Forum: EasyBoot Topic: win7+winXp+hirens10.2+hirens15 started by: pacodesign Posted by pacodesign on Mar. 16 2012,09:48
0lá I'm Brazilian so sorry for my ENGLISH ...I'm new to forum need help multboot windows 7 + windows + xp + hirensboot 15 + hirensboot 10.2 + other bootable iso ... Please help me ... Posted by balder on Mar. 16 2012,13:42
@pacodesignAs this is your first post in this forum - I say welcome ![]() Quote: "windows 7 + windows + xp + hirensboot 15 + hirensboot 10.2 + other bootable iso ..." You can easily find a lot of answers to these requests of yours by simply reading alot of topics or use 'Search' function in upper right corner ![]() However here you have tutorials to your request(s) Note: this works for Easyboot_v6.5 and later version of Easyboot: Solution to Windows-7 1. Copy from your Win7-source (or extract from ISO-file) folders 'boot', 'efi', 'sources', 'support' and finally folder 'upgrade' to folder 'disk1' in Easyboot 2. Copy from your Win7-source (or extract from ISO-file) files 'setup.exe', 'bootmgr' and if present also file 'bootmgr.efi' to folder 'disk1' in Easyboot 3. Rename file 'setup.exe' to 'setupwin7.exe' in folder disk1 4. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run /bootmgr Solution to WinXP 1. Copy everything from your WinXP source (or extract from ISO-file) to folder disk1 in Easyboot 2. Rename file 'setup.exe' to 'setupxp.exe' 3. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run W2KSECT.BIN (check that you have a file 'W2KSECT.BIN' in folder EZBOOT - file should be there) Solution to hiren-15 We have a problem here. You want both Hiren-15 and Hiren-10.2 into same build - and this is not possible. Instead try to find on Internet the 'reworked' Hiren-15 that have structure of both Hiren-15 and Hiren-10.2 in same build (with Ghost etcetera). Use search-words in Google typically: hiren boot cd rebuild Use tutorial given in post nr; 8 < HERE > ---------------- Finally, when creating ISO in EasyBoot only check 'Joliet' ![]() balder Posted by pacodesign on Mar. 16 2012,16:51
thanks balder...
Posted by Sovanlal on Jun. 21 2012,05:32
Both win7 & winXP contain SUPPORT\TOOLS\GBUNICNV.EXE which one to keep
Posted by balder on Jun. 21 2012,06:00
@SovanlalQuote: "Both win7 & winXP contain SUPPORT\TOOLS\GBUNICNV.EXE which one to keep" Why not keep all different "GBUNICNV.EXE" ![]() Note: there are several different GBUNICNV.EXE - one to WinXP one to Win7_32-bit and a third different to Win7_64-bit ![]() Simply rename folder 'TOOLS' in WinXP to XPTOOLS as example and similar solution to Win7_32-bit\Win7_64-bit ![]() Another solution you can practice, is to rename GBUNICNV.EXE in WinXP SUPPORT\TOOLS to GBUN_XP.exe and same solution to Win7_32-bit\Win7_64-bit (typically; GBUN7_32.exe and GBUN7_64.exe) In this way you can keep name to folder 'TOOLS' intact without any 'interfering' to file-names ![]() balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jun. 21 2012,13:18
I make a multiboot iso containing 1. Win7 2. Winxp 3. Hiren 15.1 4. Acronis home director suite 5. Norton Ghost 2003 6. Dell Utilities Now i want to transfer that iso in USB as bootable. I download your scripts. Which script should i use.(EasyBoot-grub-ISO or Easyboot-USB v2) Thank u for your support. Posted by balder on Jun. 21 2012,14:08
@Sovanlalquote: "I make a multiboot iso containing" Attention! Run setup of WinXP from USB is not the same as run from CD\DVD-unit ![]() Solution to Win7 and WinXP from USB - read post nr;2 < HERE > Solution to Hiren 15.1 from USB - read post nr;8 < HERE > Solution to Acronis tools run from USB - read post nr;2 < HERE > Note: I found all above by simply use 'search' and reading ![]() Norton Ghost 2003 Hmmm - what ghost-2003 As far as I remember, you launch ghost2003 from a floppy image (or at least it is fully possible to use an floppy image) Note: you must set parameters in 'autoexec.bat' and 'config.sys' to correctly launch ghost.exe (read basic example in post nr,8 < HERE > ![]() And to run from EasyBoot, simply copy floppy image with ghost2003.exe inside image (DOS-version of ghost.exe) to folder EZBOOT, and use menu command: run ghost.ima (or what ever name you use to floppy image) Dell Utilities Eeeee - which utility ![]() If it is a floppy image tool, you can use the same method as to the ghost-2003 case Quote: " Which script should i use" You don't need my scripts in this case ![]() You must have right version of EasyBoot and UltraIso installed - Read < HERE > Then in EasyBoot push to 'Burn>>WriteUsbDisk' balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jun. 22 2012,03:01
I HaveUltra Iso EasyBoot And I Use the following Method For Making The MultiBoot DVD For Win7 -->Copy all the file from Win7 to 'disk1\' -->Rename file 'setup.exe' to 'setupwin7.exe' -->USE 'run /bootmgr' For WinXP -->Copy all from WinXP to 'disk1\' -->Rename file 'setup.exe' to 'setupxp.exe' -->Copy 'W2KSECT.BIN' to 'disk1\ezboot' -->Use 'run W2KSECT.BIN' For Hiren 14/15.1 -->Copy 'HBCD' from Hiren to 'disk1\' -->Go to 'disk1\HBCD' folder and Copy 'isolinux.bin" & 'isolinux.cfg' files to 'disk1\ezboot' folder -->Go to 'disk1\HBCD\Dos' and Copy 'Dos.gz' to same folder 'disk1\HBCD\Dos' 'boot.gz' -->Copy both 'Dos.gz' & 'boot.gz' to 'disk1\ezboot' folder. -->Extract 'Dos.gz' to 'disk1\ezboot\Dos.img' -->Extract 'boot.gz' to 'disk1\ezboot\boot' (rename file "Dos.img" to "boot" with no extention) -->Use 'bootinfotable;run isolinux.bin' -->Or use 'bootinfotable;run /hbcd/isolinux.bin' Acronis Home director suite -->Copy 'Acronis.iso' to 'disk1\ezboot\Acronis.iso' -->USE 'bcdw /ezboot/Acronis.iso' For Norton Ghost 2003 -->copy 'GHOST.EXE' to 'disk1\' -->Use 'run 0.BIN' Dell Utilites -->Make 'dell utilites.iso' as 'utilites.img' -->Copy to 'disk1\ezboot\utilites.img' -->Use 'bcdw /ezboot/isolinux memdisk initrd=utilites.img' Now My Quuestion is what should be the Change for USB BOOTABLE DRIVE or Burn->write usb disk Posted by balder on Jun. 22 2012,05:24
