Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Avira Rescue 2012 started by: farzanmicrosoft Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Oct. 23 2011,13:27
Hi every oneavira rescue 2012 is related how add avira 2012 in easy boot 6.5 ? i have tested before and i couldn't use the rescue 2011 in easy boot so i need all possible way to make it thanks everyone Posted by balder on Oct. 23 2011,14:26
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: "how add avira 2012 in easy boot 6.5" I found an "rescue-ISO-file" to download (not sure it is the right one ![]() Tutorial for Avira rescue. Note: I used UltraIso to manipulate avira.iso-file 1. Make a copy of avira iso as we are going to manipulate iso ![]() 2. Extract from AVIRA.ISO-file folder system and folder antivir and folder avupdate to folder disk1 in Easyboot 3. Delete folder system folder antivir and folder avupdate from inside of AVIRA.ISO-file (we don't need those folders any longer inside ISO, as they now are extracted to the root (folder disk1 is the root for EasyBoot if you wonder) 4. Save ISO-file that now is less in size with the name AVIRA.ISO to the root (folder disk1) 5. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run /avira.iso 6. Check "Joliet" when creating ISO in EasyBoot balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Oct. 23 2011,16:06
hi mr balder ![]() i did like yo said it is the avira rescue 2012 with last update < Avira Rescue 2012 > ![]() please test this file and help me how can i used avira in easy boot . Could you make movie when you are crateing avira rescue in easy boot and uploded to me ? ![]() i hope this video will help all of use so i appreciated for supporting me ![]() Posted by balder on Oct. 23 2011,18:10
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: "Could you make movie when you are crateing avira rescue in easy boot and uploded to me" Well I'll try my very best ![]() Note: it's basically the same as I described in post nr; 2 Anyway test this: 1. Download zip-file from < HERE > 2. Extract zip-file with you favourite zip-program (I use the freeware 7-zip) 3. Find and double-click to "avira.html" Note: you must have "flash-player" installed to computer (which you most likely already have) Thanks for the download-link, always appreciated ![]() balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Oct. 27 2011,16:42
Hi Mr Balder ![]() Thanks a lot, Avira ISO is working very nice I have an other question ... How add ERD Commander 3 In 1 (XP,Vista,Windows7)? i need the easy way ![]() Posted by balder on Oct. 28 2011,07:35
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: "How add ERD Commander 3 In 1 (XP,Vista,Windows7)?" To integrate; erd60.iso, erd65.iso you simply copy files to folder ezboot and use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run erd60.iso (as example) ![]() But to integrate erd50.iso you must use my script "easyboot-iso.script" and in script check "Run ISO from RAM" ![]() Difference is that erd60.iso, erd65.iso is built from NT6-system source (typically NT6-systems are Vista\Win7\server-2008\Win8) Compare this to erd50.iso that is built from source of NT5-system (typically WinXP, Server-2003 etcetera - it is easy to recognize NT5-systems as they all use folder I386 inside ISO) Note: as "easyboot-iso.script" creates a new folder "ISO" in folder disk1, you can chose to copy erd60.iso and erd65.iso to this folder instead of folder ezboot (that already has a lot of files). If using folder ISO then change menu command to: run /iso/erd60.iso Floppy image "winme.ima" (if present in your download) is easy ![]() Copy winme.ima to folder ezboot and use menu command: run winme.ima Or better up, copy winme.ima to folder ISO together with rest of you ISO-files and use menu command: run /iso/ winme.ima regards balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Oct. 28 2011,09:10
This files [ ERD Commander 3 In 1 (XP,Vista,Windows7) ]are not separated and you can downloads here < ERD 3in1 > i have already download your scripts and they are good, bute some txt file i can not understand or have not Enough information ok another things i have use this files in my project [1]Avira Rescue 2012 run avira.iso [2] Active Boot Disk 5.4.5 run abd.bif [3] Acronis True Image Home bcdw /ezboot/acronis.iso [4] Acronis WD Align Tools bcdw /ezboot/align.iso now i want add ''Wondershare & Spoutmao & PASS CAPE & Hiren's.BootCD.10.5 & win xp sp3 and erd 3in1 '' how add this file to this project ? plz make me easy way . thanks ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted by balder on Oct. 28 2011,09:49
