Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Active @B.Disk and Kasp.Resc. Disk doesnt work started by: modecom601 Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 14 2012,12:30
Hello everyone!I'm projecting my own project in easyboot. I've spotted 2 problems with booting programs from easyboot. I have registered iso Active @ Boot Disk, in easyboot i wrote command: run active.iso, and after booting program want to write serial number: < > I spoke with ikoretic from youtube, he helped me a lot. He pasted me that tutorial 1.Open Ultra.iso and Save bootinfo of "Active@ Boot Disk" as "act.bif" in ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot directory. 2.Extract contents of "Active@ Boot Disk.iso" to ...\EasyBoot\disk1 directory 3.Use command below and make your final iso run act.bif and it doesnt work properly. I used winbuilder to repair Hirens boot cd, (HBCD menu), of course ikoretic helped me, thanks again mate! ![]() Somebody can help with Active and Kaspersky? Kaspersky Rescue Disk is working, I can select language, accepting agreement, run kaspersky grpahical mode, and now is bug, if you must see that error write i will rewrite here that info. Please help me, and sorry for my bad english. Best regards. Posted by balder on Apr. 14 2012,14:08
@modecom601First I say welcome @modecom601 to this Easyboot forum ![]() Quote: "I used winbuilder to repair Hirens boot cd, (HBCD menu)" Hmmm... You have problems related to kaspersky and active@boot-disk - but what does this have to do with with Hiren's boot-cd ![]() Quote: "I used winbuilder to repair Hirens boot cd" I guess you used my script 'easyboot-hiren_v14*.script' to 'repair' (actually rebuild) your Hiren in Easyboot Anyway... Let's move to kaspersky/active@boot-disk issues First kaspersky... Quote: " run kaspersky grpahical mode, and now is bug" What bug and what method did you use to integrate kaspersky into Easyboot ![]() ---------------- The active@boot-disk case... Quote: "run act.bif" I'm unsure what active@boot-disk you are using - but I guess it is 'ActiveBoot5Plus' (version5) that we are dealing with. Test this: 1. Copy (or extract from ISO) folders; boot, EFI and folder SOURCES and also copy file BOOTMGR to folder 'disk1' in Easyboot Note: folder 'disk1' is the 'root' in Easyboot if you wonder 2. Use menu command in Easyboot menu: run /BOOTMGR As always I recommend to only check 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot. But you still have problem with the 'licence issue' ![]() I admit that this can take some time to solve but is the only way to achieve 'auto-licence' to work correctly You have to 'mount' wim-file to make it possible to modify it Test this: 1. Move folder file boot.wim from folder 'sources' that you have in folder Easyboot\disk1 to the root of C: 2. Use method to mount wim-file as described < HERE > 3. Open notepad and create a 'BOOTDISK.KEY' with 'User-name' and licence-key as example below show (using your right name and licence-key of course some_name 111111-222222-333333-444444-555555-666666-777777-888888 Save changes in notepad with the name BOOTDISK.KEY to the root of mounted wim-file Note: when you mount 'boot.wim-file' you have folders; Bootdisk_Drivers Bootdisk_Scripts Program Files sources Users Windows and files; BOOTDISK.KEY and file Unattend.xml However file BOOTDISK.KEY is missing in your case and that is the one you need Following tutorial and unmount wim-file. Open active@boot-disk ISO file (I used UltraIso) and overwrite existing BOOT.WIM in folder 'sources' with the one you modified Save changes to ISO-file Copy modified active@boot-disk ISO-file to folder EasyBoot\disk1 Use menu command: run active.iso (or what ever name you use to ISO-file) balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 14 2012,16:28
Hello ![]() Nice to meet you:) Why i said about hirens? Because I used your script ![]() Kaspersky Rescue Disk 09.04.2012 That bug: < > command: run kaspersky.iso normal method as other programs ![]() Active Boot Disk It isnt active boot 5 plus, its Active @ boot disk I used your first method, i overwrite bootmgr from ultra iso and that method destroyed my project ![]() Yes i Have problem with licence. Bootdisk.key is creating by making iso in active boot disk creator, i opened that bootdisk.key in iso and it looks like your example which i must do. when i opened there are only XXXXXXXXX, Thats photo after opening existing bootdisk.key < > I surrender ![]() Regards Posted by balder on Apr. 14 2012,17:10