@SovanlalAgain I must remind you that run setup of WinXP is not done in the same way as run from CD\DVD Anyway... -------------------------------- The 'Acronis case' I quote from post nr,1 (note:3) < HERE > Quote: 3) As 'bcdw' does not support FAT/FAT32 system, 'bcdw' command should be changed to 'run', 'bcdw :poweroff' should be changed to 'shutdown' This clearly shows you CANNOT use bcdw from a FAT32-partition - you must use 'RUN' instead as menu command Use RUN as menu command everything else is okay -------------------------------- The 'Hiren case' and again I quote from same post as above, but now from post nr;8 Quote: "Example: integrating Hiren's 14 for grldr into boot menu of EasyBoot V6.5 (works on Bootable USB and CD/DVD): Step #1: Extract all files and folders from Hiren's.BootCD.14.1.iso to "c:\easyboot\disk1" with UltraISO (or simmilar utilities) Step #2: Use 'run /HBCD/grldr' as menu command to load Hiren's BootCD" I don't understand why you are 'fiddling' around with ''boot.gz" etcetera - simply do as told in step #1 and #2 and it works Solution above works excellent from USB --------------------------------- The 'Ghost 2003 case' Quote: "For Norton Ghost 2003 -->copy 'GHOST.EXE' to 'disk1\' -->Use 'run 0.BIN'" Not a chance this will work, if not 0.bin is a substitute for an floppy image ![]() You must learn how DOS works (especially how autoexec.bat and config.sys are used) However as soon as you have a working floppy image - copy this to folder EZBOOT and use menu command; run ghost.ima (or whatever name or image type you use ***.ima or ***.img they are all the same) Let me now if you do have problem to understand how DOS is used... Note: Ghost2003 doesn't fully support NT6-systems (typically NT6-systems are Windows-7 etcetera - you are recommended to use Ghost-11 instead) ---------------------------------- The 'Dell case' Quote: "Use 'bcdw /ezboot/isolinux memdisk initrd=utilites.img'" Doesn't work as bcdw CANNOT be used from FAT-partition - must use RUN as menu command Can I download this Dell utility tools that you are interested of - it surely must be some kind of 'free' utility or isn't it ![]() I can then examine it and hopefully find a possible solution - I need that ISO\image to sort this out ----------------------------------- The 'WinXP case' You must practice given solution in post nr;11 < HERE > Note: I have updated my scripts (including images in folder 'USB_Resources'). Download and replace folder 'balder' completely ---------------------------------- So how to practice all this in 'reality Do it this way: 1. The 'Acronis case': copy acronis ISO to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: run acronis.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file) 2. The 'Hiren case': Step #1: Extract all files and folders from Hiren's.BootCD.14.1.iso to "c:\easyboot\disk1" with UltraISO (or similar utilities) Step #2: Use 'run /HBCD/grldr' as menu command to load Hiren's BootCD" 3. The 'Win7 case': copy your Windows-7 files and folders to folder disk1 in Easyboot: folders 'boot', 'efi' and folder 'sources' (optionally recommended if present, also folders 'support' and folder 'upgrade') You also must copy files 'bootmgr' and if present file 'bootmgr.efi' and optionally file 'setup.exe'/renamed to w7setup.exe) Create menu in easyboot and use menu command: run /bootmgr Also explained in post nr;2 < HERE > 4. The 'Dell case': I don't know what kind of file that is used (ISO or floppy image?) However I have already explained the basic way to launch this utility (but it would be great if you can point to some 'free' download so I can examine this utility) 5. The 'Ghost 2003 case': must be run from an floppy image (DOS-based image). Note: you can create a 'oversized' floppy image and have ghost.exe in same floppy image. To create a 'oversized' floppy image start EasyBoot and choose ''Tools>>Create new floppy image set image size and use 'setup98.img' in folder EZBOOT as 'Seed image' If having problem how to handle DOS commands you are welcome back for more instructions 6. Create your Easyboot menu and create ISO 7. Finally The 'WinXP case': Read post nr;11 < HERE > Do as told (copy folder EZBOOT to the USB when finished with WinXP). ------------------------ A very good idea is to start with one integration into Easyboot Start with acronis and see if it works from USB - then temporary remove acronis and test something else (setup of WinXP) Don't start with doing everything in same build - test one by one until each solution works and then do the whole build..... balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jun. 23 2012,04:17
