Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Vivard diagnostic tool issue started by: ricfil Posted by ricfil on Sep. 02 2012,21:36
I all. I´ve sucessfully managed to create some easyboot cds and dvds, which I use to this day, mainly due to Balders awesome help and also all that comtributed to geting me a bit into the "easyboot world".A few days ago I´ve decided I needed another cd with the main hardware tools for PC troubleshooting (mentesting, hdd testing, mainboard testing,etc. I´ve sucessfully managed to integrate all the tools I needed with the exception of one Vivard HDD Diagnostic Tools. Which is a great program for hdd diagnostics still to this day. The "run xxx .img" command works for other .imgs I am implementing on the cd ( Victoria is one of them), so some floppy images are working just fine. Just Vivard does not work... There is a multibootcd online available with it (and I believe Hirens also has the program) and Vivard works fine on both... On my implementation the Vivard boots up and then the following error occurs just after selecting the hard drive (detected fine by the program: "Error writing to drive A: dos area: sector not found" Any idea what the problem might be anyone? Thanks for all and any help. Really apreciatte it ![]() Posted by balder on Sep. 03 2012,08:09
@ricfilQuote: "Any idea what the problem might be anyone?" Unfortunately not ![]() Tested a lot of solutions without success ![]() Strange is that testing in Virtual PC, EasyBoot correctly launch vivard and I can access the 'virtual harddisk' in Virtual PC ![]() However when run from 'real hardware' I get the same result as you did ![]() I cannot find a 'quick fix' to this strange behaviour from EasyBoot - vivard at present time ![]() regards balder Posted by ricfil on Sep. 04 2012,20:09
Hello balder. Sorry for the late reply and thanks for putting the time and trying to help out.Strange the behaviour of Vivard on your machines. I´ve tested both on virtual box and qemu and none of them booted Vivard... Both presented the I/O error cylinder-no hard drive present...(in the case of qemu) and I/O error corrupted or non existing partition) on virtual box. Physical hardware was, in my case, what came closer to boot the thing up... ![]() Nevertheless, it still gives me the error mencioned. The hirens cd and one other cd I have lying around both boot the program just fine...strange indeed ![]() Just for kicks could you mencion if you used the simple run xxx.img on easyboot to make it bootable through virtual pc or you used other method/s? Just curious... Thanks for the help for all it is worth balder. Really apreciatte it. I do now you are a top contributer around the forum, and if it can´t be "fixed" using your knowledge, it is probably hardly fixable (in the mean time at least) ![]() Will be using my other cds for this program. I´m just curious how you managed to put it to work in Virtual box... ![]() Thank YOU Posted by balder on Sep. 05 2012,03:00
@ricfilQuote: " I´m just curious how you managed to put it to work in Virtual box..." So am I ![]() Still haven't a clue why it worked 100% in Virtual PC but not to my real hardware ![]() It is mystery why it behaved this way ![]() However, I still am curios (as you also are) and will do some test later on... ![]() Note: EasyBoot uses its own boot-manager (EasyBoot is a boot-manager) to launch files and that can sometimes cause some problems and unfortunately vivard seems to be such problem-candidate ![]() regards balder Posted by ricfil on Sep. 05 2012,12:59
Ok balder. It seems like a pretty much no no at the moment for the specific program. Glad others exist and working just fine on easyboot (mhdd, hdat2, etc). When you mencion easyboot has got its own boot manager I believe you are mencioning something specific in the line of grub, syslinux,etc. Just to thrown some info to the topic (which might or not be useful ![]() ![]() Anyway, thanks for the ideas and help. See you around ![]() Posted by balder on Sep. 05 2012,13:43
@ricfilQuote: "It seems like a pretty much no no at the moment for the specific program" How about change it to a big YES ![]() Test this solution: 1. Copy files syslinux and memdisk from folder EasyBoot\resource to folder EZBOOT overwriting existing files (to old files in folder EZBOOT) 2. Copy vivard.img to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: memdisk vivard.img 3. Tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot Note: solution works from both CD\DVD-unit as from USB drive Tested successfully to my 'real hardware' ![]() regards balder Posted by ricfil on Sep. 06 2012,06:31
... ![]() ![]() The only problem I see using this configuration to boot Vivard is that, from what I´ve read around here, joliet config might "break" some other boot files on the easyboot compilation. Will see how it goes as soon as possible. Nevertheless it is better than what it was before, thanks to you and your awesome dedication balder. Two thumbs up! ![]() Thanks a lot Posted by balder on Sep. 06 2012,07:09