@modecom601Quote: "I used your first method, i overwrite bootmgr from ultra iso and that method destroyed my project " Well I have no knowledge how your 'project' is designed - I only deal with what you are telling in writing ![]() Quote: "It isnt active boot 5 plus, its Active @ boot disk" However, what I can find out you have active@boot-disk installed and created a 'rescue' ISO-file that didn't have BOOTDISK.KEY properly in boot.wim-file as it should be - is this an correct explanation what happens Note: check if you have folder structure as described in post nr;2 When using UltraIso and open ISO-file and if there is a folder boot, EFI and folder SOURCES and also a file BOOTMGR then this is active@boot-disk based on an NT6-system (Vista\Win7\server-2008 is typically NT6-systems) If this is the case you still need to practice method described in post nr;2 (mount wim-file and inject BOOTDISK.KEY) as you fail to make it work when using 'Create rescue ISO' in active@boot-disk This surely must solve this problem with the 'licence-key' in active@boot-disk ISO-file ![]() ----------------------- And the kaspersky issue This is no 'bug' - question is what method you used to integrate kaspersky ![]() And further more - what version of kaspersky are you using (there are major differences between versions of kaspersky). Note: you need the 'ROOT File system' on the 'root' To integrate kaspersky10 into Easyboot read post nr; 4 < HERE > Psssst... It's bed time ![]() regards balder Posted by balder on Apr. 15 2012,03:22
@modecom601Did some test - and this is what I done: 1. Opened active.iso-file and extracted folder source to C:\ 2. Mounted BOOT.WIM-file (in extracted folder source) to a separate folder (my_temporary) 3. Removed my licence-file BOOTDISK.KEY in folder 'my_temporary' 4. Unmounted BOOT.WIM-file (in extracted folder source) 5. Opened my active.iso-file (used UltraIso) and injected folder source overwriting folder source in ISO-file 6. Saved changes to ISO-file. 7. Copied ISO to folder disk1 in EasyBoot. 8. Used meny command: run active.iso (checked Joliet when creating ISO in EasyBoot as well) And as expected, I was forced to write in licence to make active.iso continue ![]() I then reversed the whole operation (copied BOOTDISK.KEY into mounted BOOT.WIM) And as expected, active.iso worked correctly (licence was automatically found by system) ![]() Above worked as expected - in fact - exactly as described in post nr;2 Kaspersky works perfect (as expected) if you use kaspersky10 and follow given link in post nr;4 regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 15 2012,05:44
Thank you for help, but your advice about kaspersky in post 4 from link doesnt work, i downloader new version that program ![]() I must resign from kaspersky and active ;( ;( Posted by balder on Apr. 15 2012,08:01
@modecom601Quote: "but your advice about kaspersky in post 4 from link doesnt work" I can guarantee it works properly, if you follow given tutorial ![]() Note: I have tested this to a lot of different computers and it works okay ![]() ---------------------- Quote: "I must resign from kaspersky and active" I'm working on a new script that automatically mount WIM-file and when you are finished with modifications (in your case, inserting file BOOTDISK.KEY into build) script also automatically unmount and save changes to WIM-file ![]() You can then insert modified WIM-file to your ISO-file (use UltraIso) and that's it ![]() Hopefully I'm finished before evening - have some issues to solve in my garden - I have to prioritize ![]() regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 15 2012,09:13
I try do it by steps again, if it does not work again i wil waiting for your script ;)
Posted by balder on Apr. 15 2012,12:37
@modecom601Quote: "if it does not work again i wil waiting for your script" Note: Script only handles WIM-files and not kaspersky (kaspersky works if using tutorial) Download zip-file from < HERE > Extract folder 'Mount_Wim-files' to C:\ Open folder Mount_Wim-files and double-click to WinBuilder.exe You will notice there is only one script to chose from... Push on 'Start-button' and enjoy.... ![]() Note: you are presented with a text-file that explains where your files are ![]() Simply follow instructions ![]() regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 15 2012,15:32
