Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Kaspersky started by: Behdadsoft Posted by Behdadsoft on Apr. 20 2012,03:35
Hi. I want make multiboot with kaspersky but when use any command don't work it. I use esyboot 6.5 and used this commands : bootinfotable;run kaspersky.bif bcdw /ezboot/kasper.iso run /ezboot/kasper.iso I want't use script. Please Guide Me. THANKS Posted by balder on Apr. 20 2012,04:05
@Behdadsoftwelcome back @Behdadsoft ![]() Quote: "I want make multiboot with kaspersky but when use any command don't work it" Read post nr;4 < HERE > Please notice the difference between launch kaspersky from CD\DVD comparing to USB ![]() EDIT: I forgot to advice you to NOT test build in Microsoft 'Virtual PC* as kaspersky might fail there Download 'MobaLiveCD' from < HERE > Note: Don't create 'hard disk image' when testing ISO-file ![]() regards balder Posted by Behdadsoft on Apr. 20 2012,04:17
Quote: "welcome back @Behdadsoft"Thanks. I've seen this post use script and I I do not want use it. I use VMWare for test my iso. Posted by balder on Apr. 20 2012,05:09
@BehdadsoftIn post nr,1 you wrote, quote: "I I want't use script." But now in post nr;3 you write, quote: "I've seen this post use script and I I do not want use it" I guess you are talking about my script ![]() You really need this script to create a correct 'kicker-image' that launch kaspersky correctly ![]() I don't know why you refuse to use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' as it is needed in plenty of solutions given in EasyBoot ![]() Anyway as I'm consider myself as a friendly person I'll make an exception ![]() Test this: 1. Open kaspersky.iso (i used UltraIso) and extract folder 'rescue' and file livecd to folder disk1 (don't close UltraIso - keep kaspersky.iso open in UltraIso 2. Rename folder 'rescue' in Easyboot\disk1 to RESCUE (yes rename to uppercase=BIG LETTERS) 3. Now go back to UltraIso and in ISO-file delete folder rescue and file livecd. Now chose to 'save as' reduced ISO-file to folder EasyBoot\disk1\RESCUE with the name KASP.ISO (must be uppercase to file name=BIG LETTERS) 4. Download pre-made 'kicker-image' (zip-file) from < HERE > 5. Extract from downloaded zip-file floppy image (KASP.img) to folder EasyBoot\disk1\RESCUE 6. Use menu command in Easyboot menu: run /rescue/kasp.img 7. check 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot This works from CD\DVD but not from USB Further more, I'm unsure you can test from VMWare I also advice you to follow my suggestions in post nr;2 (MobaLiveCD) ![]() regards balder Posted by Behdadsoft on Apr. 20 2012,15:20
thanks balder.but don't work this way. Posted by balder on Apr. 20 2012,15:51
@BehdadsoftQuote: "but don't work this way." What didn't work ![]() regards balder Posted by Behdadsoft on Apr. 21 2012,09:05
when I run iso file show this error :< > Posted by balder on Apr. 21 2012,09:42
@BehdadsoftThis error is typically for wrong name to files and folders (case sensitivity) ![]() Make sure name to folder 'RESCUE' in folder disk1 (folder extracted from ISO-file) IS UPPERCASE=BIG LETTERS Make sure you put reduced ISO-file 'KASP.ISO' inside folder RESCUE And finally make sure name to ISO-file inside folder RESCUE is exactly name KASP.ISO You cannot use KASP.iso must be KASP.ISO ![]() Note: command-lines inside 'kicker-image' (kasp.img) is 100% case sensitive For just a couple of minutes ago I tested downloaded 'kicker-image' And followed exactly tutorial in post nr;4 Worked excellent ![]() balder Posted by Behdadsoft on Apr. 21 2012,15:24
OK thank.Kaspersky is work very wll. ![]() but I Maked active & Node32 and work it, but when nod32 begin for scan End soon. I think This a Problem and I want run it with another way. Please Guide ME THANKS A LOT Posted by balder on Apr. 21 2012,15:35
@BehdadsoftQuote: "active & Node32" I'm unsure what you are talking about - could you please be more specific when you explain ![]() I had to guess what you mean here ![]() And I guess that 'acive' is active@boot-disk - is this correct And that you made active@boot-disk run correctly ist his correct ![]() But you want to use 'Node32' which I again guess is 'Esset-Node32' - is this correct ![]() Could you please confirm if my guesses above is correct - or even better - clearly explain what program and what you problems is - quote: "begin for scan End soon" very cryptic explanation ![]() EDIT: It would be of a great help, if you could explain what's inside Nod32-ISO-file Tell me what files and folders you have inside ISO-file of Nod32 Note: If you have folders; 'BOOT', 'EFI', 'SOURCES' and a file 'bootmgr' inside ISO-file - then this is a NT6-system that can be launched simply by copying ISO-file to folder EZBOOT and using menu command: run nod32.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file) If folder structure is as above, you can also test this solution: 1. Extract from Nod32-ISO all folders and also file 'bootmgr' to folder disk1 2. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run /bootmgr 3. Only tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot Test and see if this works better than only launch ISO-file However you already have asked about this Nod32 < HERE > and < HERE > balder Posted by Behdadsoft on Apr. 22 2012,16:34
Thanks balder.
Posted by nikkil on Apr. 27 2012,13:25
Issue fixed using Balder's guide. Thanks.