@ricfilQuote: "joliet config might "break" some other boot files on the easyboot compilation" Yes you are correct - but did you test not ticking 'Joliet' ![]() You most likely do not need the 'Joliet' option to the 'vivard case' ![]() However, reason to use 'Joliet' is that linux distro(s) in most cases need this option to run correctly ![]() If the rest of build can accept 'Joliet' then use it ![]() I have solution to this to if it 'pops up' We can simply use a 'grub-kicker-image' and launch ISO-file of this tool-set (EasyBoot ISO-file with menu that is created without ticking 'Joliet'. There are a lot of options\workaround to solve problems like these) Great that it worked as suggested - well done @ricfil ![]() Quote: "But on my old machine, it only boots using the no himen configuration" Himem use the 'higher' memory area - which seems to trouble your 'old machine' You actually do not need the Himem - it should work anyway (but cross your fingers) regards balder Posted by ricfil on Sep. 06 2012,10:26
"I have solution to this to" I would ask "what do you NOT have a solution for?! ![]() Thanks for the amazing help balder. Starting from the end. Himen problem on old machine, higher memory with Himen. The machine I speak about (test) only has got 128 MB of Ram. I believe it prety much explains the behaviour in itself?! Glad to understand the himen idea though ![]() Relating the joliet fact, I´ve already compiled pretty much all my first multiboot cd (with sub menus,etc to my liking, and so far (on VMs) so good, joliet does not seem to have a negative impact on booting the several images. Only Western Digital´s data lifeguard for Dos did not boot directly from the "run xxx.iso comand. I will try to extract the files and use the bif boot file instead. Still need to try the compilation on a "real" machine though. Will keep the thread up to date on my progression. Many thanks once again. Really, really apreciatte the help balder. Posted by ricfil on Sep. 08 2012,00:00
Hello there. As mencioned before, I came back to give my insights on the process at hand on building my bootable dvds. One is already completed (the hardware related one). Vivard is up an runnning thanks to balder´s great help (using memdisk and syslinus) ![]() ![]() Any idea relating this issue someone? Anyone has got some other good bootable antivirus rescue cds working fine on their builds which I might use on my own? Thanks for any and all help from the other side. See you. Posted by balder on Sep. 08 2012,02:25
@ricfilQuote: "The problem I´m facing on this one is the implementation of Bit Defender" Please test given solution < HERE > Most likely you must tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot ![]() I call this kind of solution 'frugal solution' (simple solution) ![]() Note: solution might not work with the version you are using - it is related to version number ![]() But let's test and see if it works this way ![]() regards balder Posted by ricfil on Sep. 10 2012,21:22
Hello balder. Thanks for the reply once again. I´m afraid for the time being, It is not working this method. I always end up with "loading /casper/vmlinuz......loading /casper/initrd.gz......" on the main screen both on qemu and virtual box. I´m using what seems like the version from 2010, still need to try the 2009 one. I´m in the process of burning a dvd to try on my real machine. We will see... Used the casper folder transfer method (Ultraiso), and the normal run xxx.iso command. I should mencion my build does have knoppix on it(fully working with the "bootinfotable;run xxx.bif command), but the 2010 bit defender version has got "casper" folder on its .iso instead of the "knoppix" one...if that makes a diference... ![]() Thanks again. Will keep everyone interested posted ![]() Posted by balder on Sep. 11 2012,05:37
@ricfilQuote: "It is not working this method." I downloaded Bitdefender ISO-file from < HERE > Most likely this is the same 'rescue-cd' you already are using - if not - test using ISO from given link so that we use the same ISO-file ![]() This is what I did: 1. Open ISO (I used UltraIso) and extracted folder 'casper' to folder 'EasyBoot\disk1' 2. Still having ISO opened in UltraIso I deleted file 'filesystem.squashfs' from inside of folder 'casper' in ISO-file Attention! Only delete file 'filesystem.squashfs' and keeping folder 'casper' with the rest of files intact in ISO-file ![]() 3. Saved reduced ISO-file ('File>>Save As') to folder EZBOOT with name bitdefender10.iso 4. Used menu command in EasyBoot menu: run bitdefender10.iso 5. Ticked 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot Tested from CD-RW and also tested from USB drive (USB stick\Thumb-drive) Worked excellent - especially when run from USB (faster response etcetera) ![]() If still having problems, test using my script 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate reduced ISO into EasyBoot Note: don't tick 'Run ISO from RAM' in script, as this is pointless in this case ![]() regards balder Posted by ricfil on Sep. 11 2012,20:29