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: "now i want add ''Wondershare & Spoutmao & PASS CAPE & Hiren's.BootCD.10.5 & win xp sp3 and erd 3in1 '' Hiren's.BootCD.10.5 can be integrated using my script "easyboot-hiren14*.script" Solution to win xp sp3 1. Copy Folder I386 and "ident-files" win51 etcetera to folder disk1. 2. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu; run W2KSECT.BIN (check that you have W2KSECT.BIN in folder ezboot) 3. When creating ISO avoid checking "Allow Lower Case" and "DOS(8.3)" you may check "Joliet" if having isolinux\linux distro's onboard as this doesn't has any affect to setup of WinXP ------------------------------------------- I'm a little bit confused about this: ''Wondershare & Spoutmao & PASS CAPE" Open Wondershare-ISO and look inside. Is there a folder " BOOT" folder "EFI" and folder " SOURCES" and a file "bootmgr" If this is the case - it is an NT6-system and can be launched simply by copy ISO to folder ezboot and use menu command: run wondershare.iso If this is not the case - tell me what's inside ISO ![]() Edit: Found Wondershare, this is an "restore/repair-ISO similar to MsDart65. You can simply copy ISO to folder ezboot and use menu command: run wondershare.iso (or whatever name you have to ISO-file) What is this? Spoutmao (open ISO-file and describe what's inside including a brief explanation what this is) EDIT: If it has folder BOOT, Sources, EFI and a file bootmgr inside ISO, if this is the case, it is an NT6-system and can be launched from EasyBoot menu like this: run spotmanu.iso Is PASS CAPE a kind of "get/find-key" of lost software-key or something. I Found one download (115MB ISO hopefully the right one). EDIT: @farzanmicrosoft Quote: "This files [ ERD Commander 3 In 1 (XP,Vista,Windows7) ]are not separated" I have now examined ISO-file and it is an special version of the ERD5.iso that is involved here. This means you simply copy ERDC.iso to folder ezboot and use menu command: run ERDC.iso This solution works from USB drive as well Note: as ISO-files is loaded to RAM before executed it can take some extra seconds but is an stable solution. Hmmm... He, he... Why didn't you simply tested your self before asking me ![]() Found "passcape" that seems to be some kind of "key-braker/password or whatever" or something - size to ISO is 115MB. This is an NT6-system (Vista/Win7 build). Simply copy ISO-file to folder ezboot and use menu command: run rwps.iso (rwps.iso was the name to ISO-file I found) Again: Why didn't you simply tested solution before asking Me ![]() regards balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Oct. 28 2011,15:24
you wright wondershare , passcape , spoutmaue have that folders and i use run xxx.iso and they are working Quote: "Hiren's.BootCD.10.5 can be integrated using my script "easyboot-hiren14*.script" HOW ? i can not understand WinBuilder and your tools i want to add 3 diffident version of windows xp sp3 ! how ? Posted by balder on Oct. 28 2011,15:38
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: "i can not understand WinBuilder and your tools" Download zip-file and extract folder "balder" from script. Open folder balder and double-click to "READ_ME.html" Read carefully how you launch WinBuilder and how you set UAC (User-Account-Controll) if you run Vista or win7. If you run Winxp as OP-system there is no UAC to set - it works perfect from WinXP. Attention! Each script has a little "Help-button" as well - use it please. But start to carefully reading "READ_ME.html" as it gives you basic instructions. You can also study how WinBuilder is launched - read post nr; 15 < HERE > Download zip-file from post nr;15 and study ![]() You use "easyboot-aio.script" to integrate your three different WinXP (set different name in text-box to folder name for your three different WinXP-setup). You use "easyboot-hiren14*.script" to integrate Hiren Always use "help-button" in each script. If you do not at all understand the "READ_ME.html" please let me know as I then must reform it in some way ![]() regards balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Oct. 31 2011,07:34
[QUOTE] XBEN < POST > Since version 5.05, EasyBoot supports a new feature named 'Use Image Text'. Here is some tips: 1) Create an bitmap image by third-party image processing program (such as PhotoShop, ACDSee), put menu text in any font and size, but using SINGLE color value (named color1 later) for text string, save it as back.bmp 2) Start EasyBoot, and specify back.bmp as the background image 3) Use 'Options'->'Configuration' to define the value of text color (color1). PS: It is recommaned to pick this color from background image, so it matches the text color on background image exactly. 4) Create a menu item, check 'Use Image Text' option, then select defined text color (color1) as foreground color of 'Normal status', and specify foreground color of 'Highlight status' as wanted 5) Do as steps 3-4 for background color, or simply make both background color for 'Normal status' and 'Highlight status' the same (any) color to achieve 'transparent' effect 6) When boot menu comes out, EasyBoot will re-map color pairs between Normal and Highlight according to mouse movement mr balder plz show me with little video that i can make it completely . thx ![]() Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Oct. 31 2011,17:44
hi every onecan you hear me ? ![]() i need help it is more than 10 hours no body had solve my problem plz some one help me ![]() Posted by balder on Oct. 31 2011,18:44
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: "it is more than 10 hours no body had solve my problem" @farzanmicrosoft - sorry but I do have some other things to take care about in my "surroundings" ![]() I do not use this facitility (background colour) ![]() It took me some time to create a flash movie but here it is ![]() Note: I created a simple background and wrote some text in Red colour. My goal was to get Red text highlighted to yellow colour. Download zip-file and extract folder 'colour' - double-click to 'colour.html' to start flash movie. Hope it helps ![]() Note: you can always pause movie while studying it - and continue watching... Download zip-file < HERE > regards balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Nov. 01 2011,01:03