From your notepadFiles extracted from WIM-file is now mounted by script and files and folders can be found in 'C:\temporary_mount' It is files in 'C:\temporary_mount' that you are interested to modify as you please... DON'T CLOSE THIS WINDOW - KEEP IT OPENED UNTIL YOU ARE FINISHED WITH MODIFICATIONS TO files in 'C:\temporary_mount'! Folder 'C:\balder_temporary' is left with the modified ***.WIM-file (in folder sources) It is this file WIM-file you are interested to use instead of the WIM-file in ISO You simply manually delete folder 'temporary_mount' on C:\ when you don't need WIM-file any longer! Attention! When you close this window script automatically run 'unmount' to WIM-file! To make it possible for imagex to unmount WIM-file, you must be sure you don't have folder 'C:\temporary_mount' opened in Explorer or any other File-manager! Imagex cannot unmount a file that is opened in Explorer or any other File-manager! Of course when i close notepad folder temporary_mount will close and delete content, but tell me where is modified active.iso file without licence? ![]() After your tutorial from post #4 i've spotted that error: < > After my combinations that error: < > Kaspersky. WHen i extract folder rescue to disk1 and file rescue from folder boot from active.iso he ask me to overwrite something, i clicked yes but its error ;( because I think folder has the same name like file rescue. In iso there is one file rescue with .igz. Which file rescue must i extract to disk1 folder? SOrry for my anti-knowledge about that tricks, its my first project. Next time will be better. Regards Posted by balder on Apr. 15 2012,16:32
@modecom601Quote: "Of course when i close notepad folder temporary_mount will close and delete content, but tell me where is modified active.iso file without licence?" Script asks for ISO-file to open (you point and double-click to active@iso-file in this case) it is this ISO-file that must have its file BOOT.WIM-file replaced which you simply do with UltraIso This means, that script do not manually replace BOOT.WIM in 'original' ISO-file (the active@boot-disk ISO-file) Script cannot possibly now if this is the original ISO or a copy (hopefully a copy of original ISO) I prefer to do the last step manually as it is so easy to do ![]() Open active@iso-file with UltraIso and insert modified BOOT.WIM from folder 'C:\balder_temporary\sources' (you have file BOOT.WIM in folder 'sources') to inside of folder sources in UltraIso. Save changes to ISO-file The steps are: 1. Run script and point to active@boot-disk ISO-file 2. Make changes to files in folder 'C:\temporary_mount' In you case you most likely miss a file 'BOOTDISK.KEY' in folder 'C:\temporary_mount'. You can create your own 'BOOTDISK.KEY' (its a simple text-file so use notepad as described in post nr;2 to create your 'BOOTDISK.KEY'-file and put it in folder 'C:\temporary_mount') 3. When you close the 'notepad-window' script saves changes to WIM-file and unmount it. 4. You now have the modified file BOOT.WIM in folder 'C:\balder_temporary\sources' ready to be injeccted into folder sources in your original active@boot-disk ISO-file (hopefully a copy of ISO-file to test with) This last step is done using UltraIso ----------------------- Quote: "WHen i extract folder rescue to disk1 and file rescue from folder boot from active.iso he ask me to overwrite something" I cannot fully understand what you are doing here ![]() You must use the original kaspersky ISO-file and not some mixed thing from something you name 'active.iso' ![]() Or do you mean there already is a folder 'rescue' on the root (root=folder disk1)? I think it is time for you to explain the structure in your Easyboot-build - because I cannot following what kind of build you have ![]() Remember that active@boot-disk ISO-file can be launched as it is by simply copy modified ISO-file to folder disk1 and use menu command: run active.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file) EDIT! I have updated download in post nr; 9 You have now a folder 'Help' with a flash-movie that clearly show how to use script However I do not show modifications to WIM-file as there is so much you can do to such files Further more - this script and tutorials regarding how to manage WIM-file is NOT any part of EasyBoot and is only presented as a courtesy from me to other users of EasyBoot ![]() regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 16 2012,14:13