Hello there balder. I´ve just tested using the method you described (as I had done before), but this time, used the same iso image you used. Still using the ultraiso technic (and casper folder to easyboot) and run xxx.iso command/disk1) it still hangs loading those files I mencioned earlier(both on qemu,virtual box and physical machine) on my build. It certainly must be something due to some other iso boot files which break the Bit Defender boot process... BUT... ![]() ![]() Will still test it more deeply to see if nothing is broken, but for now it seems on its good way ![]() ![]() Thanks again for all the help man. I really apreciatte it. Will come back with a definitive insight on the subject after more thoroughly tests ![]() See you all. Posted by balder on Sep. 12 2012,01:59
@ricfilQuote: "Bit Defender boots great" I'm glad you made it so far ![]() However it is a little bit strange you needed my script to solve this problem ![]() In your case I would reinstall EasyBoot to fresh up the 'core' in EasyBoot to see if it works okay ![]() There can be some 'scratches' in the 'core' - you never now ![]() Anyway - it seems to work, and that's nice... ![]() regards balder Posted by ricfil on Sep. 16 2012,01:14
Hello balder. Sorry for the late answer (been busy with some important work stuff). Regardless of some problems that easyboot might have, as promised, and after several tests, I do confirm that the compilation is working properly (as in all boot compiled .isos and .img images are booting just fine). ![]() ![]() ![]() Anyway, will give that idea a go balder. Thanks for bringing it up, and of course, for all your precious help. Will post back as soon as possible. ![]() Posted by balder on Sep. 16 2012,03:07
@ricfilQuote: "if I reinstall easyboot none off my later added files to the easyboot root and so force will be erased?" Yes you draw the right conclusion - only the 'core' of EasyBoot is refreshed and nothing else ![]() ------------------------------------------ Quote: " I do confirm that the compilation is working properly" Great news to hear ![]() ------------------------- Here is some tricks that I use (including to have my 'old' builds untouched) 1. Create a new folder 'disk2' in folder EasyBoot You should now have; --EasyBoot\disk1 --EasyBoot\disk2 Note: you can have a lot of folders in here (disk3 etcetera) 2. Copy the whole folder EZBOOT to folder 'disk2' You can now manipulate files in folder 'disk1' as you which Next time you are interested to use the 'super-build' in folder 'disk2' you simply open ***.ezb-file (the main menu of course) in that 'disk2'-folder and create a new ISO But remember that next time you launch EasyBoot files in 'disk2' is what EasyBoot is 'looking' into as ***.ezb-file in folder 'disk2' that was the folder\***.ezb-file last used. If you instead double-click to the 'main menu' in folder 'disk1' (***.ezb) EasyBoot uses folder 'disk1' as the 'main target' folder next time EasyBoot is launched Another trick... You can rename folder 'disk2' (or folder 'disk1') to any reasonable letters length to what ever you like (including numerical) This means you can have a lot of 'disk1'-folders that use names directly related to what kind of build you have in that specific folder. Note: I'm unsure what the maximum length to folder name can be - I tested a 20 letters name (including several numerical numbers) and it worked okay Another trick is to reduce files used in folder EZBOOT. If not using memdisk or isolinux, you only need following files in folder EZBOOT to make it work: loader.bin ezldr ***.bmp (your background bmp-picture - can later be excluded when main menu ***.ezb-file is 'saved' and you are ready to create ISO in EasyBoot) ***.BM1 (the actual background used by EasyBoot core automatically created each time you push on 'Save' in EasyBoot, but then you again need the ***.bmp) ***.ezb-file (your main menu) And of course all ISO-files and/or floppy images used in build Note: you can use 'vfloppy' (vfloppy vivard.img as example) as menu command to avoid the need of memdisk Above can be useful in case you run in to problems with size of the build (to fit into a CD or DVD) regards balder Posted by ricfil on Sep. 17 2012,12:30
Hie there balder. Thanks for the thorougly explanation. Still some doubts concerning using diferent folders.If, for example I create a disk 2 folder and put the easyboot folder inside it, wouldn´t I still need the disk 1 files on it, not only the easyboot one (when creating boot images using the ultraiso extraction program, extracting also the boot files from the .iso image, those .iso files will go to folder "disk1" and not to the eazyboot (only the boot file info) ).... Wouldn´t I still need disk1 folder backed up? ![]() Anyway, I did it my way. Made a backup of disk1, into disk 2. So that I could work on disk 1 as I wish. If the changes to the original disk 1 folder are many, and in the end I do not want to keep them I just delete disk 1 all together and rename