Forum: EasyBoot Topic: erro win xp started by: pacodesign Posted by pacodesign on Apr. 05 2012,22:06
I made a multiboot with win xp + win 7 + hirensboot 10.2 + other iso menu win 7 - run bootmgr hirens boot - run isolinux.bif win xp - run w2ksect.bin - xp.bif - bcdw - bootinfotable and etc... I already used all those + it continues with the same mistake... and I copied all files of the winXp and win 7 for the paste disk1 easyboot version 6.5 Posted by balder on Apr. 06 2012,02:25
@pacodesignQuote: "error winxp" I'm unsure what method you used to integrate WinXP ![]() Anyway... This error is caused by that setup cannot find needed 'ident-files' on the root (or second root) Note1: 'ident-files' are typically: win51, WIN51IP, WIN51IP.SP2, WIN51IP.SP3, WIN51IP2 Note2: which 'ident-files' that must be on the root depends on what service-pack you use in WinXP. Note3: you can choose to have all 'ident-files' on the root, as it doesn't harm anything and occupy little size However if you integrated WinXP creating a separate BOOT-folder - typically method described by gosh read < HERE > If using this method (separate BOOT-folder and separate setup-folder, you must have 'ident-files' on both places - read post nr;2 < HERE > balder Posted by pacodesign on Apr. 06 2012,08:56
erro win 7iso 6,67 G Posted by balder on Apr. 06 2012,09:47
@pacodesignQuote: "erro win 7" I'm drawing the conclusion that you solved error with WinXP - is this conclusion correct? But now you have error with Win7 setup system - correct? Quote: "iso 6,67 G" So your ISO-build is 6.67 GB in size, which means you are using some kind of double-layer DVD - correct? This can create some problems ![]() I suggest that you test with a DVD-RW and only with Win7 on DVD ![]() I ask you to test this to make sure your EasyBoot-build with Win7 is correctly integrated Only have Win7 in EasyBoot and test on a 'standard' single DVD (DVD-RW or whatever) If it works from the 'standard'-sized DVD (DVD-RW as example) then we now the problem is with the 'double-layer' DVD ![]() Please test solution above and report result of this test ![]() balder Posted by pacodesign on Apr. 07 2012,09:47
balder I to decrease the size of the project and he were normal the problem is in the size the easyboot he makes DVD of double layer? Posted by balder on Apr. 07 2012,10:09
@pacodesignQuote: "the easyboot he makes DVD of double layer?" Hard to say... ![]() Test using UltraIso this way: 1. Launch UltraIso and inject (draw and drop) all files of that big build from folder 'disk1' 2. Use 'loader.bin' in folder EZBOOT as boot file (note: always press 'Save' in EasyBoot to make sure changes to build is taken place before using 'loader.bin') 3. In UltraIso>>File>>Properties>>'CD File System' you only check 'Joliet' and in UltraIso>>File>>Properties>>'ISO 9660 FileName Format' you set 'Max(221)' as chosen option! You can also check 'Omit ISO 9660 version number' And finally in UltraIso>>File>>Properties>>'Joliet FileName Format' you set 'Extended(110)' as chosen option! 4. Create ISO and burn to your double-layer-DVD and see if this solve this issue ![]() Note: I do have my doubt it works anyway ![]() This kind of large builds tend to create problems in many ways - not neccesary related to EasyBoot but more related to the; Big means Problem-scenario ![]() regards balder |