Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: add WIFIWAY-2.0.3+FINAL.iso
started by: gallomk

Posted by gallomk on Dec. 29 2011,18:43
Hi, I wanted to know if you can add the iso FINAL WifiWay-2.0.3 +.

thank you!

Posted by balder on Dec. 30 2011,00:00

Quote: "I wanted to know if you can add the iso FINAL WifiWay-2.0.3 +"

I'm pretty sure you can use "frugal solution" to this as this ISO is based on 'slax' ???

Do it this way:

1. Open WifiWay.ISO-file using UltraIso (or similar program)

2. Extract folder 'wifiway' to folder 'disk1' in EasyBoot

3. Still having ISO opened in UltraIso you can delete folder 'wifiway' from ISO-file as we now have folder 'wifiway' on the 'root' (folder disk1 is the root for Easyboot if you wonder)

4. Save ISO-file to folder 'ezboot' with the name WIFIWAY.ISO (or what ever name you prefer). Note: ISO-file is now heavily reduced in size as folder 'wifiway' is removed from ISO-file

5. Use menu command in Easyboot menu:  run WIFIWAY.ISO

6. Check 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot. Note: it's a pretty good idea to always testing having 'Joliet' checked when creating ISO in EayBoot.

I tested solution from USB stick - and it seems to working alright :cool:

regards balder

Posted by gallomk on Dec. 31 2011,15:25
1_ Open the file "wifiway-3.0-final-v2.iso" with UltraISO.
2_ wifiway copy the folder in the root folder 'disk1'.
3_ wifiway delete the folder of the iso and save it as "WIFIWAY.ISO."
4_ copy "WIFIWAY.ISO" folder "ezboot."
5_ create the iso.
6_ I get this error.

iso watching a folder containing a file "isolinux.bin" and try to do the same with the image of "ubuntu11" but does not have the same lines for further implementation of the boot.
I also read that version 3.0 had an error wifiway the boot but in the improved version 3.0 v2.
I hope you can help me and thank you very much in advance.


Posted by balder on Dec. 31 2011,16:58

Quote: "iso watching a folder containing a file "isolinux.bin" and try to do the same with the image of "ubuntu11" but does not have the same lines for further implementation of the boot."

Hmmm... I disagree ???  - ubuntu can be launched the same way as showed below - but must have some else folder extracted to folder disk1 (casper or whatever the name is to that Ubuntu folder).
Note: the way we launch WifiWay is exactly the same as for 'Slax' - and this works - I now by experience :;):
Best 'test results' is also to test in 'reality'.
I always test from USB stick as it is so convenient (and in fact more difficult to success comparing to the 'old' CD\DVD way)

Anyway... He, he - you asked for 'WifiWay-2.0.3 + but now you interested in ISO of 'wifiway-3.0-final-v2.iso' :;):  

However, there is no major difference, but I also downloaded ISO 'wifiway-3.0-final-v2.iso' and did the same procedure:

1. Opened ISO using UltraIso

2. Extracted folder 'WifiWay' to folder disk1

3. Deleted folder 'WifiWay' in opened ISO and finally saved ISO to folder ezboot with a new name (I used wifiway.iso as name)

4. Used menu command in EasyBoot menu:  run wifiway.iso

5. Created ISO in EasyBoot having 'Joliet' checked (make sure to only have 'Joliet' checked in 'Option' and nothing else when creating ISO)

Note: you cannot be sure it works if testing with 'Virtual PC' or similar tool.
Because it did not work correctly for me using such test tool :O
I used a USB stick and everything works okay from that USB :)


Posted by gallomk on Dec. 31 2011,18:02
I'm doing a multiboot dvd with the following programs and operating systems:

ubuntu 11.10                                OK
windows 7 32bit and 64bit           ERROR
MS DOS 7.10                                 OK
win98 start                                   OK
15.1 hirenboot restored               OK
self-check pc                                 OK
memtest 4.20                               OK
ghost                                            OK
hdd regeneration                         OK
Hard Disk Sentinel                        OK
acronis 2011                                OK
pc_check                                      OK
Hiren minixp                                 OK
wictoria 3.25                                OK  
v14 micro scope                           OK
Hiren boot cd 15.1                       OK
wifiway 3.0 v2                             ERROR

The only problems I have is that the windows 7 and I wigiway to boot.
the rest work for me, the problem of windows 7 going to put a picture of the problem now I'm recording the iso with the last settings you told me, but it had been cast before.
the only difference is that I had not recorded and tested on my pc.
I use as a virtual machine the "virtualbox".

confirm you in a while as I was.

thank you!