disk2 to disk1... As you see, still a bit confused about using more than one build into easyboot "core"...To much work in the line here. I´ve unistalled and reinstaled easyboot once again, did the casper transfer method and the run xxx.iso comand, still Bit Defender freezes when loading the same files....when using the build with your script, Bit Defender boots just fine... It must be something to do with other bootable .iso image, which is conflicting with the way the casper method works... I´m glad your script works fine ![]() One more doubt. When creating a boot .iso, if I´ve tried the run xxx.iso command leaving the iso on the easyboot folder, and I see the method does not work, and later used the extraction method side of things and it works, when building the iso, will easyboot pick all he files on the folders adressed to building the iso or will it pick up ONLY the files needed by the menu commands provided? ![]() ![]() Thanks for any insight and all the help balder. still a semi noob on easyboot ![]() See you Posted by balder on Sep. 17 2012,13:24
@ricfilQuote: "or do I need to delete the one´s i don´t use..." and quote: "if I´ve tried the run xxx.iso command leaving the iso on the easyboot folder, and I see the method does not work..." Hmm... I'm a little confused what you mean ![]() Let me put it this way.. You can put ISO-file directly into folder 'disk1' but then you need to set 'absolute path' like this; run /***.iso where '/' set the 'absolute path' This also means you can use subfolders. Let's say you create a subfolder 'linuxiso' inside folder EZBOOT (where you put all your linux ISO-files) Then use this 'absolute path'; run /ezboot/isolinux/***.iso Just an idea to keep a clean environment ![]() You can create a folder 'FloppyImages' inside folder EZBOOT where you put your floppy images Use 'absolute path' like this; vfloppy /ezboot/floppyimages/***.img --------------------------- Quote: "If the changes to the original disk 1 folder are many, and in the end I do not want to keep them I just delete disk 1 all together and rename disk2 to disk1..." Okay it can be a little bit confusing - it is only an idea - not a 'must do' thing ![]() I generally don't use 'the ultraiso extraction program' - I simply open ISO with UltraIso mark files and folders and simply 'draw-and-drop' into wanted folder (disk1 or disk2 etcetera) I guess 'each one is its own success' in what method that is preferred ![]() ----------------- However most interesting is that my script again solved your problem - he, he - I think I grew an inch this week ![]() regards balder Posted by ricfil on Sep. 17 2012,19:44
[quote] "However most interesting is that my script again solved your problem - he, he - I think I grew an inch this week."Indeed, ![]() Regarding the paths to the run commands, I did not know we could create subfolders as we wished and run files from them. Always learning! A good way to help tide things up indeed. [quote] "I generally don't use 'the ultraiso extraction program' - I simply open ISO with UltraIso mark files and folders and simply 'draw-and-drop' into wanted folder (disk1 or disk2 etcetera)" in my case it leads to the same outcome (a bunch of files in disk 1 folder). And that was the main idea I was trying to pass. For example. [QUOTE] "if I´ve tried the run xxx.iso command leaving the iso on the easyboot folder, and I see the method does not work..." this was just an example of a bunch of files I could have to manage on diferenet folders. The .iso image on the easyboot one (if I try to run the iso directly with the run xxx.iso command) or the bunch of files (extracted or "drag and dropped" -its all the same really ![]() My doubt is, if i use one method over the other, BUT i´ve tried both, both the iso image (on the easyboot folder) AND the files extracted which belong to the image (on disk 1 folder) are still BOTH on the main easyboot folders (thus increasing disk space used). When compiling the iso image will the program pick up all the files (thus filling more the final image "size wise") or will it only pick up the files required for the command associated with that particular boot iso,img, etc? On the other hand will it join all files associated with the iso (even the iso image on the easyboot folder (which was not used-because the "extraction method was the one prevailing)?... that is my doubt... ![]() A bit confusing I know... Anyway, as you said, in the end booting the images fine is the main goal here. And that was all achieved, thanks to your help along the way balder. And for that I´m pretty much thankfull. ![]() See you. Posted by ricfil on Nov. 06 2012,13:24
