Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Win Server started by: Behdadsoft Posted by Behdadsoft on May 23 2012,08:40
Hi.I want run Windows server 2003 32 & 64Bit with easyboot, I Extract win server 32bit to ezboot directory and run it with run.server32 that work very well but I don't Know how run win server 64Bit. THANKS A LOT Posted by balder on May 23 2012,12:54
@BehdadsoftQuote: "I want run Windows server 2003 32 & 64Bit with easyboot" I'm sure my script 'easyboot-aio.script' support server-2003_32 bit - and in fact - I'm pretty sure it even support server-2003_64 bit as well ![]() However you only need to use my script to one of these builds - so use it to server-2003_32 bit and integrate server-2003_64-bit as it is (not changing folder name I386). To make it possible to hex-edit files in server-2003_32 we need to patch setupldr.bin However this is automatically done by script - you don't (and shall not) do anything manually - script fix this in a couple of seconds. Note: script examines what kind of setupldr.bin file it is dealing with and automatically patch setupldr.bin if this is necessary, before the fully automatically hex-edit process continue ![]() regards balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Jul. 31 2012,07:42
hilast year i download windows server ISO it have all ver of win2k3 and it is DVD not CD, but when i copy into my HDD, Dvd size goes up to 8gig!!! I have take pictures from DVD source and files with size of each part I want to know how can I crate DVD like this ? The last thing I see in boot : isolinux 3.73 2009-01-25 etcd copyright c 1994-2008 h. peter anvin ![]() I think this DVD was crated by Linux < > Posted by balder on Jul. 31 2012,08:10
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: "it have all ver of win2k3 and it is DVD not CD, but when i copy into my HDD, Dvd size goes up to 8gig" A. How many versions of win2k3 are present in the ISO-file and how big is the size of each part ![]() B. How large in size is the ISO ![]() C. Are there driver-packs included (integrated) into ISO ![]() regards balder |