Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Win8 OS on USB started by: allgames71 Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 04 2012,13:14
hello balder ,I made the "Win8 Developer Preview" ( I call it Win8USB) on my usb harddisk , it's not Win8PE , it's Win8 OS that's bootable on every computer like the one we made before "CLONE Windows 7 USB Drive Edition". The thing is how can I place this Win8USB to Easyboot ? MORE DETAILS ....... 1. I use an empty 160GB usb hd with only one partition (primary) to do this job as this Win8USB occupied 18.4GB space ( it recommands to use a 32GB usb stick with usb3) 2. After finished making the Win8USB , it divided my usb hd into 2 partitions : 1) first partition is 350MB with folders 2) second partion is the rest of my usb hd space This time seems to be more complicated to add this Win8USB to Easyboot , as it includes 2 partitions !! Any help, thanks Posted by balder on Jan. 04 2012,14:29
@allgames71I'm a little bit unsure what methods and also what your goal is ![]() Do you mean this < HERE > ![]() And you are interested to do the same to Win8 ![]() Note: as far as I know there seems to be some built-in facility to Win8, that makes it easier to run Win8 from USB device (though I haven't tested how this is done) I must admit I do not have much experience to Win8 and it's new facilities... But shouldn't you use some method close to this one < HERE > I mean run win8 from an VHD file (Virtual Hard Disk file) same as 'before'. Correct? Note: run setup of Win8 from USB harddisk can 'mix things up' - USB stick is the recommended method ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 04 2012,15:42
hello balder ,This time , is surely not a .vhd file like before. If I want to make myself clear, it may take time for me to prepare like a turorial. Surely I will. Thanks. Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 04 2012,17:01
hello balder , quote : "I must admit I do not have much experience to Win8 and it's new facilities..." Same to me , as this is the first time I touch Win8 and know nothing about it. I'm not interest in Win8 , I think Win8's full drive package embedded may help me not to boot a windows with bluescreen on different computers with my usb hd. Microsoft has a buildin exe file for making the Win8 to run on usb stick or usb hd. This is call "Portable Workspace Creator" (PWCreator) which is in the early pre-release Win8 , or you can't find it in the newer Win8 version. And what I know is the Win8 v7989 has the PWCreator.exe in it. Unlike the "Windows7-USB-DVD-tool" , this "PWCreator.exe" will help you to install Win8 OS into a usb stick or usb hd. For usb stick , Microsoft recommend 32GB with USB3. As I set up the "Win8 Developer Preview" to my 160GB usb hd , it takes me around 18GB space. Tools to prepare : NOTE : I have to claim that I'm not here to share any software , it's just an Easyboot discusion. If you disagree, please don't download anything !! 1. Download "Win8 Developer Preview" free from Microsoft (any of the below version will do , your option) Windows Developer Preview with develop tools English, x64 < > Windows Developer Preview English x64 < > Windows 8 Developer Preview English x86 < > Windows 8 Developer Preview guide [PDF] < > 2. Win8 version 7989 torrent < > Procedures : 1. Use UltraISO to extract the "Win8 Developer Preview" content to , say "D:\Win8" 2. Write the "Win8 v7989" download iso to dvd or use "Windows7-USB-DVD-tool" to write iso file to usb stick. Install Win8 v7989 to your harddisk first 3. Plugin your formatted 32GB usb stick or formatted usb hd into your computer. 4. Go to C:\Windows\System32 , double click the PWCreatore.exe (i.e. C:\Windows\System32\PWCreator) 5. The PWCreator will search automatically your plugined usb stick or usb hd , press "next" if it's correct. Then choose the "D:\Win8" folder as the source folder. That's it , PWCreator will continue to do the rest for you and it takes me about few minutes. 6. Reboot the computer and select your usb stick or usb hd to boot in the boot option. And you'll find a new "Win8 Developer Preview" windows startup. It's completely an OS , not a PE. Unlike WinPE, you can install any software in it and the installed software is there even the next time you boot it. Problem with Easyboot : I use a 160GB usb hd with one partition for this process , after successfully making this Win8USB , the PWCreator divided my 160GB into 2 partitions. 1st partition : 350MB 2nd partition: the rest of my 160GB (like I shown in my last posted) So I'm wondering with 2 partitions for this Win8USB , how can I add it to my Easyboot Menu. And this is my question. Thanks balder. Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 04 2012,17:11
hello balder ,I myself don't like the Win8 Metro UI function , as it's for tablet compatible function and seems not to computer function. You'll find that the "Start" button becomes a Desktop and Metro UI switcher and hardly find that traditionly "Start" menu function. If you disklike this function, you can edit the registry like this : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer set the "RPEnabled" value from 1 to 0 (then press "F5" key to refresh the registry on desktop , or viseversa) Then the traditional "Start" menu will be back and make you happy. Posted by balder on Jan. 05 2012,00:31
