Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Excuse it as you can solve my problem?
started by: Crazy Mouse

Posted by Crazy Mouse on Jan. 15 2012,19:15
My name: Mahmoud Jamal
My country and my nationality: Egyptian
My age: 19 years
I work the program Easy Pot and Usbandtny problem at work
The problem:

I am doing the work and windows of my own and made orders Terracing Ba completed work properly
But Windows is started terracing does not work and give me the screen located in the following image
With the knowledge I've put it in the button initiates terracing Windows
" run Win,bin "
I hope the solution

Posted by balder on Jan. 16 2012,02:23
@Crazy Mouse

This is your first post in this forum, so I say welcome @Crazy Mouse :)

Quote: "run Win,bin"

I cannot figure out what you are doing here or what your goal is ???
However it seems you are trying to launch a 'bin-file' of some sort ???

Note: you cannot use menu command in EasyBoot:  run Win,bin  :O
It must be a dot and not an comma like this:  run Win.bin


Posted by Crazy Mouse on Jan. 16 2012,09:40
Yes, I know I must have it
" run WinXp.bin "
But I made ​​a mistake yesterday in writing
I am very sorry
But I wrote it as it is

" run WinXp.bin "

But it was just a former clerical error
I wrote it is true, but the screen also comes

Posted by balder on Jan. 16 2012,10:13
@Crazy Mouse

Quote: "run WinXp.bin "

I'm sorry as well - because I don't understand what you are doing :(
Are you creating CD\DVD with menu to launch setup of WinXP OR are you trying to launch some kind of WinPE ???

You must better describe what your goals is and what you have done :O
Do you have a folder 'I386 in folder 'disk1' in Easyboot or what have you done here ???

My guess is that you are creating a menu to launch setup of WinXP - is this an right guess ???


Posted by Crazy Mouse on Jan. 16 2012,10:54
Only I looked at another site but appeared to me that the program
Microsoft Virtual PC
Broken correctly, but worth the experience program

Posted by balder on Jan. 16 2012,11:02
@Crazy Mouse

Quote: "Only I looked at another site but appeared to me that the program
Microsoft Virtual PC
Broken correctly, but worth the experience program

Sorry, this makes no sense at all ???
I cannot possibly figure out what you are doing (or what you want to achieve) :(


Posted by Crazy Mouse on Jan. 16 2012,16:32
Iam Very Thankes to