Posted by AhrimanSefid on May 15 2012,05:12
all the method and solution you have mentioned before doesn't work, I had tried all of them. it doesn't run or when running it become freeze or sometimes it gave me sector error. any solution would be helpful.![]() Posted by balder on May 15 2012,05:27
@AhrimanSefidQuote: "all the method and solution you have mentioned before doesn't work" Some questions... ![]() 1. From where do you launch kaspersky (CD\DVD or from USB)? 2. What method do you use to test solution (please read how to test in post nr; 2 < HERE >)? Note: please reread tutorial in post nr;4 < HERE > Attention! Tutorial has been modified ![]() I have tested given solution (and others users as well) from both CD\DVD-unit as from USB stick - and it works alright ![]() Note: Take attention to the different solution if run from USB stick - post nr;4 < HERE > It's vital that you use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate the reduced ISO-file into EasyBoot structure if run from CD\DVD-unit! You cannot simply copy reduced ISO-file to folder EZBOOT and set menu command 'run kasp10.iso' - you must use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' to launch reduced ISO-file ![]() regards balder Posted by AhrimanSefid on May 15 2012,05:34
in the answer of you question:1- I am launching the Kaspersky from cd 2- I am running it with vmware workstation and program you recommended "Mobalivecd" also I've tried the solution you mentioned in post nr;4. and here is a screenshot from the error I keep getting. < > Posted by balder on May 15 2012,06:03
@AhrimanSefidQuote: I am running it with vmware workstation and program you recommended "Mobalivecd" I'm confused here... ![]() Do you launch vmware and run MobaLiveCD from this vmware ![]() If this is the case, it probably will fail in test ![]() Run MobaLiveCD directly from your original host system (in your case Windows Vista) Attention! You must set UAC (User-Account-Control) to lowest level during test-cycle, otherwise MobaLoveCD is prohibit to run smooth Note: when changing UAC you must reboot computer to make changes take place. Another way to test is to use a CD-RW-disk (I still use this way from time to time) If using such disk, you test build in the 'reality' - the best test method if you ask me ![]() regards balder Posted by AhrimanSefid on May 15 2012,06:24
sorry for misunderstanding, I am running it with vmware workstation and also program you recommended "Mobalivecd" but getting the same result and error. UAC is completely disabled.can you upload a video or pictorial tutorial? Posted by balder on May 15 2012,08:54
@AhrimanSefidQuote: "can you upload a video or pictorial tutorial?" Yes I can, but I find it hard to understand why you cannot follow given tutorial ![]() Anyway, download zip-file from < HERE > Extract folder kaspersky from zip-file and double-click to 'kaspersky.html' inside folder Note: you need installed to your computer - which 99% of users already have installed ![]() regards balder Posted by AhrimanSefid on May 16 2012,02:24
I followed your tutorial and when I wanted to run the final iso file with the Mobalivecd all I get is a blank black screen and nothing else. the only difference I found between what I do and your tutorial is between winbuilder I use and you use. I use the same version of winbuilder as your yours but mine as you can see in the picture below has a different options:I really tried to do the same thing but still failing. can you make an avira and kasper for me? ![]() Posted by balder on May 16 2012,03:21
@AhrimanSefidQuote: "but mine as you can see in the picture below has a different options" Yes and I clearly notified this difference in flash movie - but there is no difference regarding how script works according to your 'reduced kaspersky ISO-file' I'm in a process to upgrade script-collection, but meanwhile you use scripts as usual ![]() Anyway..... You can also try this: 1. Extract folder 'rescue' and file 'livecd' to folder disk1 in EasyBoot 2. Use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' and point to the original kaspersky.iso-file Okay I know it consume some extra space - but this is only for testing purpose What I'm saying is; don't manipulate kaspersky.iso-file, use ISO-file as it is in my script. It's important that you DO NOT run MobaLiveCD from vmware ![]() Must be run from local host-system (your Vista system). ---------------------- Quote: "can you make an avira and kasper for me?" Instead do this: 1. Follow tutorial how to integrate kaspersky 2. In folder disk1 you then open folder KASPERSKY (or what ever name you use to your reduced kaspersky-iso-file in script text-box) 3. Open kaspersky.img (or what ever name you used in script text-box) Note: I use UltraIso 4. Open text-file menu.lst inside that floppy image (use notepad) Copy text-lines and show me what you have in text-file 'menu.lst' --------------------- Today and until Friday, I'm travelling and it can take several ours before I respond - I'll try to capture some 'spare-time' to use in EasyBoot forum ![]() --------------------- regards balder Posted by AhrimanSefid on May 16 2012,03:47
Thanks for all of your helps and response but I am kind of in hurry is there any other solution or other way for these stuff. any link or other tutorial would be great.
Posted by balder on May 16 2012,09:13
@AhrimanSefidQuote: “any link or other tutorial would be great Sorry, this solution works (as you can notice, other users practice given tutorial) ![]() I cannot contribute with more specific solution than given I quote from my post: ”Open text-file menu.lst inside that floppy image (use notepad)” ![]() I need this information to solve your problem(s) ![]() Regards balder Posted by AhrimanSefid on May 20 2012,08:09
can you make an avira and kasper for me? thanks for all of your replay and time you put.
Posted by AhrimanSefid on May 22 2012,08:01
anyone can help and make an avira and kasper together and share them with it's source for me?