@@allgames71First of all - thanks for sharing your knowledge and efforts according to Win8 and the "Portable Workspace Creator" that I mentioned in post nr; 2 (I knew there was something like that in Win8) ![]() Quote: "So I'm wondering with 2 partitions for this Win8USB , how can I add it to my Easyboot Menu" I'm curios... ![]() From where are you running EasyBoot? Is it from your 160 GB USB harddisk (can't see it in image in post nr; 1)? Attached Image in post nr; 1 indicate for me that bootrecord points to partition 1 (you have folder 'boot' there) and that folder 'boot' in some way launch Windows system in partition 2 (as far as I can understand, as there are no folder 'boot' in partition 2). I would solve it this way: First create a backup (use ghost Acronis or similar to create a complete backup of partition 1 including MBR). In this way you can reverse back your partition 1 to original shape. 1. Create Easyboot menu and create ISO without files and folders in folder disk1 (except folder ezboot that must be in place) Note: create menu entry with 'run setupnt6.img' and also menu entry with 'run harddisk.img' which hopefully boots your 'real harddisk' (copy setupnt6.img and harddisk.img from folder 'balder\USB_Resources' to folder ezboot) Attention! download latest script-collection as these files has been updated! 2. Use my script 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' and in script check "Force script to NOT format USB drive!" and point to EasyBoot-ISO-file (ISO created in step 1 above). Note: your USB harddisk has now grub implemented as MBR and launch EasyBoot-ISO-file. What happens with this solution? 1. USB harddisk boots up and grub launches Easyboot menu. 2. You can now launch setupnt6.img from EasyBoot menu which directly launch 'bootmgr'. Note: it's possible we need to change name to bootmgr in partition 1 (or to bootmgr in partition 2 so not this bootmgr is launched, which we are not interested in) It's also possible you need to edit text-file 'menu.lst' in setupnt6.img. But let's test before we make such changes. 3. Bootmgr points to folder 'boot' and the launch process to Windows continue (hopefully). Attention! If you later are interested to implement Linux\isolinux you might need a third partition with FAT32 - I use this solution to launch ISO based on Linux (ylmf etcetera) So my basic question once again; from where are your intension to run EasyBoot menu (you cannot use built-in 'Burn' facility in EasyBoot as 'ezldr' used there must be run from FAT32. You need to use my script and launch ISO created by EasyBoot and only use the EasyBoot menu in this ISO). Wow! This is an really interesting discussion ![]() You sure come with new ideas and new approach to dig into ![]() ---------------------------- Finally... I'm currently downloading Win8-ISO (I'll see if I can 'kill' my laziness and install Win8 and run "Portable Workspace Creator" to my 500 GB Buffallo USB harddisk) But no promises.... Quote: "If you disklike this function, you can edit the registry like this" Yes I do have tested and done this but I can't say that I'm impressed! Sure Win8 has its advantages but also disadvantages like the 'Win8 Metro UI function' which I also totally dislike ![]() Anyway ... Thanks for download links - always welcome to other users as well. regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 05 2012,08:50
hello balder ,You don't have say thanks. As whatever interesting software I find , I would not keep it secret from you. As you are my teacher. Without you I can do nothing about them. Thanks to you and your effort. I can only understand 20-30% of your memtioned theory. Hoping after you downloaded everything and tested them. Let me know the result in details as I'm quite stupid in this. Thanks in advance. Posted by balder on Jan. 05 2012,09:54
@allgames71Still need to know; From where are you running EasyBoot? It seems NOT from your 160 GB USB harddisk (can't see any Easyboot files etcetera in image in post nr; 1)? As far as I can understand - you goal is to launch Easyboot and from its menu launch Win8 residing on same USB harddisk as Easyboot is launched ![]() This must be the case you are looking for. And further more, you may want to lunch other stuff as well from Easyboot menu as we always do as Easyboot is a bootmanager. In my case I might be interested launching YLMF.ISO and must hereby have an extra partition with FAT32. So basic needed question is; From where do you launch Easyboot OR where are you interested to launch Easyboot to get the menu to choose from ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 05 2012,11:10
hello balder ,quote : you goal is to launch Easyboot and from its menu launch Win8 residing on same USB harddisk as Easyboot is launched Yes , you are right. That's what I mean. By using the 160GB usb hd is only a trial on Win8USB. If success , I'll place this Win8USB into my Easyboot usb hd as part of the menu.lst. Thanks. Posted by balder on Jan. 05 2012,11:44