I am Testing"1. The 'Acronis case': copy acronis ISO to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: run acronis.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file)" Working Fine "2. The 'Hiren case': Step #1: Extract all files and folders from Hiren's.BootCD.14.1.iso to "c:\easyboot\disk1" with UltraISO (or similar utilities) Step #2: Use 'run /HBCD/grldr' as menu command to load Hiren's BootCD"" Working fine for dvd but for usb Minixp Does not loading Extra component( Such as ifranview, etc) Posted by balder on Jun. 23 2012,08:20
@SovanlalQuote: "Hiren Does not loading Extra component..." It works correctly if you BOOT USB in 'reality' ![]() You cannot be sure it works from 'testing environment' such as 'qemu' etcetera ![]() Test in reality and you will find out it works correctly ![]() balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jun. 23 2012,11:16
Sorry for the term 'reality'.I test it restarting my pc & select boot from usb Then hiren. Pls Help. Posted by balder on Jun. 23 2012,11:32
@SovanlalQuote: "I test it restarting my pc & select boot from usb Then hiren." I did following: 1. Copy folder HBCD (extracted from Hiren ISO_v15.1) to folder disk1 2. Used menu command in EasyBoot: run /hbcd/isolinux.cfg 3. Created ISO with only 'Joliet' ticked (don't tick anything else in 'Option' ![]() 4. Burn>>Write USB Disk (Sandisk 4GB USB Stick) I launch 'MiniXP' and can use all 'tools' in this MiniXP (including IrfanView) ![]() regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jun. 24 2012,12:35
'run /hbcd/isolinux.cfg' This is not working.Pls Specify the following item Usb drive file system Fat32/NTFS ? In MakeISO Hide boot Folder Check box Hide all files in boot Folder Check box In Burn->Write to USB-> Write Method Create Boot Partition Check box Deep Hidden Check box Express Boot/ Write? Thank u for ur support. Posted by balder on Jun. 24 2012,14:36
@SovanlalAll answers below is based on using EasyBoot\UltraISO -------------------------------- Quote: "Pls Specify the following item" Usb drive file system Fat32/NTFS ? Answer: EasyBoot 'Burn>Write USB Disk' always use FAT or FAT32 (FAT32 in 'normal case which is recommended) The core of EasyBoot cannot run from NTFS - must be FAT (as said, recommended is FAT32) However I have a solution how to run EasyBoot menu from a NTFS partition. Run EasyBoot from NTFS is needed if launch VHD-file (which must be run from NTFS) or if using the new facility in Win8 (run the whole system from USB). Note: In my collections of scripts you have 'Install and run Win-8 from USB' - this script setup a working Win8 on your USB run Win-8 from USB has been discussed < HERE > But as said - I created a script to make things easier ------------------------------- In MakeISO Hide boot Folder Check box - Answer: doesn't matter Hide all files in boot Folder Check box - Answer: doesn't matter ------------------------------- In Burn->Write to USB-> Write Method - Answer: Practice by EasyBoot development team recommended choice which is ''USB-HDD+ v2' which is recommended for most computers, you may select 'USB-ZIP2+ v2' for old computers Read post nr;1 < HERE > ------------------------------- In Burn->Write to USB-> Create Boot Partition Check box Deep Hidden Check box Answer: this makes the 'BOOT partition' invisible. Let's say you integrate Hiren - which means folder 'HBCD' must reside on the 'root' of USB (in folder disk1 before transfer to USB). Hiren cannot run properly this way. You may reach the menu system in Hiren, but most of the stuff doesn't work correctly - or not at all ![]() However you can launch any ISO-file that is put in folder EZBOOT (MsDart60 as example) ![]() Note: You cannot launch WinPE based on NT5-system (typically ERD,BartPE etcetera) using my script 'easyboot-iso.script' ticking 'Run ISO From RAM'. To run such WinPE-ISO-file from 'Hidden partition' you need a special 'super-script' - I have designed such script for this purpose ![]() However again read < HERE >about the benefits with hided partition (but don't forget the disadvantages with 'Hidden Partition') I quote from given post: "To avoid boot file damage by virus or spam programs, please enable 'create boot partition', which is invisible on Windows To get more security to avoid boot partition damage, please enable 'Deep hidden', boot partition will be invisible for partition tools ------------------------------- In Burn->Write to USB-> Express Boot/ Write? Well it takes close to 3X longer time to write to USB if using the 'Express Boot' - and frankly - I cannot find it is working better than using the 'standard' procedure - the 'Write' method which I prefer - it is much faster and fully reliable as far as I have found out so far ![]() ------------------------------- Hopefully I gave you more answer than questions this time ![]() regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jun. 25 2012,06:26
'run /HBCD/grldr'This command works both for NTFS & FAT32(USB Dive) But Hiren MiniXP Faild to load all component when I use "Create BOOT Partition" In USB Write. AnyThing regarding these problem.Beacuse i want to keep "Create BOOT Partition" these on to protect from virus. And regarding dell utilites u ask for link Kindly search in google CW1349A2 or use these link < > How can i add these in easyboot both for DVD & USB Posted by balder on Jun. 25 2012,10:36