Hello everyone. Since my doubt is related to the ISO build mencioned in this topic, and since I have a doubt relating some forum use I´ll start explaining the thing:I´ve posted a question on the Graphics forum part (relating something to do with building custom font menus) The situation is that I cannot for the love of me, put the text in any colour highlighted situation (although the cursor detects the text "link"). My question is: does that part of the easyboot forum work at all? Does it have people responsable for it?. I´ve not seen an answer to any question posted there for a long time... I´ve come to see football related posts which (at least to my mind) seem like spam... ![]() Question on Graphics forum: "Hello all. Although an old tread I decided to post here as the help I need is related to the tread topic. Hope soemone can help out. I´ve decided to add some custom font text menus to my build. I´ve already done the background images, added the text to my liking, confirmed that the comands work on each menu. The problem I´m having has to do with the menu text colour highlights... I cannot for the love of me make the menus change colour when mouse cursor (or directional keys) select each menu. It detects each specific menu, selects it, running the comand whithout problem. But the colour change never happens. I´ve already tried picking the exact same colour on the original background image text, confirming it is indeed the same configuration on easyboot menu, but still no colour change happens... Any idea of what might be wrong here? Any help is much apreciated. ![]() Thanks for that." Thanks for all and any help or guidance you can provide. Really apreciatte it. ![]() Posted by balder on Nov. 06 2012,17:14
@ricfilQuote: "Any help is much apreciated" Well, I created a flash movie, which hopefully can help you in some way ![]() Note: this is sensitive stuff with colours ![]() You might need to redo you 'paint job' before everything works as expected ![]() Also try to use a 'clean' colour as text colour to your background! Download zip-file < HERE > Extract to somewhere and double-click to 'Untitled.html' (you need Adobe flash-player in your computer which 99% already have installed in the system). Finally... I'm no 'Spielberg' ![]() ![]() --------------------- regards balder Posted by ricfil on Nov. 08 2012,00:24 are my heroe ![]() Thanks to your (wonderful I might say ![]() P.S: Wondershare DemoCreator. Nice program and you make pretty good use of it ![]() Thanks again. Take care. Posted by ricfil on Nov. 09 2012,20:18
Once again, here I am looking for some possible advice from someone who might help (balder would be a great begining ![]() The thing is, yesterday as I said, following balder´s video, I managed to change colours on the font menus on my build easily. Oddly enough when I went to do the same today, it did not work AGAIN... ![]() I´ve watched and rewatched your video balder, did all of the steps, taking care all was being followed and, although the font menu colour changes to what I want(on Easyboot editing windows) it did not change on virtual boxes (tried Qemu and Virtual Box with the same result). Tried unistalling and reinstalling easyboot, did not work. Tried creating the .bmp image on Paint, did not work... Tried converting the Photoshop made one to one saved in .bmp on Paint, did not work... I´ve taken the time to record a flash screen capture which I would be gratefull if balder or anyone else would be kind enought to take a look into it. On it I´ve used a more "crazy" coloured background image and a more "softer" one (just to see if the background colour was the one causing the issue...) the result was the same. In the video I go to all the steps I believe are necessary to acomplish shuch a task, but it simply does not work on my build. ![]() Anyone kind enough to spend 5 minutes to watch the movie and give some insight? Video: < > Thank you for all and any idea and help. Posted by balder on Nov. 10 2012,02:34
@ricfilQuote: "but it simply does not work on my build" Yes it is a sensitive matter to use 'Image Text' ![]() I recommend following: 1. First option; Open menu that don't respond to colours set by you, open 'Options>>Configuration' (implement persistence to your behavior ![]() ![]() 2. Second option; Create a new menu (push 'New') and start all over. Push 'Insert' in menu tab and use button 'Up' and Down' to move menu entries as you like. Of course you must again do the 'thing' (Options>>Configuration) and tick 'Use Image Text' to background As told - sensitive is the name ![]() regards balder Posted by ricfil on Nov. 12 2012,20:40
Hie there balder. Thanks for the helpful insights on the subject. After much tweaking around and all, I do believe I found the culprit for the behaviour I was having (at least It is working fine after some testing-the menus change colour after my own changes) ![]() What seems to be the problem in my case was the fact that I was configuring my 800x600 .bmp image as 16M Color(24bits). As soon as I changed it to 64K color(16bits), whenever I changed colors it changed to my liking. Must be some threshold screen mode background image issue whithin easyBoot. Hope all continues to go well. Let´s see if it´s now I end up what I proposed myself to do. Thank you very much once again balder for all your help and consideration. You´ve been great. ![]() See you around |