@allgames71quote: "I'll place this Win8USB into my Easyboot usb hd as part of the menu.lst." Well then you must use what I suggested in post nr; 6 I'll try to clarify what I suggested: 1. Create a menu entry in EasyBoot with: run setupnt6.img (copy setupnt6.img from my script-collection in folder 'balder\USB_Resources' to folder ezboot) Attention! download latest script-collection as these files has been updated! 2. Remove everything from folder disk1 in Easyboot except folder 'ezboot' 3. Create ISO as usual (this ISO cannot be that large as only folder 'ezboot' is left in ISO) 4. Make a backup (clone) of your USB harddisk partition 1 (use ghost or acronis or similar cloning tool) 5. Use my script 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' and check "Force script to NOT format USB drive!" in script. When script asks for ISO you point to ISO created in EasyBoot (script is now implementing grub MBR to your USB harddisk including copying ISO to partition 1 on USB). Note: script doesn't touch any of your files at all as you checked "Force script to NOT format USB drive!". If you like to reverse partition 1 on USB harddisk (get the 'old' MBR back, well use your backup image (made by ghost or acronis) to reverse partition 1 to its original shape. 6. Anyway... Next time you boot USB harddisk you should be able to get EasyBoot menu up and launch setupnt6.img (setupnt6.img is looking for 'bootmgr' which should launch your Win8 on USB harddisk) Note: I have some problem as I cannot find any DVD, only a lot of CD's (and I know my DVD-burner is not that 'sharp' any longer - guess I must by a new one as times goes bye) I usually do not use any CD\DVD any longer - USB is the name of the game these days ![]() Still working on some workaround to solve it so I can participate into testing ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 06 2012,01:44
hello balder ,Thanks for your tutorial , but I think I need time to digest everything as I'm a slow walker. I'll let you know my test result. At this moment , my 160GB usb hd's Win8 Developer Preview windows has just downed while I was installing some software in it. It can't go into windows and said there's some error with it , nomatter how many time I restart it , the same happening. Even I use the automatic repair function , it still fail. So I've to install the Win8 v7989 again and make the new Win8 Developer Preview again in my 160GB usb hd. Anyway , thanks in advance. Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 06 2012,12:31
hello balder ,I've tried your tutorial just once and succeeded. QUESTIONS : 1. The 2 partitions remain the same size without anything change but just to add grub mbr , iso , menu.lst to partition 1. 2. Before I use a 320GB usb hd as my Easyboot menu , and the 160GB usb hd is only for trial of Win8USB. So can I just copy everything in the 2 partitions in 160GB usb hd to the 320GB usb hd ? Of course I'll try it myself. I think , once you way succeed , the rest of above mention procedure will not be difficult. Thanks again. Posted by balder on Jan. 06 2012,13:55
@ allgames71Quote: "I've tried your tutorial just once and succeeded." Excellent done ![]() Thanks for clarifying what I suggested as solution - it worked as expected ![]() ------------------------------- QUESTIONS : 1. The 2 partitions remain the same size without anything change but just to add grub mbr , iso , menu.lst to partition 1. Yes this is correct (except changes to MBR and the 2 needed files 'menu.lst' and 'grldr'). 2. Before I use a 320GB usb hd as my Easyboot menu , and the 160GB usb hd is only for trial of Win8USB. So can I just copy everything in the 2 partitions in 160GB usb hd to the 320GB usb hd ? Of course I'll try it myself. Hmmm... yes this should work IF 'bootmgr' on partition 2 is the one that launch Windows - BUT you do not have any folder 'boot' in partition 1 ![]() It seems to me that 'run setupnt6.img' used in EasyBoot menu launch 'bootmgr' in partition 1. It works like this: 1. In EasyBoot menu you have 'run setupnt6.img' to launch Win8 on your USB harddisk 2. Floppy image 'run setupnt6.img' is a 'grub-kicker-image' and 'menu.lst' has this line to find 'bootmgr' find --set-root --ignore-floppies /bootmgr This means grub starts to search the first partition and if 'bootmgr' is found there, it launches this file and nothing else (grub won't search partition 2 for a second 'bootmgr' to launch) What I'm saying is: you probably need folder 'boot' that is in partition 1 ![]() On the other hand, no harm testing your initial suggestion: "copy everything in the 2 partitions in 160GB usb hd to the 320GB usb hd" - but I think you need that first partition with it's folder 'boot' Anyway - nice it worked - using ISO created by EasyBoot as your partition is NTFS we cannot use original file 'ezldr' to launch EasyBoot menu (ezldr need FAT32 to run) I still have some major problem to test your suggestions - but you have already proved tutorial worked as expected - thank you for providing community with this vital information He, he there seems to be no limit what we can achieve with this EasyBoot software if using some minor 'work-around' ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 06 2012,23:24
hello balder ,Thanks for your explanation. I'll go on the job of copying everything from my 160GB usb hd to 320GB usb hd , to see if it really works. But surely it's not an easy job , as my 320GB usb hd is nearly full (not much space left). Besides , there's already 2 partitions in there : 1. Primary partition for Easyboot 2. Logical partition for all my datas. I'll surely try , if fail , I'll use my 320GB usb hd to install this Win8USB finally , then copy the datas back to it. It worths , as I think this Win8USB is much better than the Win7.vhd (7USBEditionByiMortaluz.vhd). Beacause the 7USBEditionByiMortaluz.vhd only works on some usb hd and computers only. But for Win8USB , it has a high compability to any computers. You know , I'm a computer repairer , so I've chance to test it with my customer's computers. For more than 10 of my customer's computer I've tested right now. Win8USB still works fine and make me happy. My succeed is because all your effort. Thank a lot. Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 08 2012,08:54
