Forum: EasyBoot Topic: I need Help ! started by: calimero Posted by calimero on Jun. 24 2012,19:15
Hey...I would like to create my own EasyBoot Service DVD I have Problems with two Programs: ToolStar Drive Repair O&O Disk Image 6.0.473 Can anyone help me please ?! Sorry for my bad English Posted by balder on Jun. 25 2012,02:11
@calimeroWellcome to EasyBoot @calimero ![]() Quote: "have Problems with two Programs: ToolStar Drive Repair O&O Disk Image 6.0.473" --------------------------- This program 'ToolStar Drive Repair' seems to only run from Windows and do not have any 'recovery-option' (run program from a bootable recovery CD\DVD\USB-unit) At least I cannot find any option to create 'recovery-CD' in this program, which makes it impossible to any BOOT-manager in the whole world to launch as a 'recover-program' ![]() Question is: Do you have a bootable media (CD\DVD) with 'Toolstar' that you can BOOT from ![]() ------------------------------------------------- This program O&O Disk Image 6.0.473 Seems to be able to create WinPE based on NT6-system (Vista\Win7\Win8) Note: you need that bootable rescue ISO-file that this program can be run from ![]() However I haven't been able to create 'bootable ISO' but I'm to 99% sure you can run bootable ISO this way: 1. Copy bootable ISO-file to folder EZBOOT (ISO created using recommended method in 'O&O Disk Image 6.0.473') 2. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run diskimage.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file) 3. When creating ISO in EasyBoot, only tick the checkbox 'Joliet' and nothing else ---------------------------- Quote: "Sorry for my bad English" Which bad English - works great to me ![]() balder Posted by calimero on Jul. 04 2012,18:09
Hey BALDER !thanks for the quick Response --------------------------------------- I have the Problem with O&O Disk Image solved ! --------------------------------------- Your Question: Do you have a bootable media (CD\DVD) with 'Toolstar' that you can BOOT from ? Yes I have an Orginal Boot CD ! < Homepage Toolstar Driverepair > and here is the content of the iso file < ISO File Picture > After start from toolstar.iso stoppt PC with this Screen... < KLICK HER > would be great if you could help me ! Greeting calimero Posted by balder on Jul. 05 2012,01:23
@calimeroQuote: "After start from toolstar.iso stoppt PC with this Screen..." Yes this is logic behaviour from 'toolstar' ![]() It's possible you can practice 'frugal solution' to this 'toolstar.iso' ![]() Test this: 1. Open ISO (I use UltraIso) and extract files 'livecd' and file 'livecd.squahfs' to folder disk1 in EasyBoot 2. Still having 'toolstar'iso' opened in UltraIso you delete files 'livecd' and file 'livecd.squahfs' Note: this is optional as files not any longer is needed inside ISO-file as you extracted files to disk1 in EasyBoot The point with this arrangement is to reduce the size of ISO-file (not really needed but fun to do) 3. Save reduced ISO-file to folder EZBOOT 4. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run toolstar.iso (or whatever name you use to reduced ISO-file) 5. Only tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot ![]() Above (if it works) might only work from CD\DVD-unit and not USB device (I'm unsure ![]() Attention! If above still don't work - try my script 'easyboot-iso.script' and integrate reduced ISO-file into EasyBoot Note: script automatically show you what menu command to use in EasyBoot -------------------- Thank you for the 'ISO File Picture' - it helps ![]() regards balder Posted by calimero on Jul. 13 2012,12:56
Hey balder... i'm backunfortunately works none of your Suggestions Test 1: 1. Open ISO (I use UltraIso) and extract files 'livecd' and file 'livecd.squahfs' to folder disk1 in EasyBoot 2. Still having 'toolstar'iso' opened in UltraIso you delete files 'livecd' and file 'livecd.squahfs' Note: this is optional as files not any longer is needed inside ISO-file as you extracted files to disk1 in EasyBoot The point with this arrangement is to reduce the size of ISO-file (not really needed but fun to do) 3. Save reduced ISO-file to folder EZBOOT 4. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run toolstar.iso (or whatever name you use to reduced ISO-file) 5. Only tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot RESULT: The CD stoppt with the same Message at the same Point... < KLICK HERE > -------------------------------------------------- Test 2: try my script 'easyboot-iso.script' and integrate reduced ISO-file into EasyBoot Note: script automatically show you what menu command to use in EasyBoot RESULT: The "Easyboot-iso Script" creates two Programs toolstar.img and toolstar.iso and a "EasyBoot Menu Command" run /ISO/TOOLSTAR/TOOLSTAR.img now stoppt PC with this Screen... < KLICK HERE > Do you have another Tip for me ? ![]() Perhaps it would be easier i'll send you the Program (ca.29 MB) and you can test it at Home ! Regards calimero ! Posted by balder on Jul. 13 2012,15:51
