Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Add Password on Easyboot USB
started by: allgames71

Posted by allgames71 on Apr. 25 2010,13:53
I've made a Easyboot USB drive bootable with programs on it. And please I want to know how to add a password on it on the very first boot like my CD.
Posted by balder on Apr. 25 2010,16:00

Quote: ”how to add a password”

If you only are going to use ISO to CD/DVD you set password in EasyBoot before creating ISO – but I guess this isn’t what your request was about and you most likely already now how to use this option in EasyBoot :;):

I suppose you want a password to USB device as well – correct? This is a little tricky to achieve ???
Note: if you run Linux there are some solutions.
However this workaround might be of interest.

Create password protected EasyBoot-ISO-file.
Use easyboot-usb.script to get this password protected ISO-file on USB as usual.
Change menu.lst on USB to only have these lines:

find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/iso.iso
map /iso/iso.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

You can from EasyBoot-ISO-file jump to different EasyBoot sub-menu(s) as usual - and/or jump to another (different) menu.lst (like "format.lst") on the USB.
You use a grub-kicker-image to jump from EasyBoot to a grub menu-file on USB.

I know :O  – not a solid perfect solution – but you have guaranties that nobody can use tools or programs from the booted USB without setting the right password – and that’s the main point :cool:

Regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Apr. 26 2010,14:43
Hello balder

Thanks for your reply. But your tutorial is too simply and can't be understanded. My steps are :

1. I create an empty iso (mycd.iso) in Easyboot which is password protected.

2. Use winbuilder_complete .... EasyBoot-USB to integrate the former made "mycd.iso" , then I get the menu.lst as follow :

title Launch EasyBoot
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/iso.iso
map /iso/iso.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

Till here , I don't know what to do with :

I've already used Easyboot to make the "mycd.iso" , so I can't use Easyboot-ISO to edit it any more to jump to any .lst. Even so , the Easyboot-ISO only generate the "memdisk xxx.iso.gz" , so I can place this command with the ready made "mycd.iso"

And "memdisk xxx.iso.gz" , is what to do with the menu.lst or submenu. They haven't any relationshop

I can made an empty "mycd" iso with password protected , and make use of Easyboot-USB to integrate this "mycd.iso". But what to do next ? Would you mind to tell me step by step. Thanks in advance.

Posted by balder on Apr. 26 2010,15:35

Quote: “But your tutorial is too simply and can't be understanded”

You basically already understand the most part – hope this clear thing out a little bit more  - or he, he does it :laugh:

The only major difference is that you delete all text in menu.lst on USB and insert this simple text:

find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/iso.iso
map /iso/iso.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

By using simplified text above in menu.lst, ISO-file (EasyBoot-ISO-file= original mycd.iso) is launched by grub, and ISO-file starts, and asks at once for password.
As said – only text above should be in menu.lst on the USB

As I see it you have two options here:
1. Constructed a more sophisticated menu in EasyBoot and use this ISO-file
2. Construct a very simplified menu in EasyBoot and use this ISO-file

If using option 1, then you can launch tools from EasyBoot menu and also jump to sub menu as usual in EasyBoot but also use grub-kicker-images launched by EasyBoot menu, that jump to a menu.lst on USB - a menu.lst with a different name as original menu.lst already is occupied – you can use a name like format.lst to launch your format tools in a grub menu.

I would most likely use option 2. I would also create menu to launch a grub-kicker-image that launch my “main EasyBoot-ISO-file” (a big EasyBoot-ISO-file that is my "utulity-ISO-file" from many years back).
Note: you can “jump” to whatever place in computer you like. You can jump to any harddisk or partition you want and reach whatever you want :p

Create grub-kicker-images is easily done by easyboot-kicker-image.script :;):
Let’s say you want to jump to a grub menu on USB with the name “format.lst”
Then insert following lines to text-field in easyboot-kicker-image.script:
I set name “format” for name to image and copy text into text field in script (copy and paste line by line)

find --set-root /format.lst
configfile /format.lst

Note: Check “G-zip when creating images” and use menu command in EasyBoot: memdisk format.img.gz

regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Apr. 26 2010,17:24
Hello balder

Thanks for your brief explanation tutorial and you must use a lot of time for that. Thanks

Quote :
"Then insert following lines to text-field in easyboot-kicker-image.script:
I set name “format” for name to image and copy text into text field in script (copy and paste line by line)"
My steps :

1. Make a blank password protected (no software) "mycd.iso" file from C:\Easyboot. In that Easyboot "Menu" portion. I've only got one choice with name "Welcome to USB Boot" after typing the correct password. This menu "Welcome to USB Boot" is actually doing nothing but I want it to jump to my "Main Menu" (My actual start menu).