thanks for your help ![]() i hope you only help me Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Nov. 02 2011,18:30
hiagain it me with my problem i did like whate you said but i have 2 page in my project !!! Posted by balder on Nov. 03 2011,12:30
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: "but i have 2 page in my project" Well use another colour to that second page (your second ***.ezb-file with different or same background) Note: Each ***.ezb-file has it's own 'options' (in your case different colour table) regards balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Nov. 21 2011,17:33
hi mr balderlast month i have successfully create my project with your help [when i use my project i told every one : somone was help me to crate this disk ] many thansk <;f=1;t=3572 > Quote: "But you need PE-files to fix that problem of yours - download this large MultiPE-ISO from HERE Download link courtesy of @farzanmicrosoft (thanks @farzanmicrosoft) SSSOOO THANKSSSSSSSSSS ![]() i have a little problem in loading in win xp sp3 you told me the ways . i have use winbulider script for my 3 diffident win xp and another rull for a windows xp i try more than 1000 each way and they work probably but when i use that ways in my project , windows and ERDXP not working . : Setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration... stop here and do noting. ERD XP=show me the blue screen in my project i used this files and all of them working < Disk1 content > < ezboot content > Page 1 run AVIRA.iso [1] AVIRA Rescue 2012 run WINSEVEN.iso [2] Windows 7 Ultimate X86 run XPS3.bin [3] Windows XP SP3 2011 run XPLIVEGERDOO.iso [4] Windows XP Live 2012 run ERD2007.iso [5] EDR Comander XP 2007 run PASSCAPE.iso [6] Pass Cape 2010 run AVIRA2.ezb [7] Next Page Page 2 run ACRONIS.iso [1] Acronis True Image & Disk Director Home run activebootdisk.bif [2] Active Boot Disk 5.4.5 run WONDERSHARE.iso [3] Wonder Share 2012 Live Boot run EASEUS.iso [4] Easeus Partiton Master 9 Professional 2012 run PARTITION.iso [5] Partition Wizard 2012 run QUICKTECH.iso [6] Quick Tech Professional run AVIRA1.ezb [7] Back swap;boot 80 [8] Boot from HDD what is that reason ? ![]() Posted by balder on Nov. 22 2011,02:06
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: "ERD XP=show me the blue screen" I guess you referring to this one: "[5] EDR Comander XP 2007" Use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate ERD-2007 into EasyBoot! Note: Check 'Run ISO from RAM' in script ![]() Attention! I have a 16 GB USB-stick that refuse to launch my ERD-5 (though it works correctly from CD\DVD) But if I use my 4 GB USB stick(or 8GB USB stick) it works right away. It looks to me that EasyBoot-'Burn' facility can have problems to correctly write to USB stick larger than 8 GB It look a little hazardous ![]() -------------------------------------- Anyway, I noticed in folder ezboot that you have a full ISO-file of setup of "winseven.iso" You have no use of this ISO-file in your build! Some important information.... 1. You cannot launch setup of any NT5-system (NT5=WinXP, server-2003, server-2000 or any NT5-ISO-file that typically use folder 'I386') from USB in the way you have chosed. 2. You cannot launch setup of NT6-system directly from ISO-file (NT6=Vista, Win7, Server-2008 or Win8 that use folders typically like; 'BOOT', 'SOURCES') in the way you have chosed. Though its been reported you can launch setup of NT6-system directly using ISO-file, if using this specially approach - Read < HERE > ------------------------------------------- You must accept there is a huge difference launching setup of NT5-system (WinXP as example) from CD\DVD comparing setup from USB device - it is simply not done in same way You need a tool to make it work from USB (especially setup of WinXP), but also 'kicker-images' to launch setup of these systems from EasyBoot menu - Read < HERE > ------------------------------------ Note: You have no use of folders related to setup of WinXP on the 'root' of USB - typically folder 'I386' or OEM-folder related to WinXP - delete this folders. Further more, you have no use of files like; 'bootdisk.ini', 'autorun.ico', 'autorun.inf' You can safely delete such files as these files only can be used from CD\DVD-unit and not from USB device! Note: there is no harm keeping these files on the root of USB, but as told - you have no use of them - do as it suites your self As for setup of Win7 it basically works the same as from DVD-unit. Though you cannot combine setup of Vista and Win7 if not using solution given by '' in link above! However launching setup should be possible by simply use menu command: run /bootmgr Note: you need (or are recommended to use) EasyBoot_v6.5 or later version. If launching of setup of Win7 doesn't respond correctly (run /bootmgr), you can use 'setupnt.img' (download in given tutorial above). You can also chose to download my script-collection (updated 22 NOV 2011). Inside folder 'balder\USB_Resources' you have floppy images and text-file 'READ_ME.txt' ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry ![]() ![]() regards balder |