@SovanlalQuote: "But Hiren MiniXP Faild to load all component when I use "Create BOOT Partition" In USB Write" Yes as expected - exactly what I wrote in post nr; 15 "Hiren cannot run properly this way" ![]() You cannot expect Hiren to work correctly as it has problems finding all needed files (in that hided BOOT partition) ----------------------- Quote: "How can i add these in easyboot both for DVD & USB" I don't see any difference in the two downloads except one is for Linux (Ubuntu) and one is for PC-system (Window-7 as example) I'm not able to create such floppy image\ISO-file as I'm currently run PC (Windows-7 OP-system) But I'm pretty sure you can use the same procedure (tutorial below) to such ISO-file created in a Linux OP-system as well! Anyway... 1. I created ISO (double-click to DDDP.EXE) and chose to create ISO-file. 2. I then used my script 'easyboot-iso.script' (DON'T tick 'Run ISO from RAM' in script) to integrate ISO into EasyBoot 3. Used recommended menu command given by script in EasyBoot menu 4. Created ISO in EasyBoot (only ticking 'Joliet') 5. Burn>'Write USB Disk' (only ticked 'Create Boot Partition' - DON'T tick 'Deep Hidden' as it can't work with that checkbox ticked) Worked okay. You can test the same to Linux based ISO-file in case you are not satisfied ![]() However as far as I can find out there is no difference between these two files ![]() Only what OP-system that must be run when creating ISO\image regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 12 2012,13:33
I get some error with Dell.iso when using your script EASYBOOT-ISO.Log attached Posted by balder on Jul. 12 2012,14:15
@SovanlalQuote: " I get some error with Dell.iso when using your script EASYBOOT-ISO." I think this is the problem: D:\SW\System\OS\Boot\Easy boot\Support\balder\ Can you see it? Because I can ![]() I quote from 'READ_ME-html' in folder 'balder': "ATTENTION! Scripts are sensitive to spaces in files and folder names" And '\Easy boot\' clearly do have a space in name ![]() Please do not have space in names to folder and file-names Change to this: '\Easy_boot\' And the full path should be like this: ' D:\SW\System\OS\Boot\Easy_boot\Support\balder\' Note: generally I recommend to run script-collection from the 'root' (C:\) I quote again from 'READ_ME.html': "Please use the root [C:\]" regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 12 2012,22:11
It will be very helpfull if explain the procedure of using your script EASYBOOT-ISO for multiboot ISO.And what will the 'run' command. Posted by balder on Jul. 13 2012,03:14
@SovanlalQuote: "It will be very helpfull if explain the procedure of using your script EASYBOOT-ISO for multiboot ISO." Please download latest updated zip-file (balder) and extract to the 'root' C:\ Open folder 'balder' and double-click to 'READ_ME.HTML' You are presented a help-file - read this carefully ![]() Note: in the beginning of help you have a link to a flash-movie which clearly shows how 'easyboot-iso.script' is used ![]() The line you shall looking for in 'READ_ME.html' is this one: 'Example (flash-movie) how to use 'easyboot-iso.script' push HERE' ------------------- Quote: "And what will the 'run' command." When script is in the end of its process, you automatically receive what menu command to use in EasyBoot menu (copy and paste given menu command into EasyBoot menu) However, DO NOT HAVE SPACES IN NAMES TO FOLDERS AN FILES - YOU MUST CHANGE '\Easy boot\' to '\Easy_boot\' to avoid space in name to that folder ![]() ----------------------- Attention! Script is slightly modified to use a folder 'ISOFILES' inside folder EZBOOT This modification does not affect how ISO-files are launched. Note: The point to move inside folder 'EZBOOT' is only related to possibility to 'hide' the folder 'EZBOOT' when run from USB device (option in EasyBoot to tick 'Create Boot Partition' and/or 'Deep Hidden') ------------------------ regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 13 2012,11:44
Thank Balder for ur support Finally I create a multiboot USB of Containing following item with some problem.1.WIN7 2.Hiren 3.Acronis 4.Norton Ghost 5.Dell Now i want to add "WinXP" in that USB, Q1. How to add "WinXP"? I think u tell me to use "WinSetupFromUSB_0-2-3.exe" Q2. Is it possible using EasyBoot directly? If not why? Now my third question Q3. Why EasyBoot support only Fat32? whether further devolopment will support NTFS or not. Hiren MiniXp does not support "create boot partion" Q4. Do You have any solution in this problem? if you are working on it let me know. Q5. When next update of "EasyBoot" & "Ultraiso" Will come? Posted by balder on Jul. 13 2012,15:37
@SovanlalQuote: "I create a multiboot USB of Containing following" Nice work from you so fare - really not bad - I'm impressed ![]() Quote: "How to add "WinXP"? I think u tell me to use "WinSetupFromUSB_0-2-3.exe" Is it possible using EasyBoot directly? If not why?" No it is not possible. WinXP is a 'NT5-system' and setup is 'hard-coded' ![]() Compare to NT6-systems (typically Vista\Win7\Win8\Server-2008) which use a different solution when run setup from DVD or from USB You are bound to use 'WinSetupFromUSB_0-2-3.exe' - there are no 'turn-around' - you must use 'WinSetupFromUSB_0-2-3.exe' to solve this issue ![]() Note: you have in folder 'balder\USB_Resources' a floppy image 'setupxp.img'. Copy ' setupxp.img' to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: run setupxp.img to launch setup of