Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Multiboot OS started by: Damz Posted by Damz on Oct. 01 2012,06:51
anyone who can help me to make a multiboot os, I've managed to make the contents os multiboot Win7 and Win XP only and size is very large, namely 4.9GB What could it be iso size smaller ![]() ![]() sorry, my bad english ![]() Posted by balder on Oct. 01 2012,13:06
@DamzWelcome to easyboot @Damz ![]() Quote: "could it be iso size smaller" When you are dealing with Win7, size to created ISO ending to be very large ![]() However 4.9GB looks to be rather large but could be related if service-pack\drivers etcetera is integrated into Win7\WinXP I noticed that you want to integrate WinXP_sp2 and also WinXP_sp3 into same ISO-build. What is the point with WinXP_sp2 when you already have the WinXP_sp3 (much better choice than WinXP_sp2 that is 'out-dated' at this point) ![]() I recommend you to only use WinXP_sp3 to reduce the total size of build But.... What is really the problem in your case ![]() What specific issue do you have problems with here, as you seems to have solved the Win7 and WinXP case If it is a problem with size of the total build, there isn't much we can elaborate with in your case This problem of yours, seems to be related to the DVD and what you can press into that DVD and not to the build itself Please correct me if I'm wrong out here ![]() ----------------------------------- Quote: "sorry, my bad english" Working fine to me! balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Oct. 05 2012,05:28
hi mr balderi have new problem with "win builder" in win 7 pe and win xp live i want to add avira professional security2012 + last vdf update and SCSI + AHCI + Raid Driver + Everything search engine and reg scaner to my project but i cant fine any Use full thing for my project again PLZ help me like every time Thanks very much Posted by AaronButler on Oct. 05 2012,08:31
Is it possible to install multiple OS? When I tried it my computer start hang and my antivirus get collapsed.
Posted by balder on Oct. 05 2012,12:50
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: "i have new problem with "win builder" in win 7 pe and win xp live" Well, I cannot help you with this as it isn't any part of EasyBoot Instead ask for help and ideas < HERE > @AaronButler Use same given link above to solve your problems balder Posted by muppuri on Jan. 07 2013,09:52
[quote=balder,Oct. 05 2012,17:50][/quote]Hai Balder, i read most or your posts relates to Multiboot DVD and first of all saying thanks for all of your efforts and sincerity ![]() i tried to make a multiboot dvd with Win7+WinXp+Hiren 15.1 + Avira +Kaspersky ,etc. If i exclude the antivirus rescue programs i succeeded with no problems, but if i adding the antivirus programs i am facing problems and those are: 1)Adding Kaspersky Rescue: as per ur post ur saying copy the files image.squashfs, rescue and livecd to easyBoot/disk1 . But there is no file as specified by image.squashfs ,but squashfs.img is there in /rescue/LiveOS folder. Also , you said copy rescue file (/boot/rescue) . I also tried rescue folder (/rescue) and also /boot/rescue file separetly , but i am getting the error: "fd22 cannot get C/H/S values". i used the command "run kaspersky.iso" 2)Avira Rescue Disk: there is conflict between the Hiren and Avira regards the isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg files. For Hiren 15.1 , it needs the isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg files both at root(/) and in /ezboot folder.The avira rescue disk also having isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg to be placed at root (/) . I removed the Hiren files (isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg) at root and placed the avira files (isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg) at root and used the command "run /avira.iso or run /ezboot/avira.iso" , it works but at the same time if i try to load Hiren tools it also runs the avira rescue menu. I used several ways for Hiren to override the same but no use. The commands used are (bootinfotable;run /ezboot/isolinux.bin bcdw /ezboot/ run /DLC1/grldr run /ezboot/isolinux.cfg bcdw /ezboot/isolinux.bin . But no use , so how to solve the problem relates to Hiren and avira , both are having the isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg . Thank u in advance. Posted by muppuri on Jan. 07 2013,11:07
