Forum: EasyBoot Topic: The "missing" manual update (soon) started by: AltairAC Posted by AltairAC on Jan. 25 2012,20:59
My original manual was intended for easyboot v5 but since then easyboot v6 and v6.5 have been released and I thought I could add some useful info to my tutorial. I already contacted balder a while ago and made myself familiar with the new features. I won't remove or edit my old posts but rather add the new info as a supplement to the old tutorial since everything* from my old tutorial can be applied in easyboot v6.5. * balder's scripts are adjusted for the new easyboot so some things may not work but I will add an "old" rar archive containing the scripts intended for easyboot v5 if somebody needs it. I will assume that you are familiar with the way easyboot works and completes the tasks he is intended for. This time we will focus on USB boot projects, I will also create max. 2 DVD projects but this will be my last DVD projects because there is little use for them since all new hardware supports usb drivers (even as boot devices which is the reason of this tutorial update). Before we continue with the details, I just wanted to inform you (I guess most of you are aware of this "issue") about the reason why the download links in my tutorial thread are down. It is 2012 and some genius minds thought it would be cool to censor and control the Internet and invented laws which are referred to as SOPA/PIPA/ACTA. Because of this, the site megaupload is closed and my links are unavailable. When I update my tutorial, I will also add new links on a different file hosting service (mediafire or rapidshare or whichever survives this "laws"). And now to the important stuff, this thread was created for several reasons: a) To inform you why my links are down and to announce the tutorial update b) To ask for help if I get stuck at some point while trying to create those usb/dvd projects c) To ask whether you are happy with my choice of software or you want something added Software I will try to implement: Active Boot Disk Suite v5.5.1 Avira Rescue Disk BackTrack 5.1 Darik's Boot And Nuke 2.2.6 DrWeb LiveCD 6.0 ERD Commander XP x86 ERD Commander Vista x86 ERD Commander Vista x64 ERD Commander Win7 x86 ERD Commander Win7 x64 HBCD 15.1 Restored v1.0 Hirens BootCD 10.6 Hirens BootCD 15.1 Kaspersky Rescue Disk MicroXP v0.95 SP3 x86 Partition Wizard Home Edition 7 Parted Magic 2011_12_30 x86 Parted Magic 2011_12_30 x64 RipLinux 13.7 SpinRite 6.0 UBCD 5.1.1 Ubuntu 11.10 WiFiWay 3.4 Windows XP Professional SP3 Windows XP SP3 Student Edition 2012 Windows 7 x86 Windows 7 AIO x86_x64 Feel free to add any suggestions of software you use. The list above refers to the software I will try to implement, it does not mean that I will succeed since I listed a bunch of very different software which may cause issues when put together (incompatibility with the format system (fat32, ntfs,..), interference between similar OS'es and so on ...) but also I may add more software like small Live Distro's, who knows ... Posted by balder on Jan. 26 2012,03:52
@AltairACQuote: "This time we will focus on USB boot projects" Thank you for your COMMITMENT to create a 'working manual' dedicated to users of EasyBoot ![]() I'm sure all users (including 'signed') are grateful to this awesome work you are doing @AltairAC ![]() ------------------------ Quote: Software I will try to implement" This is 'heavy'................ ![]() regards balder Posted by AltairAC on Mar. 05 2012,10:19
I am done with project 5 (a OS collection) but I have trouble with my final dvd project. Here is what it should contain: - AV Resuce Disks: -- Avira Rescue Disk -- Dr.Web LiveCD -- Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 - MSDaRT: -- ERD Commander 5.0 - WinXP x86 -- ERD Commander 6.0 - WinVista x86 -- ERD Commander 6.0 - WinVista x64 -- ERD Commander 7.0 - Win7 x86 -- ERD Commander 7.0 - Win7 x64 - Rescue OS: -- Puppy Slacko 5.3.1 -- RIPLinux 13.7 -- Slax 6.1.2 -- Slitaz 3.0 -- Tails 0.10.1 -- Tiny Core Linux 4.3 -- Windows XP SP3 Micro - Tools & Utilities: -- Active@ Boot Disk 5.5.1 -- Dariks Boot and Nuke 2.2.6 -- Hirens Boot CD 10.6 -- Hirens Boot CD 15.1 -- Partition Wizard Home Edition 7.1 -- Parted Magic 2012 -- Spint Rite 6.0 -- UBCD 5.11 I am doing it step by step and I already got problems with the AV Rescue Disk's. Avira, I followed this tutorial: CODE For EasyBoot 6.5: 1. Make a copy of avira iso as we are going to manipulate iso :O 2. Extract from AVIRA.ISO-file folder system and folder antivir and folder avupdate to folder disk1 in Easyboot 3. Delete folder system folder antivir and folder avupdate from inside of AVIRA.ISO-file (we don't need those folders any longer inside ISO, as they now are extracted to the root (folder disk1 is the root for EasyBoot if you wonder) 4. Save ISO-file that now is less in size with the name AVIRA.ISO to the root (folder disk1) 5. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run /avira.iso 6. Check "Joliet" when creating ISO in EasyBoot but I get an error (VirtualBox, I also tried Moba LiveCD and it doesn't work either): ![]() Kaspersky, I followed this tutorial: CODE If you have EasyBoot_v6.5 installed there is no difference between run from DVD-unit or from USB drive - it's the same solution. 1. Open ISO and extract files: image.squashfs, folder rescue and file livecd to EasyBoot\disk1 (I used UltraISO). 2. Copy Kaspersky.ISO-file to folder ezboot (use name kaspersky.iso) 3. Create menu in EasyBoot and use menu command: run kaspersky.iso 4. When creating ISO in EasyBoot, check "Joliet" but nothing else in "Option" for ISO-creating. And I got this: ![]() I also tried this method: CODE For CD/DVD: 1. Make a copy of kaspersky ISO. 2. Open ISO and extract files: image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd to EasyBoot\disk1 (I use UltraIso for this operation). 