Thank you for the tutorial! It was easy, because i cant saw balder_temp file where was modified boot.wim. Thanks!Just i paste and overwrite boot.wim with existing boot.wim in original iso ![]() But... I followed your tutorial, it works, i mounted only active.iso to power iso, ran in virtualbox and it worked ok! No licence ![]() But when i write command in EASYBOOT run active.iso (disk1/ezboot of course) he asked me about licence ![]() omg! ![]() Best Regards Posted by balder on Apr. 16 2012,14:53
@modecom601Quote: "But when i write command in EASYBOOT run active.iso (disk1/ezboot of course) he asked me about licence" It's hard to say why ISO-file behave like that ![]() I have my active@boot-ISO-file in folder EZBOOT and no license problem pops up ![]() You can try copy ISO to the 'root' (directly to only folder disk1) If so, use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run /active.iso (or what ever name you use to ISO-file) -------------------------- Tip! To avoid the unnecessary 'Press any key to boot.....' when launching active@boot-ISO-file in EasyBoot, you can open ISO-file (use UltraIso) and continue open folder 'BOOT' in ISO-file and delete file 'bootfix.bin' Save ISO and you don't get message; 'Press any key to boot.....' ![]() Just something to take in consideration while you have your 'steam' up ![]() --------------------------- Note: you can later use the 'WIM.script' to modify or extract files from other WIM-files (in Win7\Win8\Server-2008 and Vista). However I will not give any support to this options as it isn't any part of Easyboot solutions (at least not in my opinion) ![]() regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 16 2012,16:10
"Note: you can later use the 'WIM.script' to modify or extract files from other WIM-files (in Win7\Win8\Server-2008 and Vista)."First I must resolve that problem. My disk has too much copy of kaspersky,active and lots of .iso's. Im furious: Delete all files, reinstall Easyboot, make project again and do it by your steps(active, and kaspersky). REsulst will be here ![]() I love you balder for your helping heart ![]() Regards EDIT. I created new project(from 0 to hero), and still Active ask me about licence, only active without easyboot works properly. I dont understand it because its only command run name.iso ;( I wrote licence, but it was not good idea, all the time he asked me about serial number, I thought he remember in file that licence, but no ![]() ![]() Last time I will try with kaspersky from post here. Sadly, but that program is very easy(haha ![]() Best regards Posted by balder on Apr. 17 2012,03:15
@modecom601Quote: "Modify files in folder 'temporary mount'?" Well, you already seems to have followed my tutorial and successfully modified active.iso-file correctly (injected 'BOOTDISK.KEY' into Wim-file) as active.iso-file can find 'BOOTDISK.KEY' (licence-key) correctly and proceed ![]() Quote: "Just only open and close?" Yes open folder 'C:\temporary_mount'. It is files and folders inside this folder we are interested to modify. But don't forget to leave folder - don't have folder open in explorer or any file-manager - as when you close 'message.txt' script delete this folder as it isn't usefull any more! In your case you needed to insert file 'BOOTDISK.KEY', which basically is a simple text-file with a different extension 'KEY' instead of 'TXT'. You put in your 'user-name' and your licence as described in post nr; 2 However when run in EasyBoot active.iso-file is unable to correctly detect 'BOOTDISK.KEY' - this is strange ![]() I here fore ask you to test this: Launch my script 'easyboot-iso.script' (use folder balder as script-collection is in that build) Set a nice name in textbox (ACTIVEBOOT or whatever. Note: USE CAPS=BIG LETTERS in name-box in script) Script automatically gives you the right menu command to use in EasyBoot menu Note: do not check 'Run ISO from RAM' in script. No harm to do it but not needed in this case, as we are dealing with a NT6-system (Vista\Win7\Win8\Server-2008 are typically NT6-systems) By launching active.iso-file with my script it might work... However I still have my doubt it works - but please - try... It's possible there is something strange with your Active@BOOT-disk that makes ISO behave this strange way ![]() Already when you create ISO it goes wrong (system forgets to inject 'BOOTDISK.KEY' in ISO which is wrong already there) regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 17 2012,10:08
