd" and i would put it on my multiboot cd too, but how? When i extract the zip i get tweo folders. DOS and Windows, in the Folder DOS are two exe files (cmospwd.exe and cwsdpmi.exe) . But what should i do with it? I hope you understand my english ![]() FireFox Posted by balder on Nov. 07 2011,05:13
@FirefoxThis is your first post in this forum @Firefox - so I say welcome ![]() Quote: "But what should i do with it?" You need a DOS-image-file. Luckily EasyBoot provides you with one already during installation of Easyboot ![]() Do it this way: 1. Open dos98.img in folder ezboot (I use UltraIso you can use any program that you like instead) 2. Extract files, 'Autoexec.bat' and 'Config.sys' to a temporary folder of your choice (keep dos98.img open) 3. Right-click to 'Autoexec.bat' in your temporary folder and choose to 'Edit* file. 4. Delete all text followed by insert this text; cmospwd.exe Close edit mode and save changes to 'Autoexec.bat'. 5. Right-click to 'config.sys' in your temporary folder and choose Notepad as program to open file. 6. Delete all text in 'Config.sys' and insert this text: files=20 buffers=20 stacks=9,256 lastdrive=z 7. Save changes to 'Config.sys' 8. Return to you opened dos98.img and inject back your edited files 'Autoexec.bat' and 'Config.sys' from your temporary folder. 9. From downloaded 'cmospwd-folder' open folder 'Dos' and insert (copy) 'cmospwd.exe' and 'cwsdpmi.exe' into dos98.img. 10. Save changes to dos98.img but use 'Save as' and use the name 'bios.img' 11. Create menu entry in EasyBoot and use menu command : run bios.img 12. Create ISO and test.... Note1: I'm not going to explain how this DOS-BIOS-program works - that is up to you to learn 'how' (though there is an 'cmospwd.txt' that gives basic guidelines how to manage program). Note2: Chosen keyboard layout is US (English) you might need to modify your Autoexec.bat-file to choose German keyboard if you have difficulties to find '/' as example. If so, try to find any 'old' dos-floppy created by you 'German' Windows 95/98/WinMe system (hopefully you still have someone available in your 'pocket'). In Autoexec.bat and 'Config.sys' you can see what more text-lines that are needed in 'bios.img' to set the right keyboard (German instead of English). However, most likely you can figure out how to use the 'English' keyboard as it is ![]() Good luck ![]() balder Posted by Firefox on Nov. 21 2011,06:39
Thanks, it works.But how I get Erd Commander 2005, DBAN and GParted worked on the CD? Every time I get a Isolinux error and any more. At the Boardsearch i havent find anything... Posted by balder on Nov. 21 2011,08:08
@FirefoxQuote: "But how I get Erd Commander 2005, DBAN and GParted worked on the CD" To solve Erd-2005 you use my script "easyboot-iso.script" and check 'Run ISO from RAM' in script ![]() You need to run ISO from RAM as ERD-2005 is built from source of an NT5-system (typically WinXP, server-2003 or similar) Note: You have download of script-collection below in every post I write in this forum ![]() Please read carefully 'READ_ME-html' in download ![]() -------------------------- The 'Dban' solution... I downloaded 'dban-2.2.6_i586.iso' and moved ISO to folder ezboot Note: I also renamed ISO to dban.iso In EasyBoot menu I used menu command: run dban.iso Seems to work as far as I could test it ------------------------------ The ' Gparted' solution... I downloaded Gparted ISO-file from < HERE > Open Gparted-ISO-file (I use UltraIso) and extract folder ' live' to folder disk1 (folder 'disk1' is the 'root in EasyBoot if you wonder) Copy (or move) Gparted-ISO-file to folder ezboot. In EasyBoot use menu command: run dban-2.2.6_i586.iso Note: You don't need to check anything when creating ISO However checking 'Joliet' could be needed of some other reason but doesn't affect functionality to above cases. It's important you run latest release of Easyboot (version; regards balder Posted by Firefox on Nov. 21 2011,14:22
Thanks for your Help, but when I download your Scripts my Computer says its Infected.I Will try it tomorrow. What do you mean with that? QUOTE Copy (or move) Gparted-ISO-file to folder ezboot. In EasyBoot use menu command: run dban-2.2.6_i586.iso I Should run the gparted.iso ? I use the Version Posted by balder on Nov. 21 2011,15:24
@FirefoxQuote: "What do you mean with that?" I mean you can use downloaded ISO-file (move it to folder ezboot) or chose to make a copy of ISO-file (and keep your original downloaded ISO-file). He, he.... Sorry for misunderstanding - but some people use downloaded ISO-file directly (I do) and some other people make a copy to use - do as it suites your self ![]() -------------------------------------------------- Quote: " I Should run the gparted.iso ?" Yes, you must run the ISO - but also extract folder 'live' to the root of EasyBoot (folder disk1 is the 'root' in Easyboot) Note: do not remove folder 'files' from ISO-file - and yes - this consumes close to the double of space - but is needed in this particular case In most of the cases with linux\isolinux distros you can delete folders\files that are needed on the 'root' from ISO-file (makes ISO much smaller in size). It really shouldn't be needed to have folder 'live' in ISO as well, but I tried removing that folder after extracting it to the 'root' (folder disk1). However in this particular case - by some reasons that I wasn't able to figure out - it didn't work as expected ![]() I was forced to keep folder 'live' left in ISO as well - and that solved the problem ![]() ------------------------------------------------ Quote: "I use the Version" That should be good enough ![]() regards balder |