3. Delete files: image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd in ISO and save ISO-file (ISO is now less in size). 4. Use easyboot-iso.script to integrate reduced ISO-file (do not check “Run from RAM”). 5. Use menu command you get from script in EasyBoot. 6. Attention! Check "Joliet" when creating ISO in EasyBoot. but I got an error from winbuilder (check attachment). Dr.Web livecd: The .iso contains only a folder called "boot", within this folder there are 2 other folders (isolinux and module). If I extract the folder "boot" to "disk1" folder and the boot information via UltraoISO (command: "bootinfotable;run drwb.bif") it works as it should. But I tried to change the name of the folder to "drwb", I changed every instance of "boot/" in the drwb.bif file and isolinux.bin file (located in the isolinux folder) into "drwb/". With notepad++ I changed "boot/" into "drwb/" within all the config files. I manage to get into the Dr.Web menu and choose what I want but I only get this screen (option 1 within Dr.Web menu): ![]() and it doesn't do anything (it should load files, in the normal case, it shows a bar that loads to 100%). Posted by balder on Mar. 05 2012,15:41
@AltairACSorry for the delay ![]() I have done a lot of experiments (burning to CD-RW and to USB stick) And this is the result: I downloaded Avira ISO-file from < HERE > I followed given tutorial but tested using 'Virtual PC' and Avira did work correctly ![]() Note: if still having problem you are recommended to use my script: 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate reduced Avira ISO-file - however - DO NOT check 'Run ISO from RAM' in script as this isn't needed! Note: I don't understand why script failed in your case (your attachment) Please download latest release of folder 'balder' as I just used mentioned script without problems - and make sure your antivirus program (if used) don't disturb the process in script! ------------------------------------ The Kaspersky case... I downloaded Kaspersky ISO-file from < HERE > There has been some minor changes to ISO-file - test this: 1. Extract folder 'rescue' and file 'livecd' to folder disk1 (I use UltraIso) 2. Delete folder 'rescue' and file 'livecd' inside ISO-file 3. Save reduced ISO-file to some temporary folder with the name kaspersky10.iso 4. Use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate reduced Kaspersky ISO-file (set different name in script to ISO-file) -------------------------- If you want to avoid using my script, you can optionally use menu command 'memdisk' (copy kaspersky.iso to folder EZBOOT in this case and use menu command: memdisk kaspersky.iso) However to use 'memdisk' you must be sure to use last updated 'memdisk'. Update memdisk this way: Open folder EasyBoot\resource and copy file memdisk from EasyBoot\resource to folder EZBOOT overwriting existing file memdisk --------------------------- When creating ISO in Easyboot only tick 'Joliet' Attention! This solution works from CD\DVD-unit but NOT from USB device. To solve USB device, do as follow: 1. Create a folder rescue in EasyBoot\disk1 2. Copy kaspersky.iso-file to folder rescue and rename ISO to exactly rescue.iso 3. Open rescue.iso-file (I used UltraIso) and extract file livecd to EasyBoot\disk1. 4. Still having ISO opened in UltraIso, continue with deleting file livecd and also delete folder rescue. Choose 'Save As' and save reduced ISO-file to inside of folder rescue using name rescueusb.iso 5. Rename file livecd in folder disk1 to liveusb In folder disk1 you should have a file liveusb and a new folder rescue - inside folder rescue you should have two ISO-files rescue.iso and rescueusb.iso 6. Use menu command in Easyboot menu: run /rescue/rescueusb.iso When creating ISO in Easyboot only tick 'Joliet' ------------------ Solution to drweb-livecd-600.iso 1. Extract folder boot to folder disk1 2. Open drweb-livecd-600.iso and inside ISO open folder boot and delete folder modules (I used UltraIso) 3. Choose 'Save As' and save reduced ISO to folder EZBOOT (I used drweb.iso as name) 4. Use menu command in Easyboot menu: run drweb.iso We really do not like to have a folder boot in folder disk1 but it seems not to be any other solution at present time - so we have to stick to this solution at least for the moment ![]() However... This works both from CD\DVD-unit as from USB device as well When creating ISO in Easyboot only tick 'Joliet' ------------------------------ He, he... When looking to above solutions it is obvious that: Nothing is 'straight' in the world of EasyBoot ![]() regards balder Posted by AltairAC on Mar. 05 2012,16:49
Easyboot-ISO script works now! It was my fault, I did not use it for a long time and forgot to put the Win_Builder folder into the C partition.Both Avira and Kaspersky work with the ISO script but I don't understand why Avira won't work with the given tutorial. I will download the updated script collection and a new .iso image of Avira and try it again, if it won't work, I will use the ISO script. Every other piece of software should work with modifications so I can let the Dr.Web boot folder as it is. Thanks for your support! EDIT: The ISO script works like a charm, I can't get Avira to work with the tutorial I mentioned but at least the script works, thanks again! Posted by balder on Mar. 06 2012,01:19
@AltairACQuote: "I can't get Avira to work with the tutorial" I have no problem with Avira when testing from a 'real' CD-RW or from USB stick - Avira could be launched from both units without hesitating ![]() Note: I could test Avira from 'Virtuall PC' but it failed when test was performed using Qemu ![]() Further more - mouse support was not implemented when testing from 'Virtual PC' This shows how fragile tests are to Easyboot build ![]() Anyway... As I tested in 'reality' from both a burned CD-RW and from USB stick - it should work for you as well ![]() Finally.... It is an impressing build you are creating @AltairAC ![]() regards balder |