This is photo when I browse for .key.< > I Added to user's files my .key but while registering program cant see users folder. Its normal, he want secure before piracy active. Just i overwrited boot.wim in original active iso file, why it doesnt work I dont know, its strange. ![]() Upload your working iso please(if you have fast upload) ![]() Still Im trying.. I crated active for usb. Opened Uiso add all files and folders in pendrive, do tutorial,use script iso, and it was only grub4dos etc. I think I must resign active... ![]() Regards EDIT YEAH! IT WORKS!! I CREATED NEW ISO AGAIN(100 TIME ![]() Thank you very much for help! Last edit I must repair kaspersky and it will be all my problems! I love you balder ![]() Regards Posted by balder on Apr. 17 2012,11:05
@modecom601Quote: "USE SCRIPT ISO WITH CHECK JOLIED" So it did work when you integrated active.iso using my script 'easyboot-iso.script' ![]() Reason could be that I use a separate 'kicker-image' to launch active.iso-file ![]() Nice work @modecom601 ![]() regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 17 2012,11:17
I dont understand your upper post, im happy it works!One suggestion: I must extracted all files and folders from iso to disk1(it means: folders SOURCES,EFI,BOOT and files bootdisk.ini. bootmgr, and bootdisk.key) to see working properly active boot disk without licence ![]() Thank you again. If i have problems with kaspersky can i write here? ![]() Posted by balder on Apr. 17 2012,11:24
@modecom601Quote: "I must extracted all files and folders from iso to disk1" No that really shouldn't be necessary in this case - you should be able to launch ISO as it is ![]() Quote: "I dont understand your upper post" What I meant in post nr;17 was that I believed you used my script 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate active.iso into EasyBoot build - I got that impression ![]() Quote: " If i have problems with kaspersky can i write here?" Sure, as we already have discussed this in earlier posts ![]() Please note the difference how to launch kaspersky from CD\DVD comparing to from USB - major difference there ![]() regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 17 2012,13:07
HBCD and Active works only because you created script for us ![]() When I didnt extract content of iso active ask me about licence. I deleted files to reduce size of my project. I must extract content iso to disk1. Thats one trick where active doesnt ask me about licence, believe me. I know you are master of easyboot, but I tried all your tricks and suggestions, that was one working solution.:) Yes i can see difference between booting from USB and DVD/CD. I believe kaspersky will give me less problems than crazy active iso ![]() Thank you again so much!! Best Regards Posted by balder on Apr. 17 2012,13:44
@modecom601Quote: "I must extract content iso to disk1" Then its pointless to also use ISO-file ![]() If you extract content of active@boot-disk to folder disk1 you can use menu command in EasyBoot: run /BOOTMGR If using this solution - then you don't need ISO-file at all Note1: this is exactly what I presented as solution in post nr;2 Note2: I also warned you in same post about licence problem - quote: "But you still have problem with the 'licence issue'" But at this point you have learned how to modify WIM.BOOT-file (inserted 'BOOTDISK.KEY' using my script ' Mount_Wim-files.script') So at this stage you can simply use method presented in post nr;2 Anyway things is NOT going reverse for you - you are in a progress of quickly learning how 'things can be done' ![]() And it is still a mystery why it doesn't work from run ISO-file ![]() Finally... You may ask; Why am I so anxious to use my ISO-file and launch active@bootDisk Reason is I might want to integrate setup of a NT6-system (Windows-7 as example) But then I have a problem - as the root already is occupied with same files and folder names as used to Win7 setup-files ![]() And that's the 'heart of the matter' ![]() regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 17 2012,15:48