@calimeroQuote: "The "Easyboot-iso Script" creates two Programs..." Well it is interesting that my script worked better and did launch the boot-sequence corretly but of some reason that I cannot understand, the linux system cannot find the 'livecd.squahfs' on the 'root' - you need that file on the 'root' (in folder disk1) ![]() Quote: "Perhaps it would be easier i'll send you the Program (ca.29 MB) and you can test it at Home !" Yes I can accept this 'challenge', but you are recommended to send download link in by using 'Your Messenger' in upper right corner ![]() Attention! This week (starting from tomorrow) I'm taking a short 'timeout', but will every evening use my laptop to test and write in EasyBoot - this means you cannot expect answer in a few ours - it can take up to 24 ours before I'm up and 'connected' ![]() He, he or put it this way as my wife see things - she tells me I'm 'disconnected' from here and the whole world around, when I'm working with EasyBoot... ![]() regards balder Posted by balder on Jul. 27 2012,14:31
@calimeroI managed to launch 'ToolStar Drive Repair' from EasyBoot menu ![]() Unfortunately I was forced to tick 'Allow Lower Case' which most likely create a lot of problems to other stuff on your 'EasyBoot Service DVD' ![]() We desperatly trying to avoid ticking that 'Allow Lower Case' checkbox as it creates so many other problems ![]() However I have failed to solve this in any other way - and this is what I did: 1. Open 'ToolStar.iso' (I used UltraIso) and extract all files and folders to folder 'disk1' 2. Still having 'Toolstar.iso' opened in UltraIso you also save boot-file to folder EZBOOT (I used name toolstar.bif) 3. In EasyBoot menu you use: bootinfotable; run toolstar.bif 4. Tick 'Joliet' and 'Allow Lower Case' when creating ISO in EasyBoot This works but might creates some other problems depending of what kind of 'tools' you integrate into your 'EasyBoot Service DVD' ![]() ------------------------- EDIT!!! Heureka - I have found a solution to this request of yours Follow tutorial (frugal solution) in post nr; 4 However instead of using recommended script 'easyboot-iso.script, you must use my 'special edition' with scripts - download < HERE > Chose 'EasyBoot-NT5-ISO' to integrate reduced 'toolstar.iso' into EasyBoot (script automatically generate right menu command to use) Note: set a name in text-box in script (toolstar or what ever name you prefer) Script creates a 'double-ram-loading' of ISO-file, which makes it possible to avoid the need to tick 'Allow Lower Case' which we desperately trying to avoid This means you only shall tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot. Attention! This has been tested in 'Virtual PC' This solution do not work from USB drive - only from CD\DVD-unit regards balder Posted by calimero on Aug. 24 2012,14:57
Hey balder,I could test the script only now (was on Vacation). It works super ! Thank you for your great Help !!! 1. Now i must only test why the User-Defined Function Keys (F1-F12) not work The "ESC"- KEY works.... 2. and I do not know why an User-Defined Menu Key (0-9, a-z) must to be entered? but otherwise booting my programs with the Return Key not ! Do you have any Idea why ![]() I have EasyBoot Version Regards calimero Posted by balder on Aug. 25 2012,04:05
@calimeroQuote: " It works super !" Be my guest..... ![]() Quote: "Now i must only test why the User-Defined Function Keys (F1-F12) not work" Function Keys is set in 'Misc' Example; I decide to set letter 'h' to boot to my harddisk ![]() 1. Open tab 'Misc' and push button 'Insert' to create a new command line 2. Edit by in 'Func Key' text box put in letter h 2. In 'Command' letter box I write in command that boot to harddisk unit (boot 80 or swap;boot 80 as example) 3. I end process by push 'Enter' on my keyboard Note: you can move 'Func keys' Up and Down or Undo or even Delete lines ------------------------- Quote: " and I do not know why an User-Defined Menu Key (0-9, a-z) must to be entered?" User defined key must be entered to 'help' EasyBoot to set what menu command that should be set as 'primary command' (the one that menu starts from). But I can agree that it isn't 100% logical why the rest of menu command needs a 'User-Defined Menu Key' ![]() Anyway, no big deal..... ![]() ----------------- regards balder |