Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: same files easyboot
started by: ankit88

Posted by ankit88 on Dec. 31 2011,12:28

This is my first post.i just registered.........First of all thanks to developer of this amazing software  :)  :)

I am having some problems in multiboot dvd.What do do if i have same folders and files in iso images like iso1 contains folder1/a.img and iso 2 contains folder1/a.img but the size of a.img is not same  :( .(which means they are different)


Posted by balder on Dec. 31 2011,13:58

First of all, welcome to Easyboot forum @ankit88 :)

Quote: "What do do if i have same folders and files in iso images..."

Hmmm what kind of ISO-files are you dealing with ???
I ask this because plenty of ISO-files can be launched as they are - meaning no need to extract anything from ISO-file - or only partly extract some folder from ISO-file (which I generally call 'frugal solution')  :)  

So what software-ISO's is it you are trying to integrate into EasyBoot ???


Posted by ankit88 on Jan. 01 2012,09:04
Hi balder.....

I have two iso images.One is live boot and other is system repair disk.
Live boot disk contains.suppose g: is my dvd drive

and system rescue contains

But the problem is  :O  :O

Both the wim files are of different size.. :( one is 139,977kb and other is 292,027kb.....
Now what to do :(

Thanx in advance and Happy New Year :)

Posted by balder on Jan. 01 2012,10:10

Quote: "I have two iso images.One is live boot and other is system repair disk."

Okay what we are dealing with here - as far as I can understand ???  - is what we normally call 'WinPE-ISO-file(s)'

There are a lot of different 'WinPE-ISO-files' .
And further more - there are also 'basic' differences to these WinPE-ISO-files :O

Examples on WinPE built from source of NT6-family (NT6 is Vista, Win7, Win8, server-2008 etcetera) is:

MsDart-family (msdart60.iso, msdart65.iso, msdart70.iso or sometimes called 'DaRT70.iso' as example)

Windows_Recovery.iso (Windows_Vista_Recovery_Disk.iso, Windows_7_32bit_Recovery_Disc.iso and 64-bit of these and more to come)

Another examples might be: Wondershare.iso (there are a lot of different 'WinPE' to find on Internet)

BUT there are also 'old' WinPE based and built from NT5-source (NT5 is typically: WinXP or server-2003 as example using folder I386 and no 'wim-file' at all involved).

And now to the solution:

To launch WinPE-ISO based on NT6 (typically for such WinPE is the presents of folder 'source' and file 'boot.wim' inside folder 'source'. To find out what type of WinPE you are dealing with simply open ISO and look for folder 'source', and if present, then this is a WinPE based and built from NT6-system-source. If you instead find a folder I386 and files like 'win51' etcetera, well then it is a WinPE built from source of a NT5-system-source.)

However it seems you are only interested to launch WinPE based on NT6-system so let's stick to this for the moment :)

Do it this way:

1. Copy your 'Live boot'-ISO-file to folder ezboot

2. You can change name to ISO-file to what ever you like, let's say we call it;  winpelive.iso
Use meny command in EasyBoot:  run winpelive.iso

3. Copy your 'system rescue'-ISO-file to folder ezboot

4. You can change name to ISO-file to what ever you like, let's say we call it;  winperescue.iso
Use meny command in EasyBoot:  run winperescue.iso

5. Create ISO in EasyBoot. Note: you don't need to check anything when creating ISO (but doesn't harm anything if needed by some other reason).

Attention! If you later are interested to launch WinPE based on NT5-system (typically ERD5 or BartPE or Reatogo etcetera) then come back for solution to this issue (I can easily solve this if needed) :;):


Posted by ankit88 on Jan. 02 2012,10:58
Thanks balder :) i will try this...this is very very techie for me and it can take days for me to understand :D......

Anyway thanks a lot.Atleast i got the solution that my problem can be solved


Posted by balder on Jan. 02 2012,12:39

Quote: "this is very very techie for me and it can take days for me to understand"

To clear things out... ???

You don't need to extract anything from your ISO-files if  integrating WinPE based on NT6-system (typically MsDartPE.iso or winperescue.iso that all have a folder 'source' with 'boot.wim-file inside ISO-file)

You can use this kind of ISO-files as theay are
Simply copy ISO-files to folder ezboot and use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run ***.iso (where *** is the name you have to ISO-file)
You don't need to extract anything anywhere - use ISO-files as they are :D

regards balder