hello balder ,Please help ! I fail in making Win8USB partition1 enlargement ------------------------------------------------------------ I made the Win8USB in my 160GB usb hd ok. It has 2 partitions : 1st primary partition 350MB 2nd primary partition (Active) ... the rest of my 160GB usb hd space. My aim is to enlarge the 1st primary parition to 10GB and the 2nd primary partition remain the rest of my 160GB usb hd space. If I can enlarge the 1st primary parition to 10GB , then I can add the other Easyboot software in it from my 320GB usb hd. But unfortunately I failed .... The first time after making the Win8USB with my 160GB usb hd , I check it's partition with SPEfdisk (DOS ware) , and the SPEfdisk message "Partition area found overlap". The steps I enlarge the 1st primary partition of 160GB usb hd is : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Write the 1st and 2nd primary partitions image of the 160GB usb hd with Acronis individually. 2. Use partition tools to delete the 2nd primary partition of the 160GB usb hd , then resize the 1st primary partition from 350MB to 10GB. 3. Create again the 2nd primary partition with the rest space of the 160GB usb hd. 4. Use Acronis to restore the former made image to the 2nd primary partition of the 160GB usb hd 5. Use SPEfdisk to check the 160GB usb hd's partition this time , no error message about the partition come out. --------------------------------------------------------------------- When I boot up again the 160GB usb hd , the Windows has a message "Preparing Automatic Repair" with 3 options : 1. Continue ... Exit and continue to %1 2. Troubleshoot ... Refresh or reset your PC or use advanced tools 3. Turn off you PC The No. 1 and 3 options has no response , so I have to choose the 2nd one. The second choice also have few options, but also fail to repair. It's last options is to do the "System Restore" or "Recover the backuped image". But the "System Restore" won't work. And the "Recovery image" surely wouldn't be existed as this is a portable OS, that Microsoft stops this function to backup the windows. Please balder , how can I fix this problem ?? Yes we made the Win8USB work. But if can't add the former made Easyboot software in it (the 1st primary partition) will become meaningless. As I don't want to have an additional 32GB usb stick or another usb hd to boot this Win8USB. Help , thanks. Posted by balder on Jan. 08 2012,13:14
@allgames71Quote: "Please balder , how can I fix this problem ??" Well I'll say I probably cannot fix this using some 'quick fix tool' as there aren't any such tool available ![]() It seems Win-8 do create this two partitions during setup to USB harddisk (though I haven't still been able to test setup Win8 to USB harddisk as you did). Anyway, if I was in your position I would test using Ghost instead of Acronis - and yes I know about Acronis but still doesn't fully trust this comparing to Ghost ![]() I would test this: 1. Redo the post nr;1 (install Win-8 to 160 GB USB Harddisk) 2. Use ghost to create separate Images of partition 1 and partition 2 3. Wipe out partitions completely and create 10 GB to partition-1 respectively the rest of space to partition-2 Note: I highly recommend using Windows built-in disk management tool diskmgmt.msc to do the job 4. You can also optionally create a third partition with FAT32 to launch Linux\isolinux software (but this is optionally) 5. Use ghost to clone back partition-1 to the new 10 GB partition respectively the same procedure to partition-2 6. As you have NTFS as file-system to partition-1, you must use tutorial in post nr; 10 I trust Ghost software much more than Acronis - this is by long experience, I have used Ghost sense 1996 ![]() I really cannot figure out much more ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 09 2012,15:14
hello balder ,I've thought of way to solve the partition problem , but fail : 1. Make Win8USB as it was , so we have 2 partitions 1st primary 350MB 2nd primary the rest of the 160GB usb hd space 2. I resize the 2nd partition to 35GB 3. Make a 3rd partition primary of 10GB 4. The 4th partition is Logical with the rest space of the 160GB usb hd. So we used up the 4 primary partitions of a harddisk. 5. Add grub mbr , iso , menu.lst to partition 1 as you taught before. 6. Use SPFdisk to make a boot menu of : 1. Win8USB 2. Easyboot So I can boot either partition 1 (Win8USB) or partition 3 (Easyboot), but strange happen , I boot the Win8USB OK , but when I boot Easyboot it says "NTLDR missing" and stop to boot. So I check it manually in SPFdisk : 1. Hide Partition 1 2. Unhide Partition 3 and activate it , then save. But SPFdisk message "refuse to save". I know it's because of the strange partition of partition 1. As I've mention before , everytime I go into SPFdisk , it always has an error message "Partition area found overlap". So I think this is the reason I fail to boot partition 3 (Easyboot). Now I'm thinking of another way that may succeed , and of couse it needs your help : 1. Still use these 3 primary partitions of the same thing , but don't use the SPFdisk as boot menu. 2. Can we move all the menu.lst , xxx.lst(s) to partition 1 from parition 3 (the menu.lst and xxx.lst that we use all the time before) ? 3. In the menu.lst of partition 1 , then call all the iso(s) in partition 3 ? This is only my thought , may be it doesn't working actually , but still may be you can figure it out as it would be a great help to me. Thanks a lot. Posted by balder on Jan. 09 2012,17:27
