Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Boot Error started by: wonderskill Posted by wonderskill on Feb. 29 2012,10:12
I am trying to create an AIO DVD with Windows 7(x86&x64)/2008 R2, WinXP, Win2003, and Win2003 64 bitIt takes a DL DVD to burn but it fits and I know it works separately. I have used MagicISO to get the boot sector for all and modified the winxp and win2003 to point to my directory instead of i386 I also modified the setupdrln.bin and txtsetup.siff When I create the iso and load on a machine it goes to the boot menu. But when I select an option I get: File not found: winxp.bif Press any key to continue, or press ESC to cancel. Failed mounting filesystem. I can't seem to figure out the issue. Please help! Posted by balder on Feb. 29 2012,13:07
@wonderskillAs a new member I say welcome @wonderskill ![]() Quote: "File not found: winxp.bif" Hmmm... What checkboxes did you check when creating ISO in EasyBoot ![]() You are recommended to only check 'Joliet' and nothing else as files used to WinXP, Win2003, and Win2003_64-bit all are different and it's hereby pointless to check 'Optimize' ![]() Anyway... Start with only one NT5-system (WinXP) and hex-edit that one - then test in 'Virtual PC' (or whatever) to see if you solved that issue. Then proceed mixing Win2003 and WinXP together and then finally Win2003_ 64-bit. You can test your build in 'Virtual environment' without burning to any DVD. Note: you can also test created ISO using this free tool - download < HERE > When done with above you proceed with integrating Win7 etcetera However most interesting and exiting is that you seems to be skilled to integrate '7(x86&x64)/2008' together in same build ![]() How did you manage this ![]() balder Posted by wonderskill on Feb. 29 2012,13:15
Thanks I will try. I did not have Joliet checked so I will let you know if this works. Intergrating Win7 and Win2008 is pretty straight foward. If you have imagex, you just export the install.wim windows2008 versions you want into the windows 7 (x86) install.wim file. Then you just need to make sure you copy the windows 2008 r2 server license folder and merge it. You also have to merge the license folder from the boot.wim (2nd image) file from the windows 2008 r2 disk to the boot.wim file for windows 7. Then just remove the ei.cfg file.I can't seem to get Windows 2008 (x86 and x64) integrated though. I starts ok but when the machine reboots it says it cannot find the install image to install Posted by wonderskill on Feb. 29 2012,14:21
No I am still getting the same error. Wish I knew why
Posted by balder on Feb. 29 2012,14:27
@wonderskillYou can test using my script 'easyboot-aio.script' to solve your problems with NT5-systems (WinXP, server-2003 are typically NT5-systems) You have download of script-collection below ![]() Read carefully 'READ_ME.html' in download before using script. Put folder 'balder' on the root (C:\) Don't have spaces in name to any path to folders and files ![]() Note: 'easyboot-aio.script' automatically gives you the right menu command to use in EasyBoot menu balder Posted by wonderskill on Feb. 29 2012,15:52
I used your program. Nice program. Still get errorFile not found: IWXP.bin Press any key to contine, or press ESC to cancel. Failed mounting filesystem. I attached my easyboot menu so you can see what it looks like. Posted by wonderskill on Feb. 29 2012,15:59
Interesting. Running each DVD by itself runs setup on the machine I'm testing with but using Easyboot with a menu I get the error.But using the emulation software, it works just fine. Does this not work on newer laptops? Posted by balder on Feb. 29 2012,16:29
@wonderskillQuote: "I attached my easyboot menu so you can see what it looks like" Well I cannot see any problem with your attached EasyBoot menu ![]() The only issue that might be a problem is the size of the build. There are limits to how big ISO-files that can be used ![]() A very large ISO-build 'DL-DVD-build' as example, can create problems ![]() In fact, I have never heard about such big build before (DL-DVD-build) ![]() ------------------------------- Is this an correct description what is happening to you. 1. The build (the big ISO-file) is working in 'Virtual environment' (which for Me indicate that you have done your 'homework' properly - meaning the build is working). 2. When burning to DVD you experience problems. Basically you are doing things correctly, but the burning to DVD creates problems. It looks to me you have to limit the total build to a 'reasonable size' (whatever that means) I really cannot see any other options here -------------------------------- And now a request from Me ![]() In post nr; 3 you briefly explained how you merged Win7 and Win8 together on same DVD. Would you mind to write a more exact tutorial how this is done I can tell you that this is a request that is of high interest in this forum (and other forum as well). regards balder Posted by wonderskill on Feb. 29 2012,16:39
I don't think it is an issue with the size of the image.<p> When I used your script, I just did windows xp and windows 2003 (x86 & x64) and the iso size was a little over 2 gb so I burnt it to a dvdr. <p> I can definitely post a tutorial for merging windows 7 and 2008 R2 server but I'll have to do it tomorrow because it is almost 5pm my time and I need to be going. <p> Just so you know, the tutorial will just be for windows 7 versions and windows 2008 R2 versions. I can't seem to successfully merge windows 2008. Posted by balder on Mar. 01 2012,03:13
@wonderskillQuote: "I don't think it is an issue with the size of the image" Okay, but if you test this the 'virtual way' ISO-file works correctly ![]() Is this correct? But when burning to DVD it fails to find boot-file (winxp.bif or whatever) ![]() Is this correct? If above is an correct description what happens then it is very weird. However if you only have WinXP in build does it work then? Is winxp.bif found and setup continues correctly? I really do not have any straight answers to this weird behaviour from your build ![]() EDIT: While trying to 'dissect' this problem of yours - I'm thinking about problems related to BIOS. You don't by any chance have a second computer to test your 'super-DVD' to Problems related to BIOS is a common cause of frustration The idea testing to other hardware (with different BIOS) is something that must be done Just an idea how to solve this 'BOOT-problem' of yours -------------------------- Quote: "I can definitely post a tutorial for merging windows 7 and 2008 R2 server" This will be highly appreciated from the EasyBoot community ![]() regards balder Posted by wonderskill on Mar. 01 2012,09:37
Yes it works when I use the MobaLiveCD software.No it doesn't find the boot file (even if winxp is the only one on it) when burnt to a disk and run from computer. It may be the BIOS. I will see if I have any other machine to try it on. Attached is a word doc for creating an AIO Win7 (x86, x64) and Win2008R2 disk. Posted by balder on Mar. 01 2012,10:18
@wonderskillQuote: "It may be the BIOS" Yes it sure looks its something with BIOS involved here (unfortunately a common problem, especially to laptops) -------------------------------- Quote: "Attached is a word doc for creating an AIO Win7 (x86, x64) and Win2008R2 disk" THANK YOU @wonderskill Though I'm not in any desperate need to achieve this I'm convinst that a lot of other members are very interested in your tutorial - so I say again - thank you ![]() Please note that I'm in the future will point to this tutorial of yours - it seems promising in many ways ![]() regards balder |