(muppuri @ Jan. 07 2013,14:52) QUOTE (balder @ Oct. 05 2012,17:50) QUOTE Hai Balder, i read most or your posts relates to Multiboot DVD and first of all saying thanks for all of your efforts and sincerity ![]() i tried to make a multiboot dvd with Win7+WinXp+Hiren 15.1 + Avira +Kaspersky ,etc. If i exclude the antivirus rescue programs i succeeded with no problems, but if i adding the antivirus programs i am facing problems and those are: 1)Adding Kaspersky Rescue: as per ur post ur saying copy the files image.squashfs, rescue and livecd to easyBoot/disk1 . But there is no file as specified by image.squashfs ,but squashfs.img is there in /rescue/LiveOS folder. Also , you said copy rescue file (/boot/rescue) . I also tried rescue folder (/rescue) and also /boot/rescue file separetly , but i am getting the error: "fd22 cannot get C/H/S values". i used the command "run kaspersky.iso" 2)Avira Rescue Disk: there is conflict between the Hiren and Avira regards the isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg files. For Hiren 15.1 , it needs the isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg files both at root(/) and in /ezboot folder.The avira rescue disk also having isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg to be placed at root (/) . I removed the Hiren files (isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg) at root and placed the avira files (isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg) at root and used the command "run /avira.iso or run /ezboot/avira.iso" , it works but at the same time if i try to load Hiren tools it also runs the avira rescue menu. I used several ways for Hiren to override the same but no use. The commands used are (bootinfotable;run /ezboot/isolinux.bin bcdw /ezboot/ run /DLC1/grldr run /ezboot/isolinux.cfg bcdw /ezboot/isolinux.bin . But no use , so how to solve the problem relates to Hiren and avira , both are having the isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg . Thank u in advance. Kaspersky Rescue Disk Problem solved: hi, i used the kicker image for kaspersky (kasp.img) and followed the method mentioned by Balder : Open kaspersky.iso and extract folder 'rescue' and file livecd to folder disk1and rename folder 'rescue' in Easyboot\disk1 to RESCUE and delete folder rescue and file livecd in iso file. Now chose to 'save as' reduced ISO-file to folder EasyBoot\disk1\RESCUE with the name KASP.ISO and used premade 'kicker-image' KASP.img in easyBoot\disk1\RESCUE. Used menu command in Easyboot menu: run /rescue/kasp.img . it run smoothly and no problem. [B]So, i remained the problem is to boot avira with hiren 15.1 only.[U] ![]() Posted by balder on Jan. 07 2013,11:52
@muppuriWellcome to EasyBoot @muppuri ![]() Already here, I must point out the need to use the same ISO-files (there are a lot of different 'rescue' ISO-files, free to download, comparing to the 'real' licensed ISO-files - I'm always using the 'free' ISO-file as it is impossible to pay for all different software that users have around the world) ![]() The Kaspersky case (solved) ![]() The Avira case: Download rescue ISO-file from < HERE > Test solution given in post nr;2 < HERE > The Hiren case (solution given by @xoben): Step #1: Extract all files and folders from Hiren's.BootCD.14.1.iso to "c:\easyboot\disk1" with UltraISO (or simmilar utilities) Step #2: Use 'run /HBCD/grldr' as menu command to load Hiren's BootCD Hmmm.... I do not understand how hiren can create conflict to Avira as there are no isolinux.bin and/or isolinux.cfg files needed on the 'root' to launch and run Hiren ![]() balder Posted by muppuri on Jan. 08 2013,07:24
(balder @ Jan. 07 2013,16:52) QUOTE @muppuri Wellcome to EasyBoot @muppuri ![]() Already here, I must point out the need to use the same ISO-files (there are a lot of different 'rescue' ISO-files, free to download, comparing to the 'real' licensed ISO-files - I'm always using the 'free' ISO-file as it is impossible to pay for all different software that users have around the world) ![]() The Kaspersky case (solved) ![]() The Avira case: Download rescue ISO-file from < HERE > Test solution given in post nr;2 < HERE > The Hiren case (solution given by @xoben): Step #1: Extract all files and folders from Hiren's.BootCD.14.1.iso to "c:\easyboot\disk1" with UltraISO (or simmilar utilities) Step #2: Use 'run /HBCD/grldr' as menu command to load Hiren's BootCD Hmmm.... I do not understand how hiren can create conflict to Avira as there are no isolinux.bin and/or isolinux.cfg files needed on the 'root' to launch and run Hiren ![]() balder Hi, i tested with the kicker image for avira , as specified by Balder , but it leads to grub boot prompt (grub>) . I tried with copying all files of Avira to root of DVD and used the command "run /isolinux.bin" , but it gives the error :"Image check sum error, sorry, boot failed...." So, what to do to solve the problem . Posted by muppuri on Jan. 08 2013,07:31