@allgames71Quote: "Can we move all the menu.lst , xxx.lst(s) to partition 1 from parition 3, then call all the iso(s) in partition 3 " Yes this should be fully possible (at least in theory) ![]() Note: you need to at least use "search-command" in menu.lst. Example: I want to launch bootmgr that I might have in partition-3. However in my case I also have a file bootmgr in partition-1 Anyway - to launch bootmgr I can use this text in menu.lst that I have in partition-1: find --set-root --ignore-floppies /bootmgr Grub now search all partitions for a file bootmgr Note: if such bootmgr is found in partition-1 or partition-2 it first launch bootmgr in that partition (so in this case bootmgr that I have in partition-3, is never started). To solve this, I simply rename bootmgr in partition-3 to a different name - a name like; win-8 or whatever. Then make changes in menu.lst to find --set-root --ignore-floppies /win-8 (and of course also the rest in menu.lst from bootmgr to win-8). Attention! If partition-1 is FAT32, then grub most likely fail to launch ISO (or other files) that is put in partition with NTFS as filesystem ![]() You can launch ISO (or other files) that is put in FAT32-partition(s) if launching grub from an NTFS-partition, but not the other way around (launch ISO or files that is put in NTFS-partition if launching grub from FAT32). You can also use EasyBoot menu and launch 'grub-kicker-images' simply by modifying 'menu.lst' in such floppy image (folder balder\USB_resources\ setupnt6.img is such floppy image that you can modify menu.lst) It's a matter of 'taste' using the more elegant EasyBoot menu - the choice is of course the user ![]() He, he you sure do a lot of interesting experiments over there in Hong Kong ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 10 2012,06:13
hello balder ,quote : "Grub now search all partitions for a file bootmgr" As you say so , I copy (not move) all my menu.lst and xxx.lst from parititon 3 (my old Easyboot) to partition 1. Nice things happened , the majority of my Easyboot software boot fine and work 100%. I test all my Easyboot software one by one , and find that those which are iso(s) , typically basic only Win7PE format software boot well without any modification in the menu.lst. But I've failed in some way. Those are .img.gz image files in the "images" folder and others : 1. title DOS Big Floppy Disc map --mem /IMAGES/dos.img.gz (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) boot When I boot this "dos.img.gz" , an error message comes out : Booting DOS Big Floppy Disc map --mem /IMAGES/dos.img.gz (fd0) Error 15: File not found Press any key to continue... 2. My XPE.iso boot with a black screen and doing nothing. Reference < null > 3. The pud linux boot up and stop right the way. Reference < null > That will be great if you can help and solve my problem , anyway , the pud linux is not that important to me as I seldem use it. Thanks again. Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 10 2012,06:35
hello balder ,This time , I make a folder in partition 1 name "images" , and copy the "\images\dos.img.gz" from parition 3 to partition 1\images. This time boot with another error message : Autodetect number-of-heads failed. Use default value 2 Autodetect sectors-per-track failed. Use default value 63 floppies_orig=0, harddrives_orig=2, floppies_curr=1, harddrives_curr=2 chainloader (fd0)+1 Error 13: Invalid or unsusported executable format Press any key to continue... Please help. Thanks Posted by balder on Jan. 10 2012,07:45
@allgames71Quote: "copy the "\images\dos.img.gz" from parition 3 to partition 1\images" What file-system do you have in partition-1 ![]() This "dos.img.gz" is better to launch from inside of EasyBoot-ISO-file. You have two options to launch dos.img.gz ![]() Option-1: Copy dos.img.gz to folder ezboot and use menu command: memdisk dos.img.gz Note: open folder EasyBoot\resources update files 'memdisk' and also (if present) files 'isolinux' and 'syslinux' in folder ezboot - overwriting existing file(s). I advise you this, as I'm unaware if you have updated files or not (you must use updated files in folder ezboot to make it work) ![]() Option-2: Extract dos.img from dos.img.gz to folder ezboot and use menu command: run dos.img Create ISO as usual in EasyBoot and test launching ISO-file and see if this works better. You should be able to launch DOS-floppy-images even you launch Easyboot-ISO-file from partition with NTFS! Note: scenario above is based on that you launch ISO-file created by EasyBoot However I'm still curios what file-system you have in partition-1 ![]() Final question is hereby; do you use the ISO-file created by Easyboot or do you use folder ezboot in partition-1 (if using folder ezboot you must have FAT32 as file-system) regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 10 2012,09:52
hello balder , Thanks for you teaching , I made the dos.img boot successfully by your option 2. I fail in option 1 because I don't know how to update "memdisk" and "syslinux" files. Still there is the last problem with RXPE , it boots up with a black screen and doing nothing after. Then former discussion <;f=1;t=3149 > Before you said this RXPE is a very trouble iso file , hope you can solve this for me. Thanks. Posted by balder on Jan. 10 2012,10:43