2. I use winbuilder_complete ...... Easyboot-USB to integrate that before made "mycd.iso" and left the menu.lst in USB like this :

find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/iso.iso
map /iso/iso.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

3. Once USB Drive boot-up and ask for password. After type the correct password , the Easyboot menu with "Welcome to USB Boot" shown. When enter , I want it to jump to my "Main Menu"
As your example , suppose I have a format.lst. And this format.lst is come from :

Suppose I have a format program , say "format.iso". I use winbuilder_complete ... Easyboot-ISO to make this "format.iso" and result with a command "memdisk format.img.gz". This command should be placed in Easyboot command.

Now, balder my real question becomes close :

I can only put "memdisk format.img.gz" in Easyboot command , how can I insert :

find --set-root /format.lst
configfile /format.lst

to that Easyboot command. As I know I can't write in Easyboot menu like this :

memdisk format.img.gz
find --set-root /format.lst
configfile /format.lst

So this is my question (or may be a stupid question , as I'm not easily understand things , sorry).

If I can solve this part , surely I can jump to and return back to any .lst I like.

Again. I really need your help. And please be patient to a stupid persons. Sorry.


Posted by balder on Apr. 26 2010,18:36

Quote: ” I can't write in Easyboot menu like this”

Sorry if I mix things up for you :(

Grub command (text below) is supposed to be used from a separate floppy-image that is launched from EasyBoot to jump to a “grub menu” on the USB with the name “format.lst”

find --set-root /format.lst
configfile /format.lst

However this “memdisk format.img.gz” is as you correctly point out, the ”grub-kicker-image” that you launch from EasyBoot menu – and this kicker-image is as you also correctly point out - created by script to integrate some ISO-file, and has nothing to do with jump to some grub menu on USB as you did above.
Attention! I have to redraw command to start harddisk with Windows as those command lines didn’t work :O

To start harddisk with Windows from EasyBoot that is used from USB practice this method:

Create a grub menu and save menu with the name “harddisk.lst” on the root of USB
Insert these lines in harddisk.lst on USB:

timeout 0
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
map --hook
chainloader +1

Create grub-kicker-image using easyboot-kicker-image.scrip and insert these lines:

find --set-root /harddisk.lst
configfile /harddisk.lst

Note: Use name harddisk to image and check “G-zip when creating images” and use menu command in EasyBoot: memdisk harddisk.img.gz

This should start your “real harddisk” with windows from EasyBoot menu.

Quote: “And please be patient to a stupid persons. Sorry.”
He, he you are not stupid – as my explanations seems not that crystal clear :laugh:  – and now it’s late and I’m sleeeeepyyy :;):

PS. My wife is complaining – I’ll better go to bed :p

I have created “grub-kicker-images” to be used in EasyBoot menu that you can download and use at once. The download has 3 different “grub-kicker-images”.
1. Grub-kicker-image to reboot computer
2. Grub-kicker-image to shutdown computer
3. Grub-kicker-image to start your “real harddisk” (your OP-system – usually Windows)

Download < HERE >

Note: please read instructions (“READ_ME.txt”) that are provided in each folder

Regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Apr. 27 2010,14:03
Hello, baler

According to your kind tutorial and instruction. I work it out ... I made a boot password protected Easyboot USB Drive with normal bootmenu and software in it.

As I want to say thanks to you balder. I like to write down every step that I made , so the other members in this forum can understand better. I don't mean balder is not a good teacher , but a student write the passage in his way can be better understand by other student. Of course this is not my effect , it's balder's.

My Steps :
1. First I download balder's “grub-kicker-images” above. Extract them all. There's a "harddisk.img.gz", I extract it and there is a file "harddisk.img". Use Winimage to open it and edit. We can see that inside "harddisk.img" there are 3 files ... "default", "grldr" and "menu.lst".

2. The content of the "menu.lst is like this :
root (hd0,0)
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
map --hook
chainloader +1

But I change it this way to call my own menu (I call it "mainmenu"). So after boot Easyboot USB Drive, type the correct password, The Easyboot menu appear only one choice , in the Easyboot...Menu...Menu Text , I write down "Welcome" only. After press "Enter" key, the following title become active :

timeout 0
root (hd0,0)
find --set-root /harddisk.lst
configfile /mainmenu.lst

3. Save this "harddisk.img" in Winimage. Zip it up with compress tools as "" (not .rar) . Rename it as "mainmenu.img.gz" (whatever name you like, but must be ".img.gz" in extension.

