Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Happy new 'EasyBoot-year'
started by: balder

Posted by balder on Dec. 31 2011,08:58
The past year has involved significant improvements to
Easyboot :)

Users of Easyboot can now run EasyBboot from USB without using 'third-part-tool' (balder script as example) which is a highly welcome improvement!

And further more... In combination with UltraIso (another powerful development from EZB systems) it is an easy task to make EasyBoot menu run from USB :laugh:

There is no doubt that the EasyBoot has broken "new ground" (particularly the USB part)!

So the question(s) is: What can users of EasyBoot expect from the EasyBoot development team next year ???
Perhaps included libraries of buttons (even animated ones) and similar materials!

I bet next year is going to be another exiting year to users of EasyBoot :;):  

In summary - happy new 'EasyBoot-year' to all of you out there :D

My best regards balder

Posted by gallomk on Dec. 31 2011,15:41
well!! thanks for your help!
the best for next year!!

infinite health!