@allgames71Quote: "I don't know how to update "memdisk" and "syslinux" files" Sorry if I didn't fully express my suggestion clear enough ![]() In folder 'EASYBOOT\Resources' you have mentioned files. If 'memdisk' is less in size in folder 'ezboot' than the one in 'EASYBOOT\Resources' - you should replace 'memdisk' overwriting existing 'memdisk-file' in folder ezboot. Same to 'isolinux' and 'syslinux' if present in folder 'EASYBOOT\Resources'. Memdisk doesn't run well with the old 'memdisk'-file in folder ezboot. In fact, the 'memdisk-command' doesn't work at all if not updated with the new file 'memdisk' in 'EASYBOOT\Resources' ![]() ---------------------------------- Quote: "Still there is the last problem with RXPE , it boots up with a black screen and doing nothing after" Hmmm... Yes I can understand there might be some problem with this RXPE ![]() However - in theory - it should be able to run from RAM. My script 'easyboot-iso.script' in combination with checking 'Run ISO from RAM' should make it possible to run ISO. Note: there might be some problems with 'drivers' as it seems RXPE is hex-edit (not using folder name I386). Can't you find similar RXPE using original name to folder I386 ![]() On the other hand - RXPE is built from source of a NT5-system (most likely Server-2003 as source) and is not - in my opinion - 'up to date'. Frankly, I don't use these WinPE built from NT5-source any longer (or ERD5 etcetera). I find - as example - 'ActiveBoot5Plus.ISO' much better (built from NT6-system=Vista\Win7). If you still having problem I guess you have to replace this RXPE with something different. Anyway, I find it interesting that you have come so far as you already have - it's getting complicated - and I'm impressed by your goal and mission - or shall we say; 'mission impossible' ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 10 2012,13:17
hello balder ,Thanks for your tutoring all along. And I've been like a fly that always fly around you without leaving unless you give me some food . But there's not any other who can help me unless you , my teacher. I know that giving up too soon will returns nothing and stop forward processing. I know you are a man like challenges , I appreciate that like other members in this forum. Things always getting new that we must keep not be outdated , as we are old men. You have a granddaughter , so do I just now. I'm just 60 years old. Back to the RXPE I've thought of a way just now and will try. In this RXPE , there's a lot of software in it. May be I can cut out some software that I always don't use them. That means I want to minimize them to nearly 100MB , then move this RXPE to partition 1 which still have about 99 MB space left of no use. I think that may be possible , if not , I'll try your 'ActiveBoot5Plus.ISO' . But you know why I like RXPE , because it's Chinese Language based. And it boot up very fast. Everytime when I want to copy my customer's data out from there drive C: , I have to use it. But for English XPE , they can't reconize Chinese and replace them with strange symbles. Thanks balder , until now I've no more question relate to this topic. Really thanks for taking care of me. Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 10 2012,13:39
hello balder ,When I've shrink the RXPE and copy it from partition 3 to partition 1 , then boot with an error message : Booting [2] RXPE999 (hd0,0) map /iso.rxpe.iso (hd32) Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area Press any key to continue... I know it's an old error , so I use the Easyboot-USB_v2 to defrag this RXPE.iso , but with the same boot error message. Thanks Posted by balder on Jan. 10 2012,15:09
@allgames71Quote: "Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area" Yes this is because ISO-file is defragmented when copying ISO to USB disk ![]() This never happens if you copy ISO from 'scratch' (to a formatted disk unit). When you delete files and folders and copying files back to USB disk, files are put over the whole disk unit. This is no problem for other files, except to ISO-files, that must be in contiguous shape. But this is no problem if using my script (easyboot-iso.script) as ISO is loaded and run from RAM. However it seems to me you are trying to launch RXPE.ISO with this grub command: map /iso.rxpe.iso (hd32) change to: map --mem /iso.rxpe.iso (hd32) In this way ISO is loaded and run from RAM, which solves your problem with 'Error 60'. However I don't fully understand this path: /iso.rxpe.iso Shouldn't it be something like this: : /iso/rxpe.iso (but I'm sure you know what you are doing) --------------------------- Quote: "I'm just 60 years old" He, he well I'm close the same age ![]() The granddaughter case... ![]() I can tell you I have hided my USB sticks (and other important stuff) in an box and put this box in a high place to my bookshelf! Unfortunately my granddaughter (now 3 years in age) is an excellent climber - so I'm not that sure this is the right strategy ![]() The 'story' continues... ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 11 2012,01:08
Hello balder ,According to your instruction , I made the RXPE boot normally. Thanks. In your post No.6 : quote : 'run setupnt6.img' and also menu entry with 'run harddisk.img' which hopefully boots your 'real harddisk' I forgot how to add both menu command together : run setupnt6.img run harddisk.img Thanks Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 13 2012,05:20