WinXP Q3. Why EasyBoot support only Fat32? whether further devolopment will support NTFS or not. I'm not 100% sure, but I think EasyBoot use a kind of 'syslinux' (or in combination with isolinux) to boot and also to launch ISO-files etcetera... Syslinux\Isolinux support NTFS badly ![]() Note: you can still run EasyBoot from a NTFS partition using my script 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' Read why we sometimes need to run EasyBoot from NTFS-partition in post nr; 15 < HERE > Quote: "Hiren MiniXp does not support "create boot partion" Q4. Do You have any solution in this problem? if you are working on it let me know. I'm sorry to say I do not have any solution to this issue It cannot be solved at present time, as Hiren must find some of the 'tools' on the 'root' of the USB device, and if that partition is hided - well then Hiren cannot find any files at all Q5. When next update of "EasyBoot" & "Ultraiso" Will come? Note: I'm not the developer (or any part of the development team of EasyBoot - only a humble user to the nice EasyBoot software) However, in my opinion, EasyBoot did take a big step when integrating option to 'Burn' to USB directly ![]() regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 13 2012,21:50
Thank u again for ur support.Kindly explain me the steps of WinSetupFromUSB_0-2-3.exe & easyboot-usb_v2.script. And whether a usb drive created with easyboot can be add WinXP with WinSetupFromUSB_0-2-3.exe. Posted by balder on Jul. 14 2012,17:09
@SovanlalQuote: ” Kindly explain me the steps of WinSetupFromUSB_0-2-3.exe & easyboot-usb_v2.script. And whether a usb drive created with easyboot can be add WinXP with WinSetupFromUSB_0-2-3.exe.” He, he you sure ask for a lot of ‘goodies’ ![]() I’m not sure this works as this process can be solved in several different ways ![]() Note: I’m not at my home residence and only have a tiny laptop as ‘tool’ to work from so I cannot fully test anything at this point Anyway… Test below… Step A: First you create your EasyBoot menu Copy setupxp.img from folder ‘balder\USB_Resources’ to folder EZBOOT Then use menu command in easyboot menu: Run setupxp.img Finish your EasyBoot menu (what ever you have in mind) and ‘Burn’ to USB Step B: You need to prepare WinXP setup files You must have folder and files related to WinXP in a separate folder somewhere Recommended is to temporary folder on the ‘root’ (C:\) You should have folder I386 and if present also folder AMD – in fact – all files and folders that are related to WinXP in that temporary folder. Continue with this: 1. Launch WinSetupFromUSB 2. In the top of Window of WinSetupFromUSB you have ‘Windows 2000/XP/2003 Source’ and a ‘Browse’ button to the right – browse and open folder where you have WinXP folders and files (your temporay folder on C:\) 3. Below you select USB disk (your target) – push Refresh if needed 4. In the bottom of window you push ‘GO’ (it takes time before the process is finished Do not format USB as Easyboot already has done that part And if WinSetupFromUSB asks to change MBR-code, try to deny this to WinSetupFromUSB. We need Easyboot mbr-code to launch file ‘ezldr’ on the root of USB You don’t need ‘easyboot-usb_v2.script’ if using method above ![]() Regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 16 2012,11:45
Sorry balder when i use a formated USB drive then 'WinsetupfromUSB' works.But when use Easyboot usb it get fatal error (uncheck 'make boot partion') if i check 'make boot partion' gru4dos with list of command opens. "Note: you can still run EasyBoot from a NTFS partition using my script 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' " thats why i was asking for steps of easyboot-usb_v2.script Posted by balder on Jul. 16 2012,15:03
@SovanlalQuote: ”Note: you can still run EasyBoot from a NTFS partition using my script 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' " thats why i was asking for steps of easyboot-usb_v2.script” Yes you can - but it is a little bit more complicated than you think – I’ll explain later... Note: I’m not at my home residence (out and travelling) and have no USB or stationary system to test from before Sunday 22 July – you have to wait (if needed) But we can do some testing with several options in mind Option one: 1. Do the Step A as described in post nr, 25 – but skip the ’Burn’ process 2. Run the 'WinsetupfromUSB' and allow changes to boot sector when asked 3. If everything went well, you shall have setup of WinXP on USB - and most interesting is a text-file ‘menu,lst’ – we are going to modify that one later 4. Copy everything from EasyBoot\disk1 to the root of USB 5. Modify ‘menu.lst’ to only have this text left (delete everything else but create a backup of ‘menu’lst’ can come in handy later): find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ezboot/ezldr chainloader --raw /ezboot/ezldr Above should launch Easyboot and from Easyboot menu you can launch ‘setupxp.img’ (Run setupxp.img in Easyboot menu) and that launches setup of WinXP Option two: 1. Run my script ‘easyboot-USB_v2’ and allow format of USB (DO NOT tick any check-box in script as we need to both format USB and use Fat32) 2. When script ask for file to use, you chose ISO-file created by easyboot in step A in post nr;25 3. Now run 'WinsetupfromUSB' and allow changes to USB MBR (BOOT-record) 4. Modify ‘menu.lst’ to only