Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Paragon
started by: Behdadsoft

Posted by Behdadsoft on Jan. 08 2012,08:17
Hello :D

I want run Paragon Rescue kit in folder with the name Paragon, but I don't Know run it. I wan't use script.


Posted by balder on Jan. 08 2012,13:51

Quote: "I want run Paragon Rescue kit"

I found the 'full' working ISO on Internet :;):  (though I was forced to use UltraIso and 'Tools>>Convert' bin-file to a ISO-file).
Note: I don't now what version you are referring to but I used Paragon Rescue kit.11.iso ???

1. I used my script 'easyboot-iso.script' and set name in text-box PARAGON (you don't need to check 'Run ISO from RAM')

2. Used by script recommended menu command in EasyBoot menu

3. Created ISO in EasyBoot having 'Joliet' checked

4. Tested in 'Virtual PC' and it seems to work alright so far

Attention! It didn't work with in Easyboot built-in menu command:  'run paragon.iso' - I was forced to use my script to make ISO run :O

regards balder