Forum: EasyBoot Topic: How to start syslinux from easyboot? And more??? started by: svtpc Posted by svtpc on May 20 2012,14:47
I have a few questions about things I am confused about:One- How would you start syslinux from easyboot? (I found a post to start Grub4DOS already and got it working) What I am trying to do is start the SARDU menu as one of my choices is neasyboot. Two- What would even be nicer is if someone would post a translation of commands from SARDU (Syslinux) menu commands to Grub4DOS menu commands. I have tried to convert them, but I guess I am doing something wrong. The only reason I am even using SARDU is because i cannot get some of those ISO's to work on Grub4DOS. Three- It would even be nicer if there was some way just to pass a easyboot menu choice onto grub4dos or syslinux without having to load a different menu system exc. ---- Kind of a lot to ask in one post but I have been working on this stuff for a while and theese are some of the trickier things I have encountered. The reason I had to start using Grub4DOS is because I wanted to incorporate a win7 and vista installer on my USB, and also incorporate some of my older disks that are linux based. Now it seems I have to use Syslinux to get some AV rescue disks to work. It would be nice if i didnt have to switch from my default (EasyBoot) menu system to 2 other (Grub4dos and SARDU) menu systems. So I at least need to know how to start the SARDU menu from Easyboot. If someone could convert the SARDU menus to Grub4DOS menus that would be even better so I would only have to have 2 menu systems instead of 3. Even better if someone could tell me How to pass commands onto either Grub4DOS or SARDU without leaving Easyboot to start the programs. Thank you for your time. Posted by balder on May 21 2012,03:23
@svtpcThis is your first post here, so I say welcome to Easyboot @svtpc ![]() Quote: "Kind of a lot to ask in one post" He, he you got that right ![]() Quote: "I wanted to incorporate a win7 and vista installer on my USB" Sardu cannot do this. Sardu can only integrate one NT6-system (you have to chose between Vista/Win7/Win8/Server-2008 - only one of them) Possible solution < HERE >or < HERE > Note: I'm not going to support this 'experimental solutions' However if you can manage to launch setup of NT6-systems in mentioned links - I can provide you with a solution to launch from EasyBoot menu Attention! Sardu is unable to integrate kaspersky-10 on USB - CD\DVD-unit works okay using 'frugal solution' same as in my tutorial read post nr,4 < HERE > In same tutorial you can notice solution how to launch kaspersky10 from USB ![]() In my opinion - above shows clearly the limits to Sardu (thought it is a nice tool to use, it has it limits) Note: It is very easy to launch Sardu menu from EasyBoot when run from CD\DVD-unit, but the USB is not that easy Quote: "Now it seems I have to use Syslinux to get some AV rescue disks to work" Please tell me which antivirus programs you have problems with (as an example; kaspersky10 is already solved) Hmm... I might not solve all AV-systems ![]() balder Posted by svtpc on May 21 2012,03:30
Thank you for the reply balder. I have already accomplished the suggestions you mentioned by reading your responses in older posts. So I thank you for your help in the past even though I wasn't the one asking the questions.I already use Grub4dos to install either Win7 or Vista from the things you suggested in prior posts. I am just asking how to start the SARDU Menu or any other Syslinus or Linux menu from Easyboot, and Then the Command from either of thise to switch back to Easyboot. I already use Grub4DOS for Kaspersky (another suggestion you posted in a prior post). I was hoping someone could take every menu entry from SARDU and translate it into Grub4DOS because I cannot figure out how. SARDU Unpacks all the ISO's and I wanted the grub4dos equivelant Menu translations. I could post the SARDU menus if you wanted me to, incase you have not looked at SARDU's file structure before? Every time I have tried to get a Linux or Syslinux based ISO or Floppy image to work on Easyboot I have failed, So thats why I gave up and started using Grub4DOS only for Syslinux/linux based programs. I switch to the Grub4dos menu for theese items and then have an option in the Grub4DOS menu to switch back to Easyboot if I want. Also if possible, is there a way to pass commands to either Grub4dos or Syslinix/linux to start programs without ever having to switch out of Easyboot. Posted by balder on May 21 2012,06:05