hello balder ,Before I use your way to modify the RXPE boot menu like : map /iso/rxpe.iso (hd32) map --mem /iso.rxpe.iso (hd32) They both boot well with the 160B usb hd partition is : 1st primary partition : 350MB 2nd primary partition : the rest space of 160GB usb hd After I've resized the partition 2 to : 1st primary partition : 350MB 2nd primary partition : 35GB 3rd primary partition : 10GB 3th Logical partition : the rest space of 160GB usb hd I test to boot the RXPE right the way . It boots with a black screen. I didn't do anything concerning the RXPE files and menu.lst . Very strange it can't boot normally after resizeing the 2nd partition. Any help , thanks Posted by balder on Jan. 13 2012,11:12
@allgames71Sorry for my delay - I had to do some 'important matters' - now I'm back ![]() Quote: "Very strange it can't boot normally after resizeing the 2nd partition" Yes I agree ![]() However I found a ISO-file 'RXPE' on internet and when running ISO it shows clearly that it runs from RAM and also show a white background and the letters: "NO NAME RXPE" during 'start-up-sequence' Hopefully I have found something close to the RXPE.ISO you are using @allgames71 This ISO is loaded and run from RAM (most likely built with server-2003 as source = NT5-system). You can test launching this ISO in this way: Copy ISO to folder 'ezboot' and use menu command: run RXPE.ISO (or whatever name you use to RXPE.ISO-file) Create ISO in EasyBoot as usual and use my script 'easyboot-usb.script' (you can always check 'Force script to not format USB' to avoid format procedure in script) However if getting 'Error 60' you can later push to in script built-in 'Run defrag to USB' to try eliminate this problem (do it several times if needed). What I'm saying is; launch ISO created bye Easyboot which then via EasyBoot menu launch RXPE.ISO-file ![]() In this way you don't need to have any RXPE.ISO-file in 2nd partition - ISO is instead internally run from inside of EasyBoot-ISO-file ![]() At least do this as a test and see what's happening ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 14 2012,11:09
hello balder ,The rxpe.iso you found is exactly my rxpe.iso. It's great you can find it. According to your instruction , I totally fail in few ways : 1. I put the xpe.iso to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot , make iso with menu command "run rxpe.iso" . Use script 'easyboot-usb.script' directly to my 160GB usb hd. Then defrag it 3 times. 2. As above to make the iso , use script 'easyboot-usb.script' to a usb stick (FAT32 format). Defrag it 3-4 times , then copy the xpe.iso to partition 1 of 160GB usb hd. 3. As above to make the iso , use script 'easyboot-usb.script' to a usb stick (pre-format NTFS) with 'Force script to not format USB' . Defrag it 3-4 times , then copy the xpe.iso to partition 1 of 160GB usb hd. 4. As test No.3 , but copy the xpe.iso to partition 3 (where all my Easyboot iso file location) of my 160GB usb hd. For all the above test , everytime I use a usb stick , it all succeed to boot that xpe.iso . But for my 160GB usb hd , no "Error 60" arised , but all with a same result of black sceen like before. I hate this rxpe , it is a iso trouble maker. But I've to use it. And this is the last problem I have. Please help. If not any idea , I'll desire to give it up this time. Thanks Posted by balder on Jan. 14 2012,14:56
@allgames71Quote: "everytime I use a usb stick , it all succeed to boot that xpe.iso" Hmm... Okay, recommended instruction given by me to launch RXPE.ISO is basically correct - however the USB harddisk case is giving us some 'headache' ![]() Did some tests to my 500 GB Buffalo USB harddisk (with a lot of other files and folders 'onboard' the harddisk). Test-1: Used 'easyboot-iUSB_v2.script' to integrate EasyBoot.ISO (with RXPE.ISO inside = launch RXPE from EasyBoot menu) and this to partition-1 (NTFS). Worked just fine - I could launch RXPE.ISO from Easyboot menu ![]() Test-2. Copied EasyBoot.ISO to partition-2 (FAT32) and changed 'menu.lst' in partition-1 to this: title Launch easyboot find --set-root --ignore-floppies /easyboot.iso map /easyboot.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot And I have success again - RXPE.ISO could be launched from EasyBoot menu (EasyBoot.ISO on partition-2) without hesitating ![]() @allgames71 - I think you are affected by file system fragmentation to your USB partitions. Read < HERE > Note: We know to 100% how to launch RXPE.ISO, but ISO-file is fragmented in some way in the same moment as when you copy file to your USB harddisk (regardless what partition you test to). It must be something with your USB harddisk that makes ISO-file fragmented. And you (or I) cannot understand why and how I can only point to is this simple guide < HERE > Do it to each partition on your USB harddisk. However - even this is done the 'file system fragmentation' still can create trouble to you ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 15 2012,08:35
hello balder ,I've try your test in 2 ways in NTFS and Fat32 partition format , but all failed as before with a black booting screen. Before , I've been using this rxpe well. So I copy all it's files , iso and menu.lst from my backup to this new 160GB with Win8USB exactly in the same location , but also failed. Quote : Test-2. Copied EasyBoot.ISO to partition-2 (FAT32) and changed 'menu.lst' in partition-1 to this: Your partition-2 is Fat32 format that let me think you're testing this in a normal partition and not win8usb partition (special partition). As for Win8usb partition mentioned before it sould be like this : 1st primary partition : 350MB (NTFS) 2nd primary parittion : the rest of the 160GB usb hd space (NTFS) , this is for Win8 Windows storage. I always guess this 2 partitions made by PWCreator is very special. So if you want to find out the possibility of rxpe , you must test rxpe in this 2 special partitions and not self-made partitions. I know if you test in your own made partitions , it is ok like before that I've been using nomatter the partition is in NTFS or Fat32 format. Anyway , thanks for your patience to me and using your time. If nothing can be done. I'm going to drop it off. Thanks for your helping. Posted by balder on Jan. 15 2012,17:12
