Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: run games??
started by: gallomk

Posted by gallomk on Jan. 01 2012,16:00
can add games that run under DOS???
as I can do to run it?

Posted by balder on Jan. 01 2012,17:19

Quote: "can add games that run under DOS???"

Hmmm... Okay I'm a polite person so i won't call you *}~* :laugh:  but he, he I really don't think it is any good idea, as you need a fully working DOS-OP-system up and run to launch your DOS-game.

EasyBoot is a 'BOOT MANAGER' and not any 'OP-system' (OP-system= Operating System) :O

However if you can launch a simple DOS-game from DOS-floppy, then it might be possible to launch such dos-game ???

Note: you may need a much larger DOS-floppy to make all files fit into DOS-floppy image.

Push on 'Tools>>Create New Floppy Image'
In 'Seed Image' you choose 'setup98.img' that should be in folder 'ezboot' (or you can use any DOS-floppy image as 'seed image' to get the boot-record in place)
In 'Image Size' you choose size you need
In 'Output Image Filename' you can change name to whatever you like (game.img or whatever) name you prefer)

I cannot provide you with much more help than this, as EasyBoot is a BOOT MANAGER and not any OP-system :(

regards balder

Posted by gallomk on Jan. 02 2012,12:00
ok, so I try and tell you everything as it came!

thank you!