Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Unallocated Easyboot Menu
started by: allgames71

Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 27 2012,13:06
hello balder ,

My friend show me his usb thumb drive , it is bootable with boot menu and software in it. It's quite close to Easyboot.

But when I check it's partition type , many of the partition tools report this usb thumb dirive is "unallocated". I'm sure it's bootable with software in it like Easyboot , but how can it be unallocated (no other partitions) ?

He said it's his secret and not going to tell me how ! He only told me that's to prevent this usb thumb drive from content viewing or copying. Do you have any idea what's this and how can we make it with Easyboot inside ?


Posted by balder on Jan. 27 2012,14:02
@ allgames71

Quote: "Do you have any idea what's this and how can we make it with Easyboot inside"

I really have no clue, there is software that can secure USB thumb drives - that's for sure

One typically software is SG-Lock read < HERE >

By the way quote: "He said it's his secret and not going to tell me how !"
He, he are you sure He is your friend :laugh:   He, he - just joking :;):

However if it is possible to use such software in combination with EasyBoot is hard to tell ???  - but most likely.

It sure is getting more interest to 'hide' your 'material' on these USB thumb drives as we carry these with us - or at least my stepdaughter seems to carry these USB thumb drives away everywhere :angry:

This means it can come in 'wrong hands'

There are also a lot of stories about military personal that 'forget' these USB thumb drives with a lot of top secret stuff in them.
So the idea to read and copy protection isn't that bad idea over all :cool:

Basically, I cannot find out what this is and the only way to 'protect' EasyBoot is the 'Password' protection in EasyBoot.
This at least prevent EasyBoot to launch but doesn't hide or copy protect EasyBoot files.

regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 28 2012,14:44
hello balder ,

I also know that's quite impossible to have file in a partition but unallocated.

Anyway thanks for your reply. If I know how , I'll let you know right the way.