have this text: find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ezboot/ezldr chainloader --raw /ezboot/ezldr Above should launch Easyboot and from Easyboot menu you can launch ‘setupxp.img’ (Run setupxp.img in Easyboot menu) and that launches setup of WinXP Attention! You don’t need to copy everything to USB - only implement launch of setup of WinXP in easyboot menu to see if it works before doing everything else. If you have more stuff to put on USB (post nr,22) then do this to folder disk1 and create a new ISO-file. You can now copy everything from folder disk1 (including folder EZBOOT) overwriting existing folder EZBOOT on USB You don’t need to format USB, only overwriting existing files and folders that are related to EasyBoot\disk1 This means that setup of WinXP is still intact on USB Now to “thats why i was asking for steps of easyboot-usb_v2.script” Note: if you can use easyboot-iso.script’ I‘m positive you also can handle ‘easyboot-USB_v2.script’ (there is also a ‘help’-button in script if you take a closer look) Why use ‘easyboot-usb_v2.script’ you may ask ![]() Well, if you must use NTFS as file-system to USB, then you cannot launch Easyboot. However ‘easyboot-usb_v2.script’ can launch ISO-file created by EasyBoot. So we can still reach easyboot menu from such NTFS-file system. But the ‘root’ is hided inside Easyboot ISO-file which means that all files that are present in folder disk1 must be removed from folder disk1 before creating ISO-file in Easyboot. Only leave folder EZBOOT with it’s complete menu in folder disk1 Note: you can still put WinPE (created from NT6-systems – typically MsDart60 etcetera) in folder EZBOOT and launch these from EasyBoot menu from inside of ISO-file But (as example) Hiren’s folder HBCD must be removed and then copied to the root of USB as folder HBCD is on the root of folder disk1 Same is to setup-files related to Win7 – must be copied to the root on USB – you have no use for these files inside EasyBoot ISO-file launched by my script ‘easyboot-usb_v2.script’. It might look complicated the first time but later you find it fully logical Hope I did not mix up things to much for you at this point Regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 17 2012,11:26
1st method did not work.2nd method failed (Reason may be file system Fat32 & ISO Size is more than 4GB). And i try your ‘easyboot-usb_v2.script’ Very good graphic specially the animation. I have a another query whether these type of background possible in Easyboot. Enjoy your holiday, take time. I will wait. Posted by balder on Jul. 17 2012,14:29
@SovanlalQuote: ”2nd method failed (Reason may be file system Fat32 & ISO Size is more than 4GB)" No that is not the problem – you can use very large USB stick (or USB harddisk – as script support ‘multi-USB’ devices including USB with several partitions) However I have some problems to understand what went wrong in the log-file. It seems you point to a ISO-file (ISO.ISO) on D:\ But script fails to copy ISO-file to folder ISO on USB device E:\ Do you have a folder ‘ISO’ on USB when script fails this way ![]() Quote: “I have a another query whether these type of background possible in Easyboot” Hmm… What background do you mean ![]() --------------------------- Quote: “Enjoy your holiday, take time. I will wait. ” You sure have got that right ![]() As told… I’m on vacation and cannot participate fully out except writing some suggestions, which seems not to be to any success so far ![]() Regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 17 2012,23:21
"Hmm… What background do you mean"The background used in 'easyboot-usb_v2.script' And your tips for UBCD also working in USB "Do you have a folder ‘ISO’ on USB when script fails this way" I just forget that but later i will check again. Posted by balder on Jul. 18 2012,01:18
@SovanlalQuote: ”The background used in 'easyboot-usb_v2.script” Unfortunately you cannot use such background in EasyBoot ![]() Quote: “And your tips for UBCD also working in USB” Nice it worked ![]() Anyway, please check if you have a folder ‘ISO’ on USB when script halts ![]() Regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 18 2012,13:42
" Run my script ‘easyboot-iso_v2’ and allow format of USB (DO NOT tick any check-box in script as we need to both format USB and use Fat32)"1st the script failed because of low space in c:\ 2nd i have a confusion, you tell me to run "easyboot-iso_v2", I think these add any ISO In Easyboot & there is no option for Format usb. are you advice me to run easyboot-usb_v2.script. Posted by balder on Jul. 18 2012,14:13
@SovanlalQuote: ”1st the script failed because of low space in c:\” I don’t understand this ![]() Quote: ”2nd i have a confusion, you tell me to run "easyboot-iso_v2", I think these add any ISO In Easyboot & there is no option for Format usb.” I mean of course ‘easyboot-usb_v2.script and nothing else ![]() My fault – I’m driving car a lot as I’m on vacation and get pretty tired, as my wife constantly holds the map up-side-down ![]() This ‘up-side-down behaviour’ brings me to strange places, far from where I planned to arrive when analyzing the map ![]() Okay I’m aware there are electronic stuff these days, but I love that map including planning the next days route. However it was not my intension to drive north, when I planned to drive south – major difference if you ask me He, he but in the end it is funny trip anyway ![]() Regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 18 2012,20:27
