Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Hiren 's v.14 and Bartpe
started by: PCF

Posted by PCF on Jan. 26 2012,02:35
i want to make a DVD

Windows 7 Sp1
Windows xp Sp3
Hiren 's v.14

ghost 11.5
Acronise True image home

Active password changer
dos 7.10

partition magic
Acronise Disk drector suite

HDD Regenerator
Partition Table Doctor

but i have Problems with check or uncheck  joliet and Allow lower case
when i check box joliet and Allow lower case  bartpe not work
when uncheck box joliet and Allow lower case  hiren 's v.14  not wrok  :(

someone can help me

Posted by balder on Jan. 26 2012,03:43

Quote: "but i have Problems with check or uncheck  joliet and Allow lower case"

To integrate Hiren and BartPE you are recommended to use my scrip-collection :cool:
Download is below in every post I write...

Use 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate BartPE ISO-file (check 'Run ISO from RAM' in script)

And use 'EasyBoot-HIREN_v14*' to integrate Hiren

You are recommended to check 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot.
Do NOT check 'Allow Lower Case' as this isn't needed when using my scripts :O

@PCF Thanks for creating a topic about this interesting request - as other users can use the same solution :;):


Posted by PCF on Jan. 27 2012,00:31
thanks for all your Tutorials
i think you are good teacher for users that visit this website


Posted by balder on Jan. 27 2012,03:18

Quote: "thanks for all your Tutorials"

To integrate Hiren-14into EasyBoot,  you are highly recommended to use my script 'EasyBoot-HIREN_v14*' :;):

When script is finished you automatically receive the right menu command to use in EasyBoot menu which is:  run /HBCD/isolinux.cfg

Note: you are also informed  by script what checkboxes that should be used when creating ISO in EasyBoot :cool:

regards balder

Posted by PCF on Jan. 27 2012,03:26
Bartpe Plugins

i use for bartpe some plugins and i think the scrip can not integrate the Bartpe for me but for Hiren's v.14 is ok
an others thing is that i wanted use just mini xp but some Dos programs can not run in minixp

really there is no any way i use Bartpe and Hiren's v.14 in this bootable DVD
i really need this tools for this bootbale DVD
befor i Created bootmenu in PHotoshop and all the things is ok
but i never think about joliet and Allow lower case
that s bad chance for me

anyway thanks a lot for the scrip-collection
i think i have to change my bootmenu in PHotoshop


Posted by balder on Jan. 27 2012,03:35

Quote: "i use for bartpe some plugins and i think the scrip can not integrate the Bartpe"

No this has nothing to do with BartPE :p
Script launches ISO-file and run ISO from RAM - this works, I know by experience :;):

Quote: " i wanted use just mini xp but some Dos programs can not run in minixp"

I downloaded Hiren for just a couple of minutes ago and tested the complete Hiren and also only MiniXP (checking 'Only integrate Hiren MiniXP into EasyBoot' in script)

I tested with 'Virtual PC' and it worked alright (as expected) :cool:

regards balder

Posted by PCF on Jan. 27 2012,04:29
No this has nothing to do with BartPE

i do not know really
but i will test again
maybe for me not work

(checking 'Only integrate Hiren MiniXP into EasyBoot' in script)

i did that but all the things is ok just some dos programs not worked i dont know why ...

also i will test it again  :)


Posted by balder on Jan. 27 2012,05:42

Quote: "(checking 'Only integrate Hiren MiniXP into EasyBoot' in script)

did that but all the things is ok just some dos programs not worked"

In this case no 'DOS-programs' is used at all :O
You only have MiniXP integrated into EasyBoot and MiniXP has nothing to do with 'DOS-programs' used in Hiren ???
If uncheck you integrate the whole Hiren INCLUDING MiniXP :cool:

The point with this checkbox is to ONLY integrate MiniXP and skip all DOS-tools, as a kind of option for users that are NOT interested of Hiren's DOS-tools and instead only are interested to integrate MiniXP to EasayBoot :)

regards balder

Posted by PCF on Jan. 27 2012,07:02
that s ok
you are right
but i sometimes use Dos Programs in minixp like windows Programs that very usefull for me.. i do not know about other users .
i think if you fix that its better
maybe some users use it like me !
this is just an idea

thanks .... great man about share scrip-collection with users  :D