@allgames71Quote: "If nothing can be done" Trust me - it CAN be done ![]() Attention! I didn't use pwcreator.exe and I didn't need to install Win-8 at all to my computer ![]() I used following trick to install Win-8 to my USB harddisk (partition-1): 1. Create your different partitions using in Windows built-in 'diskmgmt.msc' (C:\Windows\System32\diskmgmt.msc) 2. Make partition-1 to NTFS and the rest of partitions (size and file-system) as it fit your needs 3. Follow guide-lines < HERE > (differences in my case was that I skipped '/f ALL' when I configured the boot files - but test in tutorial fully showed command just in case - I also skipped step 1 to 9 as I created my partitions using 'manually' method in step 2 and finally I didn't download 'AIK' as I found imagex.exe on Internet right away) 4. I created my EasyBoot.ISO included RXPE.ISO in EasyBoot menu (having RXPE.ISO in folder ezboot as usual). I also used 'run setupnt6.img' in EasyBoot menu to launch installed Win-8 on USB harddisk from EasyBoot menu. And finally - to start from my 'real' harddisk, I used 'run harddisk.img' in EasyBoot menu (harddisk.img from my script-collection 'balder\USB_Resources') 5. I used my script 'easyboot'usb_v2.script' to create grub MBR to USB harddisk and to correctly move EasyBoot.ISO to USB harddisk. EDIT: I forgot to mention... To format second partition to FAT32 I was forced to use a 'third part tool' as Windows-7 'diskmgmt.msc' refuses to format USB harddisk units to FAT32 (I used my 'old' Paragon format tool to execute this to partition-2 on USB harddisk) And the result is... Excellent ![]() I'm able to launch RXPE.ISO from EasyBoot menu (as expected) and also to launch Win-8 (run setupnt6.img in EasyBoot menu) installed to my 500GB USB harddisk. I also have a second FAT32 partition to make it possible to launch Linux\Isolinux ISO-files (typically YLMF.ISO and similar distro's) I'm amazed it worked ![]() He, he - once more time you gave me new hints what is possible ![]() Best regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 17 2012,04:50
hello balder ,Thanks for your patient assistance. I made all my Easyboot software OK. And RXPE is fine also. It's all of your effort. I have to say thanks again as all my Easyboot stuff work normal like before including Win8USB. I've check that the partition 2 either in Fat32 or NTFS are also workable. But you said you have to use it in Fat32 format for Linux wares. Before I've asked about what to do with BartPE. At that time my usb hd's partition 1 is NTFS format. I'll try to put this BartPE to 2nd partition Fat32 , see if it's not that complicated. blader , I've an impolite request , I want to ask you about the Win7 driver question. But this question shouldn't be appear here. So would you mind to email me your email address. So I can ask you about this in private ? Actually my question is also about the Win7 OS on usb hd. My email address is : Thanks again for finishing up all my problem. Posted by balder on Jan. 17 2012,06:51
@allgames71First of all - important!!! Did you use tutorial given in post nr; 33 ![]() I ask because I have created a working script that fully automatically install Win-8 to USB drive (USB stick\Thumb-drive or USB hard-disk). Script works great - I have tested it to my 500GB USB Buffalo hard-disk without problems ![]() ---------------------------------------- Quote: "I'll try to put this BartPE to 2nd partition Fat32" Recommended is to use the ISO-file created by BartPE (at least if it is reasonable in size = less than 500MB in size). However you must use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' and check 'Run ISO from RAM' to integrate BartPE-ISO as BartPE is built from source of an NT5-system (WinXP or server-2003 or similar). RAM-approach to BartPE works from both FAT32 as from NTFS - no problems there ![]() -------------------------------------------------- Again I repeat; did you use tutorial given in post nr; 33 to setup Win-8 to USB drive ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 17 2012,08:21
hello balder ,Yes , I did use post nr; 33 tutorial to install my Win8USB. Unlike PWCreater , this one only need one partition for the work only. Besides , you can made any size of this partition as you wish manually. That's why it's a great different from PWCreater , which you can't resize any of it's partition. Otherwise the RXPE will failure to boot normal. Thanks for your adviced webpage. By the way , in your reply you didn't mention do you accept my suggestion to give me your email adress. Hope you can do that , as my question is to some extend related to Easyboot also. Thanks again. Posted by balder on Jan. 17 2012,09:26
@allgames71I did send a message but unfortunately I did it from my 'workstation' as well - I guess I forgot to use my brain ![]() You should already now received e-mail with instructions which e-mail account to use ![]() If not use EasyBoot 'Your Messenger' in the upper right corner ![]() regards balder Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 17 2012,10:17
hello balder ,I've already sended you a email about Win7 OS drivers. Thanks. |