Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Script collection updated started by: balder Posted by balder on Jan. 29 2012,02:34
New script "Install and run Win-8 from USB" is added to my collections of scripts ![]() The 'reputed' member @allgames71 pointed out the possibility to run a complete Windows-8 OP-system from USB device (USB hard-disk is recommended) - read < HERE > I decided to develop a new script "Install and run Win-8 from USB" to simplify this possibility with Windows-8 ![]() Some notes how script works: 1. Script creates a new temporary folder (win8_from_usb) on C: followed by copying 'install.wim' from source of Windows-8 (you must extract the contents from Win8-ISO-file to a folder and point to this folder) 2. Script need the Windows file 'image.exe'. Script tries to automatically download this file. If script fails to find download, you have to download 'Windows Automated Installation Kit' (AIK). Script provides you with link to this download location and how to find and extract 'image.exe' in WAIK-ISO-file! 3. Script injects grub MBR to USB device and create a working grub menu to launch Windows-8 system from USB. 4. Script has built-in EasyBoot menu commands (you check 'Generate EasyBoot menu command' in script) to launch the start of Windows-8 from the bootable USB! In this way you can use EasyBoot menu and not only the boring grub menu ![]() Note: EasyBoot cannot run on drive with NTFS-file system. Instead use ISO created by EasyBoot followed by using my script 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' (check "Force script to NOT format USB drive" in script), to not destroy you setup of Win8 on USB drive. 5. Option to test USB ("Test USB device in qemu") only show if USB drive is bootable and cannot run Win8 from USB drive (finish setup of Win8). You must reboot computer and set BIOS to start from USB drive to finish setup of Win8 to USB drive. 6. You are recommended to run script in Windows-7 environment - I'm unsure if it work's in WinXP ![]() 7. As usual; don't use spaces in names to folders and file names and set UAC (User-Account-Control) to lowest level to make script run smooth. --------------------------------------------------- Hopefully script can give 'pleasure' to other EasyBoot users as well ![]() regards balder |