"1st the script failed because of low space in c:\"Previously My c drive have only 2 Gb & the ISO was more than 4 GB and i use "easyboot-iso_v2" which will copy iso file to "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ISOFILES". So the script halt. And sorry i was my mistake. Posted by balder on Jul. 19 2012,01:44
@SovanlalQuote: ”the ISO was more than 4 GB” Well that explains the problem ![]() Note: It is pointless to simply write the whole ISO to USB, as most of the files that you have on the ‘root’ of EasyBoot (folder ‘disk1’ is the root) isn’t accessible from inside of ISO. All this files must be removed from folder ‘disk1’ to some temporary folder – leaving only folder EZBOOT and then create ISO (tick only ‘Joliet’ when creating ISO) Now you can use my script ‘easyboot-usb_v2.script’ to ISO created by EasyBoot (which at this point is much less in size). Final step is to manually copy all files and folders from temporary folder to the root of USB. Attention! This might only works for some parts of your build (it’s a little bit complicated). Please read post nr; 27 and I also quote from post nr, 27 “But the ‘root’ is hided inside Easyboot ISO-file which means that all files that are present in folder disk1 must be removed from folder disk1 before creating ISO-file in Easyboot. Only leave folder EZBOOT with it’s complete menu in folder disk1” In fact, it is in my opinion pointless using this method as Easyboot>>Burn is much more logic to use. We only need to use the ‘plain ISO’ (with only folder EZBOOT) created by EasyBoot followed by using my script ‘easyboot-usb_v2.script’ to run ISO from USB, when using NTFS as file-system. And again (I repeat) only integrate WinXP and not everything at the first time to avoid gigantic copying of files and folders as this takes time and creates problems ![]() Start with as simple build and don’t start with that ‘super-sized-universal-multi-power’ build. Regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 19 2012,23:48
I also try ur 2nd method explained above.But output gives same as 1st method GRUB4DOS grub> Posted by balder on Jul. 20 2012,03:28
@SovanlalCould you please test this solution while I’m still out and travelling ![]() Attention! Only start with setup of WinXP DON’T integrate the whole build, only setup of WinXP ![]() 1. In Windows Explorer right-click to USB drive and chose to format (use quick format) and chose also FAT32 as files-system 2. Launch "WinSetupFromUSB_0-2-3.exe" and integrate setup of WinXP to USB drive (accept changes to USB drive BOOT record if asked) 3. Create EasyBoot menu (including copying ‘setupxp.img’ from folder ‘balder/USB_Resources’ to folder EZBOOT) save changes to EasyBoot menu (you don’t need to create any ISO only push ‘Save’ in Easyboot to make changes take affect to file ‘ezldr’ and menu) 4. Copy folder EZBOOT to the root of USB drive (can take some time) 5. On the root of USB drive you have a file ‘menu.lst’. We need to modify this text-file (use notepad). Note: you are advised to create a copy of ‘menu.lst’ to some temporary folder, in case things go wrong and we need to modify ‘menu.lst’ to something else. Anyway delete all text in ‘menu.lst’ and copy and paste text from below into menu.lst’ and save changes: find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ezboot/ezldr chainloader --raw /ezboot/ezldr Above launches EasyBoot menu by forcing the start of file ‘ezldr’ (this launch EasyBoot menu) From EasyBoot menu you can launch setup of WinXP (run setupxp.img If setup of WinXP is working correctly, you can continue and implementing the rest of your build into EasyBoot menu and only press ‘Save’ (you don’t need to create ISO only push ‘Save’ in Easyboot to make changes take affect to file ‘ezldr’ and menu) However you can create ISO and test that ISO-file to check that other parts of you build is working correctly before you go ahead and copy to USB drive When you are satisfied copy folder EZBOOT (overwriting existing files on USB drive) and also copy all files and folders that you have in folder disk1 (I guess you have more files and folders as your build is pretty advanced) ![]() Regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 27 2012,11:04
I am little bit busy. i will check ur method after two day.Meantime kindly tell me win 7 Gives a error if i use 'create boot partition'. Is solution available? If i dont use 'create boot partition' then is there any procedure to make pen drive 'Read-only' for virus protection. Posted by balder on Jul. 27 2012,11:26
@SovanlalQuote: "Meantime kindly tell me win 7 Gives a error if i use 'create boot partition'. Is solution available?" Sorry to say - you cannot in this case use option 'create boot partition' in EasyBoot, as partition then gets hided ![]() When Windows setup is looking on the 'root' of setup-files - which always is the first partition (in your case unfortunately the hided partition) - then Windows of course fails to find needed files ![]() You ma call it: 'Mission impossible' ![]() Quote: " is there any procedure to make pen drive 'Read-only' for virus protection" This is an very common question - or request - around the world ![]() Again unfortunately, there is no 'quick fix' or solution that is a kind of 'general purpose' to solve this issue. There are sometimes presented 'solutions' but seems not to work correctly to all kind of USB stick/thumbdrives. At least I cannot recommend a 'general purpose' solution at present time. However I'm going to spend some time to see if it can be solved ![]() regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 29 2012,20:44
