Forum: EasyBoot Topic: More than 5 GB (UDF) started by: jayantadr Posted by jayantadr on Feb. 04 2012,03:10
I want to create a DVD contains all the MS os from dos 6.22 to windows server 2008 (vista is not there)Its size near about 14 GB. But when I build the ISO file through easyboot with optimize option the size reduced to 3.9 GB. The install.wim file has been reduced to 120 MB instead of 4.5 GB. So I oen ultraiso and replace the Install.wim to the original one. Now it ask for converting to UDF. When I convert it and then save it, the size now goes to 7.9 gb, but it cannot boot, says unable to find EZBOOT (although it was there in the iso) the main.ezb, the menu file name is missing. But when I open it through ultraiso both EZBOOT & MAIN.EZB is there. But when I use remove the windows 7 + 2008 then it works fine. Even when I use only windows 7 + 2008 it works fine. Posted by balder on Feb. 04 2012,03:27
@jayantadrQuote: "I want to create a DVD contains all the MS os from dos 6.22 to windows server 2008" That is what I call an ambitious way to use EasyBoot ![]() I'm VERY curious to this huge build ![]() However I doubt EasyBoot can build such ISO with this size ![]() And further more - what method did you use to integrate setup of NT5-systems (WinXP family) as you cannot use the same method when run setup from CD\DVD as setup NT5-systems from USB drive (huge difference there) ![]() And what method did you use to integrate both setup of NT6-system (Win7\Win8) to same USB drive ![]() Did you use this method < HERE > balder Posted by jayantadr on Feb. 05 2012,22:39
First of all right now I want to make a DVD (9 GB), not the USB Drive.I use the easyboot general way to create the NT5 type os like windows XP & 2003 (32 bit) and window 2000 by changing the setupldr.bin, txtsetup.sif & the boot image fie. For the case of windows 7 & windows server 2008 (both 32 & 64 bit all versions) I use the Imagex utility of MS WinAIK software. Now the easyboot 6.5 version has the facility of creating windows 7 & windows XP in one dvd, I use this process to make that. Right now, I have the DVD of 2.93 GB that consist of Dos 6.22, win97, win98, winME, winNT(W), WinNT(S), Win2000(P), Win2000(S), Win2000(AS), Windows XP(H), Windows XP(P-O), Windows XP(P-V), Windows XP(MCE), Windows 2003(S), Windows 2003(W), Windows 2003(E), Windows 2003(D), Windows 2003(SBS). All OS are working fine. Now when I join Windows 7 & 2008 into that, it creates 3.8 GB of size, slashing install.wim to 120 MB. So I have now two problems, 1) When I insert the install.wim (4.6GB) through UltraISO, it ask me to change it to UDF. Its size increases to 7.9 GB, but after creating UDF it cannot boot. 2) And unable to join 64bit windows server 2003 & XP into it, after using Blader script also. Please try to solve my problem. Jayanta Posted by balder on Feb. 06 2012,01:10
@jayantadrQuote: "First of all right now I want to make a DVD (9 GB), not the USB Drive" Okay, I got it ![]() To be frankly, I haven't tested building such large builds - ever ![]() This looks to me be an problem more related to 'technically aspects' than to a 'Easyboot problem' ![]() Some information about different DVD-formats as far as I know: 1. The DVD-5 format holds 4.7GB (this is the usual 'standard' DVD) and is supported by the DVD+R/RW and DVD-R/RW formats. 2. The DVD-10 holds 8.75GB and is supported by the DVD+R/RW and DVD-R/RW formats. It is also known as Double-Sided Single Layer. 3. The DVD-9 holds 8.5GB and is supported by the DVD+R and DVD-R formats. It is also known as Single-Sided Double Layer (sometimes called Dual Layer). The official names are DVD-R DL and DVD+R DL 4. The DVD-18 holds 15.9GB and is supported by the DVD+R format. It is also known as Double-Sided Double Layer (or Double-Sided Dual Layer). However you are talking about 9 GB ![]() I have my doubt I can solve this the 'EasyBoot way' as it is very hazardous to create this large builds Basically, you are moving over a very 'thin ice'! It is indeed a very impressing build but as told - hazardous to create. As I have never created this size of build I guess I cannot be to much help - except pointing to the different DVD-formats and its limits ![]() regards balder Posted by jayantadr on Feb. 06 2012,03:59
Do you know that easyboot supports UDF or not? yyou can send me links, if you have..Jayanta Posted by balder on Feb. 06 2012,05:36
@jayantadrQuote: "Do you know that easyboot supports UDF or not?" I cannot say - but probably not ![]() But as far as I know UltraIso probably support UDF-format (check in 'File>>Properties' in UltraIso) You use file 'loader.bin' in folder EZBOOT as boot-file (but don't forget to push 'Save' in EasyBoot before using UltraIso to make sure 'loader.bin' is updated). Note: this 'super large' build you are dealing with is far over my head to have controll over ![]() You are in a state of 'test and trial' (which takes time and efforts) On the other hand, I'm sure other users of EasyBoot are curious if you can finally build a working project of this size ![]() If so, please tell us how you managed to get it up and run ![]() regards balder Posted by jayantadr on Feb. 08 2012,04:06