Trick about extracted content to disk1 and use run /bootmgr doesnt work without script moint wim files and vice versa ![]() ![]() However, it works perfectly, I dont mind that I have got two copies of the same .iso, because it works ![]() Tomorrow I'll try run kaspersky successfully ![]() Im sorry, but still i dont understand your posts fully ![]() Best regards from Poland ;) Posted by balder on Apr. 17 2012,16:22
@modecom601Quote: "Trick about extracted content to disk1 and use run /bootmgr doesnt work without script moint wim files and vice versa" I maintain my opinion and say it works with methods below ![]() The 'old method' - files and folders on the root and 'run /bootmgr' as menu command OR the 'latest method' only ISO in folder EZBOOT and 'run active.iso' as menu command I have tested from both CD\DVD as from USB stick -works excellent - as expected ![]() Note: Both method above needs licence-key in BOOT.WIM of cource Anyway... I cannot figure out what causes this problem to you ![]() I have an idea (as I'm an curious person) Could you please upload your ISO to some place and in a messenger (in upper right corner in EasyBoot you have 'Your messenger') and send me link to download. This give me opportunity to analyse what's going on Only if you are interested not necessary as it works with that 'work-around method' of yours ![]() Quote: "Best regards from Poland" Yes I know somewhere around Grojec or Warka is my guess best regards to you as well ![]() balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 17 2012,16:31
the latest method is using script wim file to overwrite from balder_temporary ;)only iso in ezboot and run iso from command (run active.iso) was my first idea like others programs(for example memtest 3.5 & 4.0 works without combinations) Which iso should I upload to you? Original working only in boot without easyboot? Modified wim file? Working? ![]() You are curious like me, but im furious working in easyboot sometimes ![]() best regards from Poland again ![]() And where are you from? ![]() Posted by balder on Apr. 17 2012,23:46
@modecom601Quote: "I must extract content iso to disk1" To clear things out as I'm still a little bit confused ![]() If I understand you right you must use method below: A. Modify ISO (using ' Mount_Wim-files.script' and insert 'BOOTDISK.KEY') This must always be done, but that is understood from beginning - licence key must be in file BOOT.WIM - if not - you expiriences 'No licence-key found' B. However, modified ISO (with inserted 'BOOTDISK.KEY') now works correctly if tested outside EasyBoot (finding licence-key correctly) C. But used in EasyBoot (run active.iso) ISO fail to find licence-key correctly D. If extracting contents from ISO to folder disk1 and use menu command 'run /bootmgr' ISO fail to find licence-key correctly E. However if extracting contents to folder disk1 and also have ISO in folder EZBOOT and use menu command 'run active.iso' ISO find licence-key correctly Have I understood your problems correctly or am I totally out and 'spinning' ![]() ------------------------ I'm interested in the modified wim file (the one that correctly have the correctly 'BOOTDISK.KEY' in file BOOT.WIM) Note: I have already a working active@boot-disk ISO-file which - in my opinion - is one of the very best software to have in EasyBoot - it's excellent The point with this is; I can test and see if licence-key works correctly in my EasyBoot (it should) Or even better, you can test finding it on Internet. Use search-words like this: rapidshare active@bootdisk I'm sure you can find the latest version which is 'Active@ Boot Disk v5 Plus (2010)' ![]() ---------------------- EDIT: You didn't tell me if you used method with my script 'easyboot-iso.script' (post nr,15) to integrate active.iso into EasyBoot. To make it 'bullet-proof' I have created a 'kicker-image' (similar to the one script creates) Test this with your active.iso that is modified with a functionally 'BOOTDISK.KEY' Do it this way: 1. Copy active.iso to folder disk1 and rename ISO to exactly ACTIVEBOOT.ISO (must be caps/uppercase to letters= BIG LETTERS exactly as it shows) 2. Download 'kicker-image' from < HERE > and copy image to folder EZBOOT 3. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run activeboot.img 4. Check 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot Does it work correctly with 'kicker-image' or is it still failing? And I'm from Sweden ![]() regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 18 2012,10:05