'create boot partition'Can dummy file creator protect from virus. I use ur procedure xp setup start 1st time but gives error hal.dll at reboot. Another question I use nLite to slip stream xp. How can i add sata driver for all laptop/PC. Posted by balder on Jul. 30 2012,03:12
@SovanlalQuote: "gives error hal.dll at reboot" Quote: "I use nLite to slip stream xp" This can cause some problems like the one 'error hal.dll at reboot' ![]() Quote: "How can i add sata driver for all laptop/PC" Instead of use nLite (which is not recommended) to integrate driverpacks test Bâshrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks Read < HERE > ![]() regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Jul. 30 2012,08:35
'error hal.dll at reboot'Xp cannot find my HDD instead of using 'nLite'( sata driver). And Lastly whether it is possible to insert XP in Multiboot USB. Posted by balder on Jul. 30 2012,13:00
@SovanlalQuote: "Xp cannot find my HDD instead of using 'nLite'( sata driver)." Quote: "And Lastly whether it is possible to insert XP in Multiboot USB" Again, I cannot guarantee it works using nLite to integrate driver-packs ![]() Interesting is that sp-3 is working okay to setup of WinXP from USB stick ------------------------------ Note: I'm 100% sure it works to run setup of WinXP from USB stick using EasyBoot menu ![]() This is what I did: 1. Used WinSetupFromUSB_0-2-3.exe and pressed RMPrepUSB (used XP NTLDR as boot sector as recommended by RMPrepUSB). Note: I used FAT32 as file-system 2. Used WinXP_sp3 as source 3. Clicked OK when asked and let the process do its work (took some time to finish) 4. Copied 'setupxp.img' from folder 'balder/USB_Resources' to folder EZBOOT 5. Used menu command in EasyBoot: run setupxp.img 6. Created ISO with 'Joliet' ticked. 7. Opened ISO created by EasyBoot (I used UltraIso) and extracted folder EZBOOT to the root of USB stick 8. Modified text-file 'menu.lst' to only have these lines (delete everything else): find --set-root /ezboot/ezldr chainloader --raw /ezboot/ezldr Note: you can as option also only insert lines below keeping the original lines in 'menu.lst': title Launch EasyBoot find --set-root /ezboot/ezldr chainloader --raw /ezboot/ezldr ----------------- This works correctly ![]() However I'm unsure with what more you have in mind to integrate in EasyBoot menu ![]() But from this point you can continue integrating the rest of possible 'tools' into EasyBoot (multi-boot USB) regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Aug. 02 2012,07:49
Sorry balder your procedure does not work for me. i will make a separate usb drive for XP.But when i try ur procedure xp installation start but failed at reboot. then i install win7 but there was a error related to 'MBR' then i restore win7 Ghost image, Every thing is working except hibernate. on click hibernate is starting but not of shutting down. Kindly help. Posted by balder on Aug. 02 2012,08:40
@SovanlalQuote: "then i restore win7 Ghost image, Every thing is working except hibernate" Hmm... I don't understand what this has to do with setup of WinXP or setup of Win7 from USB ![]() Note: I don't have the full picture related to that 'ghost image' scenario ![]() I guess it is some ghost image you earlier created of your C:\ partition on your hard-disk and when 'ghosting back' (using that ghost image) something is incorrect (the hibernate problem) ![]() To create setup of WinXP from USB stick Note: I'm talking about USB stick and NOT USB hard drive ![]() I know it works if using a 'clean source' of WinXP (forget nLite) and using USB stick! To create setup of Win7 from USB stick, you can test my script 'USB-NT6-SETUP.script'. Script also has built-in 'unattended' including automatic input of product-key ![]() regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Aug. 24 2012,11:25
Both Easyboot & UltraIso updated, Now can i use 'create boot partition' for Win7.And please explain new 'create boot partition' Hidden feature (Hidden/ High end Hidden/ Deep Hiden). Posted by balder on Aug. 24 2012,11:49
@SovanlalQuote: "Now can i use 'create boot partition' for Win7" I guess you mean create setup of Win7 from USB ![]() Answer is; You cannot tick 'create boot partition' and/or 'Deep Hidden' as file structure in both these cases are hidden to setup of Win7 ![]() Quote: "And please explain new 'create boot partition' Hidden feature" I quote from post nr; 1 < HERE > ![]() "To avoid boot file damage by virus or spam programs, please enable 'create boot partition', which is invisible on Windows" "To get more security to avoid boot partition damage, please enable 'Deep hidden', boot partition will be invisible for partition tools" regards balder Posted by Sovanlal on Aug. 25 2012,09:52
Sorry Balderwhat is "high-end hidden boot partition" new in Ultraiso Posted by balder on Aug. 25 2012,11:43
@SovanlalQuote: "what is "high-end hidden boot partition" new in Ultraiso" As far as I have found out ![]() regards balder |