Copy this file to "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot". In the Easyboot Menu command use : "memdisk mainmenu.img.gz" (without quote). Now create iso image in Easyboot name "mycd.iso"
4. Plugin your USB Drive ,open Winbuilder_complete ... EasyBoot-USB ... Start ........ then point to the former made "mycd.iso". We assume the USB Drive is on E:, backup "F:\iso\iso.iso" and "F:\menu.lst" to "C:\USBTemp"

5. Suppose I've 3 program to put on my USB Drive, they are :
Acronis Universal Restore 9.7 (I use short name "aur97')
Easeus Diskcopy (I use short name "edc')
DiskWipe (I use short name "wipe")

As normal I made my USB Drive 3 programs , then I have :
6. Now comes to the last work ... .lst files

I haven't change the menu.lst at the beginning, and it should look like this :

find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/iso.iso
map /iso/iso.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

mainmenu.lst (this is actually my program menu, I group "Easeus Diskcopy" and "Diskwipe" together as they both call "Disk". So I've to create one more disk.lst)

color black/cyan yellow/cyan
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
timeout 10
default 0

title Easeus Diskcopy , Diskwipe
find --set-root /disk.lst
configfile  /disk.lst

title Acronis Universal Restore 9.7
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/aur97.iso
map /iso/aur97.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

color black/cyan yellow/cyan
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
timeout 10
default 0

title Easeus Diskcopy
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/edc.iso
map /iso/edc.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Diskwipe
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/wipe.iso
map /iso/wipe.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Back to Main Menu
find --set-root /mainmenu.lst
configfile  /mainmenu.lst
Now everything is finished. Try to boot and test

All thanks to balder.

Posted by allgames71 on Apr. 27 2010,14:17
Sorry, balder

In my above post, there's some mistakes. Can I and how can I edit it to make it perfect ?


Posted by balder on Apr. 27 2010,15:17

Quote: ”Of course this is not my effect , it's balder's”
He, he you are so right…he, he :laugh: :;):  

Some comments…

Check this :O :

timeout 0
root (hd0,0)
find --set-root /harddisk.lst <-- This is wrong! Change “/harddisk.lst “ to /mainmenu.lst
configfile /mainmenu.lst

Take attention to this: As this involves a lot of manually copying of ISO-files to USB device, you most likely get this for some ISO-file: “Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in on contiguous disk area”.
To avoid this, you are recommended to push “Defrag-button” in easyboot-usb.script when all ISO-files been copied.
Note: run defrag can take quite a while to finish - a coop of tea or coffee might be a good idea while waiting

Finally, and yes I now that I persist with this argument: You can use easyboot-iso.script to integrate all ISO-files into EasyBoot and launch ISO-files from EasyBoot instead of jumping to a grub menu.lst.
There is nothing wrong using your method – it works fine – it’s just a different approach.
However, the choice is in the end of course yours… :)

Interesting progress from your side @allgames71 – that’s great :cool:

Regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Apr. 27 2010,16:12
Hello balder

I know my mistake "Check this ... Change “/harddisk.lst “ to /mainmenu.lst". But I don't know how to edit it after posting. Would you tell me how ?

Quote : “Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in on contiguous disk area”.

I've never encountered this problem ,  as for every iso , I make them individually. I copy the menu.lst and iso to C:\usbtemp folder , then make a clean easyboot-usb again.

Anyway, thanks balder and I've to end up this topic. Thanks again.

Posted by balder on Apr. 27 2010,16:34

Quote: I've never encountered this problem”

You most likely will encounter (sooner or later) this problem: “Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area”.

Quote: “I don't know how to edit it after posting. Would you tell me how ?”
Sure :)

To edit a post in forum.
In the upper right corner for each post you have:
“Delete” – “Edit” – “Quote”
You of course choose edit :;):

You can edit your post how many times you like – like I do all the time :laugh:

Regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Jan. 31 2012,10:37
hello balder ,

I'm now again want to have password protect when I start up my usb stick. In Post Number 6 , I can't download "grub-kicker-images" from Mediafire as this file may be too long ago !

So would you mind to upload it again. Thanks.

By the way , I've sent you an email. Please read it. Thanks

Posted by balder on Jan. 31 2012,12:46

Quote: "I'm now again want to have password protect when I start up my usb stick"

Sure this is an interesting option (if possible) to write protect USB stick\drive :cool:

But where is the connections with "grub-kicker-images".
This images isn't protecting your USB stick\drive in that way (no write protection) ???

And further more... Those "grub-kicker-images" is not 'up to date' :(

Note: I tested download link in post nr;6 and it works okay (could be a temporary 'breakdown' to server or whatever).

Please test again and check if it works :)

Finally, received the mail....

regards balder