(muppuri @ Jan. 08 2013,12:24) QUOTE (balder @ Jan. 07 2013,16:52) QUOTE @muppuri Wellcome to EasyBoot @muppuri ![]() Already here, I must point out the need to use the same ISO-files (there are a lot of different 'rescue' ISO-files, free to download, comparing to the 'real' licensed ISO-files - I'm always using the 'free' ISO-file as it is impossible to pay for all different software that users have around the world) ![]() The Kaspersky case (solved) ![]() The Avira case: Download rescue ISO-file from < HERE > Test solution given in post nr;2 < HERE > The Hiren case (solution given by @xoben): Step #1: Extract all files and folders from Hiren's.BootCD.14.1.iso to "c:\easyboot\disk1" with UltraISO (or simmilar utilities) Step #2: Use 'run /HBCD/grldr' as menu command to load Hiren's BootCD Hmmm.... I do not understand how hiren can create conflict to Avira as there are no isolinux.bin and/or isolinux.cfg files needed on the 'root' to launch and run Hiren ![]() balder Hi, i tested with the kicker image for avira , as specified by Balder , but it leads to grub boot prompt (grub>) . I tried with copying all files of Avira to root of DVD and used the command "run /isolinux.bin" , but it gives the error :"Image check sum error, sorry, boot failed...." So, what to do to solve the problem . ![]() To load Hiren 15.1 i used the command "run /HBCD/grldr" , it also worked. Thank u . Posted by muppuri on Jan. 09 2013,05:58
[quote=muppuri,Jan. 08 2013,12:31][/quote]MultiBoot Win xp sp3 Install problem: I created the multi boot dvd with win 7 , win xp, hiren,acronis, avira and kaspersky, etc. If i load the win xp sp3 install option (i used the command: run xp.bin) , it gave me the error : "The file usbehci.sys file was not found , press any key to continue." To make the winxp install i copied the I386 folder from original winxp cd . There is no problem while using the winxp cd to install , but it giving the problem with multiboot option. what to do to solve this problem. Posted by balder on Jan. 09 2013,06:26
@ muppuriQuote: "To make the winxp install i copied the I386 folder from original winxp cd" What do you mean with 'original' - is it WinXP without service-pack or is it WinXP_sp3 ![]() Because if you used nLite or similar product to integrate (slip-stream) service-pack_3 into WinXP, it might have mixed things up ![]() Example how to slip-stream service-pack < HERE > And < HERE > DO NOT use method with nLite as described < HERE > So what kind of source (WinXP) are you using ![]() Another thing to remember is to NOT tick 'Optimize' when creating ISO-file in EasyBoot (only tick 'Joliet' and nothing else) ![]() Regards balder Posted by muppuri on Jan. 09 2013,11:54
(balder @ Jan. 09 2013,11:26) QUOTE @ muppuri Quote: "To make the winxp install i copied the I386 folder from original winxp cd" What do you mean with 'original' - is it WinXP without service-pack or is it WinXP_sp3 ![]() Because if you used nLite or similar product to integrate (slip-stream) service-pack_3 into WinXP, it might have mixed things up ![]() Example how to slip-stream service-pack < HERE > And < HERE > DO NOT use method with nLite as described < HERE > So what kind of source (WinXP) are you using ![]() Another thing to remember is to NOT tick 'Optimize' when creating ISO-file in EasyBoot (only tick 'Joliet' and nothing else) ![]() Regards balder Hi, Balder, iam wondering for ur fast reply and thank u for support . I used the win xp sp3 . If i run the same alone it runs smoothly . I copied the I386 from that cd and made the multiboot dvd. But here it shows that error:"file usbehci.sys not found ...." , . Previously i made the multiboot dvd consists of win xp sp3+ERDC + etc. That works without any problem. But here iam facing that problem. I am using the win vista sp2 and doing all thees things on that system. If i see in I386 folder , there is a file usbechi.sy_ , but iam getting that error.? ![]() Posted by balder on Jan. 09 2013,13:57
@muppuriQuote: "If i see in I386 folder , there is a file usbechi.sy_" Yes it can be the case, but it must also be 'called' by the 'TXTSETUP.SIF' file and finally extracted ![]() Anyway... Could you please test using the 'original' WinXP - the one without service-pack (the real 'original' source of folder i386 without any service-packs) - see it as a experiment ![]() However, it could be related to the total size of your build (it sure is a pretty large build) and as larger it is as larger is the frequencies of problems that pops up ![]() I know by expirence that large ISO-files do create problems when mixing all these files and folders together (though in theory it should work - but in reality - it creates problems) ![]() Note: Make sure to only tick 'Joliet' when building ISO in EasyBoot and nothing else Another way is to test building ISO with UltraIso Inject all files and folders to UltraIso and use 'loader.bin' as boot-file in UltraIso Test if the final ISO is working better that way ![]() regards balder Posted by muppuri on Jan. 09 2013,20:36