Posted by gallomk on Dec. 31 2011,18:30
iso and burn the wifiway worked well, it was only a matter of record and run and not just try it with virtualbox.
I'm now with windows 7.
end of the topic.

Posted by balder on Dec. 31 2011,18:39

Quote: "I'm now with windows 7"

Regarding "windows 7 32bit and 64bit ERROR"
Read interesting discussion in post nr;2 < HERE >

Greetings to you as well @gallomk :;):

regards balder

Posted by gallomk on Dec. 31 2011,19:58

the problem I had was that the iso file I had was not "bootmgr.efi" and could not boot windows 7.
searching the internet to download the Add and create the iso.
I tried it and doing well.
I have the full iso multiboot.
again thank you very much!
Happy New Year!!

Posted by gallomk on Jan. 02 2012,11:36
I have created a problem wifiway, trying on several different pc according to the model mother, asus or gigabyte.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
wifiway data directory not found.
You may be using an unsupported boot device.
SOLUTION: Copy the directory wifiway from your boot device to an IDE / SATA
for example: / mnt/sda1/wifiway or c: \ wifiway. then try again.
Also make sure your boot parameters are correct.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------

and if Otor prueva with mother model I get the same error that started in the first picture in previous messages.

s eque can not .... did the same thing you told me and burn the iso on my pc is doing well, but when I record with windows 7 full with everything that I wanted to add wifiway works only.

not in my pc probe as the first time I did and traveled well. I try it later and comment.

I hope you can fix it ... thank you!

Posted by balder on Jan. 02 2012,15:21

Quote: "I hope you can fix it ..."
Well, he, he... you are sitting some where around Buenos Aries and I'm sitting in Scandinavia (northern part of Europe) so we cannot say we can 'shake hands' so to speaking :D
All I can do is to put in some simple advices - though wifiway do works when used as a 'stand-alone-solution' as far as I can understand ???

I doubt I can fix this :O
Note: wifiway is known as a 'trouble maker'...

Make sure you check 'Joliet' when creating ISO.
Having Win7 in build shouldn't make any difference, except build is getting quite large and there might be some 'burn-problems' when you burn DVD as there is so much 'materials' in build.

Note: checking 'Joliet' doesn't affect functionality to Win7 but are needed for wifiway to work correctly :O

This problem with 'wifiway' can be related to BIOS to some motherboards (wifiway cannot find DVD-reader by some odd reason) :(

regards balder

Posted by gallomk on Jan. 02 2012,17:57

I know you're not a god, nor ask that. is that we are far and it is very difficult to express the errors.
always thank you for that reason, your time lost in trying to help is fully appreciated to me.
I know it is a problem of iso wifiway and is not your fault error.
but maybe with your knowledge could give me your help.

I'll keep trying and if you solve, the public.

greetings and thanks!

Posted by balder on Jan. 03 2012,10:18

Quote: "with your knowledge could give me your help"

Well I'm not going to waste any DVD, but I can use CD-RW to test with :)

Done several tests today and found out that 'wifiway-3.0-final-v2.iso' is a real 'trouble maker' :angry:

I even tested using original downloaded 'wifiway-3.0-final-v2.iso' and burn to CD-RW but wifiway couldn't find folder 'wifiway'!
I instead used USB stick - following tutorial in post nr,2 - and simply burned to USB stick and wifiway works excellent :)

Is this 'wifiway-3.0-final-v2.iso' really made to run from CD\DVD-unit at all ???
I even tested from my 500GB Buffalo USB-harddisk and wifiway run excellent even from an NTFS-partition.

I suggest you skip CD\DVD-unit and step up to the future - which definitely
is USB approach and NOT CD\DVD-unit :cool:

regards balder