Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Windows XP + 2000
started by: iahmedsheraz

Posted by iahmedsheraz on Jan. 26 2012,01:38
Hi Guys
I want to make windows XP + 2000 multi disk. But Im unable to understand how.
so can someone help me to clear the concept of easyboot from basic.

Posted by balder on Jan. 26 2012,03:33

First of all - welcome to this forum @iahmedsheraz :)

Quote: "I want to make windows XP + 2000 multi disk"

Download my script-collection (download link is below)

Read carefully 'READ_ME.html' in folder 'balder' before you start to 'doing things' :O

Then use 'easyboot-AIO.script' to integrate your WinXP and 2000-system into EasyBoot (push also 'help'-button in script) :;):


Posted by iahmedsheraz on Jan. 27 2012,00:49
Thank you very much balder
I made multiboot dvd but it was giving error on win2000 and windowsXP was working well.
I check your efforts then let you know.

Thanks again

Posted by balder on Jan. 27 2012,02:34

Quote: "it was giving error on win2000 and windowsXP was working well"

You can use this method to avoid problem with Win2000 :)

1. Copy folder I386 and 'tag-files' (win51 etcetera) from Win2000 source (from ISO-file or from folder with Win2000-files) - copy folder I386 and 'tag-files' to folder disk1 in EasyBoot.

2. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu:  run W2KSECT.BIN
Note: check that 'W2KSECT.BIN' is in folder ezboot, it should be there :cool:

3. Use my script 'easyboot-AIO.script' to integrate WindowsXP
Note: Script automatically gives you the right menu command to use in EasyBoot menu :;):

The point is; you only need to use script to WindowsXP and not Win2000 :)
To integrate Win2000 you can use 'standard method' (copy folder and 'tag-files' to folder disk1 as usual)