[quote=balder,Jan. 09 2013,18:57][/quote]Hi, Balder , XpSp3 install problem solved The total size of my multiboot dvd becomes to 4.7 GB (win7+winxpsp3+Hiren 15.1+ActiveBoot5+AV Rescue+etc). ![]() After testing all the available options based on the size , i can remove some of tools to fit on a single dvd. All the experiments are doing with UltraIso , Ezboot, HexWorkshop and testing with VirtualBox software. ![]() The used source for copying I386 folder is a tweaked one having added software of dotnet, IE8 , etc and slipstreamed by SP3. I used the same for creating Multiboot Xp consists of XpSp3+ERDC+OOBC+Acronis+Dos+etc. There is no problem for that and i reconfirmed upon testing the same. Solution: I tried in another way. I used another source of XpSp3 which was created by using "rvm integrator" tool and updates pack . I copied the I386 folder to root of my dvd and tested with VirtualBox . It runs perfectly without any problem. ![]() So, what iam thinking is that, we should use the clean source for making all those things. ![]() Thank u. Posted by balder on Jan. 10 2013,03:38
@muppuriQuote: "XpSp3 install problem solved" Great work @muppuri ![]() Quote: "All the experiments are doing with UltraIso , Ezboot, HexWorkshop" That's what I call a dedicated user of Easyboot ![]() Quote: "I So, what iam thinking is that, we should use the clean source for making all those things" Exactly - 'right on the nail' so to speaking ![]() Or at least we need to use a source with service-pack correctly integrated - the one you finally used ![]() Anyway, you solved the whole problem your self - with some 'minor help' from me ![]() Best regards balder Posted by muppuri on Jan. 12 2013,06:09
[quote=balder,Jan. 10 2013,08:38][/quote]Hi, Blader ![]() Is there any method to compress the files / folders to accommodate more programs in a single dvd. Can we use the method used like in Hiren boot cd , if so how to use . Give some suggestions. R U in software profession or hobby ? Iam admiring for ur skills ? ![]() Posted by balder on Jan. 12 2013,08:08
@muppuriQuote: "Is there any method to compress the files" You mentioned 'win7+winxpsp3+Hiren 15.1+ActiveBoot5+AV Rescue' These examples already have its 'basic core' compressed ('wim-file' as example, used in ActiveBoo5.ISO) Same to setup files used in Win7 and also same to winxp, which use 'cab' to compress files. Unfortunately also Linux distro's have 'basic core' (typically 'filesystem.squashfs' or similar) already compressed ![]() There is really not much we can do to reduce size of 'wanted systems' onboard the final build ![]() I notice you used the ActiveBoot5.iso which is an excellent choice as it also have Ghost software built-in ![]() It seems that the availability of software that can be found on Internet is greater than the ability to physically fit in it to the DVD You have to limit you choices.... However some unneeded files can temporarily be removed from EasyBoot build itself ![]() Here is a trick I use: When you are finished with your build and in position to create final ISO you do as follow: 1. Push on 'Save' to save all changes 2. Remove all BMP-files from folder 'EZBOOT to some temporary folder (don't remove BM1-files which is created and used by EasyBoot in the same moment you pressed 'Save') 3. Also remove all unnecessary files typically ' setup98.img' etcetera (if they are not used - then remove them to some temp folder some where) 4. You can now create ISO Attention! You must copy back those BMP-pictures to folder 'EZBOOT' when ISO has been created - because next time you start EasyBoot - those background-pictures must be present in folder EZBOOT Files that is needed in folder 'EZBOOT' at the point you push to 'Make ISO' is typically: ***.ezb-file(s) (several ezb-files if using sub menus) 'BM1-file(s)' (several if using several different backgrounds) Note: as told, you still need the 'original' BMP-picture before pressing 'Save' You can then temporary remove the 'original' BMP-picture ezldr isolinux loader.bin syslinux memdisk (only needed if you use 'memdisk-command' in your menu build) bcdw.bin (only needed if you use 'bcdw-command' in your menu build) This amount of files is all that is needed to make the build run from both CD\DVD-unit as from USB drive Another thing you shall do is to update 'memdisk', 'syslinux' and 'isolinux' files. Do as follows: Open folder 'EasyBoot\resource' and copy 'memdisk', 'syslinux' and 'isolinux' to folder EZBOOT overwriting existing files Hopefully this can be to some help ![]() regards balder |