A. I only use script wim files do modify, in tutorial you didn't mention about inserting bootdisk.key.B. Sure, but only using script files. Working C. Right ;( D. Earlier it didnt work, now it works good, ![]() ![]() E. Sure, it works good ![]() Now strange is section D Trying with kicker image script can give us more problems and needless coversation(you can furious on me ;P) If that works perfectly, im happy. So we have the same .iso. You can use your script on your active. Really should I upload your my .iso? ITs the same ;) You attacked us in 1655 ![]() regards Posted by balder on Apr. 18 2012,11:03
@modecom601I repeat ![]() Do it this way to test if it works: 1. Copy active.iso to folder disk1 and rename ISO to exactly ACTIVEBOOT.ISO (must be caps/uppercase to letters= BIG LETTERS exactly as it shows) 2. Download 'kicker-image' from < HERE > and copy image to folder EZBOOT 3. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run activeboot.img 4. Check 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot Does it work correctly with 'kicker-image' or is it still failing (cannot find license) ![]() ----------------------- Quote: "You attacked us in 1655" He, he that's why I'm so friendly to you ![]() regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 18 2012,15:10
Unfortunately, it doesnt work. I tried with original .iso and after modified using script wim files. I have script kicker image too, but i cant use it, i can choose size of floppy etc. ![]() Most important is fact that section D and E works ![]() Now i havent got duplicate files with .iso, I can tell I optimized my project ![]() On friday/Saturday I must repair kaspersky with checked Joliet ![]() Best regards ![]() Posted by balder on Apr. 18 2012,15:46
@modecom601Quote: "Now i havent got duplicate files with .iso, I can tell I optimized my project" Okay... At least you now can use active@bootDisk - which is a nice step forward ![]() Let's see later how kaspersky works out... ![]() regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 21 2012,05:35
Hello again ![]() I have problem with extracting kaspersky. I following by steps from post < HERE > I extracted folder rescue to disk1 - ok But I must extract file rescue from folder boot in .iso(the same name as folder) to the same localization(disk1) < > < > < > I can not extract file and folder with the same names to one localization. Message, folder about the same name as file is exist. Maybe I try extract file rescue.igz ![]() ![]() EDIT: using rescue.igz I've spotted that message < > and 5 seconds later: < > EDIT2: KASPERSKY WORK!!! I tried 2-nd methode to usb(livecd->liveusb etc. ;)) and booting PC from usb KASPERSKY AND ALL PROGRAMS WORKS! But solution with create DVD and load to virtual box doesnt work. Maybe it will wiorks when I burn to real CD/DVD ;) Thank you so so so so much much much much for your help!! One (last) question: What is options Key transfer in card file? I didnt see differecnes between To lower, to Capital, Disable. ![]() regards Posted by balder on Apr. 21 2012,07:53
@ modecom601Quote: "But I must extract file rescue from folder boot in" I found a mismatch in tutorial regarding kaspersky ![]() This is related to that kaspersky_v10 use a different 'tag-file' (livecd and not rescue that was used in an earlier release, also with a different folder 'rescue) I have updated tutorial in given link However I give you the right tutorial for CD\DVD right away 1. Extract folder 'rescue' and file 'livecd' to folder disk1 (I use UltraIso) 2. Delete folder 'rescue' and file 'livecd' inside ISO-file 3. Save reduced ISO-file to some temporary folder with the name kaspersky10.iso 4. Use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate reduced Kaspersky ISO-file (set different name in script to ISO-file) Hopefully it works correct this way (I tested it) ![]() Nice it worked from USB ![]() regards balder Posted by modecom601 on Apr. 21 2012,09:33
Yeah.It works from DVD too. ![]() Mistakes are for people. Everybody can mistake ;) Thank you for everything!!!! Regards |