@svtpcQuote: "Every time I have tried to get a Linux or Syslinux based ISO or Floppy image to work on Easyboot I have failed" Well yes and No ![]() We can easily launch ylm.iso as example, using a 'grub-kicker-image'. Frankly, most of linux/isolinux distros can be launched using 'grub-kicker-images' ![]() Note: I can easily launch Sardu-isolinux from CD\DVD-unit using 'grub-kicker-image' However this doesn't work from USB - and I have no clue why it doesn't work ![]() I already told you there are limits to Sardu Instead I focus how to launch Linux\isolinux distros using 'grub-kicker-images' ![]() Above means we can use EasyBoot menu (including 'Sub menus') to launch most of these distros However nothing is 100% guarantied ![]() regards balder Posted by pica on May 21 2012,11:57
Grub4dos is the only one so far I know that it can support vfat, ntfs, ext.linux and cdfs.It can manage alone as multiboot manager for cd/dvd or USBHDD or internal HDD. Grub4dos is amazing & works very well. < > Read grub4dos manual/guide in detail, to know how to use it. Posted by balder on May 21 2012,13:30
@picaQuote: "Grub4dos is the only one so far I know that it can support vfat, ntfs, ext.linux and cdfs" Sure this is a well known fact - I totally agree to 100% ![]() But the issue was; how to launch isolinux distro from EasyBoot menu ![]() I thought it was a 'easy case' to solve, but soon found out it wasn't that easy to solve ![]() There is no problem to launch isolinux from Easyboot menu when run from CD\DVD-unit Note: I use a simple 'grub-kicker-image' with following menu.lst in grub floppy image to launch sardu isolinux menu from EasyBoot menu: find --set-root /sardu/isolinux.bin chainloader /sardu/isolinux.bin This launch sardu menu when run from CD\DVD-unit But this solution fails when run from USB, and I have no clue why ![]() Do you @pica have some ideas if it can be solved (launch isolinux.bin via grub menu run from USB) ![]() regards balder Posted by pica on May 21 2012,20:33
I use only G4D as multiboot manager & don't use iso-/syslinux.Syslinux/isolinux can not support NTFS. Maybe more than 60% of all linux lives (what I have) boot from ntfs partition. I think, G4D can not chainload directly iso-/syslinux without the patch. Never try the patch, too complicated. May read this link for help < > Posted by svtpc on May 22 2012,01:30
So the cammand to switch from Easyboot on a USB to Syslinux/linux is???then the switch back to Easyboot from Syslinux/linux on a USB is??? Or do I have to go into Grub4DOS from easyboot and then go into Syslinux/linux. If so what are the commands to do that, and then what are the commands to go back to Grub4DOS from Syslinux/linux. Is it even possible on a USB? If not then let me give you an example from the SARDU menu that I needed translated to Grub4DOS: (Remeber that SARDU unpacks the ISO's in their own folders in the root of the drive) (I also find it kinda funny that he puts REM Statememts above the menu choice when you can clearly see what it is from the label ![]() #boot di AOSS label Boot from AOSS menu label Boot from A^OSS MENU INDENT 1 kernel menu.c32 APPEND /system/isolinux/isolinux.cfg #boot di AVG Rescue label Boot from AVG Rescue menu label Boot from AVG MENU INDENT 1 kernel menu.c32 APPEND /AVG/AVG.cfg #boot di Avira label Boot from Avira AntiVir Rescue System menu label Boot from ^Avira AntiVir Rescue System MENU INDENT 1 kernel menu.c32 APPEND /antivir/antivir.cfg #boot di DrWeb label Boot from Dr Web Live CD menu label Boot from ^Dr Web Live CD MENU INDENT 1 KERNEL vesamenu.c32 append /DrWeb/SysDrWeb.cfg #boot di GDATA label Boot from GDATA menu label Boot from ^GDATA 2012 MENU INDENT 1 KERNEL vesamenu.c32 append /gdata/gdata.cfg #boot di Panda SAFECD label Boot from Panda Safe CD menu label Boot from ^Panda Safe CD MENU INDENT 1 kernel vesamenu.c32 append /safecd/isolinux/menu.cfg #boot di AcronisRescueCD label Boot from AcronisRescueCD menu label Boot from ^^Acronis Antimalware Scan CD MENU INDENT 1 kernel vesamenu.c32 append /AcronisRescueCD/isolinux/boot.cfg #boot di PMAGIC label Boot from Parted Magic menu label Boot from ^Parted Magic MENU INDENT 1 kernel menu.c32 APPEND /pmagic/pmagic.cfg #boot di PartitionWizard label Boot from Partition Wizard menu label Boot from ^Partition Wizard MENU INDENT 1 kernel vesamenu.c32 APPEND /PartitionWizard/PartitionWizard.cfg #boot da RedoBackup label Boot from Redo Backup Live CD CD menu label Boot from ^Redo Backup Live CD MENU INDENT 1 kernel vesamenu.c32 APPEND /RedoBackup/RedoBackup.cfg #boot di Trinity label Boot from Trinity Rescue Kit MENU INDENT 1 KERNEL vesamenu.c32 APPEND /trk3/trinity.cfg #boot di Macrium label Boot from Macrium Reflect menu label Boot from ^Macrium Reflect MENU INDENT 1 kernel /boot/grub.exe --config-file="configfile /Macrium/macrium.lst If you cannot translate them and get them working on a USB, then can or have you seen any ways to get theese titles working through Grub4DOS or Easyboot, with just the ISO's or partial ISO's/Unpacking? For instance I know the AVG will run from the ISO in Grub4dos, I was just hoping for a translation so I can learn how to start similar programs unpacked in the future. Also I really would like to add theese paticular programs to my easyboot USB. I have been woking on this, my easyboot USB drive, for like 3 months now and have learned a whole lot, but theese issues have been the hardest to figure out, so thats why I am reaching out for help. If anyone could answer me all, or some of this, I would be grateful. Thank you for your time. Posted by balder on May 22 2012,13:05
@svtpcQuote: "So the cammand to switch from Easyboot on a USB to Syslinux/linux is??? then the switch back to Easyboot from Syslinux/linux on a USB is???" We can do this when run from CD\DVD-unit - but not when run from USB ![]() ------------------------------------ Some examples how 'frugal solution' works.... Example Trinity read post nr; 35 < HERE > Example PMAGIC read post nr; 3 < HERE > In many cases regarding linux\isolinux distros, you can use the 'frugal solution' as showed in links above. I continue with how 'Panda SAFECD' is solved (once again practicing 'frugal solution'): 1. Open panda ISO-file (I used UltraIso) and extract folder 'live' to folder disk1 in EasyBoot 2. Still in UltraIso open folder 'live' and delete file 'filesystem.squashfs' (we don't need this file her as it now i on the root of EasyBoot) 3. Close UltraIso and save changes to ISO-file (now much less in size as file 'filesystem.squashfs'is removed from ISO) 4. Open folder 'live' in EasyBoot\disk1 and delete all files except 'filesystem.squashfs' (we need this file here) 5. Use my script 'EasyBoot-iso.script' to integrate reduced panda ISO-file (the one you manipulated in step 2) Note: you don't need to check 'Run ISO from RAM' when using script - it works anyway) 6. Check 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot. This solution works from both CD\DVD-unit as from USB device Above shows clearly how easy it is to manipulate ISO using 'frugal solution' When you are dealing with linux\isolinux look for a big file (in many cases with ***. squashfs as name or similar) My script 'EasyBoot-iso.script' creates needed grub-kicker-image and also give you the right menu command to use in Easyboot menu ![]() Okay... I admit this take some work to solve but that's 'the game' we are dealing with here in EasyBoot ![]() regards balder |