Yes, Easyboot doesnot support UDF, according to the EZB Support. But not yet try your loader.bin solution I have added the setups of windows 2003 64 bit (ent-retail, corp & std-retail, corp), all are working fine. But unable to make windows XP 64 bit (Retail or corp). While installing, it ask for some files, I gave those files from AMD64 folder (as I gave those while creating windows 2003 64 bit also), but ask for VGA.SYS, although it is there. Work stuck again. Can you help me for creating windows XP 64 bit. Your script doesnot work with 64 bit. Jayanta Posted by balder on Feb. 08 2012,04:16
@jayantadrQuote: "Can you help me for creating windows XP 64 bit" You can use one folder I386 (the original folder name) in folder disk1 ![]() As you can use my script to modify (change name) to all those other folder I386 - you can have one folder I386 ![]() Basically copy all folders including $OEM$ (or whatever) that you have in XP 64 bit.iso-file to folder disk1 Use menu command: run W2KSECT.BIN (check that you have W2KSECT.BIN in folder ezboot - it should be there). regards balder Posted by jayantadr on Feb. 08 2012,06:32
I remaned the folder as XPPC(Corp) & XPPR(Retail) where I have copied all the files. I have patched the setupldr.bin (74 03 to eb 1a) & through easyboot replaced 5 times I386 & 2 times i386 existance to XPPC & XPPR. Modify txtsetup.sif.. setupsourcepath to "\XPPC" and "\XPPR".When I do this for windows 2003, it works fine. But when I do this for XP the file VGA.SYS not found. I manually give that file from I386 , but invain. Regards Jayanta Posted by balder on Feb. 08 2012,06:42
@jayantadrQuote: "But when I do this for XP the file VGA.SYS not found" I guess you mean for WinXP-64-bit ![]() But still - if you do not have folder I386 in folder disk1 you can surely use one folder-name I386 in folder disk1. As you already changed (hex edit) name to folder I386 to all other Windows versions (XPPC & XPPR) - you have room for one folder I386 in folder disk1 ![]() Don't change name to folder I386 used to WinXP-64 - use that WinXP-64 structure as it is - including possibly $OEM$-folder (if present) ![]() regards balder Posted by jayantadr on Feb. 08 2012,21:58
Sorry,I cannot understand properly. Is it possible to give me the folder structure of that condition when both Windows XP 64 bit Retail & Corporate will be present. If I386 will present then which one ? Retail or Corp. There is also a folder called AMD64 on both the case. What will I do for that folder? Right now I have / | | - I386 |--- XPPR-------------- -| - AMD64 | | - support | |--- XPPC--------------- | - I386 | | - AMD64 | | - support Regards Jayanta Posted by balder on Feb. 09 2012,00:52
@jayantadrQuote: "Right now I have" This is the only possible way - take a look at structure below / | | - I386 |--- XPPR-------------- | - AMD64 | | - support | |--- XPPC--------------- | - I386 | | - AMD64 | | - support | | | | |--- I386 |--- AMD64 |--- support As you can notice, you can only have one folder I386 on the 'root' (the root for EasyBoot is folder disk1 if you wonder) This means you can only have one build with folder I386 present to the 'root' (but that is obvious) ![]() I guess you have to choose between Windows XP 64 bit Retail OR Corporate edittion ![]() However I find it a little bit strange that my script cannot create this build to you ![]() To be straight - I have never tested such WinXP-64-bit build created by script in an 'reality setup'v - so I can't for sure tell if it is working correctly fully out. balder Posted by jayantadr on Feb. 09 2012,06:09
At last I remove the XP Retail 64 bit, and everything complete. From Dos 6.22 to windows server 2003 ALL.But I can not insert windows 7, 2008 etc Your suggestion (loader.bin) also not worked same error. Even I try with oscdimg and cdimage, same problem. Posted by balder on Feb. 09 2012,07:44
@jayantadrQuote: "But I can not insert windows 7, 2008 etc" You can obviously only have one ![]() This means clearly you must choose between Win7 OR Win8 ![]() Copy folders; BIE, boot, efi, Language, sources, support and finally folder upgrade to folder disk1 Copy files; bootmgr and if present file bootmgr.efi to folder disk1. You can optionally also copy file setup.exe to folder disk1 Note: you might need to merge folder support and folder upgrade if already these folders are present on the root (folder disk1) Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run /bootmgr As told, you can only have ONE NT6-system on the root of Easyboot (folder disk1) ![]() Note: Vista/Win7/Win8/Server-2008 are typically NT6-system. ------------------------------ However there still can be some work-around to solve this ![]() Read < HERE > Create ISO as usual but only check 'Joliet' if you have some Linux\Isolinux distro in build Attention! I will not give you support to given link, you have to sort it out all by your self ![]() balder |