Forum: EasyBoot Topic: xBOOT ISO INTO EASY BOOT started by: numpha0 Posted by numpha0 on Aug. 18 2012,05:00
Hi!If AltairAC is not free and busy in creating new staff then any other member who have downloaded the file from megaupload previously, can do the favour by uploading it again in some other site and post the valid link... on behalf of AltairAC... Apart from this Yesterday I was looking for this on internet and I found one interesting software Called Xboot. This is an wonderful software for making Multi Boot DVD but not as good as Easyboot, But good in a means of creating multiboot DVD because it is user friendly...i.e. it is very easy in compare to Easyboot. The only this I want from the expert's of this forum is that how can I include this one single Multiboot DVD iso into Easy Boot. In short I want to include this single ISO file into easy boot. so I want that how can I run this iso file in easy boot. So I request the experts of this forum to help me to run this file in Easy Boot. I want the step by step tutorial that how can i include this iso file in easy boot.. Sample iso link created by xboot is attached with this comment < > Thanks to all the member who will be helping me to run this single iso through easy boot software.... Thanks Posted by balder on Aug. 18 2012,08:19
@numpha0 Quote: "Sample iso link created by xboot is attached" To launch contents of this ISO you simply extract all files and folders to folder 'disk1' in EasyBoot Use menu command in EasyBoot menu; run /grldr Note: tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot This brings up the grub menu used in Xboot But now to the bad news... ![]() Attention! ISO-files cannot be treated as they are all the same - simply because they aren't the same Or to sum up: There is no 'free launch' when dealing with ISO-files. Each ISO-file must be treated as a isolated part when integrating into EasyBoot menu. Take also attention to that ISO-files also might behave different depending from where EasyBoot is run. Kaspersky is a typicall example to this! There are differences when run from CD\DVD-unit comparing to run from USB-unit (USB CD\DVD-unit or USB stick or USB Hard-drive) There is no 'universal free launch' regarding this issues - but in most cases it can be solved ![]() Regarding @AltairAC awesome tutorial (which I decided to at once pin when He wrote it) there has been major changes to how EasyBoot behaves (especially the 'USB approache') However over all, @AltairAC tutorial is still very useful and are highly recommended to 'beginners' (especially how to create menu etcetera) However back to issue with Xboot: You can test to integrate Kaspersky10 rescue ISO It didn't work for me (I saw directly from structure on USB created by Xboot, that this is wrong structure) To run Kaspersky from USB use my tutorial in post nr; 4 < HERE > In my opinion - Xboot is not that 100% salvation as many think it is - there is always 'downsides' ![]() Over all it is a nice tool but not 'bulletproof' EDIT! Done some tests... However there are some nice benefits like this. Example: In folder 'boot' you have sub-folder 'grub4dos' and when integrating puppy linux you have a text-file 'linux.lst'. Open 'linux.lst' (use notepad) and notice text-lines: ls /images/slackogscsi.iso || find --set-root /images/slackogscsi.iso map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 /images/slackogscsi.iso (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 --mem /images/slackogscsi.iso (0xff) map --hook chainloader (0xff) You can modify grub-kicker-image 'setupxp.img' in folder 'balder/USB_Resources' (you have download in the end of this topic) Extract and modify text-file 'menu.lst' and when done, inject modified menu.lst it back in floppy image and save floppy image to folder ezboot with name puppy.ima Use menu command: run puppy.ima This launches puppy Another way in this case is to simply use menu command: run /images/slackogscsi.iso Tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot. Note: you can in folder 'disk1' delete folders: boot, bcdw, cdsh and folder help and finally delete files grldr and menu.lst as these in above case isn't needed anymore (we instead launch ISO-file 'slackogscsi.iso' using grub-kicker-image or directly from EasyBoot menu: run /images/slackogscsi.iso as showed above) Example clearly shows that Xboot.exe can be used to integrate ISO-files (and giving us 'universal' grub-command lines to be used in my 'grub-kicker-image). It's over all an interesting complement to be used 'out of the box' -------------------- And by the way - welcome to EasyBoot @numpha0 And remember: there is no 'free launches' ![]() balder Posted by numpha0 on Aug. 21 2012,06:17
Thank You Balder for your awesome explanation on my query.. I will be using this in making my first multiboot cd. I will be very thankful if you can reupload the file of AltairAC which has been removed by meghupload website. Thank you in advance if you can do this favour for me. Posted by balder on Aug. 21 2012,06:38
@numpha0Quote: "I will be very thankful if you can reupload the file of AltairAC" Yes I would - if I had it in my position which I unfortunately do not have ![]() (Stupidly ![]() ![]() regards balder |